r/falloutlore Jun 18 '21

Meta Introducing the Fallout Network's Lore FAQ


As frequents of r/falloutlore may know, many repeat questions get asked here. So, the mod team has put in some time to create a list to help of hand written answers to these questions, along with references to posts on the subject for further reading.

Fallout Network's Lore FAQ

This list isn't intended to answer every question ever asked on the sub, just the most common. r/falloutlore strives to foster discussion, and the last thing we would want to do is shut that down. Additionally, if you think something on the list should be updated or added, please message the mod team here.

Special thanks to the users who suggested topics for the list and u/UpgradeTech, whose excellent comment about the music timeline of the Fallout world was better than anything I could have came up with.

r/falloutlore 10h ago

What were the mutants that attacked the Master's caravans?


So, I thought that the Master was the one who created the mutants after the fall of the world. But in the wiki, it says:

Doctor Grey became popular, especially with one of the caravan masters by the name of Harold, who considered him a brilliant doctor and philosopher. His story could have ended there, were it not for his decision to investigate the mutant attacks that plagued caravans. Along with gangers and scavengers, mutants were the primary problem for caravans, and their attacks were increasing.

The expedition launched in mid-2102. Grey led the small group (consisting of HaroldFrancineMark) and several others) to investigate in a northwestern direction, where most of the attacks came from. On June 23, the expedition discovered Mariposa Military Base and hordes of mutants within, alongside vicious security bots.

I get that West Tek made mutants before the fall of the bombs, but they were destroyed by Roger Maxson and the rest were still mutating in Huntersville. But then where did these come from? Were these super mutants and centaurs? Or were they just like giant radrats or something?

r/falloutlore 3h ago

Fallout 76 why can't Mole Miners breathe without their masks?


The closest thing I could find is that mucus in lungs act as a filter and maybe the MM dont have that but im not sure how that would make them sufficate. it could explain why they are so integral to their health but its nothing by itself.

and also I suppose that brings the question why do the tunnelers not have this problem?, they are very similer creatures, they both have a hunched posture, (Likley due to a lack of sunlight) live underground, and have senstivity to light and were created under almost idendical circumstance. that being ordenary humans sealed underground

r/falloutlore 5h ago

Question Power Armor and Police


Is it mentioned somewhere if police departments around the US ever got Power Armor?

r/falloutlore 22h ago

Question Why would West-Tek make more than like 2 Snallygasters


I get why they would with super mutants, because they are like improved humans, minus reduced intelligence, but why make more Snallygasters?

r/falloutlore 1d ago

Fallout 3 Why does Operation: Anchorage show an American soldier executing surrendering Chinese soldiers?


Isn't this simulation supposed to be American propaganda that shows the U.S. as the good guys? Or is General Chase so fucked his idea of "good" is executing the surrendered?

r/falloutlore 19h ago

looking for fallout encyclopedia


Does anyone know if there is some sort of encyclopedia for fallout or anything similar. It has to be a physical book, not am PDF. Im writing for my son..

r/falloutlore 1d ago

Fallout New Vegas Joshua Graham's faith while in the Legion


Ceasar's Legion forces all who join to give up their cultures and belief systems, and indoctrinates them into the Legion's own belief system. However, being one of its founding members and coming from a devout community, did Joshua Graham retain his faith while a legate? The real Roman empire adopted Christianity at some point so there would be a historical precedence he could point at to justify it.

r/falloutlore 1d ago

The Weapons and Armor Stockpiled in Vault Armories


Background: I compiled a list of Weapons and equipment stored in Armories and/or used by authorized personnel. As well as weapons used by the Vault inhabitants in general. I think this is interesting since while there’s a lot of standard issue equipment across all vaults. Some of the equipment outside of that can vary drastically between vaults. A lot of these vaults have failed, been ransacked, armories are likely in innacessible areas of the game. So I will sometimes go off of what Vault Dwellers (especially Vault Security) are equipped with in game.

Standard Issue “Service Weapons”: either N99 10mm Pistol or Colt 6520 10mm Pistol, Police Baton, and standard issue Vault Security Armor.

