r/thewalkingdead 2d ago

If Lori magically appeared again, would Rick leave Michonne for her? Show Spoiler

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u/Perfect-Cheetah9435 2d ago

It’s been well over a decade since her death vs a little over a month for Rick’s supposed death when Atlanta gets bombed. Different scenarios, it’s been a lot longer and Rick has moved on. As he said to Michonne, “You’re the love of my life.” So I say hell no, though the conversation would be interesting.


u/Efficient_Wall_9152 2d ago

Plus Lori and Rick were not on good terms. They’re not comparable to Glenn and Maggie who deeply loved each other and whose time was tragically cut short, even though they deserved to grow old together


u/Rickgrimes8x16 2d ago

“They deserved to grow old together” hit hard 😔


u/Dangerous_Donkey5353 2d ago

Didn't hit as hard as Lucille did


u/ohheyitslaila 2d ago

Too soon dude 😭


u/Dangerous_Donkey5353 2d ago

I know, Glenn was my favorite character.


u/Big-Al97 2d ago

I mean it’s been at least 5 years, both you and Maggie need to move on.


u/InterstellerFrozen 2d ago

Ouch! That second swing was unnecessary. The eye was already out - did the cheekbone really need it?


u/xDizzyKiing 2d ago

Yes, or he'd be suffering for a few minutes from the busted skull

Second swing was mercy


u/Gullible-Soil-9205 2d ago

Mercy swing for us all

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u/Efficient_Wall_9152 2d ago

Deserved to grow old together on a farm house, which several children and grandchildren


u/Justtojoke 2d ago

Ooooh🫠🫠🫠😭 Glenn and Maggie.

You state what so many people forget. Rick and Lori's relationship no longer worked in an apocalyptic setting. They were just tolerating each other out of familiarity towards the end. That's not even bringing up the infidelity and Judith.


u/KEW95 2d ago edited 2d ago

Just to check because I haven’t seen the earliest seasons for a while, was there infidelity on Lori’s part? Aside from before she knew Rick was still alive, which isn’t really infidelity because she believed she was a widow.


u/Reader47b 2d ago

There was no infidelity on either of their parts. She got with Shane because she completely believed he was dead. Neither ever cheated on the other. But they were growing distant even before the apocalypse struck, and their marriage was on the rocks in the prison.

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u/queerpolykinky 2d ago

In the beginning of the first season it is established that they has marital issues before the apocalypse, I believe Lori stated that Rick was unintentive and uninvolved in the marriage but no mention of infidelity. I think most people say she cheated because she didn't wait to move on thinking he was dead and got with Shane


u/KEW95 2d ago

Ah, thanks, that’s what I thought. I don’t blame her for moving on so quickly after believing she was a widow. That isn’t cheating, albeit complicating things when he turns up alive 😂


u/queerpolykinky 2d ago

Like if they weren't on good terms she may have mentally moved on long before he 'died.' believing him to have perished fulfills the til death so us part so not cheating imo.

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u/Kris_1234567 2d ago

I’ve heard people theorize that Lori and Shane were having an affair before the apocalypse but there’s no real evidence of that and the show never alluded to it. It was just when she thought Rick was dead I think.


u/vegange 2d ago

Off topic but it’s always mind blowing to think about how they’ve been in a zombie apocalypse for over a decade. That’s fucking wild.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Significant-Gap-7512 2d ago

I'd love to wear Boots, Cargo pants and a cool jacket everyday. But instead I look like a wannabe SAS operative


u/blue_flavored_pasta 2d ago

Also when you’re living in the zombie apocalypse you’re not sitting around thinking about your marriage. You are definitely distracted about surviving every day and that makes moving on probably a shit load faster to do.


u/TalesFromTheThriftJZ 1d ago

If Lori became a zombie of a zombie would Rick smash???


u/Efficient_Wall_9152 2d ago

Curious question. I think not, since Rick and Lori were left on bad terms while Rick truly loved Michonne. Plus she became the mother for Judith and RJ, and grew very close to Carl too

In the comics, would Maggie leave Dante is Glenn came miraculously back?


u/McBoyDoesntRule 2d ago

Most definitely. On both ends


u/Efficient_Wall_9152 2d ago

So Rick and Michonne would stay together while Maggie would leave Dante?


u/StrokeGameHusky 2d ago

Lori hopped on a dick in a month. Rick waited years before doing anything with another woman. 

