r/thewalkingdead 4d ago

If Lori magically appeared again, would Rick leave Michonne for her? Show Spoiler

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u/KEW95 4d ago edited 4d ago

Just to check because I haven’t seen the earliest seasons for a while, was there infidelity on Lori’s part? Aside from before she knew Rick was still alive, which isn’t really infidelity because she believed she was a widow.


u/queerpolykinky 4d ago

In the beginning of the first season it is established that they has marital issues before the apocalypse, I believe Lori stated that Rick was unintentive and uninvolved in the marriage but no mention of infidelity. I think most people say she cheated because she didn't wait to move on thinking he was dead and got with Shane


u/KEW95 4d ago

Ah, thanks, that’s what I thought. I don’t blame her for moving on so quickly after believing she was a widow. That isn’t cheating, albeit complicating things when he turns up alive 😂


u/queerpolykinky 4d ago

Like if they weren't on good terms she may have mentally moved on long before he 'died.' believing him to have perished fulfills the til death so us part so not cheating imo.