r/politics 2d ago

Undecided Voters Say They Now Support Joe Biden After Debate


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u/Jackinapox 2d ago

I wonder if it's because Trump ignored all the questions and spent his time blaming other people for his failures.


u/SuperGenius9800 2d ago

And lying a lot.


u/KevinAnniPadda 2d ago

The people that knew those were lies aren't undecided


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Allaskanbulllworm 2d ago

The one that got me is “scholars all over the world wanted states to have the right to abortions in there hands” no no they didn’t and I’m gonna be so honest I honestly don’t think Biden did a bad job it wasn’t great or really a good job but I feel like I too at the ripe age of 23 going against trump, I’d be just as flabbergasted and tripping over my self making sure I do everything right because the guy literally 3 feet from me is just spouting nonsense and complete BS and there’s nothing you can do to stop half the country from believing it

I’d actually probably have a meltdown followed by an aneurism


u/dragonblade_94 2d ago edited 2d ago

Bruh, for someone as sociopathicly dishonest as Donald, my jaw dropped when he pushed the idea that "Everyone from both sides wanted the decision of abortion handed to the states." Like, does literally anyone believe that? Why the fuck would Roe be such a dividing topic if everyone agreed?


u/Allaskanbulllworm 2d ago

Oh yea the second I heard it I paused it and watched yt on my phone took a 5 min break.

It’s so infuriating

I remember as a kid mitt Romney lost the entire campaign or election or whatever because he left his dog in his crate…..strapped to the roof of a moving vehicle Al gore got backlash for checks notes accidentally sighing audibly cause he was tired during his and bushes debate


u/Conscious-Silver8109 2d ago

Howard Dean’s campaign ended because he yelled too enthusiastically out of pitch. He became ‘unelectable’.


u/JimWilliams423 2d ago edited 2d ago

Howard Dean’s campaign ended because he yelled too enthusiastically out of pitc

Dean was already dropping in the polls by the time of the scream. In fact, he made that speech in response to coming in third in Iowa.

Dean himself said things were looking bad 3 weeks beforehand:


The Dean Scream came to be seen as the unofficial end of his campaign, but Dean said the worst moment was three weeks earlier when he realized his momentum was "slipping away." "I was going to rallies, and I began to realize the same people are following me around," he said. "I felt like Phish or the Dead."

"I don't blame the scream speech. I don't blame anyone but me. I was from a small state. I didn't have the national experience," Dean went on. "But then again, if I had been as experienced at a national level, I wouldn't have been as exciting a candidate."

What is nuts is that the gop successfully smeared John Kerry for being a literal war hero.


u/RJ815 2d ago

gop successfully smeared John Kerry for being a literal war hero.

Remember when Trump called dead soldiers suckers and losers for doing something without a clear (tangible) benefit to them?

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u/godawgs1991 2d ago

I’ve never seen that quote, but it actually makes him more like-able. The zinger at the end is great, but that comparison to Phish and Grateful Dead was just spot on lol.

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u/neverwantit 2d ago

Don't forget some of Romney's greatest hits, like 'binders full of women' and feat. Obama 'please proceed governor'.

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u/future_shoes 2d ago

Yeah acting like overturning Roe vs Wade was universally thought of as the right thing to do was a bridge too far even for Trump.


u/PotaToss 2d ago

It's only been refuted by literally every election where it's been on the ballot.


u/chowderbags American Expat 2d ago

And Republican states are busy doing everything they can to toss any and all ballot initiatives that affirm abortion rights. So talking like it's "going back to the people of individual states to decide" is clearly nonsense.

And Republicans are busy trying to find a way to do "fetal personhood", whether through passing a new federal law or just finding some legal case to get their 6 SCOTUS judges to legislate from the bench.


u/NoOneSelf 2d ago

Only fools believed the whole "let the states decide"rhetoric. The goal is and has always been draconian national restrictions on a woman's independence and self determination.

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u/mom_with_an_attitude 2d ago

Also the part about Democrats killing babies after they are born. 🙄 Like, no. Just no. That is not a thing that happens.

This debate should have had real time fact checking and it was terrible that it didn't.


u/shingdao 2d ago

the part about Democrats killing babies after they are born.

And yet many Republicans believe this to be true.

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u/Mother_Sand_6336 2d ago

How about his claim that Democrats support abortions “after birth”?

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u/PluotFinnegan_IV 2d ago

If the 2nd debate happens, I fully expect Biden to go with something similar to "everything that man says is a lie. Here's the facts..." and just ignore whatever Trump said. Whatever Trump says, ignore the specifics an paint it with a broad stroke that its lies and garbage and not worth listening to or remembering.


u/Allaskanbulllworm 2d ago

The only problem with that is, as others pointed out trump is too confident

Look at the debate transcript looks like Biden won on paper, gave actual responses to questions yet the audio version sounds like trump edged out and won because simply he is louder, and isn’t stumbling over words and this is just relegated to Biden v trump but this is an overall example of how the right are just more vocal.


u/AbroadPlane1172 2d ago

This was the first time in years that Trump has sounded coherent while spouting obvious lies. I was genuinely shocked. I take solace in the fact that his comedown today had to have been biblically painful.

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u/DangerousAd9046 2d ago

Honestly he sounded tired. He had probably been up since 6am and they had the debate so damn late. Meanwhile Trump took a nap on the plane, did two rails of addies off of a Stewardesses tits and was ready to go.

Loved the part about illegals killing and raping 100,000 people.


u/KarmaticArmageddon Missouri 2d ago

Loved the part about illegals killing and raping 100,000 people.

