r/inthenews 4d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/Only1Schematic 4d ago

Trust no polls. Vote like it’s the last Presidential election we’ll ever have, because this time there’s an overwhelming chance it actually will be.


u/Murky_Effect_7667 4d ago

You are among the few people that are being real here if trump wins the sanctity of democracy that is already in tatters will be gone. I doubt he gains the control to be a dictator like some people believe but the Supreme Court will fuck us all over til the day we die. The precedent will be set that liars and cheats can and will win in not just in capitalism but the presidency. I get it politicians typically lie but trump literally is incapable of speaking the truth and using information to make decisions he does what he wants and makes up the reality he wants while his followers eat it up. The Supreme Court already legalized bribery this month everything is at stake here


u/Reclusive_Chemist 4d ago

It's less Trump himself than the sycophants he surrounds himself with who are the danger. They're making the plans, his hand would just be the one signing the executive orders or bills they ultimately craft.


u/BillHillyTN420 4d ago

The future of the Supreme Court is the high stakes. Better get out and vote and encourage others.


u/Mundane-Effective269 3d ago

Not hearing enough of this. There’s several who are highly likely to croak or retire in the next few years and the last thing we need is the Cheeto picking their successors.


u/sgrizzly2134 3d ago

Even if you somehow think your vote doesn't matter or you don't wanna vote for the less of two evils, your vote lives on for generations in the supreme court. We have 5/9 justices who were put on the bench by Presidents who didn't win the popular vote..


u/Dirty_Mung_Trumpet 3d ago

I’m 33 and it just kind of sunk in yesterday that a republican hasn’t won the popular vote once in my lifetime and we’ve had multiple republicans win office in that time


u/Background_Chemist_8 3d ago

W won the popular vote against Kerry in '04. Other than that, you're correct.

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u/SautDeChat 3d ago

While I agree with what you are saying wholeheartedly, I worry that calling Trump names like "Cheeto" and such downplay exactly what he is. He is a Fascist and he should be labeled as such. Not directed at you, just something I've noticed in discourse.


u/TheRustyBird 3d ago

i dont get why people aren't leading with "convicted felon donald trump "


u/Autistigasmatic 3d ago

To be fair, it's a shortening of Cheeto Benito. Alternatively, Mango Mussolini. And I would argue that those nicknames fundamentally paint him as fascist.


u/machineprophet343 3d ago

Tangerine Palpatine.

Apricot Asshole.

Honeydew Hitler.

Take your pick.


u/BeefWellingtonSpeedo 3d ago

I just eliminate the "T".


u/Diligent_Issue8593 3d ago

Honestly the phrase Cheeto hits harder than fascist nowadays.


u/InvariantInvert 3d ago

Fascist doesn't work like it used too. Both parties are using it. I would go with felon, rapist and convicted criminal.


u/Willdefyyou 3d ago

If trump wins the SCOTUS will have an extreme right wing Christian majority for another 50 years.

That is longer than some of us will be alive...

People, please don't subject us to that because Biden had one poor night... the other guy lied, is insane, and will take this country back into the 1800's


u/Ted_Rid 3d ago

The 1800s were arguably better.

Didn't you guys incorporate the Establishment Clause into the Constitution in 1791?

The current SCOTUS seems to be bending over backwards to pretend it doesn't ever apply.


u/ATGSunCoach 3d ago

That is nothing but pure fact.


u/Kvalri 3d ago

I think you mean the 1600’s lol

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u/Bulky_Promotion_5742 3d ago

This is absolutely correct. The court is already overturning decades long Precedents. It won’t stop! Vote Democrat!


u/elriggo44 3d ago

The fact that the Democratic Party isn’t running against the court is so crazy.

Biden should mention project 2025 and the extremists on the Robert’s court every time he talks.


u/TheRustyBird 3d ago

i'm an optimist, so i like to hope we might finally get enough control in the senate to bypass the fillibuster. then if dems have any goddamn balls they impeach uncle tom and alito for the corrupt pieces of shit that they are, and open up extensive investigations into all the rest.

but would also be just happy if they croak under a dem president (though we still need control of the senate to get anyone put on the bench, as history has shown republicans are more than willing to block SC appointments for no good reason)


u/Unhappy-Plastic2017 3d ago

Can you imagine if trump gets in again and we end up with 8/9 or 9/9 Maga supreme court justices for the next 30 years? Dear god.


u/baconwagoneer 3d ago

Is someone retiring?

