r/thewalkingdead 4d ago

If Lori magically appeared again, would Rick leave Michonne for her? Show Spoiler

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u/flowerchild3624 4d ago

I think that this is a really good example of how people are completely different pre apocalypse and post apocalypse. Even being in Alexandria didn’t make Rick just like his pre apocalypse person. You can’t even equate the two: Rick pre apocalypse and Rick post apocalypse. Lori and pre apocalypse Rick were arguably not a good match then and I don’t think they’d be a good match if she appeared again. Lori was also always trying to hold onto pre apocalypse and that made her a liability. Michonne is Rick’s equal and she can make him laugh which is just a bonus. Anyway michonne and Rick appreciation essay over.


u/Efficient_Wall_9152 4d ago

Lori’s and Rick’s marriage was also falling apart