r/politics 4d ago

Undecided Voters Say They Now Support Joe Biden After Debate


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u/Tommy__want__wingy America 4d ago

I rather vote for someone who may stumble, stammer, and look old while trying to debate rather than someone who LIED for the ENTIRE debate.

But that’s me. I’m decided but I’m guessing if undecided voters made the switch to Biden - even after last night, maybe they are being pragmatic and smart?


u/Individual_Respect90 4d ago

I was so frustrated. Biden gave statistics and Trump would just go. Nuh huh I was better. 150 historians ranked you as the worst president. Trump nuh huh I am the greatest president ever.


u/No_Discount7919 4d ago

“You’re like, the worst ever in the history of ever. By the way, there are 25 million South Americans killing 25 millions babies every day when they aren’t stealing Black jobs.”


u/Ch0vie 4d ago

omg, when Trump said that immigrants are stealing "black jobs", I was so hoping that Biden would come back with "What exactly *is* a black job?". That was one of the many softballs thrown at Biden, but hopefully enough people listened and are able to notice these things themselves.


u/KyleForged 4d ago

Yeah but thats the effect of gish galloping and falling for it. When trump throws out 12 outlandish remarks in his 90 seconds and you have 90 seconds respond to what he said plus answer your question that would be difficult even if you werent 80 with a stutter which is something that typically worsens the quicker you speak or get flustered.


u/Individual_Respect90 4d ago

And the crazy part is Trump just decided to not answer some of his questions so he could double down on previous questions and no one called him out for that.


u/Ch0vie 4d ago

"President Trump, here's a question about climate change"

Trump: "Those damn Mexicans and Venezuelans are killing and raping millions of women every day"


u/Individual_Respect90 4d ago

“The Mexicans are destroying the United States”. Sir this is a Wendy’s


u/gsfgf Georgia 4d ago

Chick-fil-a. The debate was in Atlanta.


u/PNKAlumna Pennsylvania 3d ago

Yeah, I think a lot of the problem too was there was no audience to see the reaction of, which would’ve helped Biden gauge like, “Is anyone else hearing this shit?!” So he was literally trying to respond sincerely to absolute nonsense and outright lies, which, how do you even do that? Especially when your opponent just responds with “No, you’re wrong, everyone hates you” (Like when Trump said “BTW the military all hates this guy. He’s the worst Commander in Chief ever.”) I commend Biden for not leaving his podium and just slugging Trump at a certain point. I know I wanted to.


u/Ch0vie 4d ago

That is definitely true for me and why I would never consider going into politics. Such a shit job if you don't have the energy to fight against infinite amounts of bullshit with swagger.


u/No_Discount7919 4d ago

Seriously! I kept wondering, “is nobody gonna ask about that” lol. So weird.


u/gsfgf Georgia 4d ago

That's literally why my MAGA dad hates immigration. He blames Black unemployment on immigrants. That's incredibly common among MAGAs. Oh, and we live in a city with a Black unemployment rate of 5.1%. Economists consider 5.0% full employment.


u/Kirt1984 4d ago

Pretty sure in the same sentence he said that immigrants were taking jobs from Hispanics. What does that even mean?


u/belzbieta 3d ago

Yes, I was very confused about the 20 million immigrants taking jobs from Hispanics. I think it's a much smaller percentage of immigrants from outside Latin America coming over the US Mexico border.

I think he also stipulated that the job stealing hasn't happened yet but it's going to happen and it's going to be the worst thing we've ever seen.


u/Krisrk 4d ago

I was shocked Trump knew 1929, Great Depression but he had to have been studying that note or had it on his hand. Perhaps that’s what he wrote down. “ATACK Sleepy Joe for Great Depression 1929”


u/Pleasant_Yak5991 4d ago

It was frustrating but Biden looked like shit. I’m afraid that it won’t be so much that they switch votes, people might just not want to vote for the guy with more severe dementia, and so they don’t vote at all.


u/Individual_Respect90 4d ago

He did look like shit and he was a nervous stuttering mess I am not delusional enough to not see it. My hopes he gets in maybe makes it 1-2 years and gives up his presidency to Harris. I don’t know much about her but as long as she keeps the same track as Biden I will be happy. It’s not ideal but it is what it is.


u/Pleasant_Yak5991 4d ago

People are so dumb though, I know they don’t normally change much, but this shook my confidence in Biden


u/downtofinance 3d ago

If you are not voting Dem then you are helping the Republicans turn the country into a Putin style oligopoly. Plain and simple. Also I don't understand why that is so hard for the Dems to message.


u/Pleasant_Yak5991 3d ago

Because the democrat messenger (Biden) can’t fucking communicate lol


u/downtofinance 3d ago

I'm talking about the whole party.

