r/fnv 12h ago

Artwork Hypothetical NCR elections in 2282 following either a victory and defeat at the battle of Hoover Dam


r/fnv 12h ago

Allegiance When I die, I want NCR Emergency Radio to lower me into my grave so it can let me down one last time

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r/fnv 6h ago

How do you like playing? First Person or Third Person?


How do you prefer playing the game? I know that many like playing in third person put personally, I just can't, first person seems more natural to me.

r/fnv 10h ago

Thought I was a goner

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Veronica saving my ass w/ Annabelle

r/fnv 6h ago

Discussion Here’s another great qoute that you guys could use as advice

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r/fnv 3h ago

Discussion Is Survivalist Rifle just a supe'd up All American?


Jokes aside about the two. Survivalist Rifle can pull about the same DPS if not slightly more than AA but with the inclusion of having extremely high Damage per shot. Like numbers wise with SR im near end game and using 12.7mm HP ammo my damage is about 117 and DPS is damn at 460. AA with HP is pulling about 68 damage and DPS of 416. Really they can do the same role and SR just strikes me as doing what AA does albeit slightly better. The only con is the rarity of 12.7mm ammo and a lower magazine size. Both do the great job of clean sweep and controlled fire well. But AA really kinda falls off late game and isnt that effective against armored targets. SR can at least punch through armor slightly better while having that insane DPS and doesnt fall of late game. But is there much reason to use AA when SR exists?

r/fnv 10h ago

Question Why do I get 10 caps everytime I talk with fisto?


r/fnv 1d ago

why do i walk so slow?

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r/fnv 19h ago

Discussion Titans of the New West 2.0 has got to be ONE of the best mods out there in Fnv (imo) what are your favorite mods?


Im still new to doing mods as I am still learning and boy oh boy was this mod a hassle to work 😭🙏 but in the end it was very worth it! Really gives that feeling of me being inside a Power Armor! The walking, the sound effects, everything! Would love to see what other mods you guys like:)

r/fnv 1d ago

This game is so fucked up, I love it. What’s your favorite part about new Vegas

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My prize. lol I love this game so much. I love how I can act in accordance with how ever I feel in the momentand still progress in the game. I don’t need to follow the games moral compass, which I am used because that’s life and I am not used to as rpgs also. What’s is your favorite part about NV?

r/fnv 4h ago

Best ammo type for 5.56 & 5mm to deal with deathclaws?

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r/fnv 16h ago

Discussion This is super fucked up but I can't stop thinking, what if they named the goddamn quest "You've Got a Fiend in Me"


You know the one.

I'm so sorry lmfao I saw someone comment this in a fallout sub and couldn't help but laugh. I'm going to hell.

r/fnv 1d ago

Where should I allocate skill points for an unarmed build?

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I already have unarmed maxed out. What others are important?

I’ve already done a high speech + high sneak build. Looking to do something different.

r/fnv 15h ago

Discussion Playing DLC at the end of the main campaign?


I see a lot of posts reccomending that people play the different DLCs throughout the main campaign, but is there really that much lost by playing all of the DLCs at the very end of the game? (e.g just before battle of hoover dam or very close to that)

r/fnv 3h ago

Discussion As a fan of Caeser's Legion, what makes you side with them?


Alright to be clear I am not throwing out the 8 millionth NCR post that just brands Legion fans as weirdo slavers. Im asking honestly if you choose to play as the legion and conquer lower nevada for them what was your reason? Do you think they will do a better job at bringing peace to the wasteland? Do you like their look better, or was it just for the memes?

The main reason im asking is that 1 I just dont really hear this perspective at all, and 2... I accidently joined the legion since I got halfway into a mr house playthrough only for my dog to try and eat the robots and one thing lead to another and I had to beat mr house to death with a gulf club. So now Im kind of looking for justifications for my characters actions.


r/fnv 2h ago

Is there a level below vilified


I just hate the ncr so i I wanna get to it if it exist.

r/fnv 1h ago

Missing Forlorn Hope Quest (Is it just me?)


