r/Invincible Mar 25 '24

If Viltrumites can breed with anything, then why didn't they fuck these guys? COMIC SPOILERS

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384 comments sorted by


u/ScorchedConvict Mar 25 '24

That picture right there provides the answer.

Those things are feral and can kill a Viltrumite.


u/llMadmanll Mar 25 '24

Spices things up


u/ItchyEducation Mar 25 '24




u/AFR0NIN The Viltrumites Mar 25 '24


u/Pinksters Mar 25 '24

Shaqs "Da Bomb" Sauce reaction is one of my favorites.

Especially with how small that gallon of milk looks in his hand.


u/Randy_Ortons_Voices Mar 25 '24

I use that reaction anytime I say “these edibles ain’t shit” and am on my ass 10 minutes later


u/Aurelion_ Mar 25 '24

Dies of peak


u/0ajs0jas Mar 25 '24

As written...


u/LordMartius Mar 26 '24



u/InnocentGuiltyBoy Mar 26 '24

I'll honour you with my bodily fluids.


u/No-Ad-6990 Mar 26 '24

Some like it rough


u/SpiderMonkey6l Mar 25 '24

Could they just send a war party to… milk one? Then give it to a female viltrumite.


u/PointBlank579 Mar 25 '24

Can’t do it sorry, it’s not as hot.


u/stella3books Mar 25 '24

This is the downside of their eugenics program. Eugenics allows them to direct selective pressure as THEY see fit. Natural selection results in greater generic and phenotypic diversity, it’s just statistics made manifest. 

 In a healthy, natural population there will be fringe groups of perverts who’re not just WILLING to battle-milk feral aliens for artificial insemination, they’ve TRAINED for it in their free time. This results in greater generic success for the species as a whole.  The best men for the job were probably slaughtered in their basement apartments before their time came.

 Sort of like how Nazis tried to sterilize male homosexuals to “purify” their gene pool, not realizing that male homosexuality is correlated to higher rates of female fecundity and better long-term survival statistics for the community.  

(Uhh. .  . This was mostly sass, eugenics is bad in and of itself, please do not try to weaponize furries and monsterfuckers)


u/TheNinthDoctor Mar 25 '24

This would make a fantastic copypasta.

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u/Hydrasaur Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

"Male homosexuality is correlated to higher rates of female fecundity and better long-term survival statistics for the community"

Layman's terms?


u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Debbie Grayson Mar 25 '24

More gay guys = more babies

Idk how, but it's been proven


u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK Omnipotus Mar 25 '24

How has it been proven?


u/lift_1337 Mar 25 '24

This is kinda a misunderstanding of the research. Essentially, some Italian scientists in the early 2000s proposed that the gene that makes men gay evolved because it also makes women more fertile. Their reasoning for this was the result of a study they did that found that women with at least 1 gay brother, nephew, son, etc. had more children than those that didn't. I can't really find if any further research was done on the subject or what it concluded.

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u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Debbie Grayson Mar 25 '24

I literally said idk how, thems just the numbers bro

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u/kalasea2001 Mar 26 '24

Yeah, but if we've already started a weaponized furries and monsterfuckers program, we can keep going, right?


u/stella3books Mar 26 '24

I am sure that, in the cold light of day, my explanation for the complex intersection of genetics and human behavior will prove to be thorough and watertight. So it is vital that you cease these plans to breed a strike-force of weaponized perverts, it will inevitably work out flawlessly and I don't know if you can be trusted with that power.

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u/BustinArant Spider-Man Mar 25 '24

I think Viltrumites all like getting "their own thing". You'd probably have to wrassle the Viltrumite woman even more than the hoard of lizard things.

