r/thewalkingdead 4d ago

If Lori magically appeared again, would Rick leave Michonne for her? Show Spoiler

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u/Clean_Crocodile4472 4d ago

He knew Lori and Shane longer than the CRM no? He knew them since school


u/blujay_80 4d ago

Well yeah obviously he knew Lori and Shane and Carl longer than the CRM, because they have a history before the apocalypse, but also think that he’s been with CRM longer than Judith was alive when he was flown away…she was around 4-ish (?) years old, and Michonne came along when she was just an infant too, so he’s been with the CRM for a longer amount of time than he was with all the people he’s loved and considered family.


u/Hindsight21 4d ago

And then she was like 13 when he finally got back...big oof.


u/ThestoopCrew34 4d ago

Rick took going out to get milk way too seriously.