r/news 2d ago

West Virginia couple charged with trafficking their adopted Black children to be used as ‘slaves,’ authorities allege


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u/Commentary455 2d ago


u/PresentationNew8080 2d ago edited 2d ago

The children were locked in a small windowless room in the barn with no running water or toilet. The children weren't allowed in the house. After forcing entry into the barn, the police found the children malnourished and filthy. Via OP's CNN Article:

A news release from the sheriff’s office noted that “deputies had to force entry into the barn where they located a juvenile male and juvenile female locked inside an approximate 20x14 foot room.”

“The children had no means to exit the barn on their own, no running water, no bathroom facilities, and were obviously deprived of adequate hygienic care and food,” the release said.

According to the deputy’s sworn statement, “the female juvenile also stated she and her 14-year-old brother were not allowed inside the house.”

“There were no accessible windows in the room or way for the children to exit. If there were a medical emergency or fire, the children would be unable to exit the locked room to safety,” the statement said.

When Whitefeather and Lantz arrived hours later, the deputy wrote, “Ms. Whitefeather made the admission to Det. Alford that the children were left in the shed but stated they ‘like it.’”


u/Lola-Ugfuglio-Skumpy 2d ago

The cowardice it takes to claim that children like being locked in a sweltering hot barn with no bathroom, running water, food, or means to exit in an emergency just to save your own sorry ass. What a pathetic excuse for a person.


u/Ducksaucenhotmustard 2d ago

poor kids, how in the world in this day and age does something like this happen.

how fucked in the head do you have to do this to human beings? children?

i hope they somehow find a way to mentally recover


u/BestReadAtWork 2d ago

It's not that hard for people when they don't consider them human beings.


u/lewdindulgences 2d ago

Unfortunately there are churches in the US that don't want people to watch certain kids movies because they "encourage interracial marriage", plus school districts that ban various books which mention slavery and cast the Confederacy in a shameful light while the Constitution still legalized slavery for those convicted of federal crimes per the 13th Amendment. It's very possible to find pockets of the US where folks believe these things as the norm they grew up with.

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u/[deleted] 2d ago edited 2d ago

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u/MajorNoodles 2d ago

What makes me sad is that their prison cells are gonna be a lot nicer than that


u/Natural-Orange4883 2d ago

Yea but the other inmates won't be. Child abuse like this is considered as bad as a sex charge. They will have a lot of enemies in prison.


u/mmm_guacamole 2d ago

Also, there's a disproportionate amount of black folks in the corrections system for some weird reason.


u/omgdude29 2d ago

Couldn't have anything to do with increased policing in areas where larger concentrations of black people live almost like it was designed as a means to keep them living in poverty?


u/Sage2050 2d ago

Probably not. I doubt it has anything to do with targeted laws and selective enforcement either.


u/Kroniid09 2d ago

And super duper nothing to do with the 13th amendment's exception for slavery as long as the person has been "duly convicted".

Certainly nothing to do with that, and definitely nothing at all to do with the for-profit prison system.


u/robodrew 2d ago

Broken Windows policy was about fixing broken windows obviously!!

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u/Kierik 2d ago

They probably have the full protection of the Neo nazis in the prison as they were living the life they want.

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u/nothingeatsyou 2d ago

Yeah but they’ll be put in the special “crimes against children” part of the prison where they put all the other sickos who would get murdered in the regular part.

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u/bros402 2d ago

I hope they get the shit beat out of them in prison.

Not enough to kill them, though.

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u/sembias 2d ago

They'll get in with the white power people and they'll be protected by cunts like themselves.

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u/Pielacine 2d ago

Thank you for not making this a rape joke. I do hope people remind them daily how shitty they are.


u/yeswenarcan 2d ago

The rape joke is the obvious one, but reality is they're going to get reminded how shitty they are with a shiv between the ribs.

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u/philiretical 2d ago

Because we are better people than them. A barely better life than what they gave is exactly what they deserve. They will still feel like it's an injustice to them, obviously. They're bad people, but we have to draw a line that we won't cross or else we let ourselves become the people we hate.


u/Synectics 2d ago

Well put. It's what annoys me about people locked up for crimes like Jan 6th, who complain about their prison conditions.

Yeah, prisons suck. A lot of people have protested them. But you never cared because only the "right" people had to go to prison. The moment it affected you or your family, you think prisons need improvement. 

It's that lack of empathy that I don't want to lose.

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u/mmm_guacamole 2d ago

Posting this here for educational purposes, not to distract from the heinous actions in this story.

Slavery is, unfortunately, alive and well in the US. Domestic Servitude is one of the defined forms of human trafficking, as is Forced Child Labor.

There are other cases like this one all over America.

The neighbors who called the cops knew something wasn't right. There are signs. They saved these kids lives.

Just a quick internet search of "human trafficking in the US" gives results with statistics from the FBI, the Polaris Project, ans various other organizations focused on dealing with it. You can also find information about what to look for, signs and behaviors that someone is being trafficked.


There's a national (US) hotline for reporting tips.



u/OpheliaRainGalaxy 2d ago

Thank you for sharing this! Keep doing it!

I was a child slave in Montana around 2002. When the work dried up I almost got sold across state lines.