By that point you're practically married and with this useless jar of lizard excretions. Maybe re-gift it, I guess? Send it to the next poor bastard with a get-artificially-inseminated-quick scheme.


u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Debbie Grayson Mar 25 '24

Actually when sent to earth even Anissa was ordered to make babies, all of them were, if Thragg ordered them to, they would totally take the baby-batter for artificial insemination, risky as it may be to get, orders are orders


u/InnocentGuiltyBoy Mar 26 '24

Imagine the child being carried to term and it chews and scratches it's way out of the womb in whatever direction it would be facing, due to it genetically hating viltrumites that much.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

But to be fair there are also some downsides.


u/youngarchivist Mar 25 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

And they're nonhumanoid in terms of biology. Bipedal reptiles = \ = humanoid btw.

Pretty sure that's the biggest thing for them. Racial purity.

If they met a humanoid species that could kill viltrumites they'd be fuckin the shit outta them

That being said they didn't breed with Battle Beast's species either so I would assume that any animal characteristics are considered impure.

Just like most fascists they're hamstringed by their social hangups.


u/greatness101 Mar 26 '24

But bipedal insects are? I don't think that's what's holding them back.


u/youngarchivist Mar 26 '24

They're pretty specifically not

The Viltrumites are disgusted that Nolan fucked an impure alien.

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u/ReedCentury Mar 25 '24

I mean, we've seen them taken captive and being used as Thragg's dogs. Tell me why we can't just find female ones and then trap their limbs and then impregnate them en masse like a Ragnarr-Viltrumite baby factory

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u/glen2001 Atom Eve Mar 25 '24

Bro I don’t think they would try to make love with those. I think they would just try to kill the viltrimite if they tried making love


u/llMadmanll Mar 25 '24



u/glen2001 Atom Eve Mar 25 '24

Bro 💀


u/3EggsInATrenchcoat Mar 25 '24


u/tarentale Mar 25 '24

“HOW DARE YOU!!!!!?????!?!!!!”


u/Ponders0 Mar 26 '24

Bro was so offended in that scene lol. When you're getting cut in half and turned to paste on a regular basis, the hyperspeed kid who can withstand a week in space and getting pummeled to dust isn't that bad of an alternative option.


u/zoon_politikon_ Brit Mar 25 '24

" NO . "


u/Same-Inflation1966 Mar 25 '24

This had me wheezing but you going to hell


u/RedditAcccount2798 Mar 25 '24

Wait Viltrumites can breed with anything? How? So anything they fuck can make it pregnant or a female Viltrumite pregnant?

Could they fuck a Trex?


u/llMadmanll Mar 25 '24

Unironically, theoretically, yes, as long as they are compatible enough in biology.

A T. Rex probably isn't, unless I missed out some facts on bird reproduction.


u/RedditAcccount2798 Mar 25 '24

Could they breed with a whale or a shark? Imagine a Viltrumite shark, lol


u/TheConnASSeur Mar 25 '24

J A W E S O M E !!!!


u/Ninjasquirtle4 Mar 25 '24

Fuck ya, Street Sharks was a sick show.


u/funnysad Mar 25 '24

That was the basis for the Sharknado documentary.


u/RedditAcccount2798 Mar 25 '24

I’m dying 😂


u/Deusexanimo713 The Mauler Twins Mar 25 '24

Images version of King Shark from DC. Just a massive shark man except this one can fly and probably has a mustache somehow

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u/pravis Mar 25 '24

Unironically, theoretically, yes, as long as they are compatible enough in biology.

If insects are compatible enough then I'm willing to bet anything is.

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u/RogueR34P3R Mar 25 '24

Let's not forget Nolan fucked a bug and had a kid. I think a T-Rex child is entirely plausible lol

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u/BigNorseWolf Robot Mar 25 '24

isn't that a turn on for a viltrumite?


u/glen2001 Atom Eve Mar 25 '24

To have their penis and or face bitten off is a turn on? 💀


u/BigNorseWolf Robot Mar 25 '24

the RISK of it anyway....


u/glen2001 Atom Eve Mar 25 '24

Don’t think they would want the risk


u/Otrada Mar 25 '24

I wouldn't put it above the viltrumites to go to some rather insane lengths to get the deed done anyways.

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u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 25 '24

How would they breed with them? They can't get close enough to them without the ragnars ripping a hole in their flesh.