Or the part about doctors and a former governor of Virginia (what?) literally taking newborn babies and murdering them in a "late-term abortion."

In reality, late-term abortions are insanely rare and really only occur when the life of the mother or fetus is at stake, like if there's a severe abnormality or deformity that will result in the imminent death of the fetus shortly after birth.

They're heartbreaking decisions that traumatize hopeful parents and rob joy from entire families. Trump's mischaracterizations of such horrible, but medically necessary events is disgusting and will only result in untold suffering and the deaths of new mothers.


u/notRedditingInClass 2d ago edited 2d ago

Not even just late term. He said democrats are having abortions "after the birth" lmao like what the fuck dude WHAT WHERE WHO

man they could wheel Biden out in a fuckin hospital bed with a fuckin IV bag and I'd still vote for him in a heartbeat. If the Republicans had put up anyone else, anyone under 60, Biden's age and performance last night would legitimately give me pause. I would question my vote in a more serious manner than I ever have. I am aging. I get it.

But if it's him vs. the dipshit who wants to dismantle every American institution and rule as King Dickhead forever? Who clearly hates the first amendment, the military, and the law? The most violent sore loser in history? It's no question at all for me.

edit: I'm in a state where, before 2020, I never thought my vote really mattered at all. It does matter. It matters more than you think.

Please vote.

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u/Rosstiseriechicken Indiana 2d ago

Even if you try to be moderate, idk if this is cope or not but I swear Trump was on Adderall. His pupils were dilated and he was definitely acting a whole lot different.


u/Cuntmasterflex9000 2d ago

The teeth grinding and clenching jaw stuff is an obvious sign of heavy stimulant/upper use. You see it with speed, cocaine, and MDMA abuse. He (Trump) absolutely needs some sort of upper to function but last night he seemed geeked out on speed.

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u/Steeltooth493 Indiana 2d ago

That's called projection for you. If the Republicans are still pushing the "sleepy Joe" narrative and saying that Biden was going to be using energy drinks and/or drugs to do well, you know it's because they are doing it first.


u/Raethule 2d ago

Yup, accuse the opposition of doing what you are already doing so when you get caught it looks like "but both sides".

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u/NewTimeTraveler1 2d ago

I thought he was on something

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u/Oceans_Apart_ 2d ago

Yup, Biden struggled because he actually attempted to make a coherent point and not spout off the first thing that came to his mind. Trump has never been burdened by the truth.


u/meatball77 2d ago

And the man has a stutter, and stutters pop up when you're frustrated.

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u/SonofRobinHood North Carolina 2d ago

I think people would look at Biden as their own grandfather, and Trump as that crazy uncle that only shows up at family reunions that everyone despises but put up with because "you know it would just break mom's heart if he wasnt invited". When he does show up he tags along his unruly kids, his wife who doesnt keep secret how much she hates him but only puts up with his shit because she knows she wont get jack in a divorce has no prospects or skills and makes no qualms about it when talking with the women, and he just cannot stop going on and on about his High School days like it matters. I know I did.

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u/welsalex 2d ago edited 2d ago

Definitely take a look at his speech he just made earlier today in NC. He had energy and looked refreshed. Biden was clearly under the weather and off his game yesterday and I hope we all can look at the bigger picture here.

Edit: Link to speech - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5CVZHAjrW8


u/ember1690 2d ago

Exactly Biden all horse from a cold they said. How much antihistamine and cold medicine did he take just to make it to the stage. That throws me off my game and I'm 63

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u/tomorrow509 2d ago

Looking at the bigger picture requires an element of intelligence, which I think still maintains critical mass in the U.S. If not, we are doomed.

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u/GoneFishing4Chicks 2d ago

Bruh, even uninformed voters know Americans are not doing "post birth" abortions.

Maybe if you count racists lynching people for their skin color as post birth abortions, then yeah, fuck the racists too.


u/RideTheLighting 2d ago

You say that but I literally overheard two coworkers talking about the debate this morning by and one was had to explain that no one is killing healthy babies after they’re born.


u/bikernaut 1d ago

Nobody is killing unhealthy babies after they're born either.

That idea, and the 'you never fired anyone, even after Afghanistan' were so easy to rebut and make Trump look stupid. How's this:

"The Afghanistan withdrawal was, like most things, a very complicated affair. You knew this before your security clearance was revoked. Was it perfect? No. Am I happy with everything that happened? No. But if you fire every employee who makes a mistake then you end up with people afraid to do anything. That's how you end up bankrupting two casinos along with all your failed businesses."

Did I do ok?

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u/The_Real_Ghost 2d ago

It drove me nuts when he was talking about Jan 6 and went on about how he offered troops to Nancy Pelosi and she turned them down, so he can't be blamed for what happened. NANCY PELOSI IS NOT THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF!

(It drove me more nuts when Joe didn't go after him for it.)


u/aculady 2d ago edited 2d ago

Not to mention that the Speaker of the House is not the person in charge of security. She couldn't have accepted that offer even if he'd actually made it.

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u/spartagnann 2d ago

She's also literally on video with either the Sec. Of Defense or the Chief of Staff to Trump (I forget) asking, pleading really, for the national guard to be sent. This isn't an ambiguous point at all.