Watch "Hitler and the Rise of the Nazis" on Netflix and see how Trump and the Republicans are using the exact same Nazi playback to overturn American democracy.


u/Pleasant_Yak5991 3d ago

I know and I agree. But you have to admit it does seem a bit ridiculous to have to support a guy who has trouble completing sentences. I know we’re supporting a party, but Biden is still the figurehead


u/downtofinance 3d ago

It is ridiculous. But I am still going to cast a vote for a maggot ridled corpse over Convicted Felon and Rapist Trump to keep him out of the White House.

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u/Individual_Respect90 4d ago

Ehhh he isn’t as quick as he once was but at the same time determining policy isn’t something that usually requires that. It’s listening to a bunch of people and determining the best course of action. But I fully understand what you mean.


u/Pleasant_Yak5991 3d ago

Sure but all that takes critical thinking and reasoning and communicating with Americans and foreign allies, and I’m not sure he can do that


u/Individual_Respect90 3d ago

Yeah he has shown to be able to do that already.


u/Pleasant_Yak5991 3d ago

No. Only time he seems lucid is when he’s reading from a teleprompter. He has gotten considerably worse since the last time he debated. I’m not trying to convince anyone to vote for Trump, but we can’t ignore what is blatantly obvious. They need to replace Biden. Michelle Obama.


u/Extinction-Entity 4d ago

Literally every comeback Trump had could be boiled down to “no you!


u/Individual_Respect90 4d ago

Yep and without any fact checker people probably believed him.


u/moodswung 4d ago

The worst times one million times Infiniti!!


u/alpacinohairline 3d ago

The problem is that your average American watching that can’t pick out the lies and sees trump’s shameless confidence as something to be revered.


u/dreamcicle11 3d ago

Yea my only issue with Biden was that he fell into all of the traps and took the bait.


u/PatrickSvayzee 3d ago

You realize that all the stats were incorrect? If you aren’t using actual stats, you’re just lying or off in La-la land.


u/revolutionPanda 3d ago

Biden: Here's specific policies and goals we did.

Trump: I was the best ever and you are a poopy head.


u/Individual_Respect90 3d ago

You are not far off. Ignore a bunch of facts and you got trump


u/Cold-Pair-2722 4d ago

I mean, I think a lot more people would've trusted those historians if they hadn't also voted biden the 14th best president in US history lmao. Kinda lost their credibility right there


u/Individual_Respect90 4d ago

The thing about presidents is the policies usually don’t immediately change things. I am not saying Biden is a good or bad president but without time it’s hard to say the actual effects of his presidency. A lot of policies don’t even start for 1-2 years. Also 150 of them is a lot to just say fake news over.


u/Cold-Pair-2722 3d ago

I mean that's fair, i'm just saying at the moment, Biden is nowhere near one of the best presidents ever. He's kept the status quo and got the economy back on track after covid, but besides that, you can't really point to any major accomplishments by him. He's done somme good things and he's nowhere near the worst either, but just saying it's ridiculous to have him at 14


u/Individual_Respect90 3d ago

Yeah I don’t think it’s even fair to rate a president this early. Historians should know better. We don’t know if his policies are the best or worst things ever till we see the economic or social impacts of them. Also side note you wanna complain about fear the walking dead in messages with me? On season 6 and got no one to talk to about it.


u/LuminalOrb 3d ago

At a certain point you have to trust someone. If your belief is that anything that doesn't reinforce your view of the world is wrong and a grand conspiracy, then the world becomes a dark and scary place pretty darn quickly.


u/Lephus 4d ago

You are an informed voter, normal people might only watch this debate as their only insight into who to vote for other than whatever they see on social media (as in see propaganda).

As the saying goes, imagine how stupid the average person is, then remember you got 49% of people dumber than they are.