Standard “Weapons” often accessible to the average vault dweller but not usually stocked in the armory: Baseball Bats, (Kitchen) Knives, Rolling Pins, Lead Pipes, Pool Cues, etc

Following will be the non standard issue weapons additionally found in their respective vault:

Vault 3: Many people think that the fiends got their Energy Weapons like Laser RCW, Plasma Rifles, and Laser Rifles from Vault 3 but to my knowledge has never been confirmed.

Vault 13: Winchester Widowmaker Shotgun and knives

Vault 8: Combat Armor, Combat Shotguns, AK-112 Assault Rifles, and Desert Eagles

Vault 33 (and likely 32): Sterling SMGs and at least 1 Syringer Pistol

Vault 34: Assault Carbines, Marksman Carbines, Missile Launchers, 10mm Sub Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Miniguns, 1 Pulse Gun, Combat Armor, Grenade Rifles, Grenade Launchers, Fatmans, and a Grenade Machine Gun.

Vault 51: Scout Armor, Marine Armor, Combat Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Combat Knives, Fire Axe (unknown if it was stored in the armory), Hunting Rifles, a Bowie Knife, Leather Armor (likely acquired post war by ZAX), at least 1 Gatling Laser, and 1 set of Prototype Hellfire Power Armor.

Vault 76: Combat Rifles, Western Revolvers, and Pump Action Shotguns

Vault 81: Potentially Combat Armor and Combat Rifles since Alexis Combes sells unique variants of it. In Modern times each dweller can have a pipe pistol but no indication that any of these are or would be kept in an Armory.

Vault 88: Whatever the Sole Survivor stocks in the armory (if one is even built).

Vault 101: At least 1 R91 Assault Rifle (only the Overseer and Wasteland Scouts are authorized to carry them). Unauthorized weapons found in the vault includes a switchblade and a BB Gun.

Vault 108: Scoped .44 Magnum Revolvers

Vault 111: 1 Cryolator

Please let me know if I missed any weapons.

r/falloutlore 1d ago

Fallout 4 Raiders are just buds


This is kind of silly and I’m just wondering what other people think. I remember growing up seeing groups of dudes usually, but women too. They have like 4 friends that are like super close with them that they end up being friends with their whole life. It got me thinking are raiders just groups of friends that just team up and often influence each other to do dumb shit together? I feel like it would explain the vast numbers of them. It’s just the way people pare up and go figure most of them do dumb toxic shit like partying every night and raiding people for resources.

r/falloutlore 1d ago

Is radioactive water warm?


I read somewhere and though I can't remember where, that irradiated water is warm when you drink it.

Warm and tingly I believe?

Edit: im talking about HIGHLY irradiated. Like from a nuclear fallout obviously.

Not just some spillage from a nearby plant.

r/falloutlore 2d ago

Question Can team sports exist in Fallout?


Basically this. I got a player in my campaign who wants to revive sports in Washington post events of 3. I have a hard time believing it is possible, as it would just become the targets of scammers trying to get quick cap. Thankfully, he will start with proven stuff first, like arena and mole rat racing.

r/falloutlore 3d ago

Would it be possible to stab someone to death with Stimpaks?


Writing a character for a possible Fallout 2 mod. Long story short is he's rumored to have killed a man with nothing but 2 stimpaks and his ring finger. Would it be theoretically possible to stab someone to death with a stimpak?

r/falloutlore 3d ago

In what ways do Gen 3 Synths differ from Humans?


The institute has created these (Self-Aware) Synthetic Organisms to be nearly instinguishable to a regular human outside of a synth component. But we know some ways they do differ they don’t age, they don’t gain or lose weight (fat synths need to be specially designed), they are immune to radiation. They aren’t born or even grown in a test tube like a clone but are created on an assembly line. What other ways do Synths differ from human?

r/falloutlore 3d ago

Question How much does the average NCR citizen know/understand about the Brotherhood and Enclave?


