r/inthenews 6d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/Only1Schematic 6d ago

Trust no polls. Vote like it’s the last Presidential election we’ll ever have, because this time there’s an overwhelming chance it actually will be.


u/Murky_Effect_7667 6d ago

You are among the few people that are being real here if trump wins the sanctity of democracy that is already in tatters will be gone. I doubt he gains the control to be a dictator like some people believe but the Supreme Court will fuck us all over til the day we die. The precedent will be set that liars and cheats can and will win in not just in capitalism but the presidency. I get it politicians typically lie but trump literally is incapable of speaking the truth and using information to make decisions he does what he wants and makes up the reality he wants while his followers eat it up. The Supreme Court already legalized bribery this month everything is at stake here


u/firehandy 6d ago

Serious question: do you actually support joe Biden? I hate both candidates almost equally and will vote for neither but how can any sane individual actually consider voting for either of these people. How did the democratic party not find any other human being that they could run? How do we get to this point and not be furious enough to try to change it? I've met many Trump supporters and they're all vocal about it. I have never once met a person in real life that admits to supporting Joe Biden. I'm voting third party please don't downvote me without at least answering the question.