Trump wins by voter apathy which is exactly what Biden helped do last night.


u/wolfx11b 4d ago

Hit the nail on the head. We are headed for another 2016


u/black641 4d ago

There are still a few things still at play, here. One is that Trump is going to be sentenced next month for his New York conviction. That will undoubtedly make headlines and, considering how much the judge hates Trump’s guts, there’s a very strong chance he’ll face real consequences. The other thing is that Trump’s base skews older, and that’s a demographic that has been continually whittled down from COVID and other age-related issues. Finally, Trump is just scary. The whole GOP is, but Trump is an especially aggressive, crazy mother fucker and everyone outside of MAGAWorld knows it. These things alone will drive a percentage of voters into Biden’s camp.

Finally, give it a few days for people to cool off. Dem voters tend to be… skittish. They (we) get anxious and, forgive me, fatalistic over a politician’s performance at the best of times. But last night has everyone breaking out into hives more than normal. So the race is hardly won, but it’s not like Trump has it in the bag, either.


u/JustGotOffOfTheTrain 4d ago

We need more data. But this is literally an article about normal people who liked Biden better after watching this debate


u/JohnMayerismydad Indiana 4d ago

I think Trump ignoring the all questions and ranting about immigrants is a bad look to undecideds.


u/Ch0vie 4d ago

If only the lower 50% of the stupid distribution realized where they were placed on the scale and understood that maybe they are wrong and have poor reasoning skills. Unfortunately, very few believe or are willing to admit that they're part of that group. It's like, when people are dumb enough, they get some kind of confidence armor that protects them from any self criticism/analysis. The smarter ones, who recognize that there is nuance to the world and that some things aren't so certain, are usually seen as weak by the dumber ones because they don't constantly spew absolutist viewpoints with confidence.


u/Gertrude_D Iowa 4d ago

As you said, we're decided voters. What undecided saw last night that made them switch to Biden I can't imagine. It's not as if we saw any new information on display last night to help people make up their mind. Biden is old and Trump can't back up his bullshit with facts - great, and what didn't we already know? Perhaps just exactly how old Joe seemed last night?


u/Same_Possibility_591 4d ago

Maybe they saw a bully


u/Gertrude_D Iowa 4d ago

Trump was downright moderate last night. He was restrained. Again, if we're looking at new information for undecided voters, that a plus for Trump.


u/Traditional_Fox_4718 4d ago

Trump was actually tame last night, he could've destroyed Biden but I think he actually felt bad for him


u/Time-Ad-3625 4d ago

Maybe they listened to him rather than just analyzed what he looked like? You may know all the facts but hearing that next to someone lying the whole time can put a new perspective on it


u/Gertrude_D Iowa 4d ago

You know that's not how politics work. Only people who are interested in politics listen closely to what the candidates say.


u/KyleForged 4d ago

Right but from the video they’re primarily Spanish speakers speaking in Spanish on a Spanish news channel. If their English isnt fluent enough to follow the debate like most English speaking natives struggled to do they honestly have no choice but to look at the words theyre saying in spanish and compare Biden speaking facts and statistics where trump is literally calling Hispanic people thieves and murders who are all escaped convicts or mental patients who are running rampant in our country stealing the black jobs.


u/Gertrude_D Iowa 4d ago

The point about reading Biden's words instead of listening to him is a good one. This is a theory that could have legs.


u/Mistform05 4d ago

I think the key to doing well even after last night is to really drive home how bad Trump is. On a personal level. His voters don’t care about actual politics, hence why he kept spamming the migrants and border talk when it wasn’t even relevant.


u/EarthExile 4d ago

I'm frankly disgusted with anyone who hasn't made their mind up about the Beast yet. How can that possibly be?


u/Traditional_Fox_4718 4d ago

I made up my mind to vote for RFK JR now... not that my vote matters anyway as I'm in CA but I can't vote for either of those clowns on the stage last night


u/OrdinarySpecial1706 4d ago

I don’t think most people care about him looking old. They care about him being (by the looks of it yesterday) borderline senile and not fully there. If it comes down to it I’ll vote for him and hope it goes to Kamala after the election, but I generally think his chances are abysmal and we need someone else to step up.


u/PotaToss 4d ago

Trump's Supreme Court should be all that any sane person needs to vote for literally anyone opposing him, no matter how bad his acid reflux, arthritis and whatever is.

They just made it much easier for giant corporations to do whatever they want to you and the environment, the air you breathe, the water you drink, after taking away women's bodily autonomy, and legalizing bribes. When is the last time Americans lost rights?


u/HS_HolyShnikes 4d ago

Undereducated will not see that though unfortunately. Those are the voters we should be going after.


u/danishjuggler21 4d ago

pragmatic and smart

Anyone was undecided between Biden and Trump as of yesterday morning should never be described using the word “smart”


u/realhenrymccoy 4d ago

The thing is it's not just about the president himself but his ability to surround himself with quality people. I already know Biden will have that support.

