r/politics 6d ago

Undecided Voters Say They Now Support Joe Biden After Debate


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u/Tommy__want__wingy California 6d ago

I rather vote for someone who may stumble, stammer, and look old while trying to debate rather than someone who LIED for the ENTIRE debate.

But that’s me. I’m decided but I’m guessing if undecided voters made the switch to Biden - even after last night, maybe they are being pragmatic and smart?


u/Individual_Respect90 6d ago

I was so frustrated. Biden gave statistics and Trump would just go. Nuh huh I was better. 150 historians ranked you as the worst president. Trump nuh huh I am the greatest president ever.


u/Cold-Pair-2722 6d ago

I mean, I think a lot more people would've trusted those historians if they hadn't also voted biden the 14th best president in US history lmao. Kinda lost their credibility right there


u/Individual_Respect90 6d ago

The thing about presidents is the policies usually don’t immediately change things. I am not saying Biden is a good or bad president but without time it’s hard to say the actual effects of his presidency. A lot of policies don’t even start for 1-2 years. Also 150 of them is a lot to just say fake news over.


u/Cold-Pair-2722 6d ago

I mean that's fair, i'm just saying at the moment, Biden is nowhere near one of the best presidents ever. He's kept the status quo and got the economy back on track after covid, but besides that, you can't really point to any major accomplishments by him. He's done somme good things and he's nowhere near the worst either, but just saying it's ridiculous to have him at 14


u/Individual_Respect90 6d ago

Yeah I don’t think it’s even fair to rate a president this early. Historians should know better. We don’t know if his policies are the best or worst things ever till we see the economic or social impacts of them. Also side note you wanna complain about fear the walking dead in messages with me? On season 6 and got no one to talk to about it.


u/LuminalOrb 6d ago

At a certain point you have to trust someone. If your belief is that anything that doesn't reinforce your view of the world is wrong and a grand conspiracy, then the world becomes a dark and scary place pretty darn quickly.