r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 5d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/BlueFox5 5d ago edited 5d ago

This is easy for her to say as she has always had the comfort of stalls surrounding her in a public bathroom her whole life.

She has never:

Made accidental eye contact while peeing.

Caught someone else’s spray-back.

Caught someone sneaking a peek at your genitalia.

Accidentally caught a glimpse of someone else’s weird genitalia.

Had someone drip on your shoes.

Or God forbid, strike up a conversation (like only true psychopath would) while you are both peeing, meer inches away from eachother.

She has led a sheltered life. Literally sheltered in her stall. Or. In her cluelessness, she is the psychopath that would ignore the urinal etiquette. Pick the spot between two people when there was an open spot. Talk to both people. All while peeing on everyone’s shoes.

Edit: for those of you just now joining us, be careful how far you venture down this particular thread. You have been warned…


u/NewMissUniverse 5d ago

Anything after lvl 4 is an automatic "I'll just pee tomorrow"


u/obi_wan_kanerdy 5d ago

That's usually when I'll just go pee in a stall.


u/Terror_666 5d ago

If the urinal has already reached lvl 4 I do NOT want to know what a stall would look like.


u/Various_Froyo9860 5d ago

Like a Jackson Pollock.


u/KajePihlaja 4d ago

Jackson… Potluck perhaps?


u/Yuuta23 5d ago

I mean the urinals look fine it's just high capacity


u/WhereasNo3280 5d ago

I once drove through Missouri and was loudly insulted in a public restroom by some cornfed dumbass who was confused why anyone would choose to pee in a stall instead of waiting in line to pee next to his leering ass.


u/Steely-Dave 4d ago

You misspelled sink.


u/NatomicBombs 5d ago

Whenever the urinals are that clogged I’m usually at a large event and probably too drunk to give a shit.


u/DrunkCupid 5d ago

Maybe you need more fiber in your diet


u/jalbert425 5d ago

No lvl 4 and lvl 5 depend on if the person is right handed or left handed. You shield yourself with your arm/hand.

Your response is funny though.


u/003E003 5d ago

Except at a stadium or concert


u/lucklesspedestrian 5d ago

There's always the option of standing right next to someone, feign a hit from spray-back and over-act it so your neighbor notices, and hopefully they rush to get out of there. But I'm not sure if this is ethical.


u/rythmicbread 4d ago

It’s allowed if it’s super crowded or there are dividers. You still need to follow 1 space rule with dividers though unless it’s full


u/Drogdar 5d ago

I remember the troughs. Go into a bathroom and it was just one long urinal going down the wall. Everyone peed into and it all went down one drain.

You can pee anywhere after getting uses to that...


u/BlueFox5 5d ago

You do what you gotta do in those situations. But troughs are typically reserved for stadiums and really trashy dive bars. High volume (often drunken) peeing.

If you had a trough at work, it’s going to lead to some awkward work shifts and zoom meetings.


u/Drogdar 5d ago

Lol. It was at stadiums.

I haven't seen one in years...


u/ZZachj 5d ago

Wrigley Field in Chicago still has the troughs


u/PerfectLogic 5d ago

Don't forget racetracks and fairgrounds too


u/Cool-Sink8886 5d ago

Or Ireland.


u/KajePihlaja 4d ago

It might actually be pretty camaraderie building in the work place. It’s a real bonding moment


u/FineRatio7 5d ago

The warmth emanating from the trough


u/Hamafropzipulops 5d ago

In my High School they had circular troughs in the middle of the room with a cone shaped fountain in the middle that dripped water. We had to try and not look each other in the eye while pissing.


u/Drogdar 5d ago

I remember those! Had the foot pedal to "flush" on ours.


u/RepresentativeNinja6 4d ago

I have a very vague memory of seeing one of those at my Dad's work when I was like 4 or 5, I always thought it was a sink because the pedal lol


u/__Pure_Vessel__ 5d ago

We live in a society...


u/DarkMatters8585 5d ago

Don't forget forcing out a trumpet fart just before striking up conversation.


u/Kahlil_Cabron 5d ago

Older guys are the kings of this. My boomer boss at my first office job would stand next to me, look over at me while we're pissing, and let a deep trumpet fart go and then start talking to me about the project we were working on.

Also if he really needed me, he'd walk up to the stall I was in while I was taking a shit, let off a few farts, and talk to me through the stall lol.


u/Educational_Kick_573 4d ago

Dude, you worked for Mike too?


u/ctodReddit 5d ago

Nope. Checked with wife and she’s just doing this for views. All people do this. Think about movie theater seats.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/GargantuanGreenGoats 5d ago

Why have you seen more than one of her videos 


u/lord_geryon 5d ago

They appear in youtube shorts.