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u/nice-view-from-here 2d ago

Immigrants. Abortion? Immigrants. Inflation? Immigrants. Democracy? Immigrants! National debt? Immigrants, dammit!!!


u/ObjectiveSubjects 2d ago

Trump: What are my feelings on abortion? There’s a blood thirsty immigrant family waiting under your bed with COVID and nine machetes right fucking now and JOE BIDEN, with the worst administration in the history of this country, put them there. Not a single machete-wielding COVID immigrant was under your bed under my administration.

CNN: Thank you, President Trump.


u/nice-view-from-here 2d ago

CNN: Sir, you still have 38 seconds. The question was about abortion.

trump: Absolutely, and listen, nobody has cared more about the Black population than I have, and they have benefited the most under me than under any other President since Lincoln. But under Biden their jobs are being replaced by immigrants! Immigrants are taking Black Jobs like, you know, trash collection and such.

CNN: Thank you, President Trump.


u/syynapt1k 2d ago edited 2d ago

Did he actually say that immigrants are taking black jobs?

Edit: Lmao wow. Of course he did


u/nice-view-from-here 2d ago


u/Margotkitty 2d ago

I so wish Biden would have used his next two minutes to ask what a “black and Hispanic job” is…

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u/ToooloooT 2d ago

I was waiting for that line after he said black jobs. Like can you elaborate sir?


u/Eaglerufio 2d ago

That line is emblematic of why Biden struggles in these debates. The way you debate Trump is just ask him to explain wtf he just said. All Biden had to do in response is ask "Umm, what exactly is a black job?" And then let Trump jump on that rake.

But giving your opponent MORE time to speak is anathema to the last 50? years of debate logic.

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u/kyngston 2d ago

“After birth abortions!! They’re going to put those babies aside and decide what to do with them later!”

What in the ever lovin fuckin Christ?


u/PinkThunder138 2d ago

He claimed MANY times that a lot of abortions were performed AFTER birth. Which, you know, is called murder.


u/SGM_Uriel 2d ago

And, to my understanding at least, is still illegal in blue states. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong


u/sweetiepup 2d ago

It is also my understanding that murder is, in fact, illegal.

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u/Greymalkyn76 2d ago

This is directly related to the governor of Virgina, I believe. He was discussing palliative care for newborns who were born with life-ending and soon to be fatal deformities and issues. But it sounds better to say "after birth abortions" than "finding a solution to end suffering".


u/willun 2d ago

Former governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam who was a paediatric neurologist.

Two days earlier on January 30, Northam had made controversial comments about abortion during a WTOP interview about the Repeal Act, where he stated that if a severely deformed or otherwise non-viable fetus was born after an unsuccessful abortion attempt, "the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."[102] Conservative politicians and media figures characterized Northam's comments as promoting infanticide.

He was speaking as a doctor and of course conservative media completely mischaracterised his statements. Fetuses with life threatening deformities are aborted all the time. Many babies die soon after birth. The Republicans try to paint it as all babies are healthy and all pregnancies are successful, which is nonsense.

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u/beka13 2d ago

Just like allowing people to make plans for end of life care became death panels. The lies never stop.

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u/Persistent_Parkie 2d ago

So after looking into it the original quote was almost certainly about infant hospice in the cases where a late term abortion was attempted due to severe fetal defects and the baby was born alive. The quote also mentions infant resuscitation if that's what the parents choose.

Yes infant hospice is a thing, it's tragic and you're going to need more of it if you ban abortion.

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u/nevarlaw Arizona 2d ago

And Joe had and easy af answer on immigration too… Biden admin supported the bipartisan bill that would have strengthened processes to better catch these illegal killers and rapists BUT TRUMP SAID NO DONT PASS IT. I mean, how cut and dry can it possibly be? But Biden had a helluva time getting that point across just as much as trump hammered the immigration lies. Smh


u/trippinfunkymunky 2d ago

This is what blew my mind. So many conservatives have no idea Trump had Mike Johnson kill that bill in Congress so Trump could run on immigration.

It amazes me how little so many voters actually know about what is going on. Biden had the opportunity to drive some truths home but seemed too exhausted to be effective last night. I couldn't even understand what Biden was saying half of the time.


u/BatManatee 2d ago

Dems are so incompetent at messaging. Most Conservatives don't even know that this bill was presented. They need to have every Congressperson going to every press outlet demanding action/explanations from Republicans.

Scream that border security is important from every megaphone that you can reach, just like the Rs do. Pick out like 3 strong takeaways from the bill ($X billion for border security, supported by A/B/C, and incorporates the Republican plan), and repeat them so often that it is unavoidable. Question specific Republicans: "You said yesterday that we are putting America in jeopardy, so why are you stopping us from getting this funding for border security?" Call them out when they do their "immigrant scare" tactics, reverse it on them.

Basically do what Jon Stewart did with the medical support for veterans. Own the news cycle, do a full court press, get the soundbites. Buttigieg is like the only Democrat that knows how to do this, and it is like Republican playbook 101. It's embarrassing how poorly the party uses the modern media to get their message out.

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u/Irishish Illinois 2d ago edited 2d ago

I wish the moderators had pushed back on that a bit infinitely more. At the very start he asks "can I respond to that?" and they say no, sir, we're asking a different question. And I'm like good, excellent, keep him on topic. But then almost every subsequent question he'd just pivot to completely unrelated talking points, and rare was the occasion where the moderators would admonish him. Did he ever even try to address how his insane deportation operations would work or did the mods just let it go?


u/MoonWispr 2d ago

Even worse, they would ask the question again and give him even more air time to talk about other unrelated stuff.


u/TrumpersAreTraitors 2d ago

“We now return to CNNs 2 hour live Trump rally.” 