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u/mynameis4chanAMA 3d ago

Exactly. SCOTUS gave us a grave reminder EARLIER TODAY why this election is so important


u/machineprophet343 3d ago

Stephen Miller is a huge one. And apparently Trump listens to him quite a bit and he informs a lot of Trump's rhetoric about immigrants.

Miller blames Mexicans rather than market forces, which he has been told repeatedly by his own family when they still talked to him, for his family's fortunes souring during the California luxury real estate collapse in the late 1990s.

He'll absolutely push for the mass deportation camps to be far more sinister than they already sound. Based on his level of hate, he would absolutely support a full fledged genocide. He's the mastermind behind the family separations that were so awful.


u/SkirtNo6785 3d ago

There is a very dangerous group of Christian dominionists who have surrounded Trump and will happily use him as a means to impose theocracy on the American people


u/Champlainmeri 3d ago

Exactly. Thinking people know that the real work is done behind the scenes. But the 2025’ers are ready and waiting to sweep the entire country into a theocracy. I wish Joe had said this instead of asking the orange one to carry his own golf bag. Lots of wasted opportunities.

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u/electricmehicle 3d ago

This right here. You elect a president AND the cabinet. Biden surely has cronies by his side, but you’re generally looking at Mayor Pete tier secretaries.

Trump is so toxic, you’ll only get the worst of the worst, since anyone qualified wants nothing to do with him. That means his dipstick family running the country.


u/Realistic-Minute5016 3d ago

We were spared the worst the first time around because trump was so lazy he didn’t bother with a lot of the organization needed to implement a lot of the stuff he shit tweeted about, but this time around everyone around him is a lot better prepared and organized so his laziness won’t save us next time around.


u/HiJinx127 3d ago

He’s also got P2025 to make use of, and at least one group has been looking at civil servants with a microscope, trying to weed out who isn’t “loyal enough” to be kept in their jobs if Frump wins.


u/CharlieDmouse 3d ago

He is blowing through his war-chest


u/pinkyfitts 3d ago

Agree. Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are Himmler and Goebbels combined.


u/Medium_Medium 3d ago

Yeah. Trump wants the presidency to stroke his ego, grift like mad, and because it protects him from prosecution. But the old school Republicans who somewhat believed in the American system spurned him in 2015, so he surrounded himself with folks like Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and Steve Miller. Every Christo-Fascist in the country is licking their chops trying to get on board the Trump Train, because he'll let them do whatever they want so long as he gets to be "the strong leader" at the top.


u/Cdog927 3d ago

This. Trump is an idiot and doesn’t care or believe 90% of the shot he says. Hes just trying to avoid prison


u/Embarrassed_Worth504 4d ago

Yeah, Trump isn't smart enough to be a dictator. The clowns around him though....


u/Spu12nky 3d ago

Trump sucks, but he is far from stupid.  Unfortunately he is smart, and convinced a bunch of blue collar good old boys that he gives two shits about them.  He has played the Christian conservatives like a fiddle.  The stupid people are those that unquestionably believe whatever Trump says.  


u/phriot 3d ago

It's probably immaterial, because the outcome is the same, but Trump is not smart - he just has an intuitive low cunning that makes him a good con man. He's not a virtuoso playing a violin; he's a monkey who bangs at the typewriter so much that he produces Shakespeare far more often than you'd think.


u/Ted_Rid 3d ago

Heard a good take on him: that his main skill is reading the room.

So when he goes rambling on weird tangents at rallies, his narcissistic impulses are very finely tuned to what creates a positive reaction, so he throws a bunch of random shit at the wall, then when the audience responds to one piece of shit he quickly pivots and makes that the focus.

A useful talent for a conman, or a used car salesman ("you look like the kinda guy who values engine power...(no reaction from buyer)...but even more importantly, reliability! (yes, got a bite!), well this car is super reliable, but also powerful. Do you have a family? You could load them into this beauty with all the luggage and cross the country 10 times, no problems" etc)

Great for getting people onside, but making up policy on the fly like that is obviously shithouse.


u/Embarrassed_Worth504 3d ago

I vehemently disagree. I do not see a competent authoritarian in Trump. I see someone who says things with no knowledge of what he is talking about. I see someone who did not ever effectively govern as leader. I see someone who knows how to profit off of other other people. It doesn't take much intelligence to con US Christians and blue collar workers. Not to mention his clear mental, cognitive and intellectual impairments and handicaps.


u/SteelBandicoot 3d ago

Trump will do whatever the highest bidder wants.