Trump's first go-round he hired some somewhat competent people but they all left after seeing they couldn't help the "fucking moron" in charge. By the end it was all sycophant weirdos and grifters.


u/chrisdub84 4d ago

I'm voting for Biden's team. If he had to stop governing tomorrow, I know that his administration would forge on and make decent decisions. He works with and listens to competent people.

Trump doesn't have a competent team. His whole party's platform is basically "whatever Trump says." People who worked for him before have left, were always awful, are felons, etc. If he had listened to experts during the pandemic, many more people would be alive.

A president does not do everything on their own.


u/gsfgf Georgia 4d ago

Biden eventually got all his policy lines out there. It was ugly, but he did present his vision. (Normally, I would have used the word articulate, but articulation is very much not what happened last night) The man had a horrible debate, but he was right about stuff.

I know I'm voting for the guy who said "defeat Medicare" when he meant defeat attempts to gut it over the guy that actually wants to get rid of Medicare.


u/CheetoMussolini 4d ago

This thing wouldn't even be in question if we had somebody young enough to still be responsibly fit for office on that stage against Trump's insanity and lies.

It is flat out irresponsible for someone Biden's age to run to begin with, even if they are in better health than he is.

I still supported him last week, but seeing him on that stage how much these last four years have aged and drained him? No. He was still fit for office 4 years ago, but he is not today. His age has caught up with him so much in the last 4 years.

There's almost no way in hell he makes it through another term even if he wins - and Harris doesn't even come close to cutting it for president. I started off the 20/20 cycle torn between supporting her or Warren, and I donated to her multiple times early on - but over the course of the primary she went from being someone I supported to someone I not only did not support, but who I actively opposed.

We need a change of pace.


u/python-requests 4d ago

Imagine being like 'oh the dude's too old, therefore I'm suddenly going to vote for Heritage Foundation judge picks, border crackdowns, Christian beliefs in government, tariffs, & saber-rattling'


u/shleefin 4d ago

I would vote for a baked potato before I would ever vote for Donald Trump.


u/BushDoofDoof 4d ago

About 10 'latino voters' said they are *now* voting for Biden. So in other words the worlds stupidest people have just decided they are now voting for Biden instead of Trump. Votes count I guess.


u/rolfraikou 4d ago

Simple equation: If one of two most likely candidates is actively lying in a debate, and I mean huge lies, like abortion long after birth, I will vote for the other candidate that is being honest.

It's pretty simple, I'm not going to have a liar in office for the 250th of america. (July 4, 2026, BTW)


u/Shmeves 4d ago

It's even simpler. Trump has said multiple times he wants to be a dictator "for a day". I will never vote for someone who wants to be a dictator.

That and him being a Nazi.


u/Accomplished_Cap_994 3d ago

People are not going to vote for a guy that cannot be a leader. Running him was an absolute mistake and trump will win because of it.


u/Kilen13 3d ago

Biden could've pulled his pants down, taken a shit on stage while babbling, then fallen into a coma and I'm still early voting for him at my first opportunity. And it's not because of some cultist obedience to him or the party, it's because I consider the GOP to be such an existential threat to not just the country but on a personal level to too many people I care very deeply for.


u/Rizzpooch I voted 3d ago

Also, when you're committed to telling the truth about complex issues, of course you're going to come across as less confident in your speech to millions of voters than the guy who can just scream anything that pops into his head without worrying whether it has any connection to reality


u/Incandescent-Turd 3d ago

Biden did lie the entire debate what the he’ll are you talking about 😂


u/Adezar Washington 3d ago

Also if you ignore the stammering most of Biden's responses were accurate and involved knowing reality and the more complex components of the things he was being asked about... which is tough to put into 2 minutes.

In his daily job he isn't forced to explain complex problems in 2 minutes.


u/wunkadurgenfaceball 3d ago

I’d rather vote for someone with confidence though, rather than “not voting for the other guy”

I’m not confident in either…


u/EggZaackly86 3d ago

Omg I hope so but then we're still stuck with this problem of who takes over after he's sworn in? It's NOT supposed to work this way. This represents an enormous problem.


u/Talloakster 3d ago

The lying isn't the worst part. It's the destruction of most the best things about America he's bent on, that really concerns me.


u/Tall_Mechanic8403 3d ago

What a choice we have


u/SpicerIsALegend 3d ago

Yeah I guess I respectfully disagree. I think the Democratic Party is an absolute joke for letting this debate even happen. We needed 0 of them.