I didn't really understand how wrong it all was because it was mostly in public. Dad smiled and acted so proud of his little girl "helping out" that nobody seemed to notice or object to me doing most of his job for him while clearly being neglected.

Found the license with ID picture from the year I started doing physical labor. Thin pale nearly-blind child dressed for heavy labor. The pitchfork was taller than me but apparently that's no excuse for failing to do the work of a full grown adult man.


u/OfficerGenious 2d ago

If you don't mind me asking, how did you become a child slave?


u/OpheliaRainGalaxy 2d ago

Uh, well my parents didn't really love me or want me around or care about my well being. And dad had rules about how things that don't work don't get to eat or continue living.

I couldn't say No or refuse to work. I got beaten for not working fast enough or just because. And I couldn't get help from other adults because dad just had to make up lies about how I'm a spoiled brat throwing a fit or druggy tramp angry about reasonable rules, whatever would be believed for my age.


u/OfficerGenious 2d ago

That's incredibly shitty. I hope they burn. As for you, how're you holding up? Did you get therapy? Are you okay?


u/OpheliaRainGalaxy 2d ago

Honestly "the village" helped a lot more than therapy. Many people helped me, taught me, cared about me, so I could turn out decent instead of destructive. Coworkers, classmates, bosses, the parents of friends, I would've been lost without them.

I'm mostly alright these days. I've got lots of lasting issues but I'm enjoying life. My auntie looks out for me, now that she lives here and has heard about my childhood. She had no idea what was going on back then, I was fairly isolated from the extended family.

And I'm getting something of a second chance at childhood by nannying for cousins. We have "slumber parties" and go on adventures, lightsaber battles in the park.


u/OfficerGenious 2d ago

That's wholesome as fuck. I'm glad you're moving forward and the community came through for you. I wish you the best and thanks for responding. <3

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u/pimppapy 2d ago

Enjoy this information while you can, I have a feeling the Supreme Court is going to do some other BS that will keep all these stats under the rug.

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u/apothekari 2d ago

It's ok, SCOTUS will step in with adjustments to labor clarifications and eliminate any worker protections to bring the rest of the US in line with these 2 West Virginia Visionaries. Coming to your area in 2025!


u/arrynyo 2d ago

As a black male, I'd very much rather choose the sea. But if they think they're going to go back to slavery, a very hard lesson is about to be learned.


u/Canis_Familiaris 2d ago

You better be voting Biden then, because that shit is coming if the cheeto wins.


u/arrynyo 2d ago edited 1d ago

I'm definitely voting blue ain't no way in hell I'll be sitting at the house complaining about what's going on and I didn't at least do my part.


u/Canis_Familiaris 2d ago

Its super frustrating to see peeps being like "Oh man the SCOTUS is so crap but I can't vote for the old guy". Like bruh.... what they on?

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u/PineTreeBanjo 2d ago

I'd rather you not choose it. I'd rather fight back. I'm not black but I would fight against Project 2025 and a Republican dictatorship.

And yes they will try to go back to legalized slavery. They're making child labor legal everywhere, made homelessness illegal which would lead to them being incarcerated and then forced into slave labor. Workers' rights protections are being stripped, and on the chopping block next. They will probably also lower the minimum wage to levels worse than the third world, because they've tried that in a few red states.

I can't believe Clarence Thomas said he's against Brown V Board of education, but it sounds like he'll eviscerate that next.


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u/_its_a_thing_ 2d ago

Nah, they'll just scream about "parent's rights" being absolute.

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u/GayMormonPirate 2d ago

Ha. If they had let them sleep inside the house then everything else would have been legal. There's nothing that says that kids can't be made to do farm work for 10+ hours a day with no compensation. As long as they are 'home schooled', it would all be ok as far as the law is concerned.

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u/ForensicPathology 2d ago

I bet they're also the type of people who try to argue that "No, slavery was OK, because they were given food and a place to sleep."


u/VagrantShadow 2d ago

It's crazy to believe people think like that. I've seen people say slavery wasn't so bad because it made African blacks have a purpose in life and gave them christian values.

I was infuriated because the person I was arguing with, who said those things, they honestly believed every bit of the bullshit that was coming out of their mouths.


u/ZenAdm1n 2d ago

Growing up I was told slaves were rarely mistreated because they were so expensive only the wealthly landowners could afford them. I was an adult before I saw photographs of slaves' backs. Google "whipped Peter" if you have any doubts.

I later learned through genealogy research my poor preacher 4th great-grandfather's parish owned 2 slaves before the southern Methodist Episcopal Church took an abolitionist stance. It wasn't just large plantation owners. Slave ownership was widespread.


u/Lumpen_anus 2d ago

I still learned individual farming families were still GENERALLY too poor to own or buy slaves. There’s always exceptions, but most of these people I’m referring to could barely feed themselves, let alone slaves.

The “planters” or land owners had the disproportionate acres of land, money, over-seers, and cruelty.

I’d imagine it’d be easy for a church to pool money together to buy slaves, but it’d be pretty hard for a single farming family to do so.

That being said, I wouldn’t care if they executed these people.

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u/weaponjae 2d ago

The way things are going they're gonna be paid Fox News contributors, or Acting Secretary of the Interior and USDA Inspector General next year.