I sometimes get high and just scroll through until I'm so sleepy I want to go to bed.


u/GargantuanGreenGoats 5d ago

YouTube shorts keep me awake! I’ve never seen this person in mine tho


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/GargantuanGreenGoats 5d ago

How do you even know it’s been weeks?

You’re either seeking this person out in which case her rage bait is working… or you need to go outside more often.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/GargantuanGreenGoats 5d ago

I’ve never seen her before… and you’ve seen her lots. Makes me think you actually like her a lot! Or at least think she has a point…


u/Getting_rid_of_brita 5d ago

You're really worked up over this dudes YouTube history. 


u/GargantuanGreenGoats 5d ago

Anyone who says “I hate these pickles”!! While joyfully scarfing down pickles is sus. Hypocrisy is interesting to me. Sue me


u/Vindepomarus 5d ago

Pretty sure it's an act for her army of simps.


u/PrettyRetard 5d ago

Movie theater seats is a good example. All of us would make these choices it’s not a man thing.


u/Lortekonto 5d ago

I think I am missing something here. When I go to a movie I just sit a my seat number. Nothing to think about.


u/PrettyRetard 5d ago

When choosing your seat if others have already chosen theirs. Are you going to sit right next to someone if there are open seats?


u/Lortekonto 5d ago

Choosing seat?

I go buy a ticket. Then I get a row and a number. Walk in and sit down.


u/PrettyRetard 5d ago

You chose the row and seat number…


u/Lortekonto 5d ago

No, I don’t, but I understand the system you must have now.


u/ctodReddit 5d ago

A lot of movie theaters don’t have assigned seating, in some areas at least. Maybe it’s an older thing or specifically a North America thing.


u/PrettyRetard 5d ago

You just sit where they assign you? What theater are you going to?


u/Lortekonto 5d ago

Yes. I have not experienced people sitting on a seat that they were not assigned to. That would be kind of an odd situation, if the person who have gotten that seat then come in.

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u/MrShad0wzz 5d ago

never had to deal with walking nto bathroom and pee is all over the floor in front in the urinal


u/ttrosc 5d ago

My old boss used to talk to people as they walked in the bathroom as he took a shit. Could recognize people by their shoes 😂.


u/StronglyAuthenticate 4d ago

We'd often go in and the CEO was on the toilet and talking on his phone.


u/-SlapBonWalla- 5d ago

She has never:

Had to help her trough neighbor by holding his penis while he's lighting a cigarette.

Had a guy pee in her butt so it would flow into her and out her penis because the trough was too crowded.

Never seen a man with two penises.

Had a man fill her beer with pee because she was running low.

Been in a water fight with pee.

Never had a taller guy rest his nuts on her head so he could use the same spot at the trough.


u/swapripper 5d ago

You sure have lived a colorful life.


u/Bigglious 4d ago

New copypaste dropped 🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣


u/dafuqbroh 5d ago

Truer words have never been spoken


u/pirikikkeli 5d ago

Not gonna lie I've had my best interactions with random guys while drunk as fuck at the urinal but I'm a dirty Finn so


u/BlueFox5 5d ago

What you do in truck stops and public restrooms at various parks is your business buddy


u/pirikikkeli 5d ago

More like in a bar but that's the Finnish way


u/BlueFox5 5d ago

Ya’ll have fjords right? Can you…pee in them? Like, is it legal? I always felt like it would be the ultimate experience, but very much looked down upon.


u/pirikikkeli 5d ago

No that's Norway but I still pee in them but don't tell them that I do. Here the only place you "can't" pee is on top of a police car or a shops window lmao


u/Suspicious_War_9305 5d ago

Drunk urinal logic is def different than sober Walmart urinal logic


u/Cool-Sink8886 5d ago

So that’s the only time Fins interact with people outside their friend circle?


u/StronglyAuthenticate 4d ago

Yeah but you also have naked sauna with them too so talking at the urinal is the least weird thing you're doing.


u/pirikikkeli 4d ago

Yeah but usually if naked it's with friends and/or family


u/MrSnowden 5d ago

True story: I met my now-wife because she thought I looked like a famous newscaster who she had a huge crush on. Wife is out of my league. I always thought to myself I should really thank that guy.

