r/Invincible Mar 25 '24

If Viltrumites can breed with anything, then why didn't they fuck these guys? COMIC SPOILERS

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u/Training-Dog5678 Mar 25 '24

Same way we breed horses.


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 25 '24

You can't tame a ragnar. But if you have ideas on how to keep one still long enough for a Viltrumite to put his seed in one (or vice versa for a female), I'm all ears.


u/Arbiter008 Nolan Grayson Mar 25 '24

It's plenty possible to just harvest the gonads of a male one or maybe disable a female ragnarr as a sort of incubator.


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 25 '24

Please explain how you would go about disabling a single female ragnar, then harvest her eggs. They don't seem to go on long walks by themselves.