r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 7d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/BlueFox5 7d ago edited 7d ago

This is easy for her to say as she has always had the comfort of stalls surrounding her in a public bathroom her whole life.

She has never:

Made accidental eye contact while peeing.

Caught someone else’s spray-back.

Caught someone sneaking a peek at your genitalia.

Accidentally caught a glimpse of someone else’s weird genitalia.

Had someone drip on your shoes.

Or God forbid, strike up a conversation (like only true psychopath would) while you are both peeing, meer inches away from eachother.

She has led a sheltered life. Literally sheltered in her stall. Or. In her cluelessness, she is the psychopath that would ignore the urinal etiquette. Pick the spot between two people when there was an open spot. Talk to both people. All while peeing on everyone’s shoes.

Edit: for those of you just now joining us, be careful how far you venture down this particular thread. You have been warned…


u/PHANTOM________ 6d ago

One of those urinals that go all the way down to the floor- I was wearing slides and the old dude next to me let his stream loose and it ricochet splattered on my toes. I’ll always remember / hate that guy.