r/fo3 5h ago

This is where I'd like to live if I were to end up in the world of fallout

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r/fo3 12h ago

New PC player, long time Fallout fan. Could someone suggest a good LO?


I've been playing Fallout for about 3 years now, and I have gotten a PC so I can mod Fallout 3 and New Vegas (and so I can play Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics). Could someone give me a good load order to use? I want the gameplay and world to be improved while still keeping it Fallout (so lore friendly mods only). Any outfit mods, story mods, animation replacers, weather overhauls, faction outfit remasters, etc. Oh, yeah, and a place where we can send all out companions, like the Suite in New Vegas.

r/fo3 14h ago

Does Fallout 3 just really suck on PC?


My computer keeps crashing. It has crashed 3 times in the past half hours? I didn't know Fallout 3 crashed so much. And my computer can run New Vegas just fine so I don't think it's a computer issue.

r/fo3 19h ago

Can't start Mothership Zeta


i don't know why but everytime i try to start Mothership Zeta the initial cutscene stops, surprisingly enough the game doesn't crash but i still can't play the DLC.

r/fo3 1d ago

One complaint


No 3Dog, I’m not fixing your goddamn toaster.

Happy July 4th everybody and don’t feed the yaoguai.

r/fo3 1d ago

What do I do with the nuka clear formula


I found it but put it in my desk at my house in megaton for safe keeping.

r/fo3 1d ago

I literally just left the vault. I was just grabbing the sniper rifle behind Megaton. HOW EVEN ?!

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r/fo3 1d ago

Can't run 3 on my laptop but can run NV on ultra just fine

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I downloaded both games on my laptop through Steam and NV runs just fine on ultra settings. 3 doesn't want to work for me. I can open it and get to the main menu but it doesn't recognize my controller, I can't switch to Steam, and when I choose to start a new game it decides to crash instead. I had issues getting it that far before but I used a guide to get it this far. I can't seem to find a way around this issue.

I'm running an Asus with a 3GHz processor, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD, Windows 11, if that helps any.

r/fo3 1d ago

Is plasma rifle better than chinese assault rifle?


Why would you use one and not the other? Assuming both skills are 100

r/fo3 1d ago

How to reach Alexandria Arms?


I want to go to Alexandria Arms but I really can't find the way. I tried moving around the city or inside the metro but I didn't find how to reach the place. Any help?

r/fo3 1d ago

Ok so I can't get past the part in point lookout, i have enclave power armor, winterizes t-51b helmet, 5 stimpaks, 68/340 hp, no 556mm ammo, a 10mm pistol, 2 buffout, 3 psycho, 2 stealth boys, 3 wild punga fruit, a bb gun with 157 ammo, a fat man with 2 mini nukes, and a crap ton of tribals,


I have to block off the breach in the West Wing, and help the mansions owner repel the invaders, im stuck in this one room hiding from them, im really stuck, i have a double barrel shotgun with 123 ammo (two loaded in), a Gatling laser with 110 ammo left, a lever action rifle with 10/59 ammo, a missile launcher with 1/10 ammo, 5 pulse grenades, a shovel, a sledge hammer, a switchblade, and a trench knife i also have a Confederate hat and workman's coveralls, a beer, 4 jet, 10 radaway, and thats all my stuff, so how can i get past this part when im in a pretty tight situation, i need some advice

update: SOLVED! Jetstream-sam made a comment 32 minutes ago that really helped, now how do I close a topic?

r/fo3 1d ago

1st time playing


I just made it to level 13 and I'm torn between Cannibal and Silent Running. My karma is already very far into the negative. So that aspect of cannibal doesn't bother me. Silent Running seems cool but do I still have to crouch to see if I'm hidden or not?

r/fo3 1d ago

I don’t have fallout3.exe, what can I do?


I can’t get my game to launch at all, I get to the launch I hit play and then nothing. I got it from steam.

I’ve tried everything I could find until eventually I don’t have some files, I have fallout3luancher and fallout3 but no fallout 3.exe that people keep telling me to touch. I’ve uninstall the game and reinstall it 3 times now and it doesn’t come up.

How can I fix this?