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u/CharlieDmouse 3d ago

Whoever he is cruel and ruthless enough. The brains will come from various puppet masters/bribers


u/Flat-Dragonfruit-172 3d ago

Putin picked a perfect puppet


u/CautionarySnail 3d ago

Yes. As long as they play nice to his ego, he will go along with just about anything.


u/Ajax-Rex 3d ago

I agree. I suspect most of them view him as a “usefull idiot” that will help them achieve their extreme goals. Yall fear a Trump presidency? You should really be afraid of the one that follows in his footsteps. That one will use the same corrupt playbook but will be anything but an idiot.


u/SnooRobots1533 3d ago

Exactly. He's a dumb moron with the attention span of a 3 yo. It's the people riding in his wake that see dangerous. See the Supreme Court etc. trumps a fool. He's just being used quite well.


u/Redshoe9 3d ago

Just reflect back on Trump’s first inauguration, how grotesque and infuriating the spectacle was. Think about Stephen Miller who said, “The presidents authority will not be questioned “ and flashed his little Nazi hand signs in photograph, running his fingers over the resolute desk and deciding which group of people to target next


u/thiswighat 3d ago

Project 2025


u/Murky_Effect_7667 4d ago

I just think his followers are idiots and will follow only him but you have a great point because people like Marjorie Taylor Greene are next in line to make up bs and somehow gain a following. There are plenty of others to fill his shoes


u/AffectionateSet4294 4d ago

Fill his diapers


u/Murky_Effect_7667 3d ago

That too lmao

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u/GrizzKarizz 3d ago

Anyone who doesn't think that Trump will be a dictator or try his level best is delusional.

Honestly, why give him the chance?

I don't want to be proven wrong, I want to die wondering.


u/MrmmphMrmmph 3d ago

Remember big business was quite happy to bind their fortunes to the Nazis because of the financial benefits they expected to get. This includes a number of large American businesses still around. Don't ignore the financial and ratings windfall news businesses accrue with the constant alarm and vitriol that Trump spews.


u/florida-karma 3d ago

I agree the backroom Leo Leonards are doing as much damage as Trump would but Trump would be the one destabilizing the world by pulling out of NATO.


u/AdAdministrative4388 4d ago

Trump will allow this to happen because he believes presidents should have absolute power like a dictator.. other republicans with a spine for a tiny bit of integrity probably wouldn't go ahead with it..


u/OptimisticRecursion 3d ago

But he enables them. It's insanely sad and tragic. I see it as literally a sort of bizarre mental illness.


u/needyprovider 3d ago

You just described the current presidency as well.


u/fat_fart_sack 3d ago

It’s both. Trump isn’t just sitting there letting others make decisions for him; he IS always the last word in everything.

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u/Doibu 3d ago

It really does come down to the Supreme Court. Just today hundreds of traitorous rebels were given a lifeline straight out of their prisons by the Court. The Chevron Deference being overturned this week pulls the teeth out of federal agencies which were the only real (if already weakened) line odefence between Americans and furthering the rapidity and scope of climate change. Two justices are open about their political beliefs and one outright is skirting the law and ethics by accepting hugely valuable gifts from a billionaire. Everyone knows what happens to Roe V Wade, which was horrifying, yet the implication of that decision is even more so: With their conservative majority, the Supreme Court isn’t afraid to, against the will of the people, strike down basic rights granted by the constitution by overturning a decades-old, entrenched ruling. If Trump wins and two more gavels turn conservative, does anyone think Obergfell with last beyond Trumps administration? Or Loving? Or no-fault divorce? We are an election away from a country that either takes a 70 year step back in time, and that’s not even considering the unpredictable actions trump will take in a second term, project 2025, or the chaos that will erupt worldwide without NATO, without the US being active in the UN, the ending of support for the Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the billionaire tax eliminations, the tariff hikes, and the withdrawal of us military presence across the globe. Or we can elect Biden, even out this unbalance in the court, and hold fast against the retrograde elements of our population.


u/SmellGestapo 3d ago

Politicians don't really lie outright. They stretch the truth so they can take credit for things they didn't do, like saying their economic plan created 100,000 new jobs when the economy was already growing jobs. It's how most people write their resumes.