Finally ran into him. Side by side at a urinal. I slowly turned to look at him, but thought (not now). And I missed my one shot. Sorry George.


u/StronglyAuthenticate 4d ago


"Hello, George, my wife says we look alike. Now that we're together at the urinal...can confirm."


u/MrSnowden 4d ago

He had a nicer watch


u/Important-Zombie-559 5d ago

Only time I ever strike up a conversation is when I’m at a festival or drunk. I guess they’re the same thing


u/Ultraox 5d ago

I’m a woman and I still choose not to be in a stall next to someone if possible. Better to not be able to hear someone!


u/DrMobius0 5d ago

More or less. Women's bathrooms are all stalls. Yall get privacy built in. Men's bathrooms are only finally starting to include little dividers between the urinals that are sometimes high enough that you can't make eye contact with shorter dudes.


u/rotaclex 5d ago

Or feel neighbors splash back on your feet when wearing sandals


u/joshTheGoods 5d ago

At my friend's wedding, he was forced into the urinal next to me. I slapped his ass when I left. I'm not proud of myself.


u/Badassbottlecap 5d ago

Awh man the talkers are the worst. I stare through the wall, blank as hell, and still they insist on making smalltalk while trying to make eye contact while, as you said, pissing mere inches from eachother.. man, lemme pee in peace.


u/DrBlock21 5d ago

Angle it towards them next time.


u/WhereasNo3280 5d ago

My weird elderly and narcissistic boss likes to tell cringey jokes in the restroom, and aggressively invite people to his wife’s shows (barbershop/choir at random AF coffee shops and similar places).

I once heard the piss scream “no, don’t leave me in here with him” from the urinal drain.


u/InvaderDJ 5d ago

Or God forbid, strike up a conversation (like only true psychopath would) while you are both peeing, meer inches away from eachother.

This always weirds me out. At most I want a nod starting as soon as I hit the bathroom door. After that, silence except for water and bodily functions.


u/ZexionZaephyr1990 5d ago

No conversation? I think at a party and if it’s not a complete stranger and if you’re a little bit drunk it’s ok


u/SacR3d_Un1C0rN 5d ago

Amen, brother


u/Ultraox 5d ago

I’m a woman and I still choose not to be in a stall next to someone if possible. Better to not be able to hear someone!


u/GoJa_official 5d ago

Pro tip, strike up conversation to gain more privacy at the urinal. Works every time


u/Stinky_Eastwood 5d ago

If you've ever had to live in a situation with a communal shower, you get over all this shit in a heartbeat. Even the stalls only had 4 foot walls and doors. Like, still follow the etiquette, but I literally dgaf what going on in the bathroom, I could pee anywhere, any time now.


u/TypicalUser2000 5d ago

The sheer confusion of finding out my dad is a bathroom talker

Bro you can't just go hit up the urinal and start talking to the other guy pissing xD


u/Red302 5d ago

Or had someone piss in her pocket


u/urbandk84 5d ago

dude I've had my boss strike up a conversation next to me in the urinal (only 2 as it was in an office)


u/ureliableliar 5d ago

i really dont understand why people do this.... Bro, if both of us are holding our dicks in hand, dont fucking talk to me!


u/i_am_better-than-you 5d ago

To be fair, the state of most stalls is far worse than any urinal decisions


u/orange-bannana 5d ago

At my school, one kid stood a solid 5 feet away from the urinal and pissed while vaping. One hand grasping his Johnny, the other was destroying his lungs.


u/Significant_War_5924 5d ago

Lived m 29 years and don’t have a single memeory of any of those things happening. Tf y’all doing ???


u/TrippingFish76 5d ago

i jus go in the stall to pee lol


u/tokyo_engineer_dad 5d ago

I said it in another comment but I'm an SA victim from exposed genitalia at a urinal so I don't think it's a joke at all and I honestly always thought it was strange that men have to pee into urinals but we act like it's totally fine that other people can look at our bodies like that.

The SA victim double standards for men strike again.


u/dicksilhouette 5d ago

Dude every time I go to a casino there’s a guy with a fucking monster cock standing a good 1.5 feet away from the urinal so everyone sees their cock first thing when they walk in. Idk what it is but it only ever happens when I go to a casino. Terrible experience. I’m good in the dick dept and even I can’t shake off the self esteem hit after seeing a fucking cock the size of a baseball bat


u/DrunkCupid 5d ago

I dunno there is really no privacy in bathroom stalls with 2" gaps of visibility betwist the unlocking doors. Privacy is an illusion, we have seen it all.. in person or on the internet

Why act shocked? We all human


u/ZombiesAtKendall 5d ago

Also don’t forget about the guy farting next to you or being the guy that farts.


u/DuckingAndDodging 5d ago

One time at the urinal, I kept seeing movement out of the corner of my eye. I mistakenly took a peek. It was an old man with a giant, flaccid wiener, and I guess he was shaking it to get it to start. Dick still haunts my nightmares.


u/ShroomEnthused 5d ago

OMG Exqctly this. She is acting shocked, but has absolutely no context for why guys do this, because she's never done it herself.


u/SucculentVariations 5d ago

As a woman, I've made plenty of eye contact while peeing because the fuckin gap in the stall door is so big.

