r/fnv 17h ago

Discussion Try and make the worst Fallout: new vegas sequel possible

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r/fnv 17h ago

Okay... who's it gonna be?

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I chose Jeanine and Oliver for the last one because it was so split... but there can only be one winner today

r/fnv 15h ago

Artwork "I love my Honest Hearts friends" - by me

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r/fnv 9h ago

Discussion How the hell are you supposed to holster/carry this thing

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r/fnv 18h ago

Discussion Fun Fact: All of NV's DLCs were written under a hard 10,000 line limit. So i did the sane thing and counted every line for important characters.

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r/fnv 6h ago

Screenshot Anyone know a mod that reduces head explosions?

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r/fnv 20h ago

Bug This guy really got tired of losing so he changed teams

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r/fnv 4h ago

Mod for ya fellas who don’t like Gore

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Source: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49021/

We all know why this is here. This is the best option I’ve found. Though it reduces all gore not just headshots.

r/fnv 22h ago

MojaveD, a 71-year-old gamer from the Mojave Desert, is now going full-time into his Fallout: New Vegas playthrough on YouTube after receiving his 100k Play Button. Go say hi in the comments, he loves reading them!

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r/fnv 11h ago

Photo I went hiking to Utobitha (Black Mountain)

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r/fnv 12h ago

Who wants to learn to "Let go", when i can "Let Go" of my poverty whilst also uber inflating the value of caps

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r/fnv 15h ago

I hate doing NCR path as "solo agent"


I chose NCR playthrough to feel that strength behind you back, military comradery, playing in a team, being a gear in the machine, California Dreami'... And my build and style (straight tank, non-stealth) reflects it. But that Bitch ask you to take on entire BoS chapter - solo. And that is after sterelizing Khans village and storming the most influential and technologicly advanced man in the sector (supposedly) - House.
I am sure it feels great playing as stealthy black ops guy in this, but for me it's killing the wibe. One joy: I took Boone, and imagine our pair nicknamed "The Rock and Sticks" with me being tanky as a rock and us having two sti...

Wish they gave you a couple of veteran rangers at least (and ncr radio is broken, typical). Yeah-yeah mods, but I wanted to see whole vanila first. Just, it's one of the things I feel like they could add and reimagine in official "director's cut" without any graphical overhaul and I bet a lot of people would hype and buy it full price if they really added a lot and tied all between each other.

r/fnv 22h ago

Bug Victor keeps killing himself


I just got done with the Boulder City part of the main quest, and victor pops up from behind a building. I finish talking to him and he immediately does a full 180, runs a good mile away to the shore and gets into a fight with 6 mirelurks and immediately dies. I can’t manage to save the guy, even after killing the mirelurks before he can get killed doesn’t help, he just searches for more enemies to die to, locking on from miles away without line of sight.

The fuck is going on here? Can I fix this or do I just let the poor fella die? I heard from somewhere that he can respawn back in goodsprings…

r/fnv 9h ago

Killing Ulysses with the Katana in 1 second

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r/fnv 15h ago

So am I the only person with several hundreds of hours in the game, but has never actually completed it?

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r/fnv 10h ago

Video Where does your headcanon Courier come from?

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r/fnv 16h ago

Allegiance And so the Courier, who had cheated death in the cemetery outside Goodsprings.......

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r/fnv 18h ago

What happens if you chose none of the above?


I’ve done all the runs except for the Mr. House run, but I kinda don’t like the guy. I’ve already killed Caeser, I killed the Crimson Caravan with Cass so my NCR rep is ass, I haven’t met up with Yes Man yet, but I kinda wanna kill him too. What happens if I kill both of them as well as the entire NCR regiment at Hoover Dam?

r/fnv 15h ago

Artwork BoS PS3 Controller


A BoS controller my friend made me.

r/fnv 16h ago

Discussion Mr. House and the entire destruction of the Brotherhood of Steel


Assuming a Mr. House ending is somewhat Canon (I've read a few different things on reddit that suggests the Fallout show may canonically have Mr. House still control New Vegas several years after the events of F04)

Wouldn't it be safe to assume that Mr. House would have to plan and prepare for the entire destruction of the BOS on a national scale? Not just the few bunkers across the Mojave desert.

The fallout show showcases the Prydwen arriving back on the west coast, which I can only assume the brotherhood destroyed the institute, or possibly the minutemen, canonizing either ending. My point is, regardless of either ending, the BOS will continue to expand across the continent and untimely threaten Mr. House.

Eventually, there would HAVE to be an all out war between these 2, and how cool the battle scenes would be between Robert House's Robotic Army and the BOS.

Just some random thoughts.

r/fnv 8h ago

Screenshot Always feels good to complete Boone's quest with Gobi in his hands

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r/fnv 14h ago

Screenshot Just finished the Van Graff missions, ngl this choked me up a bit... (Story Spoiler)

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r/fnv 23h ago

Discussion What do you think are the coldest fallout quotes doesn’t have to be nv


r/fnv 16h ago

Tired of the energy weapons slander


Near 400 dps with max charge ammo. Ridiculously fun

r/fnv 10h ago

Bug Lonesome road clothing won’t load in main game any one else experience


Wearing the us army general outfit, also happens with the riot gear I bought there Second photo has the breathing mask on lol, also the weapons and ammo won’t load either, playing on Xbox series s, hope there’s fix there’s alot of cool shit in lonesome road.