r/fnv Apr 27 '24

Allegiance God bless the New California Republic

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Hell yeah

r/fnv 28d ago

Allegiance "You're that Wanderer who's caused so much trouble for my New America, and yet you dare come before me."

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r/fnv 2d ago

Allegiance When I die, I want NCR Emergency Radio to lower me into my grave so it can let me down one last time

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r/fnv Nov 07 '22

Allegiance So not only are NCR the most boring faction in the game, their leader is also the least handsome one of the three available.


r/fnv Oct 19 '21

Allegiance Unpopular opinion : Johnson Nash is almost as iconic as Easy Pete and I am tired of pretending he is not !!

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r/fnv Oct 21 '21

Allegiance Deputy Beagle = as useful as tits on a radscorpion, as funny as a Deathclaw orgy

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r/fnv Aug 25 '22

Allegiance Fallout New Vegas : Bearded Edition

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r/fnv Dec 31 '21

Allegiance Unpopular opinion : Joshua is hotter overall than Vulpes.

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r/fnv Oct 03 '21

Allegiance "Ew, you are a disgusting person, how can you like The Legion ?" Because all the badasses in the game are a part of it. 🤷‍♀️

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r/fnv May 24 '20

Allegiance We won't go quietly, the Legion can count on that...

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r/fnv Oct 01 '21

Allegiance Really wish Lucius had an even more prominent role in the game, he oozes coolness and approachability when compared to the other, more brutal and no-nonsense Legionaries

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r/fnv Mar 17 '24

Allegiance Convince me otherwise but im gonna side with house in my current playthrough


Convince me otherwise if its a bad choice or if the reward doesnt outweigh the cons i like the room he lets us use for storage and sleep

r/fnv 4d ago

Allegiance Your tribe has been integrated into the Legion. Now, only one question remains: Do you enjoy wearing the skirt?

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r/fnv 10d ago

Allegiance "Hello Vegas, I'm gonna be the Money President"

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r/fnv Oct 06 '20

Allegiance Patrolling my Apartment almost makes me wish for a Nuclear Winter

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r/fnv Jan 23 '22

Allegiance This man should have been a companion, was too damn funny. Although, he is a liar, I have never seen him fighting any cars smh.

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r/fnv Dec 05 '23

Allegiance It took me over 10 years to realize this

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If you kill everyone at camp forlorn hope talk to papa he’ll name you as heir if you silently kill him you’ll be the new chieftain of the khans and can decide their fate.

r/fnv Sep 30 '21

Allegiance Appreciation post for one of the more underrated characters in the game, Queen Bea, The Ghoul of Wisdom, Beatrix ❤

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r/fnv Jan 18 '22

Allegiance Get down on your knees and pay respect to the most generic bad guy in the game, King Kobb !!

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r/fnv Aug 17 '22

Allegiance The lessons that were taught today will forever be in his mind

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r/fnv Feb 13 '23

Allegiance The tale of the based Legion girl named Aria.


Once upon a time, in the harsh and unforgiving wasteland of the Mojave Desert, there lived a female courier who went by the name of Aria. She was known throughout the wasteland as a fearless and cunning survivor, who would stop at nothing to complete her deliveries and ensure her clients received their packages.

One day, Aria was approached with an offer she couldn't refuse, 1000 caps for delivery of a simple platinum chip. She was offered a job to deliver this chip to the strip and nothing more. Without a second thought, Aria accepted the job and headed out to complete her delivery. However, as she approached the strip from the south, an elite casino owner named Benny ambushed her alongside a group of Great Khans outside the town of Goodsprings, and shot her in the head, leaving her for dead.

But Aria was not one to go down so easily, and with the help of a friendly robot named Victor, she was able to make her way back into the town of Goodsprings, where she received medical attention and regained her strength. From that moment on, Aria was determined to seek revenge on Benny for shooting her and leaving her for dead.

As she ventured further into the wasteland, Aria heard about a man named Mr. House, who was rumored to have immense power and influence in the area. Intrigued, Aria eventually made her way to the strip, where she was initially impressed by Mr. House's grand visions for the future of the wasteland. However, as she got closer to him, she began to uncover the truth about his plans and was disgusted by what she saw. Mr. House was a shriveled up husk, who was using advanced technology to maintain his appearance and control over the wasteland.

Feeling disillusioned by her initial infatuation with Mr. House, Aria decided to venture further out into the wasteland in search of a new purpose. It was then that she stumbled upon Caesar's Legion, a brutal and feared faction that ruled over the wasteland with an iron fist. At first, Aria was repulsed by the Legion's brutal methods and found their ideology to be far too extreme for her tastes.

However, as she got to know the Legion and its leader, Caesar, she began to see that there was more to the faction than meets the eye. Caesar was a charismatic and intelligent leader, who was fiercely dedicated to restoring order and stability to the wasteland. And, as fate would have it, Caesar was also suffering from a debilitating illness that threatened to end his life.

Aria, being the resourceful and skilled courier that she was, decided to use her medical knowledge to help cure Caesar's illness. With her help, Caesar was able to recover from his ailment, and he became grateful and loyal to Aria for saving his life. Over time, Aria earned Caesar's trust and respect, and he came to realize that she was much more capable and intelligent than Legate Lanius, his right-hand man and potential successor.

As Caesar's health continued to deteriorate, he came to the realization that Aria was the only one who could truly carry on his legacy and lead the Legion to greatness. And so, he granted her his blessing to take over as the leader of the Legion once he was gone.

With the courier as the new leader of Caesar's Legion, the Legion underwent a dramatic transformation. Under her guidance, the harsh and brutal ways of the past were replaced with more progressive policies, much to the surprise of the wasteland. Women were granted equal rights, and slavery was banned. The courier's leadership brought about a new era for the Legion, as they became a more modern and civilized society.

As she implemented these changes, the Legion began to flourish and its influence spread throughout the wasteland. The courier's diplomatic skills and strategic mind made her a formidable opponent in the eyes of other factions, and the Legion soon became the largest nation in the Fallout universe.

The courier's first major challenge as leader of the Legion was the conflict with the New California Republic (NCR). The NCR was a formidable adversary, with a large army and advanced technology. However, the courier was up to the challenge and led the Legion to a decisive victory over the NCR, consolidating her power and solidifying the Legion's place as the dominant force in the wasteland.

With the NCR conquered, the courier set her sights on building a new society in the image of Caesar's vision, but with a modern twist. She oversaw the construction of new cities, established trade routes, and created a new system of government that was based on merit rather than social status.

As the years passed, the courier's reputation as a wise and just ruler spread throughout the wasteland, and the Legion became known as a beacon of hope and prosperity. The courier's vision of a better future for the wasteland became a reality, and she was remembered as one of the greatest leaders in the history of the Fallout universe.

The courier's legacy lived on long after she was gone, as her descendants continued to rule the Legion with her same principles of equality, justice, and progress. The Legion became a model for other factions, and the courier's reign marked the beginning of a new era for the wasteland.

r/fnv 15d ago


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r/fnv Feb 16 '24

Allegiance The House Always Wins

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r/fnv 15h ago

Allegiance And so the Courier, who had cheated death in the cemetery outside Goodsprings.......

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r/fnv 14d ago

Allegiance New California Republic flag

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It's tear proof, worth every cent.