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u/Uxt7 2d ago

Well yeah but according to the "mom" even though they were locked in there, they "liked it".

These evil fucks deserve life in prison

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u/pardybill 2d ago

Fucking despicable.

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u/Different-Estate747 2d ago

So their defense is that they can't be bad people because they adopted 5 black children?

Yeah... we know you adopted 5 black children. And unfortunately we know why you adopted 5 black children too.


u/Floomby 2d ago

Imagine going through the whole adoption process and in your mind you're like, "Cool, free slaves."

They were doing fieldwork. These people had a literal plantation going on.

But hey, they liked living in a locked shed with no food or hygiene facilities.

Lemme guess, I bet they were homeschooled. Can't let the gubmint corrupt our children now, can we.


u/zeek215 2d ago

The amount of premeditation this involved… those people need to be in jail for life.


u/SortedChaos 2d ago

The adoption process is pretty extensive in terms of screening so they had to lie non-stop in order to get through that.


u/DefinitelyNotAliens 2d ago

It's very possible they didn't go through normal channels but a private org that is able to place kids out of foster care and is paid to do so, therefore all home checks are on the private organization and those are hit and miss. Foster care is overwhelmed and they outsource the kids in some locales.


u/SortedChaos 2d ago

I saw a documentary once about "rehoming" kids. This is when someone adopts a kid but for whatever reason decides later they don't want them anymore. There are orgs that will link you up with a new foster parent. Apparently, this processes has little/no vetting (it's a big problem) so abusers are rampant there.


u/Psychological_Fish37 1d ago

Also there are not enough people who are able to be foster parents and heed the calling. Its the same with good social workers, there should be better ways to reward foster parents and social workers, then with more money in the foster system, we make sure there is better vetting, accountability.

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u/braiser77 2d ago

They literally violated the United States Constitution.


u/Past-Direction9145 2d ago

Everyone’s doing that lately. It’s trendy

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u/PrincessNakeyDance 2d ago

Adopted and/or homeschooled children should have social worker that they see on their own a few times a year. They should also have the ability to email/call/text at any point through out the year and be able to have an open line of communication. Though not that the second part would have helped here.


u/MVRKHNTR 2d ago

Can you imagine the reaction from conservatives if any part of what you're suggesting was even casually mentioned by any representative?

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u/turquoise_amethyst 2d ago

If you sent them to a public school, they’d eventually learn about emancipation…. Maybe. Depending on the school district/state.

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u/bennitori 2d ago

And to think, some people want education about slavery and the history behind it removed from school curriculum. Like we should let entire generations worth of kids not understand why this is especially abhorrent or what it means.


u/Apprehensive_Look94 2d ago

Happened to me and my siblings too. In fact, I once had some of my other siblings dress in overall and straw hats while barefoot as we did our yard work in the hot sun just to see the reactions from neighbors driving by. Interestingly, my white siblings never had to lift a finger 🤔

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u/brookelynfd 2d ago edited 2d ago

According to this USA Today article his lawyer really tried to imply this was all a misunderstanding and the teens like it. Smh

”During the June 11 arraignment hearing, Whitefeather's attorney, Mark Plants, called the barn where the 14 and 16-year-old were found locked in a “teenage clubhouse”


u/stdexception 2d ago

Being a defense attorney for these cases must be tough. They are obligated to defend them as best as they can, even if the evidence is overwhelming. Pleading insanity might have been a better call, though.


u/QuitWhinging 2d ago

Yeah, even the scum of the Earth deserve to have some kind of legal representation; otherwise, the system becomes even more unfair than it already is, and innocent people begin to suffer alongside the guilty. I'm not in criminal defense, but I am a defense attorney who has had to defend people I strongly disagree with, and it's definitely tough because you have to come up with some argument in their defense, even if it's not necessarily a good one. And you have to work with your clients' wishes. I imagine these two are not the best clients. They easily could have rejected the first few arguments the defense attorney would have offered up before arriving at this one.

As far as I know, pleading insanity isn't always a great strategy either. It rarely works (especially if your clients are bad actors, which most people are) and, even when successful, people often spend more time locked up in a mental hospital than they would have spent in prison. Prison at least offers a fairly definite sentence; a mental hospital keeps you until they decide that you're healthy, which may never happen.


u/Nebbii 2d ago

I heard something that makes sense is that they try their best on this case to leave absolutely no grounds or doubt they weren't represented fairly so if they go to jail, they deserve it absolutely

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u/lonnie123 2d ago

I was under the impression you couldn’t outright lie though. Provided the best defense means making sure the prosecution was following the rules of evidence, the cops did their job properly, trying to get the best deal you can… but you can’t just bullshit and hope you fool the judge.

See: trumps lawyers for all his election cases. In public he says it was all rigged and stolen, in court they explicitly say that’s not their case and they are just trying to have XYZ looked at to see if it followed the law

If these kids are found in the barn chained up and said they were kidnapped basically, you can’t just lie and say they wanted to be there because it was their clubhouse


u/AshleyNeku 2d ago

It's a little more complicated than that. You can't lie as to the facts, but a state of mind is not treated as a fact of evidence. He's suggesting that as far as the parents are aware, the children liked the barn. He's not directly claiming he knows the children did, since he has no expert that can attest to that. 