Lori sucks.


u/Efficient_Wall_9152 2d ago

And Maggie remained a chaste widow for over 15 years. She truly loved Glenn


u/lewhunter 2d ago

Honestly, I don’t blame Lori and Shane for getting together. They thought Rick was dead, Shane was protecting her and Carl, the world was falling apart in front of their eyes. Trauma bonds are real asf and strong asf, it’s natural and I don’t blame them at all.


u/Radiant-Manner-3902 2d ago

The same reason Rick didn’t I think that’s why he kept saying “you thought I was dead”


u/Pretend_Effect1986 2d ago edited 2d ago

Difference is that Rick is used to the “new” situation. While when Rick was in a coma shit hit’ed the van. It’s not the same.


u/Radiant-Manner-3902 2d ago

What is “hitter the van”🤣


u/Pretend_Effect1986 2d ago

🤣 auto correct! I ain't native english 😝


u/Radiant-Manner-3902 2d ago

It’s ok I think you meant “shit hit the fan” lol

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u/Courier23 2d ago

Rick got with Jessie like a few months after Lori died, he got with Michonne barely a few weeks after that.

Seasons 1-8 take place in a very short span of time

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u/ItsYaBoiRaj 2d ago

Yeah thats what it says


u/96pluto 1d ago

Yeah I feel like lingering feelings from glenn would bubble back up

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u/Fit-Paleontologist21 2d ago

Absolutely fucking not lmao


u/this_shit-crazy 2d ago

Rick knew everyone at CRM longer than anyone from Atlanta or Alexandria always blows my mind lol


u/rafael-a 2d ago

Yeah, that’s why TWD timeline pissed me off


u/Seputku 2d ago

Yeah like Daryl’s been searching for Rick like 6x as long as he’s even known him… just kinda doesn’t make sense and throws off the whole universe


u/DerBernd123 2d ago

I wouldn't say it doesn't make sense. 6x as long seems a very long tbf but Rick is probably the first person who treated him like a decent human being, they saved each other countless times and since Daryl likes to life as lone wolf he probably didn't have much else to do anyways at this time


u/Seputku 2d ago

Yeah, but they live in a world where death is at every corner and they watched the man explode next to 30 lbs of dynamite… I think after a bit you realistically call it. Hell, half the group was okay stopping the hunt for Sophia like a couple weeks in


u/DerBernd123 2d ago

Yeah that's true. I guess it could also be seen as some kind of mental problem that didn't allow Daryl to give Rick up or something like that. Just look at how the death of a person can fuck people up in the real world too. Maybe Daryl was just clinging a bit too much on Rick which made him search for such a long time. The fact that they didn't find a body even though they searched every possible location made it probably even worse because he never got a chance for closure


u/K4yn3sOma112 2d ago

He said it in the opening episode of his show. "Hell, I'm still trying"


u/Seputku 2d ago

That could be true, but I think a likelier explanation is just poor writing/planning and trying to stretch the show out into a franchise with multiple spin offs


u/DerBernd123 2d ago

Yeah of course but a Canon explanation is always more fun than just accepting that the writers or show runners fucked up lol


u/Seputku 2d ago

Haha definitely, for me some of that fun is ruined when I have to go to astronomical lengths to justify certain choices but to each their own!

I still love the show for nostalgia, the zombies, and honestly seasons 1-5 or 1-6 are legitimately fantastic tv

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u/noneofthemswallow 2d ago

You’re not supposed to think about it too much. This isn’t that type of show anymore.


u/the-willow-witch 2d ago

But in safety and comfort time goes faster. They were trauma bonded


u/lostinthesauceguy 2d ago

There was absolutely no good reason not to have more time jumps. Even just to compensate for Chandler Riggs CLEARLY being many years older.


u/rafael-a 2d ago

On my head cannon there are some major time jumps between season 3 and 4, and another after Carl loses his eye.


u/jellydrizzle 2d ago

Yeah, i think the same thing too 🙈


u/lostinthesauceguy 1d ago

I also like the idea that they were at the prison much longer too. Makes sense why the community got bigger and more settled.

We can pretend... but it isn't the case.


u/Clean_Crocodile4472 2d ago

He knew Lori and Shane longer than the CRM no? He knew them since school


u/battle_mommyx2 2d ago

I think they meant the new people


u/Glad-Degree-4270 2d ago

Also ones who are alive lol


u/battle_mommyx2 2d ago

lol that too


u/blujay_80 2d ago

Well yeah obviously he knew Lori and Shane and Carl longer than the CRM, because they have a history before the apocalypse, but also think that he’s been with CRM longer than Judith was alive when he was flown away…she was around 4-ish (?) years old, and Michonne came along when she was just an infant too, so he’s been with the CRM for a longer amount of time than he was with all the people he’s loved and considered family.