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u/Doongbuggy 2d ago

cnn is owned by a conservative now so really unsurprising this happened, they let him skirt 3 really important questions, about the creation of a state of israel/palestine (i forget which), denouncing j6, and abortion i believe


u/xero1123 2d ago

He also completely ducked questions regarding the cost of childcare, which is something that many average Americans are facing. This fat orange thing cannot possibly lead. He brags about taking a cognitive test given to people with dementia


u/PenguinSunday Arkansas 2d ago

Because he doesn't care. He also nodded and smiled every time Biden mentioned something shitty he did like "oh yeah, I remember that. Good times."

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u/LostInThoughtAgain 2d ago

And he pulled the same shit regarding honoring the election results! Kept wandering off topic, and then basically said "Only if I say they're fair"

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u/Werearmadillo 2d ago

Trump was handed an easy putt to win last night with Joe's performance, but still insisted on pulling out a driver and smashing it into the parking lot with his ramblings full of lies and nonsense


u/DirkWrites 2d ago

“May I suggest…answering the questions?”


“You have selected…WHINGING DUMBASS

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u/TBone818 2d ago edited 2d ago

Millions and millions of murderers and rapists!

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u/whichwitch9 2d ago

I think it's because when you compare the feedback from the debate, there is a clear difference between the two of them. Neither is great, but Trump came off as insane

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u/Oceanbreeze871 California 2d ago

Trump didn’t add anyone. He just reminded America that he’s an unhinged, hysterical fraud


u/Just_Candle_315 2d ago

He literally called low paying positions "black jobs" and people are complaining about Biden


u/vahntitrio Minnesota 2d ago

On the "what will you do to slow the climate crisis" question, Trump's response

Began with something about police officers
Confused Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden on the superpredators comment
Ranted about historically black colleges
Praised Tim Scott
Ended with illegal immigrants are taking jobs.

If anyone in your orbit gave that response when the topic is climate change you immediately want their brain examined. But for some reason "the guy who understands we need to take action before we hit the 1.5C tipping point" wasn't sharp is the takeaway of the debate.


u/LittleSpice1 2d ago

I’m not American, and I was surprised how bad the press was for Biden immediately following the debate. I watched it and at least he largely stayed on topic and answered questions with facts he could provide numbers to. He’s not charismatic or quick witted, and he came off old and frail, but he did answer most questions. A big problem imo was that he let himself down to Trump’s level at times instead of staying on topic, so parts of the debate were really at toddler level, and he doesn’t have the charisma to get away with stooping to that level.

Trump carries himself in an overconfident manner, but he did not actually answer any questions. He didn’t say anything of substance or truth and frequently spoke in hyperbole.

It’s like in interviews, where not the person with the best answers gets the job, but the person who’s best at talking confidently, even if what they say is utter bs.


u/TheExtremistModerate Virginia 2d ago

American media doesn't give a shit about substance. They care about style. That's why Trump got so much airtime in 2016 while Clinton's detailed policy proposals got absolutely nothing.


u/booOfBorg Europe 1d ago edited 1d ago

American media doesn't give a shit about substance. They care about style.

They enable narcissists.

Narcissism is the language capitalists and authoritarians speak fluently and the currency whose value they innately understand.

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u/DiamondHandsToUranus 2d ago

Biden: 'I may not be a great orator, but I listen to my circle of experts and we can handle the job'


Post debate analysis: Drones on and on about how bad this is for Biden.


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u/CocktailPerson 2d ago

The issue is that Trump supporters have been hammering away at the "Biden is senile" thing for months now, and he just looked senile in an unedited, unbiased format.

Trump is senile too, of course, but the angry loud kind of senility makes it harder to see that.


u/ThexxxDegenerate 2d ago

And MAGAs idea of winning the debate is Trump hurling a bunch of personal attacks and lying through his teeth the entire time. Basically being an asshole which is exactly why they like him so much.

The people who were watching the debate to get a sense of where each party was aligned found out that Trump is the same narcissistic jerk he’s always been and Joe is old but honest.

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u/angrygnome18d 2d ago

Can’t believe this isn’t called out more. He called em black and Hispanic jobs and he said that illegal immigrants are stealing their jobs. But yeah, Biden was sick and tired so apparently Trump is better.


u/ReservoirGods I voted 2d ago

It's blowing up more in the black corners of the Internet than in mainstream publications 


u/worldspawn00 Texas 2d ago

Good, that's some racist shit he was spewing all evening. Beside the fact that legal and illegal immigrants commit crime at a lower rate than US born citizens, his claims were just insane.

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u/Supafly144 2d ago

And he almost said that they’ll be after the white jobs next.


u/MMAjunkie504 2d ago

Insanity how people haven’t grabbed onto that line of thinking more. He was legitimately seconds away from saying, “and then they’re going to come for white jobs next”😂.

It’s unfortunate because I don’t think enough people sat and listened to what was said last night in its entirety. If you’re still on the fence after hearing Trump talk last night, I don’t know what will convince someone otherwise.

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u/onlyhightime 2d ago

He probably thinks white collar means...white.

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u/screaminginfidels 2d ago

Media pundits whose job is to attract clicks and retweets* are complaining about Biden. CNN can fucking eat my hairy ass.


u/Justin-N-Case 2d ago

Can’t believe they ignored this:

No general got fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, Afghanistan, where we left billions of dollars of equipment behind; we lost 13 beautiful soldiers and 38 soldiers were obliterated. And by the way, we left people behind too. We left American citizens behind.