Either way, people should be glad his defense is shit. He has to do his best. This is his best. And if this is their best shot, they're fucked. 

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u/splycedaddy 2d ago

“She said that she had called Child Protective Services multiple times on this family.”

How was this a foot note??? The children deserve to know why


u/panicnarwhal 2d ago

the police were also called twice before, in may and june, according to the affidavit


u/viotix90 1d ago

Some of those that work forces
Are the same that burn crosses

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u/Agreeable-Chair7040 2d ago

What the actual fuck. Those poor children thinking they were finally getting a family and this is what they lived through. Evil.


u/Grose040791 2d ago

that makes me so sad thinking about it like that. Like they prob presented themselves as these nice, Christian people that wanted to adopt out of the love in their hearts and everyone at the adoption agency prob ate it up, including the children. Then the happiness immediately becomes a horror story. disgusting


u/IWillBaconSlapYou 1d ago

I'll bet they were relieved that they were going together, too. They probably thought the best case scenario had happened.

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u/Muted_Balance_9641 2d ago

Fun fact is the neighbors called the cops a ton to report them but the cops only came a few times.


u/CupcakesAreMiniCakes 2d ago

There is story after story coming out about these situations where neighbors, family, etc. kept contacting authorities repeatedly for years and they never did anything until either a kid dies or something else serious happens


u/Content-Scallion-591 2d ago

A couple days ago my neighbors called the cops because they heard a woman screaming from our house. Four cops showed up and my husband said it was my goats, which is true, because when a goat screams it sounds like a person dying, even though they were particularly happy about peanuts.

But they didn't even verify we had goats, they just left immediately. I was thinking the whole time wow, my husband could actually get away with murdering me. I feel they could have at least glanced outside to see if we even had goats.


u/angry_wombat 2d ago

Thanks for the tip

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u/maroongolf_blacksaab 2d ago

Jeffrey Dahmer being one of the worst instances of this


u/_My_Angry_Account_ 2d ago

The cops brought one of his victims back to him after he escaped...


u/Faiakishi 1d ago

His underaged victim. Who was heavily drugged and mumbling nonsense out on the street, buck naked.

The cops threatened to arrest the women who called them if they kept making a fuss over it.

They also 'poked around' Dahmer's apartment while doing this, including looking into the bathroom. Where he had a corpse laid out on the floor. Cop didn't see it because he didn't turn on the light.

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u/WriggleNightbug 2d ago

This fact isn't fun at all.


u/Muted_Balance_9641 2d ago

I mean I find it hopeful that the neighbors never gave up until the kids got rescued. Even in a state like West Virginia which is associated to some degree with the history of the south.

But to each their own.

Hope the kids can sue their “parents” and their church and family for everything they own.


u/bros402 2d ago

what a good neighbor

fuck the police


u/snailfighter 2d ago

I read this to the state farm jingle.


u/madsjchic 2d ago

You know I had to go back and reread it

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u/badgurlvenus 2d ago

she sounded so angry on the 911 call. good for her for never giving up until these kids could get justice.

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u/WriggleNightbug 2d ago

I was reacting to the cops not doing shit, but actually it is nice to know the neighbors called it in.

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u/iProtein 2d ago

Even in a state like West Virginia which is associated to some degree with the history of the south.

While I'm all for dropping on Appalachia, doesn't West Virginia specifically exist as a repudiation of the confederacy?


u/Canopenerdude 2d ago

Historically, yes. Contemporarily? Eh...


u/arrynyo 2d ago

I live in Ohio and I say "wtf?" Every time I see a confederate flag in front of somebody's house. They hide behind history but don't even know the history.


u/Mediocretes1 2d ago

Man, I live in Wisconsin and see confederate flags sometimes. If we were any more north we'd be Canada 😂


u/Shoeprincess 2d ago

I see them in WA state .. we weren't even a state then?


u/MsBlackSox 2d ago

And yet, there's Battleground...

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u/Heathen_Mushroom 2d ago

There are reports that even some Canadians fly the Confederate flag.

Vice signalling knows no borders.

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u/AccomplishedCat4524 2d ago

A relative in the UP posted something with the confederate flag. I’m like really? We had family fight for the union.

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u/kiriyaaoi 2d ago

I lived in Upstate NY, and spent quite a bit of time in Northern New Jersey as well for friends, and you'd be shocked at the number of confederate flags you see once you leave the cities in NY, just 10-15 minutes out of Albany and Syracuse and it's like Alabama. New Jersey is even crazier, just half an hour to an hour outside of NYC it's like West Virginia.

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u/Ffdmatt 2d ago

Being an idiot is his HERITAGE

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u/mpyne 2d ago

Yes. West Virginia ripped itself away from the Confederacy precisely because its poor Appalachian population saw nothing redeeming in going to war with the Union to do the bidding of rich plantation owners of the rest of Virginia.