u/Hindsight21 2d ago

And then she was like 13 when he finally got back...big oof.


u/ThestoopCrew34 1d ago

Rick took going out to get milk way too seriously.


u/dobbystoe 2d ago

To be fair, CRM doesn’t seem like a place that makes it easy to form relationships, with all the mistrust- Jadis mentions this when talking to Gabriel.


u/blujay_80 2d ago

Right????? I thought of that! He was there longer than Judith was alive when he got flown away, SO crazy to me that it’s actually upsetting lol. 😩

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u/TotalAssistance9476 2d ago

Hell no he's got his equal with Michonne


u/RevertBackwards 2d ago

Lori wouldn't have a chance


u/finelonelyline 2d ago

“[Michonne]you’re the love of my life”

Please be serious.


u/Realitychker20 2d ago edited 2d ago

No he wouldn't.

The man literally called Michonne the love of his life and cut off his own hand to go back to her and the family they have together.

I swear to god this sudden push to turn Lori into some great love story for Rick is starting to look suspicious. No one did that before TOWL, this fandom couldn't stop trashing Lori in fact and everybody seemed to understand why she wasn't a good match for him. So what's up here?

Rick and Lori's story together was about a failed marriage on top, they weren't compatible, didn't understand each other and she couldn't look at, much less accept, his monster. Unlike Michonne who sees all of him, intrinsically understands him and loves him all the more for it.

Why would Rick leave his successful happy marriage to go back to the wife that treated him that terribly? Like, is this really a serious question? One of the first things we learn about Rick and Lori as a couple is that their marriage was already in trouble and both saw it (see Rick's light switch conversation with Shane, and Lori talking to a friend about their issues), then the narrative kept pulling them further apart rather than have them grow back together, culminating with Rick lashing out about Shane after her rejection regarding what he had to do, and then him not even looking at her for months.

I don't understand how that question is even asked, the answer is obvious.


u/Thick_Independence41 2d ago

It's the weekly, "Michonne can't really be the love of Rick’s life, right?" post.

Rick declaring Michonne as the love of his life shook up some people in the fandom because I've never seen Lori and Rick’s marriage get this much contemplation before.

All of Rick’s words and actions leave no doubt that he wouldn't leave Michonne for anything. He said he'd die without her, that she's the only thing that fixes the broken world, but we're supposed to think he'd kick her to the curb if Lori magically reappears?


u/Realitychker20 2d ago edited 2d ago

Right? You literally have to disagree with the character himself about who he has loved most and saw as his greatest love story to push that narrative.

Those two people were separated for eight years and they never even looked at another. Rick thought he'd never see Michonne again and his reaction was to live as a monk and spiritually kill himself. Nothing about that leaves any room for any sort of ambiguity at all, 8 years and he couldn't let go of her at all, meanwhile he has let go of Lori and moved on since over a decade.

So really, either they can't stand that Rick is that devoted to his black wife and the family they built (their biracial son, their adopted daughter), or they must dislike him a lot to want him shackled with Lori, of all people, the woman who violently rejected him instead of comforting him like she should have when he went through the traumatism of having to kill his best friend in self defense after the latter tried to murder him.

So which is it? I have my personal idea, at this point...


u/Thick_Independence41 2d ago edited 2d ago

It's the elephant in the room. They don't like Rick's multiracial family. They don't want the most important people to Rick to be his Black wife, biracial son, and adopted daughter

So that means everyone can be more important to him than his nuclear family (dead former wife, Daryl, the CRM).

Truth be told, Michonne (along with Carl and Judith) has been the most important person to Rick since Season 4. Especially after the prison fell and they formed their own family unit.

Anyone who can't see that has a severe bias.


u/Realitychker20 2d ago edited 1d ago

Agreed. Also the way they didn't "see it coming". Like how? I don't even agree it was subtle, this is Rick Grimes, the ultimate family man, and he treated Michonne as the mother of his children before they even consumed their relationship, and to you a romantic path wasn't wide open? Uh?

Like how didn't you see it coming after 4x09 especially, when Michonne goes on a full circle mini journey with her dreaming/reminiscing about her dead son and dead boyfriend only to end the episode with her finding what would become her new son and new boyfriend.

What's there to debate here aside from your bias?

I really can't...


u/jasperdarkk 1d ago

I was around 10-11 when season 4 was airing, and I was the biggest Richonne shipper. If I could see it coming at that age, having never experienced romance for myself, I think it was pretty damn obvious.


u/Maxwell_Street 1d ago

Excellent analysis


u/thecheesycheeselover 2d ago

Never; Michonne and Rick didn’t just love each other, they laughed together and had fun, even while juggling responsibilities and fighting against tough stuff. I love the ep where they’re looking for guns and end up at the fairground, it showcases their dynamic really well.