Viltrumites are conquerors. They take over entire planets and use what's left of the population as slaves. They also have rules. They are only allowed to breed with "genetically similar species. Like humans."


u/ADOVE4F Mar 25 '24

That's why Oliver's birth was forbidden for Nolan. Until Freddie Mercury said otherwise


u/Training-Dog5678 Mar 25 '24

Same way we breed horses.


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 25 '24

You can't tame a ragnar. But if you have ideas on how to keep one still long enough for a Viltrumite to put his seed in one (or vice versa for a female), I'm all ears.


u/Dazzling_Can_3425 Mar 25 '24

Has anyone ever actually tried to tame a Ragnar tho?


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 25 '24

No. But some guy thinks they'd be perfect for having sex 🤔. I needed this comic relief.


u/PlzSendCDKeysNBoobs Mar 26 '24

Didn't the girl that Battle Beast hooks up with have them as pets? she controlled them somehow


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 26 '24

It would make sense. She is an intelligent beast and more similar to rognarrs than Viltrumites are.


u/Arbiter008 Nolan Grayson Mar 25 '24

It's plenty possible to just harvest the gonads of a male one or maybe disable a female ragnarr as a sort of incubator.


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 25 '24

Please explain how you would go about disabling a single female ragnar, then harvest her eggs. They don't seem to go on long walks by themselves.

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u/goldendarren Mar 26 '24

Ok hear me out, 4 hold each limb while 1 chosen one gets to breed. Unbeatable baby.


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 26 '24

I love the enthusiasm. Have I been saying the name wrong? In the comic book, they are called Rognarrs. Anyhoo.... They run in packs. They can fly. It would take the strongest Viltrumite warriors to capture a single one. The beast would be able to shake them off in your scenario.

Yet Thragg was able to capture at least 4, put them in chains, then used them as weapons (think bolas).


u/jadenbgoat Mar 26 '24

If they steal one and milk it and pregnante a girl the offspring would be crazy(if compatible)


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 26 '24

You still don't get it. It's an impossible feat.


u/EveningWolf2009 Mar 25 '24

Cause they don't have a ragnussy


u/llMadmanll Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

No one looked for it tho


u/PolitelySelective Mar 25 '24

not even Freddie?


u/BigNorseWolf Robot Mar 25 '24

he found the mouth first.

Little freddy will be missed.


u/sheepyowl Mar 26 '24

You say so much with such few words


u/blondedaff Mark from Burger Mart Mar 25 '24

best comment


u/ItsFoxyGamer Mar 25 '24

would you fuck a giant reptilian that doesn't and can't feel empathy and could rip you in half


u/Top-Apple7906 Mar 25 '24

Not if I had that attitude, pal!


u/brianundies Mar 25 '24

Yes but I’m built different for that reptussy


u/Pran282006 Battle Beast Mar 25 '24

Smash, next


u/xkise Mar 25 '24

can't feel empathy

OG omni-man also can't, win-win


u/LexeComplexe Mar 25 '24

OG? You mean the comics? Because uh, if you think he's incapable of empathy, you haven't read it.

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u/Bozmarck1282 Mar 25 '24

You just described my ex wife


u/RS_Lionheart Mar 29 '24

Underrated comment


u/cakebomb321 Mar 25 '24

I can take em


u/peon47 Comic Fan Mar 25 '24

Have you met my ex?


u/Guillermo160 Mar 25 '24

You’ll be surprised by the amount of people that would say yes


u/NippleNugget Mar 25 '24

Get rid of the reptilian part and it sounds kinda hot

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u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

Maybe breedable but Not submissive


u/llMadmanll Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

Dommy Rognarr


u/Freddycipher Mar 25 '24

A couple of possible reasons why

  • Any viltrumite could be torn apart in the process or severely injured.

  • the Ragnar don’t really got compatible reproductive organs

  • they’re kind of ugly


u/UpstateJoe Mark Grayson Mar 25 '24

If they are reptilian, they have would have a cloaca, which would not be so compatible with mammal parts.


u/Cheapskate-DM Mar 25 '24

Counterpoint: 🪲


u/VillianKing Mar 25 '24

Omni-man is a weird dude, lol


u/filthybootyeater6969 Mar 25 '24

Mark: You left mom. 