This wasn't strictly idealism (though that was a part), there had long been tension between plantation owners and the white farmers in Appalachia working farms not conducive to slavery. If slavery could have worked better in the hills and mountains of West Virginia, they may have never split from the rest of Virginia at all.


u/PuppetPal_Clem 2d ago

only if you've never had a conversation with someone who is from there. they by and large worship the confederacy as some sort of lost civilization despite it existing for less time than N'sync was actively making music.

source: my stepdad is from WV and we had a couple years of uncomfortable conversations at family holiday gatherings due to his lack of education on the topic of real American history.


u/ImCreeptastic 2d ago

lack of education on the topic of real American history.

Good thing there aren't a growing number of people trying to white wash our history! /s


u/marco-esquondolas 2d ago

As a West Virginian born and raised and current resident, I can vouch that the majority of people that I know here are not fans of being lumped in with the south, in fact most are quite proud of our state's origin in rebellion against the Confederacy.


u/IL-Corvo 2d ago

As another West Virginian, born and raised in the heart of coal-country, I can tell you I saw more than my fair-share of Confederate flags in Logan, Mingo, Wayne, Raleigh, and Cabell counties when I lived there.

Were they common? Not particularly. Even so, I watched with dismay as my home-state went from reliably blue to deep crimson during the Bush-era. West Virginia has a dysfunctional relationship with its origins, just as it has a dysfunctional relationship with coal.

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u/mushmushhhh 2d ago

West Virginia, for what it’s worth, seceded from Virginia at least in large part because east Virginia wanted slavery and West Virginia didn’t.

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u/cat_prophecy 2d ago

West Virginia is a state specifically created because they didn't want slaves and didn't want to be part of the Confederacy.

Why anyone would think it's "part of the south" is entirely beyond me.


u/ImportantObjective45 2d ago

Modern culture war propaganda tells states that were invaded by the confederacy to consider themselves members. 

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u/Unlikely_Comment_104 2d ago

It’s a fucked fact. 

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u/tomdarch 2d ago

I’m “looking forward to” the inevitable letter of support from their pastor saying what otherwise fine, upstanding Christians they are and the judge commenting on that aspect as part of why he goes lightly in sentencing.

And then the day when one of the abused children has to deal with a judge who doesn’t treat him with anything like the same deference or empathy.

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u/muffinmamamojo 2d ago

Typical police behavior. Don’t forget, there’s actually no expectation for them to protect and serve for us (thanks Supreme Court).

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u/iiiiiiiiiijjjjjj 2d ago

Well that’s a surprise!

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u/kropfspawn 2d ago

Those poor, poor babies. It will take years and years for the children to work through what happened to them. They will need so many positive interactions with others and lots of help to get some sense of balance, or perspective, and justice in their lives. Some people are so destructive.


u/Floomby 2d ago

Every paragraph topped the last one with a new gut stabbing detail.

They said that their neighbors hated them. Boo hoo. Now the whole test of the country hates them, too.


u/Lilacblue1 2d ago

Not the whole country. A few people are taking notes and figuring out how to hide stuff better.

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u/amateur_mistake 2d ago

They are now severely traumatized teenagers who are likely being put into our foster system as we speak. Finding someone to adopt them is probably going to be hard.

It is so fucked up.


u/beaverscleaver 2d ago

One of the children is 6 years old. My daughter is about to turn 6. Can you imagine looking at a child that young and seeing anything less than someone who deserved to be held and nurtured, read to, fed good meals, played with?

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u/SentryCake 2d ago

Fucking monsters. I can’t help but think about how excited those kids must have been when they were initially adopted.

I’m so angry about this.


u/EverGlow89 2d ago

Imagine those kids ever hearing some dickhead say that America isn't racist.

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u/Ffdmatt 2d ago

Wait until they grow up and someone gives them the "oh shut up about slavery it was forever ago" line.

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u/InfiniteConfusion-_- 2d ago

Ehhh what trash humans


u/TheGoverness1998 2d ago

Straight up evil.


u/Christmas_Panda 2d ago

If you scrubbed the underside of the toilet that doesn't usually get cleaned for years and got all that layered up poop sludge on a brush - If the building was on fire and I could only save these folks or that brush, I'd save the brush.

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u/iamnotfacetious 2d ago

Trash is useless, these Fuckers are actively evil!!

The barbarism is disgusting.

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u/Fun-Improvement-3299 2d ago

How are these type of people allowed to adopt kids. I hear so many stories of how difficult the adoption process is and I just don’t get how this type of personality makes it through the vetting process

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u/gingerbreadmans_ex 2d ago

Monsters. They’re just monstrous facsimiles of people.


u/tavirabon 2d ago

The video of them being walked out literally had them stifling laughter.


u/Secret_Cow_5053 2d ago edited 2d ago

Anyone wanna bet on their political leanings?

Fun fact: they’re not poor. Like, at all. Does that help?


u/1890rafaella 2d ago

I’m sure they’re trumpers


u/technobrendo 2d ago

I mean it goes without saying...


u/threefingersplease 2d ago

These people have Trump tattoos, guaranteed


u/Traditional-Yam9826 2d ago

They better be careful or the GOP will recruit them and have them speak at their convention

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u/Jubilex1 2d ago

Vampires IRL

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u/ImpulseAfterthought 2d ago

Damn, I woke up in the wrong universe again! 

In the one I'm from, we fought a terrible and bloody war to stop this sort of thing, and the West Virginians were on the winning side.