The man looked like he needed a stool behind him all night. This is the most stressful job in the world. While I don’t think any folks who were going to vote Biden switched over, that was never the point. The point was to invigorate the base to make sure they vote in the key states. Right now I see folks maybe staying home. The other side has been invigorated for 4 years

Also Democracy isn’t at stake. Stop it. The same way it wasn’t when 8 yrs ago. The same way it wasn’t in 08 or 00.

Whichever geriatric patient gets the gig here, we will be fine.


u/DrAdubYaleMDPhD 3d ago

If voters we undecided before, I don't understand how a bad debate from Biden is the thing that switched their minds


u/Finger_Charming 3d ago

Biden had some lies too, what about the 13 service men that died in the Afghanistan retreat?


u/geetkid 3d ago

I don’t think anyone made a switch from the debate. I think this article is just propaganda to make undecided voters - who didn’t watch the debate - assume that Biden performed well in the debate.


u/NaturalFront3964 2d ago

They both lied a ton, but that’s politics so what do you really expect?


u/JaylenBrownsLeftHand 2d ago

Was he trying to debate? He went on long tangents and at many times I had absolutely no idea what the hell he was trying to say.

It was so bad I literally felt cringe for him. You know those really convey videos that you just can’t watch? I literally felt that about him.

He’s not mentally there.


u/OldConsequence4447 4d ago

look old

He is old.


u/TheOriginalHelldiver 4d ago

But here’s the thing, if Trump is such a threat to democracy, why are democrats choosing to run someone who comes off to nearly all voters as too old? The answer is Biden doesn’t care and just wants to satisfy his ego. Like I’m going to vote for whoever isn’t Trump too, but it shouldn’t be between these two shit options.


u/Sensitive-Goose-8546 4d ago

Yeah… I personally can’t for the third time in a row vote for a candidate I find objectively bad over the worse option this time. The democrats have dug this hole and it is really sad to watch. Biden didn’t just stumble, he completely lost his train of thought and made a lot of statements that lacked any coherence. That is NOT a president. That person cannot negotiate and compete with the leaders on the world stage.

What this means is the party has been lying to us and our country is not run by Biden as its leader. He really truly is a deep figurehead. This is anti democratic to its core and while not blatantly subverting democracy like Jan 6th is not the democracy I believe in. We are oh so lost today.


u/python-requests 4d ago

There's no way to not vote. Sitting out is just voting to let everyone else choose. Do you trust other voters more than yourself?


u/Tommy__want__wingy America 3d ago

Third time? So you just give up.

Like I wanted to vote for Hilary? And Biden twice?

It’s Trump.

And you’re giving up.


u/mangojuice9999 4d ago

Both of them lied though? Biden said he brought the price of Insulin down to $15, unemployment under Trump was 50%, that there are “fentanyl machines”, and that he doesn’t have troops dying anywhere in the world, among other lies too.


u/jupiterkansas 4d ago

I'd rather vote for someone that will put competent people into positions of power instead of asskissing traitors.


u/Maleficent-Mouse9498 4d ago

Id rather vote RFK because even with his voice box issue he can speak


u/Money_ConferenceCell 4d ago

Trump ended a war. Obama and Biden ended 0 wars plus Obama made it so every person he kills is guilty until proven innocent and tortured people who proved theg were innocent like Chelsea Manning.  

Its obvious who to vote for. No more dead innocents.


u/python-requests 4d ago


  • started a minor conflict with Iran that resulted in a planeful of innocent people getting shot down. Sure they fired the shot, but he created the whole shootout. & If they hadn't accidentally done that there likely would have been further escalation.
  • gave the green light to Turkey to crack down on the Kurds in Syria, leading to executions of civilians including polticians. Here is a photo of the car transporting the woman they killed
  • Bungled the COVID response leading to over a million dead Americans

Biden hasn't started any conflicts. Who has more innocent blood on their hands again?


u/Money_ConferenceCell 4d ago

Biden. Killed a father in children in afghanistan when he was supposed to be retreating.

Enjoy voting for that. Also Trump encouraged people to get vaccinated.


u/Tommy__want__wingy America 3d ago

Nice try Vladimir