When Putin saw that, he said, you know what, I think we’re going to go in and maybe take my – this was his dream. __I talked to him about it, his dream. The difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine. Never.

Trump straight up admitted he is a traitor.


u/smallermarshmallow 2d ago

Yes! This was the craziest thing he said during the debate - my husband looked over at me and said “did he just fucking say what I think he just said?!?”. But it just gets lost in the rest of the crazy shit that flies out of his mouth.


u/Castun America 2d ago

But it just gets lost in the rest of the crazy shit that flies out of his mouth.

Just like when he was president. It was a constant deluge of diarrhea from his mouth that absolutely made it hard to just focus on one insane thing because it was ALL insane.

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u/noonegive 2d ago

Everyone is ignoring the fact that the date of our withdrawal was set while Trump was commander in chief as a poison pill to set up the next administration.

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u/SinisterMeatball 2d ago

I'm voting for Biden regardless but seeing Trump do his bullshit last night makes me not want to hear that shit again for 4+ more years. It was exhausting hearing all the media coverage on him daily. Even trying to tune it out you still hear it from people at work.


u/Mataelio 2d ago

It gave me a level of anxiety I have not experienced for several years


u/SilverSister22 2d ago

I couldn’t watch it because it gave me so much anxiety (and I HATE his voice). And it’s not really anxiety for me, I’m past childbearing years.

It’s for my daughters, my granddaughters, my nieces, etc. I’m scared for all of y’all.


u/Choice-Tiger3047 2d ago

It’s not just those females who may become pregnant in the future who have a LOT to fear from another trump term. He will go full-on autocratic, finish destroying the environment, the economy and our social safety nets and institute Project 2025. Every thinking American should be scared.

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u/FairPudding40 2d ago

As a woman who also can't get pregnant, it impacts us too -- our doctors will stop practicing medicine, which means we won't be able to get cancer tests/treatments, etc, etc.

Like, yes, abortion is healthcare and women of childbearing age are in the most immediate danger and it's important to vote to keep them safe (thank you!). And if you have women in your life who think it doesn't matter to them (and thus won't vote) because they aren't able to get pregnant, make sure to remind them that it impacts absolutely everyone (because no one has a right to medical privacy anymore) and it impacts everyone who has/had a uterus (because welp, those parts can all get cancer and you can get endometrial cancer even after having a uterus removed).


u/ReverendDizzle 2d ago

To add to what you're saying, it'll be more than just the pool of doctors drying up.

There is a lot of medical research related to fertility/hormone treatments/etc. that will be on the block and researchers and companies alike will shy away from touching.

Four years of the GOP burning the place down plus whatever comes after that as they cement power, is going to be an absolute travesty for women of all ages.

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u/chekovsgun- 2d ago

2016 PTSD


u/fuzz_boy 2d ago

I woke up the day after the election and checked the results, I swore that I was having a nightmare. And I'm Canadian.


u/mtheory007 2d ago

I flew to Denver on that 2016 election day. Hilary was winning pretty comfortably when we took off. Trump was in the lead when we landed. I am still not totally convinced that our plane didnt fly through some kind of wormhole into this hellscape reality.


u/LunaticLucio 2d ago

"Now arriving in Hell."


u/mtheory007 2d ago

Good point. Maybe the plane crashed and I am in some kind of Lost pergatory thing or something.

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u/JimTheSaint 2d ago edited 1d ago

He has literally given the whole world anxiety. It probably can be measured. Because his whole strategy is to sow chaos - and he does it well 


u/ILikeToPoop42069 2d ago

And lower taxes for billionaires. Those poor billionaires.


u/SaulsAll 2d ago edited 2d ago

It probably can be measured.

It very much can, and he was bragging about the meaurement. That whole "I got other NATO countries to pay" bit? They started throwing money into defense because the nation that really wanted to be world police suddenly went insane and said they wouldnt protect anyone anymore and wanted to be the suck-ass of Putin.

It's like bragging I got my kid to start driving because I took my hands off the wheel on the highway and they had to lunge for it to stop us dying.

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u/PerformanceHot9497 2d ago

I thought I was the only one!

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u/Critical_Band5649 Pennsylvania 2d ago

I turned it on just as he was going on about how "some states wants to legalize abortion post birth" and turned it back off. He's just telling blatant lies to rile up his base, facts don't matter. It's exhausting.


u/SMIrving 2d ago

Actually most Republicans support abortion post birth and claim a Second Amendment right to carry the implements necessary for the procedure with them at all times.


u/Pgreenawalt Texas 2d ago

Just look at infant mortality rates in Texas. After effectively banning abortion, it has risen 8%. In less than 2 years since Roe was overturned.

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u/csonny2 2d ago

Don't forget, a vote for Biden is also a vote against project 2025


u/Anufenrir 2d ago

This needs to be said more and much louder

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u/tagged2high New Jersey 2d ago

A thing I hope people realize with voting for Biden, is that the worst thing they can happen is simply needing to be replaced by his VP. That's it. I trust that Biden could do that if unable to perform his duties. I trust the VP to lead the country well enough until 2028.

Trump is another story. He would only ever want to go down with the ship, and would never step down. His narcissism would never allow it, and he needs the presidency to protect and enrich himself. He fully intends to lead the country into uncharted and destructive waters, and I only expect his VP to do the same.

Biden's situation is not ideal, but our choices aren't between two ideal, or even reasonable options. People have to stop characterizing this election as if it were otherwise. It's a vote on setting the direction for America, and not simply for someone to sit in the oval office and look pretty.


u/DeliriumTrigger 2d ago

Exactly. I'd feel much better with a President Harris than a Supreme Leader Trump.