What happened in this universe?


u/h3lblad3 2d ago

and the West Virginians were on the winning side.

West Virginia also wasn't even a state before that war. It was just part of Virginia. They seceded from Virginia to join the Union.

I'm from the same universe. Good to see you, brother.


u/Rated_PG-Squirteen 2d ago

And the primary reason why WV seceded from Virginia is because of terrain. It was too mountainous in what is now WV to have sprawling, thriving slave plantations, so all of the people in that region were fed up with the decision makers further East who were solely focused on issues related to chattel slavery and ignored virtually any requests and desires being voiced by the "hillbillies."

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u/ponzLL 2d ago

Damn I actually didn't know that. That's really cool

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u/cyncity7 2d ago

I’m reading a really excellent book about the Civil War. The pre-Civil War south sounds exactly like the right wing today. Not similar, exactly alike. I’m from the south and I thought I’d heard every racist thing, but I’m still amazed. “The Demon of Unrest” if anyone is interested.


u/PlaneLocksmith6714 2d ago

I love Erik Larson


u/panicnarwhal 2d ago

the devil in the white city was excellent

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u/Neltrix 2d ago

Some peach in the White House started making people more comfortable about being true pieces of shit.

“Hey if a trash human being can get to be president, I can be a little (you pick)”


u/zoinkability 2d ago

Clarence Thomas will find some way to side with this scum


u/Arthurs_librarycard9 2d ago

I really wish he would take up John Oliver's offer to retire. 


u/64645 2d ago

He's waiting for the Mango Mussolini to be reelected before he retires. Alito as well. Then they will be replaced by a couple of 40ish year old extremists who will serve the fascist right for another 40 years.

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u/Zaphodnotbeeblebrox 2d ago

Wrong universe? What universe you come from? It’s always been like this here. Such horrible humans are in the congress, government and court. They’re everywhere.

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u/Android003 2d ago

Thaaaat is the darkest article I've read in a while..

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u/Tynda3l 2d ago

"Ms. Whitefeather told the deputies that people in the area don’t like them, and vehicles had been stopping on the roadway in front of their residence,” "

Yeah, well you are both clearly fucking monsters who destroyed these children's lives.

They need to invent a new form of punishment for what they did.


u/bros402 2d ago

They need to invent a new form of punishment for what they did.

can they just do to them what they did to their victims

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u/ObviousAnswerGuy 2d ago

holy shit. Big shout to the neighbor for saving these poor kids.


u/AvailableFunction435 2d ago

wtf? What reality do these people live in their mind? $500k bond is far too low for the physical and psychological damage they have done to those kids. They should rot in a cage of their own.


u/jst4wrk7617 2d ago edited 2d ago

The lady in Texas who tried to drown a Muslim child (I think 9 y/o) got a 25k bond. I hate it here.

Edit: the child was THREE.


u/Traditional-Yam9826 2d ago

Republicans overwhelmingly control the national judiciary.

So the odds are high when you’re facing a judge, you’re facing MAGA

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u/bros402 2d ago

Muslim child

she was Palestinian

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u/WVEers89 2d ago

As a West Virginian, these people aren’t from here. They moved here thinking they could get away with it and got caught here. Disgusting fucking people.


u/komododave17 2d ago

What’s equally as terrible is that it almost worked. The neighbors called child services multiple times. Without the insistence and tenacity of a completely uninvolved party, the kids would still be in that condition.

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u/Maria-Stryker 2d ago

It’s so stupid because the whole reason there are two Virginias in the first place is because the founders of West Virginia hated slavery


u/poorboychevelle 2d ago

Reasons seeing someone fly the stars and bars in WV is infuriating


u/sniper91 2d ago

Minnesota was the first state to send soldiers to fight in the Civil War, yet you’ll see Confederate flags in the rural parts of the state

Actual history doesn’t matter to dipshits


u/sinat50 2d ago

I grew up in a rural area outside of Ottawa, Ontario (the capital of Canada), and people flew the Confederate flag out there too. It's just a symbol of racism

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u/FStubbs 2d ago

That's ... not quite. What they really hated was being dominated by the planters in the rest of Virginia. There were attempts at an Appalachian state before (like Vandalia and Westsylvania) that failed. The Civil War was just the perfect opportunity to finally get out.


u/aznhoopster 2d ago

You’re telling me we could’ve had a Vandalia instead of West Virginia? That would’ve been sick


u/jeremycb29 2d ago

If you want a fun Sunday check out failed US states there were some wild passes

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u/SpiritualMongoose751 2d ago

That's a very polite way to say "completely wrong". The people of WV were overwhelmingly in favor of slavery and supporting the confederacy but the people running the government at the time dissented and pushed to join the Union. They are one of the five border (aka pro-slavery) states who fought for the union.

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u/DigestibleDecoy 2d ago

Also find the agency that allowed them to adopt 5 children and hold them accountable 

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u/NoStorage2821 2d ago

Hey look, actual demons.