Rich and Lori must have had fun and playfulness for a while, but their chemistry seemed to have been less long-lasting. I think Rick also wanted a partner who was an equal and who ‘got’ him, and from what we saw of him and Lori, she was really into more traditional gender dynamics and wanted him to ‘be the man’ while still demanding a level of emotional sharing that their dynamic didn’t encourage. He and Michonne seem to understand each other better.


u/Realitychker20 2d ago

Yes, I think it's telling how much Rick laughs when he is spending time with Michonne. They genuinely have fun together, there is a lot of joy and levity expressed when they're around one another. We never saw him act like that around Lori at all.


u/DKG9512 1d ago

ahh yess, the deer episode


u/nyx926 2d ago

No, Rick and Michonne built a life together, a magical resurrection wouldn’t change that - but it would disrupt it for a bit until Lori left for one of the other settlements.

Though, Lori probably has amnesia (which is why she was gone for so long) so she wouldn’t remember Rick.

Or, it’s Lori’s twin, Cori, and Rick thinks he’s seeing a ghost in the woods for weeks until she finally approaches the gate.


u/TwilightZone1751 2d ago

“Lori’s twin, Cori” 🤣🤣. After Glenn died I joked that they should bring back Steven Yeun as Glenn’s twin brother, Flenn. 🤣


u/nyx926 2d ago

😂😂😂that would have been great!


u/apocalypticretro 2d ago

This is some wild Fanfic theories here LOL


u/nyx926 2d ago

😃 It’s actual 80’s soap opera storylines (minus the zombie apocalypse part). That’s what the post reminded me of.


u/MitaJoey20 2d ago

No. They weren’t even on the best terms before she died. Carl was what really kept them together (outside of the whole zombie apocalypse thing) He really loves Michonne.


u/Middle-Noise2582 2d ago

I mean their marriage was already dying. It was even hinted at in the beginning of the series.


u/Amazing-Village-4530 2d ago

Hell no. Rick & Michonne were a perfect match made in Heaven.


u/latexBach 2d ago edited 2d ago

My guy chopped his hand off to be with Michonne and told her she was the love of his life. Like come on bffr, he’s absolutely not leaving Michonne for that.

Also, as soon as he sees that Michonne moving on with someone else the murder jacket, head tilt, and python would appear out of nowhere. 😂😂


u/rafael-a 2d ago

Absolutely not, I personally think that if the apocalypse never happened Rick and Lori would probably end up divorcing quite soon. One of the first scenes in TWD is Rick telling Shane how his marriage is not going great.

Rick and Lori was probably a case of young couple that ended up getting married because of a pregnancy, it worked for a while but it was starting not to work anymore. While Lori is alive there’s always this tension between them, and by season 3 they’re pretty much broken up.


u/VegaSolo 2d ago

Yep, and Lori tells her friend outside of the school that she doesn't know if she loves Rick.


u/chisoku1126 2d ago

I was thinking back when Shane rolls up to Carls school and Lori doesn't even flinch when Shane tells Lori about Rick.


u/eyeball-beesting 2d ago

Well, that is not true.

I am not even a Lori fan but of course she was upset. She was trying to be strong. Don't demonise her for the wrong reasons.

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u/ItsYaBoiRaj 2d ago

Doubt it


u/Upbeat_Funny_5367 2d ago

This picture alone answers your question............look at how he's looking at michonne 😜he ain't Eva looked or kissed lori like that

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u/YooTori 2d ago

What's with this uptick in questions about Michonne hypothetically not being important to Rick?

"Would Rick leave Michonne for Lori?" (What?? No.)

"If Lori didn't die, would Rick and Michonne still end up together?" (The answer is yes, despite a bunch of reddit comments saying they wouldn't.)

"Who is the most important in Rick's life?" (He said it himself: his wife and kids.)


u/Thick_Independence41 2d ago

It's really so odd. It's a weekly occurrence.

The show leaves no doubt just how much Michonne means to Rick. He spelled it out with no ambiguity. Yet people still want to somehow change the narrative.


u/MTVaficionado 2d ago

I didn’t see the “if Lori didn’t die” topic. Lol, to me, it would have ended up some next level Shonda Rhimes drama because I don’t think Rick and Michonne interact closely with each other for 2 years and there isn’t at least an emotional affair…imagine…he has a wife and child…with Lori still at home. Didn’t Herschel convince Rick to stay behind at the prison more and become the farmer to have a better image for Carl? If Lori was still alive, I don’t even think Herschel would have fought so much for Rick to stay behind more.