Trump lies outright. He lies about verifiable facts. It rained and he says it didn't.

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u/Gators44 3d ago

I don’t think that’s an unusual sentiment actually. I think most people see trunp as a threat to everything we hold dear. Thats why he lost last time. It wasn’t because anyone was enamored with Biden


u/mok000 3d ago

Trump simply doesn't know the difference between true and false statements. It's not how his brain works, he evaluates statements on whether they benefit him or not. True or false is not in his universe.


u/TheStoolSampler 3d ago

And everyone has a price.


u/fritzrits 3d ago

I hope so, lots of people lack so much education in our political systems. They either just bandwagon or simply think their votes don't matter or affect them. Our education system sucks and it should educate people better on this.


u/codacoda74 3d ago

SCOTUS and presidency are some of the few immediately noticable instant changes we get to see. This SCOTUS can and will be remedied if, and only if, there's a solid DEM win.

Not just a squeaker, it needs to be such a overwhelming win that the GOP is sent back to it's room to think about it's behavior before it can come back out and play civilization.


u/Lanc717 3d ago

He literally has his plans on his website mapped out. If you look over these plans, it's not at all crazy to be worried if he is elected again.


u/Ok-Statement-8801 3d ago

Yes. A Supreme Court made up of a stolen nomination by Mitch Mc Conell, while you did nothing. A Supreme Court position left open because of some social media trend of the "Notorious RBG" pushed by some insignificant politician in New York. You did this to yourselves.


u/OGWopFro 3d ago

It’s like the Biff Tannin multiverse spin off. Like no shit.


u/raiderstakem 3d ago

Biff has the Almanac


u/Zimakov 3d ago

You are among the few people that are being real here

Huh? This is the top comment on every post about the election lmao


u/firehandy 3d ago

Serious question: do you actually support joe Biden? I hate both candidates almost equally and will vote for neither but how can any sane individual actually consider voting for either of these people. How did the democratic party not find any other human being that they could run? How do we get to this point and not be furious enough to try to change it? I've met many Trump supporters and they're all vocal about it. I have never once met a person in real life that admits to supporting Joe Biden. I'm voting third party please don't downvote me without at least answering the question.


u/Sea_Court907 3d ago

If he gets both houses of congress, we're doomed.


u/RayAlmighty13 3d ago

Spoken like a person that hates one man more than loves their country.


u/Ok-Past83 3d ago

But if the senile puppet they roll out wins democracy is fine? Democracy is clearly already gone


u/Jaymoacp 3d ago

Hate to break this to you, but liars and cheats have been winning elections at all levels, all over the world for like..ever.


u/Murky_Effect_7667 3d ago

Cool thanks for adding to the conversation how’d that go for those countries? How’s Russia doing?


u/dreadpiratemyk 3d ago

It’ll all fold into nonsense pretty quick, which is what really worries me because of a foreign threat finally being able to reach our shores without a fully functioning military. Lucky for us there’s a shitload of room for all of us to spread out


u/DesertVeteran_PA-C 3d ago

Who is trying to remove people from the ballot?

Who is likely to elect a candidate without a vote by the people?

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u/1mjtaylor 3d ago

I don't trust the polls, but I do want to take action!

What can I do? I can write postcards to voters in swing states.

The Progressive Turnout PAC will:

... mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.<<

For doubters, yes, it's an effective strategy. See: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards-faq/.

Phone banking is helpful, too, and they have a program for that, too.


u/redpoemage 3d ago

And if you have bad handwriting and/or just hate talking to people on the phone, there's plenty of places where you can text bank to register voters too! Here's a list of text banking events that can be done from anywhere. (that site is also great for looking up other kind of volunteering events too)


u/1mjtaylor 3d ago

Yes! Great resources, thanks.


u/oppapoocow 3d ago

Project 2025... Go vote no matter what.


u/573IAN 3d ago

Even if Joe wins Trump is going to fight it and try to steal it.


u/CompSciHS 3d ago

That is a failing proposition like it was last time. Our election systems are significantly more robust and trustworthy than they were in 2016, despite Trump’s fearmongering.