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u/PsychedelicJerry 2d ago

what's so annoying about this state is that they have a cop behind every tree and billboard for minor traffic violations but could barely respond to 10% of the neighbors calls. I think at some point we need to be able to declare a state failed and restart it's government, banning anyone currently serving from ever being in politics again. Or maybe this is purely just another case of police failure and yet another glaring sign that we need strong civilian oversight committees that can remove police leadership when they focus on easy, money generating activities instead of society's actual policing needs


u/CRKing77 2d ago

Imagine being a child, knowing what's happening to you is bad, and the cops are the good guys, they'll save you. The smiling policeman shakes hands with your abuser and walks away, leaving you to be abused more.

Then you see those same policemen get hailed as "heroes who sacrifice it all to save the day" when in reality they are lazy sociopaths in it for the power.

Yeah...yeah I feel a certain way about police

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u/IamNICE124 2d ago

I truly can’t fathom the level of evil someone must possess to do something like this.

Not trying to sound all virtuous, but Jesus, this is fucking pure evil.

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u/GlumTowel672 2d ago

I read about this a few days ago in local news, these people recently moved from Washington I think because they were being investigated. These arnt West Virginians for the people dragging WV in the comments, they just tried to hide here.

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u/Hakairoku 2d ago

They better be charged for a hate crime.


u/panicnarwhal 2d ago

they should be. they’ve been charged with human trafficking of children, civil rights violations, use of a minor child in forced labor, and child neglect.

the children adopted are 6, 9, 11, 14, and 16.

absolutely heinous behavior, these motherfuckers were basically running a plantation. they have better conditions in jail than those babies kept in a shed, only let out for manual labor.

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u/Historical_Project00 2d ago edited 2d ago

Let me guess. Homeschooled?

Imo we should follow the German model of homeschooling, otherwise no one should be surprised that this was able to happen. As a former homeschooled child, the use of black children as slaves is of course shocking, but the mechanism in which they were able to be successful in carrying that out is completely unsurprising to me.

In 2014 pediatrician Barbara Knox and several co-authors studied 28 child abuse cases that exceeded physical abuse and into child torture. They found that 47% of those children were homeschooled, 29% were never enrolled in school.

A 2018 study by the Connecticut’s Office of the Child Advocate found that 36% of children that had been removed from public school to be homeschooled had previous documented reports of family abuse and neglect. There is also an entire database of dead homeschooled children known as Homeschool’s Invisible Children that is doing its best to keep record of documented cases of deaths. And that’s just the known deaths, and not including the extreme social isolation inherent in homeschooling (see r/homeschoolrecovery), unschooling or the physical, sexual, identity, adoption, or labor abuse cases. There are parents who will also use it for white flight.

According to Social Work Today, former child welfare administrators have reported that the Home School Legal Defense Fund (HSLDA), a religious-right pro-homeschool organization, has attempted to block and hinder some welfare investigations on homeschooled children that were meant to be carried out for reasons other than educational neglect, such as physical child abuse or "traditional" neglect.

Homeschooling is a much bigger deal than most people know. Us in the homeschool recovery community vehemently see homeschooling as legalized child neglect mainly because of the crippling loss of developmental human interaction and stimuli inherent in it, and the zero oversight. To homeschool in Germany you need to go to court for permission like you would in the US during a divorce custody battle, since the decision has a drastic effect on the child's life and wellbeing. German parents who are allowed to homeschool do so for actual fucking reasons, like disability, child actors, a temporary atypical life circumstance etc. It should only be used as a “break glass in case of emergency” form of (regulated) schooling.


u/DUMP_LOG_DAVE 2d ago

I didn’t know anything about this sub but I’m so glad it exists. I didn’t get homeschooled but my two cousins did by my fundamentalist evangelist aunt and uncle. We’re all in our thirties now but I wish I could’ve had more interaction with them growing up, we just lived in different parts of the country. I only met them a few times and they were full of all the wrong ideas about life because they’d been fed all the republican christian talking points their entire childhood. My ex wife’s much younger half brother has also been subject to the same thing and he’s only 8 right now, but he was already saying all sorts of crazy sad stuff about vaccines and his dad has a Q sticker on his car. My former supervisor was a total fucking libertarian small govt nutcase and homeschooled his 4 kids. I watched them grow up at our holiday parties every year and now they’re teenagers and two of them no longer talk to either of their parents.

It’s such a huge problem in the US that in every step of my life (extended family, ex wife’s family, coworker’s kids) I’ve witnessed indoctrination and abuse under the “homeschool” umbrella. And it’s always been the religious rightwing conspiracy types. You are so right that it is evil and should be illegal. These poor kids never had a choice just like my cousins, and my cousins had their chance at lives and developing their own identity stripped from them. The worst part is how socially acceptable it is. Did anyone in my life view any of these sets of parents as evil? Very few. I sure did and have always been outspoken about it, but that just isn’t enough.

I hope in our lifetimes we are able to see the US adopt Germanys system. The religious right in the US has such a horrible influence on the development of kids.

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u/slasula 2d ago

I always assume homeschooled just means they grew up in some creepy cult or with creepy christians


u/Historical_Project00 2d ago edited 2d ago

I think it is beginning to bleed into conservative culture in general, as the party moves further and further rightwing and sees schools at all levels as “indoctrination factories.” The pandemic certainly didn’t help.