Like would the normal citizen know about the plan to genocide the entire wasteland, would they know they come from the Old US government?

r/falloutlore 4d ago

Discussion What is the deadliest disease on all of the games?


So, I wonder, could it be the New Plague? Since the only cure there was for it was shipped off to Macready's son, if the plague starts again, pretty much all of the east coast can be pretty damaged by it.

Then again, there is the Scorched Plague, which, while contained relatively shortly after it began, it still is pretty dangerous, if more cases were to arise.

As for the West Coast, I cannot remember any significant diseases, except if you count the Mariposa's base FEV.

r/falloutlore 4d ago

How bad is the security situation in Wasteland?


Although in the game you only have to walk around in the wilderness for a few minutes to encounter something that wants to kill the player.

I think this is an obvious exaggeration as there is no way average people can live in such an environment.

Raiders don't do production, so the idea that the majority of the population are raiders is also not possible.

I don't think the world is as chaotic as The Walking Dead because cities and economies do exist.

So how bad is the actual security in Wasteland?

To us, the players, the FO Universe feels like an unprecedented dystopia, but is it actually that bad?

It seems to me that the inhabitants of The Walking Dead have a more difficult life.

r/falloutlore 4d ago

How long is a ghouls lifespan


Assuming they are not feral or if they are not getting killed how long would they live since they age very slow

r/falloutlore 4d ago

How easy would it have been to enter the Strip?


Some dialouge in Freeside is along the lines of "I wish I was in the Strip.", however the NV Strip itself is very crowded.

r/falloutlore 4d ago

Question Question about the intelligent deathclaws


So the wiki states that the Enclave created the intelligent deathclaws around 2235, but the enclave did not discover mariposa until 2236. So how could they create the deathclaws with FEV if they had not yet discovered mariposa?

r/falloutlore 5d ago

Fallout 4 Is there a reason the institute couldn't have just taken a DNA swab of Shaun?


I was just re-reading the kellog wiki and it occured to me... why didn't the institute just go grab a swab of DNA from anyone in the vault, they needed pre-war DNA yea? They could have gotten that from anyone in the vault I'd think and transporting shaun back to the institute seems more dangerous than a vial containing a cotton swab.

Maybe I'm missing some lore but maybe yall can give some insight.

r/falloutlore 5d ago

How good was Nate living based off what we know on the Pre-War era?


It seems like he has a large sized house without any visible problems, compared to what we know about the late Pre-War era, he must have been living pretty good

r/falloutlore 5d ago

Fallout 4 How much would the Commonwealth be attached to American culture?


Like if an enterprising warlord wanted to make himself be seen as legitimate would he need to invoke Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt? And avoid calling himself King?

We see in the midwest where Caesar was, no connection to the past and he was able to couch his legitimacy in whatever he wanted as Tribals knew little history. Can the same be said for the commonwealth?

Could a warlord be like "I'm your king now" and if he does well people would accept it, or is the fumes of American culture stronger in the Commonwealth that any ruler would want to be couched in Americana?

r/falloutlore 5d ago

Fallout on Prime Even with new genetic material, why are there still distinct races in Vault 33?


So in over two centuries a population of a little over 1,000 still has whites, blacks and asians? Shouldn't they all look mixed race assuming a new generation is born every 25 years thus 9.something generations passed? Did Vault-Tec want distinct races on pupose?

Edit: thanks for all of your answers, you guys’ insight is really useful

r/falloutlore 4d ago

Just how many weapons the government and army contracted from other companies ?


In multiple fallout game we see that the army and government contracted many companies to make weapons for them

(liberty prime although I think it's directly from the army, the fat man, the experimental plasma gun found in mothership zeta, the plasma rifle found somewhere in New Vegas along with those massive shoulder-mounted Tesla rifle in New Vegas,power armor)

those examples are what I can think of right now

Do we know just how many contract did the government/army made for weapon and what were those weapons ? There's also the weather station in 76 used to control the environment in china and Big MT creating all manners of crazy stuff

r/falloutlore 5d ago

What do they wipe with?