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u/Jetlaggedz8 3d ago

because this time there’s an overwhelming chance it actually will be.



u/TacoDeliDonaSauce 3d ago

Article says it was a focus group, but yes you’re statement is still accurate!


u/Hamfistedlovemachine 3d ago

Amen, 2016 elections coverage “it appears that Donald Trump has spiked rural American votes in his favor”. His core is smaller and his opponent isnt nearly as hated. Get out and vote but this is a different animal


u/Hamfistedlovemachine 3d ago



u/simonsevenfold 3d ago

You are part of the Problem not the Solution Fear-mongering is the Worest thing that you can do


u/SometimesEnema 3d ago

"because this time there’s an overwhelming chance it actually will be."

Lol no there isn't.


u/ObjectivelyCorrect2 3d ago

Lol. Reddit back in full force. I remember 8 years ago when you were spouting the same and things ended up being not only normal but relatively good.


u/Big-Anxiety-5467 4d ago

With things like today’s decision overturning Chevron, we are rapidly moving toward our elections not mattering. The question at this point really isn’t IF we have a right-wing dictatorship but WHEN.


u/Only1Schematic 4d ago

If you assume you can change nothing, nothing will change. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.


u/Big-Anxiety-5467 3d ago

Problem is the district courts can basically strike down any federal regulations enacted in the last 40 years. Good chance the SC rubber stamps those decisions. To actually enact most legislation, you need 60 votes in the Senate which, let’s face it, is a big struggle. The courts can destroy our country and remake it in the radical Rightist image and we really can’t stop it.


u/Jagerbeast703 3d ago

How do we change scotus?


u/Habitwriter 3d ago

Never vote Republican and wait for them to die


u/HotSauceDonut 3d ago

Weird, we've been doing that as long as we've been able to and here we are

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u/anubis2268 3d ago

One of my favorite movie quotes, "No fate but what we make"

The fascists are a small minority of the population. We WILL crush them, but only if we all act.


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u/lagent55 3d ago

That's what I tell people too, this could be our last election


u/LavisAlex 3d ago

Times are very unsual so this is a good idea! lol


u/TingleyStorm 3d ago

There is only one poll that matters, and it’s in November.


u/standard-issue-man 3d ago

Absolutely, vote like this is the last presidential election you'll ever vote in. If Trump wins it will be.


u/CloudHiro 3d ago

yeah the only reason diaper don won the first time was due to voter apathy. VOTE


u/PalpatineForEmperor 3d ago

It might very well be the last presidential election if Trump wins.


u/Francois_harp 3d ago

Especially if democrats win


u/free_is_free76 3d ago

You don't have to worry, they're either gonna pull Biden or take the L and focus on Congress to stop Trump


u/Delvinx 3d ago

I'm never surprised when it runs opposite or more than projected with the news and their polls. They are surprised because they thought they understand average Americans. Shocked they find out they don't. Even with Joes shaky performance last night, he at least told the truth and attempted answers. Neither are the best we have to offer but Trump is transparent and upfront that he wants money, power, and will abuse his own people's rights to do it. Voting blue


u/MaliciousIntentWorks 3d ago

Trump not getting elected would keep the knife out of Democracy's back for now but the cup in Democracy's hand is still poisoned with MAGA Republicans in Congress and in the Supremacy Court.


u/Dadittude182 3d ago

You're absolutely right. If you've never heard of Project 2025 or don't have the patience to read the 900-page document, watch John Oliver's explanation on Last Week Tonight:

Trump's Second Term

Be afraid. Be very afraid...


u/half-puddles 3d ago

This guy votes.


u/ominous_squirrel 3d ago

Trump literally said this is the last election his evangelical supporters will have to vote in


u/jxher123 3d ago

There’s going to be a lot of pardons


u/user_name_unknown 3d ago

Oh there will be elections just the ones in Russsia


u/voxpopper 3d ago

Trust no sub either, they are created, modded and astroturfed to push a narrative.


u/2Beldingsinabuilding 3d ago

The only thing with an “overwhelming” chance of happening will be sore loser Dem voters rioting and causing massive property damage. Make a pledge to sleep in the morning after the election so you don’t destroy our beautiful country.


u/superhomard 3d ago

This idea of trusting or not trusting polls with respect to voting always feels weird. The idea that someone would just not vote because it looks like it's in the bag is just insane to me. But I guess some people actually do that.