I began playing Fallout New Vegas on Xbox360 when I was 16 and specifically remember a Forlorn Hope quest. Now, I can't trigger or even find a mention of this quest. The quest was a small one, but you basically have to save(or mercy kill?) wounded NCR soldiers stuck in the mine field/no-man's-land between Hope and Nelson. The NCR soldier at the top of the entrance to Hope from the mine field even tells the player that the Legion keeps them alive to try to get NCR soldiers to try to save their comrades only to suffer the same fate. He continues to ask the player to end the wounded soldiers' misery so he doesn't have to hear them screaming for help. Did my head canon just get to out of hand or was this an actual quest? I want it to be one. Maybe Bethesda removed it to support placement for the Dead Money DLC entrance?

r/fnv 10h ago

The air tastes like copper, or old world gold


Can't believe the idiot swallowed his collar!!

r/fnv 12h ago

Question What's your favourite weapon of every type?


Handguns: A Shining Light in Darkness. This is perfect for dealing with tunnelers late game.

Revolvers: Lucky. Great early game revolver. Not as good as Ranger Sequoia but you get ASLiD by then anyway.

SMGs: Sleepytime. It has mid damage and a decent fire rate. 10mm ammo is also a lot easier to come by than .45 and does better damage than 9mm. 12.7mm also has terrible weapon health and ammo is expensive.

Shotguns: I know people usually go with riot shotgun, but I personally prefer Dinner Bell. If I am using a shotgun, I care more about raw damage than DPS. If I cared about DPS, I'd have used the All American.

Rifles: Medicine Stick. I love repeaters ever since Jackson awarded me with the cowboy repeater and this is my favourite repeater.

Sniper Rifles: Christine's CoS Silencer Rifle. Can one shot all soft targets and I can squeeze out 3 VATS shots from it. Plus it's silenced.

Heavy guns: Shoulder mounted machine gun just looks cool. I also don't like how often you have to reload the CZ57

Energy pistols: Plasma Defenxer (GRA). You can get it as early as Novac and it doesn't fall off until mid-late game. Usually stays relevant until around level 25ish.

Energy rifles: Q35. It just works. It's like the service rifle of energy weapons.

Energy heavies: Sprtel-Wood. Green gatling laser tears through everything.

Energy snipers: YCS/186. Tesla cannon has never been reliable for me and the holorifle is niche.

Explosives: Fully modified red glare. It's like somebody took annabelle, made it weaker but it's fast af boi. ThumpThump is also reliable so I'd tie them both.

Melee: Fully modified chainsaw. Anything that gets within 5m of me is gone.

Unarmed: Superheated satunite fist. I don't normally use unarmed but giving this to Veronica makes the game play itself.

How about you?

r/fnv 4h ago

Question Failing "Run, Goodsprings, run!" and "Ghost town gunfight" spontaneously


So... What happens if you fail both big quests for Goodsprings? What ending slide will be there after The Second Battle of Hoover Dam?

r/fnv 1h ago

Honest Hearts personal campsite?


I swear I can’t be the only one that remembers the courier having their own personal campsite they can just drop pretty much anywhere and sleep? May be obtainable in honest hearts, can’t be the Mandela effect

r/fnv 1d ago

Photo They really don't wanna let ya boy pass this Barter 50 check

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r/fnv 1d ago

You already know what happened

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r/fnv 5h ago

How much do you guys hoard?


I'm not putting points in survival so I normally just keep nuka colas and sunset sarsparrillas,as well as the chems. For misc items I look for and take cigarrette cartons, and packets, and pre war money. Ill pick weapons and apparel that I know I can repair and sell for 1000s caps or more, but also some cheaper stuff that I use to repair said high value items along the way.

Was curious about what do you guys pick up?

r/fnv 1d ago

She’s trying her best

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