r/news 4d ago

West Virginia couple charged with trafficking their adopted Black children to be used as ‘slaves,’ authorities allege


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u/PrincessNakeyDance 4d ago

Adopted and/or homeschooled children should have social worker that they see on their own a few times a year. They should also have the ability to email/call/text at any point through out the year and be able to have an open line of communication. Though not that the second part would have helped here.


u/MVRKHNTR 4d ago

Can you imagine the reaction from conservatives if any part of what you're suggesting was even casually mentioned by any representative?


u/loosely_affiliated 4d ago

Where's the funding? Nobodies willing to pony up the cash


u/Psychological_Fish37 4d ago

Everybody but the GOP leadership would be willing to do so.


u/canihavemymoneyback 3d ago

You don’t need new employees for this. They already exist as the councilors who advocate for children who attend school in person.


u/loosely_affiliated 3d ago edited 3d ago

The social workers I know (outside of one specific wealthy district) are already stretched too thin, and grossly underpaid for their level of education (and student loan debt required to get said education). We already need more people, and that's without adding an additional, multiple meetings per year and round the clock phone availability, role for them to fulfill.


u/SloppyNachoBros 3d ago

It's a real tragedy how adopted kids are not followed up on. My nephew had been adopted by another family previous to when he became part of our family. When he was adopted by my brother and SIL there was barely any wellness check there either. Which, /I/ knew my nephew was safe and loved in our family but it still bothered me that the systems to keep him safe were basically "hopefully the people that adopted him this time aren't abusers like the last ones!"


u/w1n5t0nM1k3y 3d ago

This episode of Last Week Tonight gives some insight into the lack of oversight with homeschooling.

In 11 states, there's no requirement for parents to even notify the state that they are homeschooling their kids at all. Theres basically no supervision or oversight of what's going on in the homes of kids who are homeschooled. A kid could be born, moved to a new state or county, and there would basically be no record of what's happening to the child at all.