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u/wookiewin 2d ago

All he does is lie without any specifics ever. Everything he did was the best thing ever, and everything Biden does is the worst thing ever. It’s exhausting hearing him constantly spew that fucking rubbish.


u/echocomplex 2d ago

Lol this. I was listening to the debate and being like, ok he just said 5 things he did were the best and 5 things Biden did were the worst, without providing any particular substance behind those claims.

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u/Gizogin New York 2d ago

I still have a viscerally negative reaction to hearing Trump speak. No idea what it is, but I can't listen to him for any length of time.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/dcbluestar Texas 2d ago

I just can't believe how he, or anyone else for that matter, can continue to say the left wants babies aborted even after they are born (literally murder) and still be taken seriously. The mental gymnastics it must take to think that any sane person wants that is mind-boggling.


u/mypoliticalvoice 2d ago

They're referring to deformed, non-viable fetuses that briefly survive leaving the womb. Anti-abortion people claim everything possible must be done to save them, even if they are missing vital organs and can't possibly survive off life support.


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u/AliMaClan 2d ago

Totally agree. I didn’t watch the debate. I’m not American. It’s still giving me anxiety just hearing about it.

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u/Oceanbreeze871 California 2d ago

Same here. I felt assaulted by BS


u/Kolbin8tor Oregon 2d ago

And as usual the media spin was “Biden bad.” So sick and tired of corporate media’s bias toward Trump. Glad the polls are showing the debate wasn’t the campaign ender all the doomers have been angsting on about.

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u/IncommunicadoVan 2d ago

From the article: One man said he would vote for Biden because "Trump sounded like a crazy liar.” The man being interviewed also said Trump "said the same thing time after time" and was not answering questions or "saying how he would fix things.”

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u/DiarrheaMonkey- 2d ago

I agree. but unfortunately the media, including supposed center-left outlets, are all yelling about how Biden needs to step aside. Barely a whisper about Trump's rate of 1 lie every 75 seconds (and that's only counting the first time he told a given lie, not the repeats).


u/dcbluestar Texas 2d ago

Trump's rate of 1 lie every 75 seconds

That seems generous.


u/QWEDSA159753 2d ago

Probably still includes the time his mic was muted too.


u/Emotional_Database53 2d ago

1 every 75 seconds must be the average over course of night. When he was actually talking, he was spewing between 10-20 lies a minute from what I heard

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u/dman45103 2d ago

Obviously because reporting on trumps lies is reporting the sky is blue

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u/ratione_materiae 2d ago

In the most recent Times/Siena poll, carried out by The New York Times and the Siena College Research Institute, 45 percent of Hispanic people said they would vote for Biden and 44 percent said Trump.

In the 2020 election, Trump received 32 percent of the Latino vote, up from the 28 percent he received in 2016.

Bro he’s even amongst Hispanics 

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u/Many-Calligrapher914 2d ago

I mean, Biden performed “poorly”, but Trump came out and showed he’s still “Trump”. Not sure many folks are crazy about voting for a guy, whom claims without proof, that the Dems are allowing for late term and “post term” abortions. Trump presented nothing new for undecideds than what they have already seen. That doesn’t even mention the litany of crimes he is currently indicted for. I think most folks are just waking up to the bite of the shit sandwich we are going to have to take this time around and are grumpy about it. The Dems could toss a literal flaming pile of dog shit on the stage and it’d still get my vote because it’s not going to try and destroy our democracy.


u/Kiyohara Minnesota 2d ago

There are a few who do believe him. My Bio-dad 100% believes that not only do Blue states allow post birth abortions, they do so to basically any age with the parent's permission.

Further he thinks that New York is a dystopian hell hole where black people can drive down the street and spray the sidewalks with full automatic fire killing literally hundreds each, daily, and the police just shrug and no nothing because no DA or judge will sentence them. I asked him how many people he thinks die in New York each day to this and he said "literally thousands."

So yeah, vote. Because people like him are.


u/forceghost187 2d ago

To be honest I did step outside today and get gunned down by automatic fire here in Manhattan. I’m writing this from the street where I’m currently bleeding out. The ambulance hasn’t gotten to me yet because there are so many illegal immigrants stealing jobs that traffic is completely halted. Tell my mom that


u/lenzflare Canada 2d ago

Are you by any chance on 5th Avenue? Might be Trump that shot you

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u/Re_LE_Vant_UN America 2d ago

Have you considered aborting him?


u/intendeddebauchery 2d ago

I mean its a mercy at that point


u/Xcoctl 2d ago

The ol' 200th trimester abortion. Lmao.

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u/Message_10 2d ago

I feel you, and it is amazing how strong the Fox News influence is on older people.

I literally live in NYC and my bio-dad literally visits me and sees our young children playing with the other kids in our neighborhood. He has even called it "idyllic."

Then, he goes home, watches Fox News, and then tells me I need to leave the city, because it's not safe!

"What about your time in my neighborhood?"

"Oh that's just your neighborhood. The rest of it isn't safe."

"What if the rest of the city is like my neighborhood?"

"No I just saw on the news..."


Please vote!


u/Spokesface00 2d ago

They were raised in an era where the news was held accountable. Literally watching the news used to be an important thing that adults needed to do to stay informed. As a generation they are completely and totally unprepared for a world in which the people on the news straight up look them in the eye through their television sets and tell them things that aren't true.