Additionally I also don't use a stall right next to other people if given the option.


u/IDontKnowHowToPM 5d ago

Or God forbid, strike up a conversation

THE FUCKING CEO OF THE COMPANY did this to me once lmao.


u/freudweeks 5d ago

My boss once started a conversation while we were both at the urinals. I don't know if he was doing it to establish dominance but I didn't miss a beat.


u/Picklerickshaw_part2 5d ago

I take your warning to heart, and brace myself for a thread like no other. However, I shall conquer it, as I have many a thread


u/unclepaprika 5d ago

This is easy for her to say as she has always had the comfort of stalls surrounding her in a public bathroom her whole life.

She has never:

Made accidental eye contact while peeing.

Caught someone else’s spray-back.

Caught someone sneaking a peek at your genitalia.

Accidentally caught a glimpse of someone else’s weird genitalia.

Had someone drip on your shoes.

Or God forbid, strike up a conversation (like only true psychopath would) while you are both peeing, meer inches away from eachother.

She has led a sheltered life. Literally sheltered in her stall. Or. In her cluelessness, she is the psychopath that would ignore the urinal etiquette. Pick the spot between two people when there was an open spot. Talk to both people. All while peeing on everyone’s shoes.

Edit: for those of you just now joining us, be careful how far you venture down this particular thread. You have been warned…

...and he forgot the fact that girls willingly invite eachother to the bathroom... Every time.


u/Pristine_Yak7413 5d ago

or she's baiting engagement asking a question thats going to get a response


u/knuckledragger555 5d ago

I enjoyed your comments and laughed but I appreciate you for the warning, homie. I’m not curious; I’ll be leaving now.


u/mixelydian 5d ago

I am 100% sure that girls would act exactly like guys if they had dicks


u/Extra_Cut585 5d ago

The fucking talking thing. I used to work for a small company, driving trucks. It was laid back. Made sure everyone knew the "don't talk while I'm holding my dick" rule. It was quick and easy. Now I'm in an office. Can't believe how many people don't care. Full on convos at the urinal. I've made a few mad when I just ignore them completely. Drives me insane.



Similar rules for stalls though...


u/zUdio 5d ago

this reads like it was written by Malcolm Gladwell and I’m here for it. 


u/one_classy_broad 5d ago

As a lady, I agreed with every call that dude made


u/Underhandtrout 4d ago

Yeah its not fun when any of those happens even worse when its a few at once

I was out drinking at a pub a few years back and I went into the toilets they were all free so I went to the end one started my business a guy comes in a few seconds later walks up next to me starts peeing then looks over at my dick and goes " you have a nice dick there mate" halfway through my piss I just zipped up and left it was the most awkward thing I have ever been through.


u/StronglyAuthenticate 4d ago

"I have never been to this restaurant. Do you have any menu recommendations?"

Staring directly at the side of your face and silently waiting for the response.


u/Just_enough76 4d ago

I’ve been pissing in urinals my whole entire life and have experienced none of these things. You’re weird.


u/RealLars_vS 4d ago

I once had a TEACHER start a conversation with me while peeing, while he was eating a snicker. Weirdest moment in college.


u/OhReAlLyMyDuDe 4d ago

As a man, neither have I. Fuck using urinals lmao.


u/BallsDeepinYourMammi 4d ago

The only acceptable thing to say is a Letterkenny quote, “so this is where all the dicks hang out?”

And you need to have a relationship prior to that


u/PHANTOM________ 4d ago

One of those urinals that go all the way down to the floor- I was wearing slides and the old dude next to me let his stream loose and it ricochet splattered on my toes. I’ll always remember / hate that guy.


u/PHANTOM________ 4d ago

One of those urinals that go all the way down to the floor- I was wearing slides and the old dude next to me let his stream loose and it ricochet splattered on my toes. I’ll always remember / hate that guy.


u/rythmicbread 4d ago

I also use urinal etiquette on gym equipment. Too many psychopaths don’t understand etiquette on the treadmills


u/WrinkledRandyTravis 2d ago

Caught someone else’s sprayback? Lol come on man