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u/ttaptt 2d ago

My idiot brother's idiot ex's decision to let their son "homeschool" because he didn't "like going to school" is gonna fuck him up for life. She is lazy af, so he did the bare minimum of any school work. Played online video games with his dad (my brother) from like 6th grade until he dropped out and got his GED at 17. Now he's 19, lives in my brother's basement, plays online video games 24/7. He's terribly socialized, like, not at all. He had a job once for an hour and walked off. My idiot brother drank his way into "permanent disability", I think there's some malingering going on, but who knows, because he's a pathological liar. Somehow he has a third wife, who I guess really loves him but she seems dim, but hardworking. Both my parents are now dead, I live out of state, and threw up my hands a long time ago, since I had no ability to change anything.

But the kid will never have a fulfilling life. I can't imagine him ever having a healthy relationship with a woman (or man). I suspect his mother let him sleep in her bed WELL beyond a healthy time, as he was still sleeping in her bed when they divorced when he was 5. I'm thinking 13 or 14. But we had no way to know. Just a shitshow all around.

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u/cegr76 2d ago

A couple from Washington state who moved to West Virginia to do their criming.


u/SpiceEarl 2d ago

They were trying to escape woke ideology in Washington. You know, woke ideology like not keeping slaves...

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u/Igoos99 2d ago

I hope they aren’t safe like the Turpin children were “safe.”


u/ms_panelopi 2d ago

Don’t forget. These are the kinds of people who vote for Trump.

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u/Specific-Frosting730 2d ago

They’re demons wearing meat suits. They should be treated as such.


u/milkonyourmustache 2d ago

The appropriate punishment, outside of spending the rest of their lives in prison, is to have all their assets transferred to these children and placed in trust. Their crimes were racially and financially motivated, so strip them of all the financial gains they've made their entire lives and transfer it to these kids whom they've robbed of their childhood, their innocence, dignity, and possibly their future.

I also hope a solution can be found which can keep any of them together should they wish to.


u/ConfusionCareful3985 2d ago edited 2d ago

The other day, i saw a post on here where someone mentioned a website and i made the mistake of visiting it. It was just a bunch of hate. One forum as recent as jun 18th was called "why are Blcks so awful" with thousands of comments, over 4M views of losers saying the most vile stuff about people that look like me.. i was shocked that there was so much participation.

Ever since then everywhere I go i get this feeling that everyone around me secretly hates me or something and just isn't saying it. Its not a fun feeling


u/frenchy714 2d ago

Fukk ‘em.

From a black man

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u/terrasig314 2d ago

Now you know why they want to ban abortion.

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u/Bearshapedbears 2d ago

This must be one of those Black Jobs that Trump was talking about during the debate.


u/CBalsagna 2d ago

Under the prison. Throw away the key.


u/olov244 2d ago

liquidate all their assets and give it to the kids. lock the couple up forever

anything less is injustice


u/Competitive-Plenty32 2d ago

I just want to remind everyone that these two were alive when mass segregation was extremely prevalent in the U.S

It’s insane to think that it wasn’t even that long ago. We’ve come a long way but until all these fuckers pass away we have much more to go.

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u/Blackandheavy 2d ago edited 2d ago

Some people need to be locked away with key the thrown into the bottom of the ocean.

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u/tsmartin123 2d ago

WV CPS is horrible! Here is a recent example of them not doing their job and a death resulting from it: https://www.wsaz.com/2024/06/06/wsaz-investigates-state-officials-address-handling-teen-death-case/

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u/NamasteMotherfucker 2d ago

They should go to a vintage 1800s prison. A wooden plank for a bed, gruel, no showers, a bucket in the corner, straw on the floor. You know, out of respect for their heritage.


u/Travelingdabber 2d ago

Whenever ever someone tells me there's no more racism. I like to show them this

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u/braiser77 2d ago

Do I even need to guess who they planned on voting for this year?

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u/OlderThanMyParents 2d ago

No problem, within four years the Supreme Court will find this completely lawful.

I wish I was being sarcastic.


u/Typo3150 2d ago

“But women who can’t get abortions can just adopt the children out.” /s


u/TheoriginalTonio 2d ago

How do you even propose such a thing to your spouse?

"Honey, I've got a brilliant idea, hear me out..."

And then even get the other person agreeing to it instead of running away in shock and disgust.


u/DAN991199 2d ago

Heinous crime against children? The must be drag queens right?


u/FEMA_Camp_Survivor 2d ago

People like this believe salvation can only come with death, suffering, and endless toil. They believe they’re implementing God’s will by imparting such misery on others. They’re actually evil incarnate.

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u/Roman_____Holiday 2d ago

The thing to understand about slavery is that it only takes the combination of a few human failings to bring a person to accept being a slave owner or even desire it. A lack of empathy, an excess of aggression or hate. Selfishness bordering on narcissism. Just being raised by ignorant racists can be enough to turn an otherwise viable human into a practitioner of slavery. Because so many people struggle for so long to bring us progress they mistakenly believe that an equal effort would be required to pull society back, but unfortunately this is not true. Our base animal psychology is always present and ready to turn us back into savage slave-holding assholes. This is also why so many are convinced of the need for religion. We need an authority, real or imagined, to keep these ignorant fucks from running amuck. Unfortunately the Bible doesn't speak out against slavery with the vehemence with which is speaks out about adultery or pork.