It would be like, if for us, someone got a hold of our online fingerprint, all our IP addresses, and just, straight up served us a fake internet. Every website we visited was suddenly a phished version of it, every search engine only showed us biased sites that said ridiculous things. And no matter whether er looked on our phones or our laptops every website just told us some shit like shoes were killing us. We'd eventually believe it.

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u/bobartig 2d ago

Bio-dad 100% believes that not only do Blue states allow post birth abortions, they do so to basically any age with the parent's permission.

A post-birth abortion is called "the death penalty." Does he have a problem with the death penalty? Because it's red states who support that, not blue. Blue states are the lily-livered softies who don't kill people, remember?

Per-capita, it's red states that have a murder problem, not blue.

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u/OhhhTAINTedCruuuuz Maryland 2d ago

I’ve always said I’m pro-choice up to age 12 but apparently I need to tell people now that I’m actively doing a bit


u/worldspawn00 Texas 2d ago

When it's a bit that South Park did too, I feel like it's not needed, but people are idiots, lol.

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u/ThePowerOfStories 2d ago

“The Democrat Party aborted you when you were two years old. There’s twenty illegal immigrants in your house right now with fentanyl guns who want to steal your tax cuts, my tax cuts, the biggest tax cuts in history. Putin, who’s a very bad guy, but he listens to me, I told him “No Ukraine, No Israel”, but Joe Biden, who’s a Palestinian from China, he wants a lockdown and open borders, all the experts are saying it, all of them, can you believe it?”

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u/I_Try_Again 2d ago

The best thing about Joe Biden is that he was President for 4 years and I rarely thought about him.


u/Aardcapybara 2d ago

May we live in boring times.


u/lenzflare Canada 2d ago

Make America Boring Again

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u/Gogs85 2d ago

TBH I think Biden helped himself a bit today when he acknowledged his age and that he did poorly during the debate. Self-awareness about such things is good.


u/Vreas 2d ago

Definitely better than forgetting you banged a pornstar who you compared to your daughter


u/KopOut 2d ago



u/dolaction Kentucky 2d ago

Did he forget post birth abortions don't exist as well?

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u/LegendOfKhaos 2d ago

He's thinking back like, "Wait, was that actually not Ivanka? I was on so much cocaine I can't remember."

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u/LostConscript 2d ago

His speech today was insanely good


u/TummyDrums 2d ago

Got a link by chance? I must have missed it.


u/systembusy 2d ago


u/Noshonoyoo 2d ago

Where was this guy yesterday?


u/Dino_Chicken_Safari 2d ago

He was asleep. Biden is in his mid-80s. If you think 9:00 p.m. is when he wants to start a debate you are incorrect. You are seeing him when the sun is out and he has had a good night's rest. I'm not even 40 and I get tired by 9:00 p.m.


u/EnigmaSpore 2d ago

Yeah, before the debate even started i thought 9:00 pm was super late for these geezers. They should have done 5:00 pm at the latest.

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u/waelgifru 2d ago

Fuck, I'm 45 and in OK shape and I'm wiped by 9pm.


u/Zyphin Illinois 2d ago

I'm 33 working an active 7-3:30 job 5 days a week and I still check out before 10 on most saturdays. Life is fucking exhausting and I don't run one of the most powerful nations on earth

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u/FivePoopMacaroni 2d ago

Yo what the actual fuck happened last night? How is this the same guy? He is at least twice as lucid and 10x more coherent.


u/LostConscript 2d ago

People are saying he was sick. Hoarse voice, noticeable cough, aloof, etc.


u/Aggressive-Boat-2236 2d ago

If I had to guess, I’d say he was feeling under the weather and all that debate prep fucked with his head. When he is just speaking as a human he doesn’t have issues. He was trying to remember all that shit they wanted him to do and say and he was tired and feeling lousy and it didn’t go too well.

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u/[deleted] 2d ago edited 2d ago

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u/moon_cake123 2d ago edited 2d ago

Where the fuck was this energy last night… he would have destroyed trump… wtf Joe 😭

Either way it’s good to know he still has it… last night I was worried he would even make it to November

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u/pfulle3 2d ago

Jesus those YouTube comments. Sometimes I forget that half of the people living in this country are conspiratorial morons.


u/BlackSocks88 2d ago

why is the background blurry? Its AI!



u/SkolVandals Minnesota 2d ago

The concept of focal length is incomprehensible to these morons

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u/Incorrect1012 2d ago

I think you could tell he was pissed off about the reaction. One bad performance, and everyone is calling for him to be removed. Plus, his audience today fucking loved him, and he was even working the crowd. That and with funding going up since the debate, I think his demise was over exaggerated

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u/chatoka1 2d ago

My thoughts exactly

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u/Tommy__want__wingy America 2d ago

I rather vote for someone who may stumble, stammer, and look old while trying to debate rather than someone who LIED for the ENTIRE debate.