Rick would have likely been going on runs more, traveling outside the prison more, spending time with Michonne and Daryl on the road more. And with the issues that already existed between Rick and Lori…would Lori even want to remain in the relationship after a while? Their marriage was doomed.


u/wdeister08 2d ago

Tv show Rick and Lori were basically 2 steps away from divorce pre-apocalypse. The apocalypse absolutely did not help matters. They were basically co-parents by the time Lori died. I doubt Rick suddenly seeing her appear at Alexandria's gates would change anything.


u/AngryPotato____ 2d ago

Never in a million years!!! Michonne waited for him for years!!! And Lori "Oh no, my husband is dead. I'm so sad 😔 Oh look a warm body that will fix my problems, and it's ok because my husband has been dead for a week🤷"


u/Delayandrelay 2d ago

Why this shit keep coming up every week? I’m really starting to side with the people saying this is racism cause it just keeps coming up weekly since TOWL. legit peeps be straight up ignoring things rick has said to michonne outright.

Yall just don’t like he has a black wife he likes more then his 1st white wife. it really just has to be that

Lori dies - Rick goes crazy but comes back

Taken from Michonne - “you’re the love of my life” “I can’t live without you, without you I die” and he effectively has to “kill” what makes him” him” in order to semi function in his effective prison.

But let’s keep ignoring this AGAIN


u/Jerry_0boy 2d ago

Absolutely not.

“You’re the love of my life. Without you, I die.” - Literally Rick to Michonne


u/flowerchild3624 2d ago

I think that this is a really good example of how people are completely different pre apocalypse and post apocalypse. Even being in Alexandria didn’t make Rick just like his pre apocalypse person. You can’t even equate the two: Rick pre apocalypse and Rick post apocalypse. Lori and pre apocalypse Rick were arguably not a good match then and I don’t think they’d be a good match if she appeared again. Lori was also always trying to hold onto pre apocalypse and that made her a liability. Michonne is Rick’s equal and she can make him laugh which is just a bonus. Anyway michonne and Rick appreciation essay over.


u/Efficient_Wall_9152 2d ago

Lori’s and Rick’s marriage was also falling apart


u/Snap-Zipper 2d ago

Absolutely not 😂 their marriage was all but over before Lori even died. Best case scenario, she would return, they would have an amicable separation and get some closure, and then they would move on.


u/tseg04 2d ago

Nope, Michonne is his true love. Honestly Rick and Lori didn’t really seem all that great for each other anyways. Lori also just was not built for the apocalypse in any way.


u/Downtown_Broccoli930 2d ago edited 2d ago

Absolutely not.

Rick and Michonne are closer than Rick and Lori ever were.

Michonne and Rick confronted problems as a team, while Lori just questioned the capabilities and decisions of everyone around her, while she overestimated her own capabilities and decision-making.

Rick and Michonne clearly were more compatible. This is shown pretty quickly after they get together. They hardly argued, while Lori and Rick hardly ever got along.

Michonne worked with Rick to solve the problems they faced, while Lori caused problems on top of the already existing problems.

Lori was selfish and petty on top of it all, so it's really a no-brainer who Rick loved more.


u/kchane3 2d ago edited 1d ago

Lol absolutely not. She could have popped up in season 6 episode 11 and the answer would still be no.


u/NYCMamaBear 2d ago

Michonne - kissed one dude 6 years after her partner died and looked apathetic at best.

Lori - screws husband’s best friend within maybe two weeks (if we’re being generous) of his death.

This is not apples to apples. Lori and Rick were married by virtue of Rick being a good guy and sticking by his kids’ mom. They didn’t even like each other at the end.

Rick and Michonne on the other hand were very happy together, raising one child and planning another, and then Michonne defied all odds to bring him home.

This is one of those questions that I ask myself if Michonne were white, would it be asked. I hate to think that or be that person, but soooo many people keep asking these questions to second guess their relationship. And I have to ask myself why. Rick and Michonne had great chemistry, a happy life, were well matched as leaders and fighting partners, raised kids together. Why is it this constant question of who they are to each other? We had a whole spin off devoted to them as a couple coming back together. She leaves her children to get to what is equivalent to the ends of the earth to find him, how is that not enough to prove their love. Sheesh!


u/The999Mind 2d ago

Absolutely not lmao. Futile effort on Lori's part. I think they could be friends though


u/Successful_Buffalo_6 2d ago

Definitely not. Rick wouldn’t leave Michonne for anyone.


