r/news 4d ago

West Virginia couple charged with trafficking their adopted Black children to be used as ‘slaves,’ authorities allege


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u/ponzLL 4d ago

Damn I actually didn't know that. That's really cool


u/WerewolfDifferent296 4d ago

Letting what is now separate and become a state was one of the conditions for the State of Virginia to reenter the union.

Also one of the stories I read : the roads in the Western Counties (now state of West Virginia) was so bad that the delegates were delayed for the vote on whether or not to succeed. Instead of waiting for them, the other delegates voted to succeed and left. When the western delegates finally arrived they found out everyone else had voted and left without them so they voted to stay in the Union. I wish I could say that they voted to stay out of principle but it was the roads and the taxes. As another poster pointed out now West Virginia had few plantations and not as many slaves. Taxes were collected on the basis of free people but spent (on roads . . .) on the basis of total population. So the western countries (now West Virginia) was taxed for roads being built and maintained in the east (now Virginia). And so when bad roads (because tax money not spent on them) delayed the western delegates—they were not happy.


u/CRKing77 4d ago

See, that sounds normal to today

Angry about taxes, vote out of spite, not out of genuine concern for the plight of the affected

America has always been this selfish of a country