EDIT: I figured out, I renamed fallout3 to fallout3.exe as a joke and then clicked it by accident and it worked. I can’t believe that worked.

r/fo3 1d ago

I'm thinking of playing modded but haven't completed the dlc's yet. Suggestions?


Hello dude's, I'm brand new to fallout and I decided on starting on fallout 3 would be a nice start

I just finished the main story (haven't done that broken steel dlc extended story) and now I'm interested in using mods,

Main question:

Should I finish all the dlc's first then mod or mod first then finish the dlc's?

(or start over with mods to experience the mods more)

Side Question:

What mods do you guys suggest?

Recommending a mod list would be nice as well.

I'm looking for mod's that makes the game more fun and more Interesting.
recommending mods that is well liked by the community would be nice as well.

btw I would be using Vortex to mod the game.

r/fo3 1d ago

Possible resolution for those crashing on launch


Just a quick one. Decided to do a few yearly playthrough again of FO3 a few weeks ago, followed the usual updated 'Install this and that' to get it working and normally I'd have no issues but for the love of me I could not get FO3 and even NV to launch at all.

Turns out it was AMD's drivers fault. The latest driver released has fixed the immediate crash on launch. Also for NV.

So if you are trying, even just straight up vanilla, and have an AMD card, ensure drivers are up to date.


r/fo3 2d ago

Need help with a laser weapons stealth build


I think I'm going to use the Chinese stealth armor and the alien Atomic pulverizer or the alien Captain's sidearm but I'm pretty new to fallout 3 so I was wondering will this work or not and what perks and stats and other weapons would be good for this type of build

r/fo3 2d ago

Lets talk community population IRL


Got a question for you guys:

Let’s say locations like Megaton, Rivet City, and Tenpenny Towers were actual cities/communities and the number of people living in those locations were not limited by Game Engine or Game Technical Limitations.

Given the infrastructure we can see, and making some reasonable assumptions of scale, How many people can those communities theoretically support?

I know IRL aircraft carriers can support 10,000 sailors, but that’s with outside supplies. Not to mention the hallways in aircraft carriers are much more extensive than what we can see or interact with. But I don’t know, I know there are people out there that are a lot better at logistics than I.

r/fo3 2d ago

Burke wanted me to blow up Megaton so I blew up his pants.

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r/fo3 2d ago

Even though these things are controlled, they still scare me

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I'm playing fallout 3 on ttw and I thought this mechanic of the "friend" deathclaws was really cool, even though I was VERY afraid of them getting out of mental control and ending up killing me

r/fo3 2d ago

What happens if Dogmeat dies before you get the Puppies! perk?


my doggy companion has fallen in the capital fighting a super mutant behemoth. I’m not at the level yet where I have unlocked the broken steel puppies perk. So what happens? Does a puppy still respawn at vault 101?

r/fo3 2d ago

Is Moira really hated? (Poll included)


I don't really engage with the fallout "community" at all. While replaying fo3 for the first time in a while, I decided to look up if choosing the snarky responses for her quest would make her upset and if so is there a way around it. Doing this I found all sorts of comments about how she's the worst character! Looking up videos about her ghoulification, everyone in the comments seem to share the sentiment that they wish it killed her! Is she really that hated? I absolutely adore her and have always considered her one of the best characters in the game. I just assumed that would have been everyone else's sentiment as well because her being loveable seems obvious to me. I'm not surprised to find out that different opinions exist, because duh, but is wanting her dead really the majority opinion?

239 votes, 4d left
I love Moira!
I like Moira
I don't care either way
I dislike Moira
I hate Moira

r/fo3 2d ago

Which DLC to do after anchorage/zeta?


Just finished ancorage, starting zeta tonight. Which DLC after that?

Pretty new to the game, only like lvl 10 on my first playthough but enjoying it a lot.

I did use the search bar before I asked this question, but everyone only recommends ancorage first then zeta, nothing after that. Any tips greatly appreciated.

r/fo3 3d ago

What mods are must have


Hello I have fo3 and NV. I know about the mod that merges them. are there any other mods that you can’t play without?

r/fo3 3d ago

This is grim

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r/fo3 3d ago

How do you get this game to run on Windows 11?