r/inthenews 6d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/Reclusive_Chemist 6d ago

It's less Trump himself than the sycophants he surrounds himself with who are the danger. They're making the plans, his hand would just be the one signing the executive orders or bills they ultimately craft.


u/Embarrassed_Worth504 6d ago

Yeah, Trump isn't smart enough to be a dictator. The clowns around him though....


u/Spu12nky 6d ago

Trump sucks, but he is far from stupid.  Unfortunately he is smart, and convinced a bunch of blue collar good old boys that he gives two shits about them.  He has played the Christian conservatives like a fiddle.  The stupid people are those that unquestionably believe whatever Trump says.  


u/phriot 6d ago

It's probably immaterial, because the outcome is the same, but Trump is not smart - he just has an intuitive low cunning that makes him a good con man. He's not a virtuoso playing a violin; he's a monkey who bangs at the typewriter so much that he produces Shakespeare far more often than you'd think.


u/Ted_Rid 6d ago

Heard a good take on him: that his main skill is reading the room.

So when he goes rambling on weird tangents at rallies, his narcissistic impulses are very finely tuned to what creates a positive reaction, so he throws a bunch of random shit at the wall, then when the audience responds to one piece of shit he quickly pivots and makes that the focus.

A useful talent for a conman, or a used car salesman ("you look like the kinda guy who values engine power...(no reaction from buyer)...but even more importantly, reliability! (yes, got a bite!), well this car is super reliable, but also powerful. Do you have a family? You could load them into this beauty with all the luggage and cross the country 10 times, no problems" etc)

Great for getting people onside, but making up policy on the fly like that is obviously shithouse.