Nolan: I got you a new mom. 


u/sonsargon13 Mar 25 '24

Thraxussy just hits different


u/smegma-rolls "Dude, I saw it on Reddit" Mar 25 '24

“She’ll become a milf in a week Mark”


u/capodecina2 Mar 25 '24

And a Gilf in two!


u/sonsargon13 Mar 25 '24

Not Nolan Pre-ordering 😭


u/ahen404 Mar 25 '24

Thragg knew it was too legit to quit. He hit it 10 thousand times, still wasn't enough. Dude was thristin hard

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u/Tigerphobia Mar 25 '24

To be fair, the Thraxans do appear to be mammals. They are humanoid and have mammaries, they potentially diverged from a common ancestor of humans and viltrumites. I cannot begin to justify any science behind that, but hey, can you blame Nolan for trying?


u/SkGuarnieri Mar 25 '24

Yeah, it's kinda like whales.

Might look like a fish, but that doesn't mean it is a fish


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

Wait so could omni reproduce with a whale?


u/SkGuarnieri Mar 25 '24

Not necessarily and probably not, the genes still have to be compatible.

Think of it like this: Ligers are a thing, but a half-breed between a human and an ape isn't. We are too far removed from our closest relatives for that to happen and viltrumites are probably in the same position (albeit they likely match a lot more species than humans would)

Edti: And to add to the hybrid parts, infertility is a big issue. Viltrumites are trying to save themselves from extinction, so mating with things that are compatible but would just be infertile afterwards isn't that high on the priority list (But they'll still do it for practical reasons if they're pushed hard enough)


u/ZettoVii Mar 25 '24

Counterpoint on the gene thing, Viltrumites are genetically engineered with something called "smart atoms" that basically corrects any genetical defects.

It's part of the reason for why Viltrumite hybrids become more pure blooded the older they get: the smart atoms beocmes more efficient in preserving and enhancing that side of their bloodline.


u/masterRK Mar 25 '24


u/Kooky_Ratio8382 Mar 25 '24

I wasn’t familiar with your game Nolan


u/etherama1 Mar 26 '24

Never forget what they took from us

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u/Social_Confusion Dinosarus's Biggest Simp Mar 25 '24

The Ragnussy would literally chop off that Viltrenis like a steel enforced blender

It ain't worth it man


u/BigNorseWolf Robot Mar 25 '24

I must try.. or I have not truly lived- French Mustache Viltrumite guy.

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u/Chaoticdab Mar 25 '24

Wasnt there a rule that viltrumites can only bread with similar looking species to them ? Thats why they were so disgusted when they saw oliver


u/SkGuarnieri Mar 25 '24

They are all eugenists! Even before inter-species reproduction came up, they were all about keeping the blood pure and killing their weak

They are only "okay" with reproducing with humans because the offspring is as close as you get to pure viltrumites AND they don't really have a better option


u/Shurikenblast_YT Mar 25 '24

When thraxans


u/Ziggurat1000 Titan Mar 25 '24

If a grizzly bear attacked you, would your first instinct be to make love to it?


u/BigNorseWolf Robot Mar 25 '24

To be fair singing Ed shirren to a bear is not the worst survival strategy.

Either that or my singing is terrible.


u/JustBiz_Null Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 25 '24

They're not mantids


u/therealdavi Mar 25 '24

agreed, more like womantids


u/Yentup1998 Mar 25 '24

Well, not only do those things come from - what I imagine is - Space Australia, Viltrumites are usually meant to breed with species biologically similar to their own as a means of keeping the bloodline more pure, which is why Mark's half-brother is seen as an abomination.


u/swizzl73 Mar 25 '24

Viltrumites aren’t strong enough to get that ragnussy before the ragnussy fights back, simple as.


u/OmniMushroom Mar 25 '24

Maybe a Viltrumite taking down and mating with a Rognarr is the reason the whole 'only mate with genetically similar species' rule exists


u/Scrimmybinguscat Mar 25 '24

There are logistical reasons why this would be damn near impossible, but also cultural issues considering the two cultures we're looking at.

