r/thewalkingdead 4d ago

If Lori magically appeared again, would Rick leave Michonne for her? Show Spoiler

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u/Perfect-Cheetah9435 4d ago

It’s been well over a decade since her death vs a little over a month for Rick’s supposed death when Atlanta gets bombed. Different scenarios, it’s been a lot longer and Rick has moved on. As he said to Michonne, “You’re the love of my life.” So I say hell no, though the conversation would be interesting.


u/vegange 4d ago

Off topic but it’s always mind blowing to think about how they’ve been in a zombie apocalypse for over a decade. That’s fucking wild.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Significant-Gap-7512 4d ago

I'd love to wear Boots, Cargo pants and a cool jacket everyday. But instead I look like a wannabe SAS operative