u/Strict_Box8384 2d ago

oh definitely not. his and Lori’s relationship was toxic and lacked passion. him and Michonne truly love each other in every sense of the word, have respect for each other, and are passionate in their relationship. plus, Michonne’s actually a good mom lol.


u/cryptic-weirdo 2d ago

After they got together in Alexandria there is zero chance he would leave Michonne for anyone let alone the woman who had a baby with his best friend. They all but said at the prison they would be divorced by now if they could.


u/OderinTobin 2d ago

No. If anything he’d think he fully lost it again, and retreat further into his relationship with Michonne. Much like others have pointed out as well; his relationship with Michonne (Andrea in the comics) seems a lot more trusting/loving/less toxic than his relationship with Lori.


u/Remus88Romulus 2d ago

Never. He moved on.


u/BorderDependent8733 2d ago

absolutely not; he wouldn’t even think about it. He loved Lori, but their marriage was massively flawed and would’ve crumbled anyway. Michonne is the love of his life.


u/StormKing92 2d ago

Nah, Lori was a dick.


u/stinkyduckk 2d ago

nahh she sucks 😎 remember when she fucked his best friend like a day after thinking rick was dead lol


u/Comfortable_Table903 2d ago

any motherfucker coming back from the dead getting a damn blade in the face if it comes back near these two. Lori included.


u/mirondooo 2d ago

Rick loved Lori as his family but I don’t think he loved her as his partner anymore, neither did she.

But it’s very clear Michonne is his wife, partner, best friend, family, everything honestly.


u/Formation1908 2d ago

When people bring up Rick’s mental breakdown after Lori died and attribute it to romantic love I wanna vom.

I think he felt guilty for not being there for her emotionally. He's coming to the realization that he's a single dad of 2 in the ZA. His child had to watch his mom die and shoot her in the head to prevent reanimation, and then he finds her remains in the gut of a walker. My cheese would slide off my cracker too!

To think he would leave Michonne for Lori is just beyond my comprehension. Lori and Rick didn't even like each other before the ZA. I just….nope


u/Flat_Salamander_3283 2d ago

No freaking way. M is a better spouse to Rick to an exponential degree.


u/ButterflyLittle3334 2d ago

What a strange question. I’m not even going to entertain it.


u/psychgirl88 2d ago

Lol.. would Michonne even let her near Rick? Also, in this weird ass OVA alternative universe, is Carl still alive?


u/apocalypticretro 2d ago

Never. They were headed to divorce court PRE apocalypse.


u/TightHuckleberry5452 2d ago

Rick would stay with “The love of his life” Michonne. Lori doesn’t stand a chance!


u/SuperToxin 2d ago

Lmfao no. Lmfao.


u/SandRush2004 2d ago

I'm not sure when you rewatched the show last, but by the s3 opening rick had completely checked out of there relationship they were just co-parents


u/RealityBites19 2d ago

Lori could come back butt ass naked carrying a basket of food and Rick would still not leave Michonne for her.

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u/Key_Ad1854 2d ago

Fck no


u/blujay_80 2d ago

Lol hell no


u/SilveryAero 2d ago

Why don't we ask her what she thinks? Phone rings


u/Outrageous_Baby_5589 2d ago

A better question would be would Rick have left the CRM for Lori? Absolutely not. I don’t even think Lori would have even gotten to that point anyway. She pretty much gave him up for dead in the beginning and moved on within a month.


u/Decent-Check-277 2d ago

Nope. Look at what happened when Lori thought he was dead VS Michonne. FK Lori


u/One-Winner-8441 2d ago

No. He’s moved on. It’s that simple.


u/Kaintwaittogetbanned 2d ago

Nope his tie with her ends with carls death. He has RJ and Judith grew up knowing Michonne as her mother


u/FenrirNoLoki 2d ago

If somehow Lori stuck around, but Carl still died I believe Rick would have left her once “Carls body was cold”.

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u/VanlllaSky 2d ago

i think Rick would be shaken and would recall his feelings and the things he wanted to say to her but never got the chance to. he would quickly realize that he loves Michonne much more though.


u/PrimProperPro 2d ago

I actually think she’d be really happy for him, obviously hurt but genuinely pleased he got his happy ending. She’d be more focused on grieving her son.


u/mysticsoulsista 2d ago

Not only were Rick and Lori on bad terms when she died, they weren’t doing well at the beginning of the series to begin with… their relationship wasn’t as strong as his and michonnes with about the same amount of time spent in the relationship


u/Minimum-Winter9217 2d ago

There's no way Rick would ever leave Michonne for Lori. He wasn't even in love with her when the series started. He was with her because they had a son together and he was a responsible father.


u/tifferiffic83 2d ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 No.