Let's say some miracle happens and two uncharacteristically accepting members of each species met one another and fell in love...

Well, the resulting child probably look like something like a viltrumite with red skin and yellow eyes, and they would also happen to be apocalyptically strong.

Viltrumites and Rognarrs likely get their powers from different sources. We know Viltrumites make use of smart atoms in their physical structure, and Rognarrs might be, but for all we know, Rognarrs might just be made of stronger stuff.

So if you put them together, you could potentially come away with an entity twice as strong as an ordinary Rognarr or Viltrumite.

That's just my speculation.


u/shaser0 Mar 25 '24

I remembered that the Rognarrs were strong because the gravity on their planet was very strong. How are they made might be a reason why.

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u/jordonwatlers Mar 25 '24

Because with the exception of one they believe in consent /s


u/Ttvcat996 Mar 25 '24

If he can’t I will


u/Lost_Afropick Mar 25 '24

They're species supremacists.

You saw the disgusted response from the other Viltrumites after learning Omniman had bred with the bug people.

I reckon they only breed with similar species


u/Bozmarck1282 Mar 25 '24

I’m definitely picking up a “Challenge Accepted” vibe from OP


u/Insert-Cool_NameHere Machine Head Mar 25 '24

Their feral


u/Chicken_Mc_Thuggets The trashbag Mark threw into space Mar 25 '24

A few probably died trying


u/DevBro22 Mar 25 '24

Hard to mate with something that wants to bite your dick off.



because these guys already fucked with the viltrumites


u/darth-com1x DORK LORD OF THE SITH Mar 25 '24

because they'll bite their dick off


u/itsnotbritneybitch Mar 25 '24

Cuz they’re not horngy. They’re hangry.


u/PuzzleheadedPop47 Mar 25 '24

Look at the pic, u think they wanna breed? Lmao, also they mentioned they specifically wanted humans like on earth as they are most similar to viltrumites. They of course end up getting desperate and do what Nolan did on that one planet with the bugs. Also thats another reason they did not attack earth straight up, they sent nolan to slowly do it in a more “peaceful” way that would not involve them killing their future wifes and such.


u/Bozmarck1282 Mar 25 '24

This thread has no right to be this damn entertaining


u/ZeroCharistmas Mar 25 '24

I'm suddenly a lot more comfortable with the fact that a flying, talking dog is not something that Invincible's universe has actually seen.

We know how Nolan is about pets...


u/Not_A_Unique_Name Mar 25 '24

Damn sexy lizards


u/Fine-Funny6956 Mar 25 '24

They were almost as strong and didn’t wanna fuck


u/BeekeeperJack Mar 25 '24

I tried. They give teethy head


u/Rustofcarcosa Mar 25 '24

That would be some hard-core hatesex


u/adri_riiv Mar 25 '24

Too angry to fuk


u/Astonsjh Mar 25 '24

Because male Viltrumites can't get pregnant.


u/BigNorseWolf Robot Mar 25 '24

Sigh.. someone tell bob to stop trying...


u/Jefrejtor Mar 25 '24

Logistical answers aside - despite their humanoid form, these things are basically animals. Even if Viltrumite and Ragnarr DNA could somehow mix well enough to produce a healthy baby, that thing is still gonna make Conquest look mentally stable. Not exactly "purity-worshipping empire" material.


u/varlathor Mar 25 '24

If they were successful they may cause their own demise. If they bred enough of them they might look at viltrumites as inferior and kill them all. Like how people say true AI might kill all humans


u/Lazereye57 Robot Mar 25 '24

Simple, it is not worth the effort.

It could potentially cost several Viltrumite lives to capture, restrain and breed with a single ragnar with no guarantee that the offspring is better/stronger than what they could get from other species.