u/Cortexan 3d ago

It wasn’t even a poll. This is taken from a single live audience panel of 12 people on a univision broadcast where they asked who they’d vote for and two of the 12 answered while the others didn’t speak. It’s insane that this headline is circulating as is.


u/7nightstilldawn 3d ago

Ya. As an independent I’m sad for Joe. I’d rather vote for Harris and Newsom. Trump is a retarded criminal but at least the deep state could keep him in check.


u/Kinda_relevent 3d ago

3rd party time.


u/Russ_images 3d ago

For those in the back, Trump is a threat to democracy and even a golden retriever would be a better vote then Trump. Look at the facts. It don’t matter how bad Biden did, I’d vote for him all day every day over Trump.


u/instantic0n 3d ago

You said that last time too.


u/GimmieDaRibs 3d ago

It’s not even a poll. It’s a focus group. Vote, damn it, vote!!!


u/nauticalwheeler79 3d ago

In other news, the sky is falling


u/solvanic 3d ago

If you think this then there is no WAY Biden should be the nominee. You want to put democracy on the line with a guy who can’t complete a sentence? Then we deserve to lose it.


u/kingsmotel 3d ago

Ugh what? That's absurd. Settle down now.


u/CourageNo9668 3d ago

Lmao there it is. Every election without fail dems claim this it’s hilariously delusional


u/prospectpico_OG 3d ago

Vote like it’s the last Presidential election we’ll ever have

And vote often!!!🤪


u/badgerdame 3d ago

💯 this!


u/Yodudewhatsupmanbruh 3d ago

What polls? If you bother to actually read the article it's a group of like 10 voters in a room somewhere, all of which are Latino.

The only poll had Biden up by one point among Latino voters. If the polls swing to the left like they have the last few cycles then... That's not exactly ideal for Joe Biden at all


u/Zealousideal_Sir_264 3d ago

Hear me out ..trump wins, the country collapses...that's a good thing, isn't it?


u/Fixerupper100 3d ago

Wow. Get over yourself and stop spreading these kinds of fear mongering lies.


u/reedspacer38 3d ago

🙄 manufactured fear tactics keeping us in the 2-party system.


u/BrrangAThang 3d ago

Im just gonna hope both candidates die before the election then maybe theyll put up real candidates.


u/FarmingDowns 3d ago

No need to vote folks. Surely there's better use of your time that day.


u/sendmeadoggo 3d ago

People have said that each of the last 4 elections its starting to wear off now.


u/Exciting-Parfait-776 3d ago

That’s said every 4 years. If that was really true. Then why have the democrats done anything to guarantee it isn’t when they have the majority?


u/Saint_Pepsi420 3d ago

Oh for fucks sake dramatic much?


u/maroonalberich27 3d ago

Oh no, is the sky falling (again)? Perhaps it's just another wolf...


u/Fataleo 3d ago

Haha Reddit


u/Sheriff_Knot 3d ago

No its not.


u/Cost_Additional 3d ago

You really believe that if the Dems believed this was the end of democracy they would run an 81 year old, historically unpopular candidate, that the majority of voters don't want to run, who himself said plenty of others could easily beat trump yet is tied/losing?


u/Jester0745 3d ago

What a bunch of sensationalist garbage. People who think this are unhinged as hell.


u/NightclubDoorGuy 3d ago

Our sitting president literally weaponized the courts to attack his political opponent. Don’t act like the current regime’s hands are clean..


u/aurhys34 3d ago

you know hes already been president, right?


u/Secretsfrombeyond79 3d ago

You know, I used to think this election was a disgrace, because both candidates are trying to one up each other on being as horrible as possible, at least back in 2016 Trump had some nice lies as his campaign promises, this time around he's just spewing so much ugly bullshit I can't believe he still has a voter base.

But now, I see I was wrong, the election it's not a disgrace because both candidate are horrible and getting worse, it's a disgrace because the voters are imitating their candidates, and coming out with the most unhinged and stupid takes ever.


u/TheNewGabriel 3d ago

It’s not a poll, the article title is deliberately misleading. Read it, this is actually disinformation.


u/Prestigious_Care3042 3d ago

I’m so glad I’m not American.

I couldn’t vote for Trump but if you guys were serious about not electing him couldn’t you have picked anybody else to run against him instead of Great Grampa Joe? Seriously?

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