r/fo3 1d ago

This is grim

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r/fo3 9h ago

What happens if Dogmeat dies before you get the Puppies! perk?


my doggy companion has fallen in the capital fighting a super mutant behemoth. I’m not at the level yet where I have unlocked the broken steel puppies perk. So what happens? Does a puppy still respawn at vault 101?

r/fo3 11h ago

Which DLC to do after anchorage/zeta?


Just finished ancorage, starting zeta tonight. Which DLC after that?

Pretty new to the game, only like lvl 10 on my first playthough but enjoying it a lot.

I did use the search bar before I asked this question, but everyone only recommends ancorage first then zeta, nothing after that. Any tips greatly appreciated.

r/fo3 11h ago

Is Moira really hated? (Poll included)


I don't really engage with the fallout "community" at all. While replaying fo3 for the first time in a while, I decided to look up if choosing the snarky responses for her quest would make her upset and if so is there a way around it. Doing this I found all sorts of comments about how she's the worst character! Looking up videos about her ghoulification, everyone in the comments seem to share the sentiment that they wish it killed her! Is she really that hated? I absolutely adore her and have always considered her one of the best characters in the game. I just assumed that would have been everyone else's sentiment as well because her being loveable seems obvious to me. I'm not surprised to find out that different opinions exist, because duh, but is wanting her dead really the majority opinion?

153 votes, 6d left
I love Moira!
I like Moira
I don't care either way
I dislike Moira
I hate Moira

r/fo3 10m ago

Even though these things are controlled, they still scare me

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I'm playing fallout 3 on ttw and I thought this mechanic of the "friend" deathclaws was really cool, even though I was VERY afraid of them getting out of mental control and ending up killing me

r/fo3 1d ago

Planted in this courtyard before the great war, this tree still stands through the centuries

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r/fo3 1d ago

I don’t think that’s how you hold a lead pipe

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r/fo3 1d ago

I am John Rambo now

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My mercenary wanderer meeting Sims.

r/fo3 1d ago

How do you get this game to run on Windows 11?


r/fo3 2d ago

Why is Fallout 3 so hated among fans?


Before I begin, im a “new-gen” Fallout fan, I watched the show and it was amazing, so I played through Fallout 4, NV, been having some fun on 76, and thought, “why don’t I try 3?” I watched some Youtube videos on it, and there is like 8 hour videos about how it’s trash? I wanted to see for myself. I bought the game, and im not far in right now, but its stellar for me, im playing on a very old Laptop, so im not amazing at the game, but I love using the guns, and I love the atmosphere, the green tint is so beautiful, and I love the long, and scary Metro tunnels, I love the weapon designs (specifically the combat shotgun lmao) and all of that, so I just wonder why don’t people like it?

r/fo3 23h ago

What mods are must have


Hello I have fo3 and NV. I know about the mod that merges them. are there any other mods that you can’t play without?

r/fo3 1d ago

my fallout 3 GOTYE is crashing when i open the game


whenever i am opening fallout 3 it keeps on crashing
when i googled why it was crashing
i put the game on administrator mode , compatibility mode , i even downloaded the nexus mod intel hd bypass files yet the game is still crashing
i have a asus tuf f15 gtx 1650 with 16gb ram and intel i5 10th H
can anyone tell me what to do

edit : i redeemed fallout3 from epic games 2 years ago when it was for free

r/fo3 2d ago

A severe amount of overkill dealing with Gary 32

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r/fo3 2d ago

Three shots is more than enough…

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r/fo3 2d ago

Good Sunday to you all, I need some assistance


I have bought Fallout 3 on steam and every single time I press new game, it just crashes. I have looked up how Fallout 3 doesnt like intel graphic card, and even inserted the code. But it still doesnt work. Does anyone by chance know what to do. Thank you.

r/fo3 2d ago

How do I get mesmetron ammo?


r/fo3 2d ago

Yanno what? I will pass on the new Cola flavor. Thanks though.

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r/fo3 2d ago

Which one is your favourite?

85 votes, 4h ago
47 Small guns
4 Big guns
4 Explosives
1 Melee weapons
5 Unarmed
24 Energy weapons

r/fo3 2d ago

My raider costume idea

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r/fo3 2d ago

fallout 3 crashes on play steam


I'm on steam I press the play button and it doesn't even get in the game what do I do?

r/fo3 3d ago

Museum of history.


Is there another way to get inside of the museum of history? Every time I try to go in through the front door, my ps3 crashes.

r/fo3 3d ago

Help in the arena


I just keep dying before the door open and I don't even know why.

r/fo3 3d ago

In terms of Fallout 3’s PS3 port


So I’ve first started the franchise with Fallout 3 and New Vegas on PS3 almost a lifetime ago, and relatively recently gotten New Vegas on pc, and I have to say had an absolute blast when compared to PS3, and even more recently have seen vids about development for NV where they mention the PS3 port having even more cuts than 360 and PC, is it the same case for 3?

Tl:dr PS3 new Vegas not as great as PC/360 due to further memory limitations, is it same for PS3 F3?

r/fo3 3d ago

Want to do another FO3 play through - worth it to do it modded?


I’ve played at LEAST a couple hundred hours of fo3 on PlayStation 3 way back in the day, but I’ve recently had the itch to go back for another full run. Are there any mods that really help this game reach its full potential? I’d be open to anything. Thank you!

r/fo3 4d ago

Well that's not a fun surprise

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Slowly waddling my way back to megaton after clearing out Tenpenny and I thought I was being attacked by a molerat, nope just an albino Debo 😂🤦‍♂️