But that’s me. I’m decided but I’m guessing if undecided voters made the switch to Biden - even after last night, maybe they are being pragmatic and smart?


u/Individual_Respect90 2d ago

I was so frustrated. Biden gave statistics and Trump would just go. Nuh huh I was better. 150 historians ranked you as the worst president. Trump nuh huh I am the greatest president ever.


u/No_Discount7919 2d ago

“You’re like, the worst ever in the history of ever. By the way, there are 25 million South Americans killing 25 millions babies every day when they aren’t stealing Black jobs.”


u/Ch0vie 2d ago

omg, when Trump said that immigrants are stealing "black jobs", I was so hoping that Biden would come back with "What exactly *is* a black job?". That was one of the many softballs thrown at Biden, but hopefully enough people listened and are able to notice these things themselves.


u/KyleForged 2d ago

Yeah but thats the effect of gish galloping and falling for it. When trump throws out 12 outlandish remarks in his 90 seconds and you have 90 seconds respond to what he said plus answer your question that would be difficult even if you werent 80 with a stutter which is something that typically worsens the quicker you speak or get flustered.


u/Individual_Respect90 2d ago

And the crazy part is Trump just decided to not answer some of his questions so he could double down on previous questions and no one called him out for that.


u/Ch0vie 2d ago

"President Trump, here's a question about climate change"

Trump: "Those damn Mexicans and Venezuelans are killing and raping millions of women every day"

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u/Megalomanizac 2d ago

A group of undecided Latino voters said they would vote for President Joe Biden after watching his Thursday night debate with former President Donald Trump.

While this is still positive, the title is intentionally misleading. Biden was winning the Latino vote regardless. 90% of trumps points were about how Hispanic immigrants were trying to destroy the country.


u/PudgyPurples 2d ago

You would be surprised how many latino people support Trump especially in states like Florida.


u/YawnSpawner 2d ago

Cubans and Puerto Ricans are surprisingly racist against central and south Americans. Cubans are also hella catholic and big on anti abortion.


u/SailorET 2d ago

Cuban Americans are also super triggered by the word "Communism".


u/eaturfeelins 2d ago

Mostly this. My Cuban family supports that nutter butter orange troll and it’s all out of fear of communism. Makes me sick.

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u/TruckMcBadass 2d ago

In the most recent Times/Siena poll, carried out by The New York Times and the Siena College Research Institute, 45 percent of Hispanic people said they would vote for Biden and 44 percent said Trump.

This isn't a very comfortable lead.

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u/Isnotanumber 2d ago

Yeah. This is a small group from a specific demographic and trying to use it to portray the average voter. A more diverse NYT panel I was reading about was all over the place on their reactions to the debate. This is not an accurate sample of anything other than to say, well at least these people saw thru Trump’s BS.


u/3mx2RGybNUPvhL7js 2d ago

100%. This is just Newsweek showing it's hand and pushing it's own narrative.

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u/TintedApostle 2d ago

I am going to wait for the next polling. Just because.


u/CaptainNoBoat 2d ago

It's not even a poll. It's a dozen people interviewed in a room on TV. Newsweek is ridiculous with their titles.

Without context you'd think this was some 1200 sample-size pollster data.


u/somepeoplehateme 2d ago

I never believe headlines from Newsweek, new republic, or business insider. Click bait headlines, all of them.


u/TechieAD 2d ago

This isn't just a politics thing but I love entire articles written around a single tweet lmao


u/boregon 2d ago

I love when a headline is like “(Person) SLAMMED for (thing)” and the “slamming” is from 3 randos with like 100 followers combined.

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u/WarpParticles Oregon 2d ago

Do I think the debate went badly for Biden? Sure. But I also think that almost everyone has already made up their minds.

I think the truth of the matter is that Biden is an 81 year old man who is doing the hardest, most demanding job on the planet. Sometimes he just doesn't have the zest that we're used to seeing in the office. But it doesn't mean he just sits in the Oval Office drooling into his oatmeal.

Biden at his NC rally right after the debate was like his old self. He was loud, forceful, joked with crowd, didn't stumble or stutter. But you'll never see THAT on the news because it doesn't help ratings.

If I were running the Biden campaign, right now I would be scheduling a series of townhalls where the Biden in NC today can speak directly to the people. That's always been his strength, and it would allow people to say, "Ok he sucked at the debate but he's killing it with these forums, so it must have been a weird fluke."


u/cfgy78mk 2d ago

But I also think that almost everyone has already made up their minds.

most have made up their minds who they would vote for between the two.

but a lot of people still hvae to make up their minds on election day whether they're going to get off their ass and actually cast their vote.


u/WarpParticles Oregon 2d ago

That's true. Most of the online chatter I've seen outside of reddit is that people thought the whole thing was a mess, including Trump. Maybe a lot of people do sit this one out, or vote 3rd party. Idk. It's hard to say at this point.

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u/ActualModerateHusker 2d ago

Yep and I'd let the gang come and make the occasional answers as well. Do joint town halls with Kamala, Gavin, Pete, and yes even Bernie. Have Jill answer at least one question every town hall as well.

Show people this is a team that works together


u/WarpParticles Oregon 2d ago

Yeah, there are tons of things team Biden can do to do damage control and restore confidence. But they have to take back the narrative and get him out there at their own events.

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u/Inner-Truth-1868 2d ago

Include Whitmer… in a pinch, she’s the only backup candidate capable of winning MI, WI and PA.


u/Khurasan 2d ago

We ain't even bout to stress, we got Big Gretch.

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u/whatproblems 2d ago

it’s not just the president it’s the staff that come along and trumps going to bring out the absolute worst and the court just reminded us of that today

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u/veggeble South Carolina 2d ago

Newsweek is trash. The headline suggests voters at large have expressed that opinion, but the article is about a particular group of Latino voters. I’d like to take the headline at face value because it’s reassuring, but Newsweek is being deceptive as usual in order to profit from clicks.


u/Deviouss 2d ago edited 2d ago

It also seems to be 14 random latino undecided voters, so who knows whether it's representative or not.

Edit: Here is the source (check 35m), which shows most being undecided still.

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