u/Clean_Crocodile4472 2d ago

It’s not a simple question but I feel like despite how much love he had and still has for lori he’d end up sticking with michonne.


u/bellant593 2d ago

Honestly no. There was so much tension built up for 3 seasons with Rick and Lori. Hell Lori admitted to not really wanting him anymore during the school flash back on season 2 episode 2. So she wouldn't even go back for him.


u/jcole8701 2d ago

HELLLLLLL NOOOO he would have told Lori to get her ass on. Their marriage was failing before the world went bad anyway…they were headed towards a divorce. She also didn’t waste anytime messing around with his best friend because she thought he was dead. She was not loyal at all and Rick needed better. Also Lori is dead weight, Rick needs someone who can fight with him not someone he has to protect.


u/byfo1991 2d ago

Well, let’s see. Michonne was still determined to find Rick more than 7 years after his disappearance and would probably not even think about touching another man evenafter such a long time.

Lori banged his best friend like a week after Rick supposedly die.

I think the choice is clear.


u/Daredevil545545 2d ago

Nope she cheated on him pretty much plus I don't see Rick x Lori even if she survived and Michonne is definitely gonna survive longer than her.


u/newamericana12 2d ago

She didn't cheat. Yeah sleeping with your dead husband's best friend is morally wrong, but she thought Rick was dead. As soon as she found out Rick was alive, she called it quits.


u/TwilightZone1751 2d ago

Rick’s “dead” body was barely cold before Lori was rolling around & doggy-styling Shane in the woods.


u/Realitychker20 2d ago edited 2d ago

I mean right? I don't think it's cheating per see, and don't even blame her as much as most because it's clear she and Rick had already grown apart by the time he was shot.

But let's be honest here, grieving her husband barely two weeks before getting with his best friend was ... questionable to say the least and it sure as hell doesn't spell as if she was some sort of great love story for him.

Meanwhile Michonne waited for him for years, didn't move on, didn't even seem like she wanted to nor ever tried. It's clear who Rick has the deeper bond with and who he would "chose".


u/ItsYaBoiRaj 2d ago

But still telling shane that they cant fuck cause ricks around. Almost implying that she would fuck him again if rick was "gone"


u/newamericana12 2d ago

Like I said, it's really wrong of her and despicable but it's not cheating


u/ItsYaBoiRaj 2d ago

sounds like emotional cheating, like she wants to be with shane but cant because ricks alive


u/newamericana12 2d ago

That doesn't classify as cheating though but sure


u/ItsYaBoiRaj 2d ago

When did I say it did? I said emotional cheating

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u/Wild-Brilliant-5101 2d ago edited 1d ago

I’d say even if Lori didn’t die and she was alive, without Carl, their relationships wouldn’t last. With Rick adapting to new world, becoming the “monster” to survive and Lori’s inability to keep up, I think they would have never lasted as long as Richonne does. Even though, right before her death Lori expresses understanding to Rick, she would never feel comfortable seeing her husband murdering people left and right. Unlike Michonne, who is literally Rick’s second half, partner

Edit: the way nobody asked what I meant by “adapting to bee world” (typo)


u/no_skill_psyko 2d ago

Lori was a toxic manipulator lbh. I don’t think Rick or michonne would risk what they have to start over again with that sham relationship


u/JMajercz 2d ago

I speak for the pre and post apocalyptic world- Lori is for the streets


u/KEW95 2d ago

I don’t think so and I’d hope not. As good as they may have been pre-apocalypse, they struggled as almost any relationship would through that change, with or without the added complications of Shane and Judith. By the time Rick and Michonne met, they had both mostly adapted to the new world and were well-matched. It would be interesting to have an alternate universe “just for fun/just out of curiosity” episode where the main characters from each season meet, had the apocalypse not happened. —————— For example, there’s some reason they all end up in the same place or Rick and Lori take Carl on a road trip and come across various characters, with some of those characters interacting for the first time too (so we could see if they’d have got along outside of the apocalyptic scenario) or how their relationships progressed without the zombie threat. I’d be curious about Lori and Shane, Rick and Michonne, Andrea and The Governor, Maggie and Glen, Abraham and Sasha, Merle and Daryl, etc. Perhaps having a different catastrophic/dangerous event leaving them stuck in the same place for the episode and seeing if/how they work together and who becomes a villain in that situation.


u/Thadigan 2d ago

I don’t think you remember what people do to anyone who comes back to life on this show.