Not to mention that the offspring could potentially inherit the mindless rage of the ragnar making him/her little better than an animal that needs to be put down for both its own sake and for the ones around it.

The purpose is after all to repopulate the Viltrumite race so potentially exchanging 8-12 Viltrumite lives for 1 potentially stronger Viltrumite that might be a failure is not the best deal.

But I would be interested in Battlebeasts race though since they are an actually intelligent species with a lot of potential.


u/-BakiHanma The Viltrumites Mar 25 '24


Imagine they captured, restrained and had their way with these things…. They would be insanely strong.


u/notbuildingships Bobby Hill Mar 25 '24

Death by snu snu


u/77horse Anissa Mar 25 '24

Ragnussy to strong. It breaks any viltrumeats that enter


u/ThisIsGoodSoup Mar 25 '24

I will NOT hear anyone out.


u/Mad-Dog94 Mar 25 '24

You try to fuck that thing...


u/XdevhulX Mar 25 '24

In the Words of Robert California: They're a ride you wouldn't survive.


u/blitzyphantom Mar 25 '24

Bro why didn't they just FUCK the ravenous kill beasts?


u/Wooden_Gas1064 Mar 25 '24

If they tried then PP go bye bye


u/_gnarlythotep_ Mar 25 '24

I wanna know why they don't fuck Battle Beast's people?


u/Xtarviust Mar 25 '24

This thread is gold


u/NinjanicWhiskey9 Mar 25 '24

Viltrumites are also extremely racist. Anything species that doesn’t match viltrumite appearance is considered an abomination


u/melodic_vagabond Mar 25 '24

I thought the Viltrum empire only let them breed with species that were similar to them appearance wise? Also I get the impression those things would rip off a Weiner in a heartbeat.


u/redditAPsucks Mar 25 '24

A lot of people focusing on the wrong things here. I think op is wondering if this space-faring conquerer race could interbreed with ragnar, why didnt they overcome the difficulties, and unappealingness to make it happen. I think op knows the dangers, and the fucked upness involved in the scenario.

I think the answer is they maybe CANT interbreed with EVERYTHING, they are maybe worried about creating a threat to themselves, and even if the hybrid made the ultimate warrior, itd DEFINITELY spit in the face of their species’ superiority complex


u/ChewbakaflakaG Mar 25 '24

I went to chirp OP and then I saw his name


u/wobimi3131 Mar 26 '24

I'll do you one better: Allen the Alien and a female Viltrumite. Perfect baby.


u/SpartanGamer687 Mar 26 '24

I think the picture speaks for itself.


u/Trash_Emperor Mar 26 '24

I don't buy the argument that they're too vicious, obviously one could be caught and bred. I think the problem is that they're so powerful and vicious, that there is a risk that the whole "Viltrumite DNA takes over" bullshit wouldn't work, and you'd have an ultra-powerful, ultra-vicious Viltrumite on your hands that can't be contained and could even pose a danger to the empire if it produced more offspring or was capable of leading those things.


u/Tomahawk_the_Wolf Mar 27 '24

Death by snu snu


u/Ghostmetoeternity Mar 28 '24

Because they're cowards


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

This is the type of shit I hate most on the internet


u/Zer0_l1f3 Spawn Mar 25 '24

Ragnar seem to be 1) more reptilian and 2) extremely feral. So this would be like either fucking a crocodile or a grizzly bear. Both are bad options and both will not produce off spring for different reasons


u/Dragonbarry22 Rex Splode Mar 25 '24

What think this post through op and you'd probably find the answer


u/ErandurVane Mar 25 '24

So idk if they'd be genetically compatible but the Ragnars are almost definitely not interested in breeding with Viltrumites. I'm also not certain there'd be a benefit to it? We know their strength comes from their planet's insane gravity and we have no idea how strong they are genetically. Like, Mark can go toe to toe with a Ragnar despite being born on Earth, how strong would a Ragnar be if it was raised on Earth. Alternatively how strong would a Viltrumite be if it was raised on their planet?