u/gimmedaloofa 1d ago

lol i just started rewatching and forgot how much I could not stand her. Did she wait 2 or maybe 3 days before giving it up to Shane? She just seemed so tore up about the whole thing. LOL Michonne got a rocking bod, is loyal AF and will still look fine at 70. xD my hot take anyways


u/MountainRock8517 1d ago

Heck no, Lori was mid at most and annoying. Michonne is badass, beautiful, and can handle anything that gets thrown at her.


u/Tiny-Ad4955 2d ago

Nah, they were in the process of leaving each other. See episode one they weren’t on good terms , the who zombie thing brought them together for comfort.


u/Sea-Engineering4032 2d ago

No, their relationship was already broken anyway.


u/The-tokyoWitch_7 2d ago

Probably not


u/Keiichigo 1d ago

That's like saying if I found the love of my life and we are happily married, have wonderful children and a good life, and then asking me if I would go back to my toxic ex.


u/BunV1 1d ago

Not in a million years. Current Rick wouldn’t be able to stand past Lori for more than 5 minutes. I don’t think even Carl could.

She wasn’t the worst character ever, but she died when the group was 10% of what they are now. If Lori came back but was as decked out as Rick or Michonne, then maybe she would be a good survivor, but I can never see Rick leaving Michonne for anyone, especially her.

It would just be like seeing an ex. They’ve seen 1000 more human deaths since Lori caused Rick a meltdown. Some people he probably knew even longer than his own wife. Rick moved on 6 seasons ago.


u/lewhunter 2d ago

Nah and I’ll be Lori’s rebound.


u/newamericana12 2d ago

Bro wants to be Shane

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u/Sparrow1989 2d ago

Hell no, first off it’s been a long time. Second he raised her kid like his own knowing its 50/50 his with another woman who then looked out for her more. If she came back like criss angel she would not be ready for the ‘eh I’ve moved on’ speech.


u/fruitypebblemimosa 2d ago

One thing that gets forgotten is that up until her death Lori and Rick were not on good terms. Rick wouldn’t leave Michonne for Lori.


u/Stahlmatt 2d ago

If you were a sandwich, would you eat yourself?


u/IPIPMIP 2d ago

this scenario could be called as "two girls one cowboy".


u/AshleyHen 2d ago

she would probably die again ngl 😭😭


u/damnitslay 2d ago

No chance 😭😭😭


u/Aggravating-Cap-2703 1d ago

No, Michonne and Rick are already married at this and have a son. If Lori magically appeared to try and eff things up again. So.


u/Smokey_012 1d ago

That’s a hard No.


u/DiscombobulatedTea55 1d ago

Nah, him and Lori ended on bad terms, he wouldn’t leave michonne for the woman that can’t handle herself and cheated on him


u/Kineticspartan 1d ago

Nope, too much has happened since she died, and while I reckon he'd be torn about it, ultimately, this could possibly come down to the fact that Carl died and I'm not sure Lori would be able to get over that, even with Judith still alive.


u/Traditional_Job6617 1d ago

Doubt it she shagged Shane like it was nothing.


u/ReviewAny8819 1d ago

Heck no. Plus, Judith needed to be raised my michonne in order to survive. Lori would have just taught her how to cook and clean.


u/otherFissure 1d ago

He'd probably have a mental breakdown if Lori, who was eaten down to the bone by a zombie, suddenly respawned.


u/SimmySAGE 1d ago

Hell no unless he’s truly a beta. Lori gave birth to Shane’s child that Rick is still taking care of. Michonne has proved she’s a hell of a lot more of an asset to the group and Rick. I think Michonne satisfied a lot of fans when we all hated Lori.


u/96pluto 1d ago

Nah he'd be happy to see Lori again but Michonne is his sole mate.


u/ftm666incubus 2d ago

Hell no. And carl is gone...so the thing that was holding them together isn't even there any more


u/Ponders0 2d ago

Rick and Lori were on the ropes for a while before she died. Even before the apocalypse they were having their issues


u/defmutant 2d ago

I smell another spinoff!


u/Suspicious_Brief_800 2d ago

Say Lori had a normal birthing for Judith instead of having to be opened, I believe Rick and Lori’s relationship would be permanently damaged to the point they would completely break up (since there is no divorce in the apocalypse). Say Lori survived up to Alexandria, I’m pretty sure she would eventually find someone else to be with (who? idk) while Rick would get with Jesse and then with Michonne. Say Lori survives post Season 9, Carl’s death would permanently separate Lori from Rick and she would probably move to either the Kingdom or to Oceanside. Although if Lori survived I’m pretty sure Carl would ask his mom to help him save Sadiqq instead of going alone so maybe Carl would survive here? Idk…


u/Suitable_Dimension33 2d ago

I just don’t see it happening everything they went through together