r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/GoodUserNameToday 4d ago

Yup debates really don’t matter. It’s all about bananas and gas prices and those are gonna keep trending down.


u/MuteCook 4d ago

It’s not even a debate. It’s just a spectacle


u/Jorge_Santos69 4d ago

That was the stupidest thing about yesterday, everything was a goddamn lie that came out of Trumps mouth, but morons like Chris Wallace on CNN were literally saying

“That’s to be expected, so he came off looking good!”


u/USS_Frontier Oregon 4d ago

Because CNN is not news. It's entertainment.


u/GoodPiexox 4d ago

dont forget about home shopping too, on their news website they parade marketing pitches now as stories as well


u/Jorge_Santos69 4d ago

Even still they’ve got from entertainment with some factual reporting to whatever clown shit was on display last night.


u/ridauthoritarianism 3d ago

unfortunately, I have noticed that many news stations are not calling Trump out for his lies and not giving Biden as much press time. I think it's because they are being bought out by conservative billionaires to skew the news to their ideas. This is how you take over America. buy the news, buy the judges and buy the congress. Then you can do whatever evil plan you may have to undu the constitution and perpetrate your fascist ideas on the public. Ane they are doing it by calling Democrats fascists and destroyers of democracy. If they say it enough people start to believe it.


u/Temporary-Cake2458 3d ago

Fox News isn’t news.. it’s entertainment. CNN is entertainment- just like Fox.


u/RedGreenPepper2599 3d ago

Chris Wallace is a fox plant


u/Atlein_069 3d ago

Biden lied a lot, too. Which makes his performance the much worse. His only job was to get out there and give out truth - poke holes in the big idiot’s arguments.


u/SolaVitae 4d ago

It really shouldn't be but for some reason CNN forgot this was a presidential debate they were supposed to moderate and not an episode of the Kardashians


u/MatrixTek 4d ago

You see, it's nearly impossible for a multibillion-dollar media company to fact-check all of Trump's numerous falsehoods in real-time. Even using GPT wouldn't help; it would be too complex to explain each lie back to Trump and then address his response. The result would be a moderator trying to fact-check him while he continues to lie, leading to a tedious back-and-forth. Eventually, it would devolve into a simplistic true-or-false exercise with diminishing returns.

I'm not even sure /s is appropriate because it seems to reflect their actual stance.


u/teddy_tesla 4d ago

Lmao GPT is an expert in bullshitting as well


u/Nefari0uss I voted 3d ago

Have the feed be delayed by 5-10 minutes. Show an area on the bottom of side of the screen statung where the current remark is a fact or falsehood. Maybe put the correct numbers / values / 1 sentence summary of the facts.


u/ChronoLink99 Canada 3d ago

Trump is GPT3 if it didn't have constraints to prevent it from hallucinating text that a malignant narcissist and someone with anti-social personality disorder would say.


u/IllogicalGrammar 3d ago

Trump barely said anything that's true, it would literally just end up being CNN having to say "False" to almost everything he said, which isn't going to convince anyone who isn't already not voting for Trump. The issue is Biden's performance; I suspect it will turn away voters.


u/ChampionshipKlutzy42 3d ago

Doesn't even have to be a facts check but a bar scale of the heat of the lie. If one side is showing high red the whole time you know they are lying.. they will have to keep thier remarks accurate or risk going up on the lie scale.

Chat gpt could do this in real time.


u/mattjb 3d ago

Exactly. It was wrong for the Biden team to even do this debate, period. Why even give an insurrectionist, twice impeached, convicted felon and abjudicated rapist a platform to spew lie after lie after lie non-stop? They legitimized Trump's campaign when they should've ignored him entirely and treated him as the anti-American scum he is.


u/Livewire_87 4d ago

Should we be surprised by CNN? This is after all the same media outlet that held a pro-trump town hall with the man right after he was found civilly liable for (and essentially guilty of), rape. 


u/Random_frankqito 3d ago

Televised debates are never good. This one was awful.


u/Strade87 3d ago

No that was biden’s job to push back on trump lies. He was unfit and incapable of the task. He needs to step aside so we don’t sleep walk into disaster. That debate was the worst presentation of a politician I’ve seen in my lifetime.


u/jameslake325 3d ago

Yes to prob 80 pct of people. Those votes are all spoken for.


u/StartButtonPress 4d ago


I no longer watch professional wrestling but it’s a hell of a lot more fun than political debates in this age.

I sit out all of it. I simply study positions, words, and actions under a candidate’s leadership and come to a clear conclusion.


u/pattydickens 4d ago

The problem is that the narrative won't reflect the downward trend or the strength of the current economy in the world. People will still parrot the talking points of inflation and recession regardless of reality. The summer travel season of Americans this year is one of the busiest we've seen in years. People who supposedly don't have enough money for bills are traveling in record numbers. Yet, the narrative is still that everyone is worse off. Facts went out the window long ago. The major news outlets are totally complicit in keeping this bullshit narrative alive. My neighbor bought 2 brand new vehicles in the last 6 months and insists that the economy is horrible under Biden. It's insane. People are insane. I see Trump winning the EC and losing the popular vote. It hurts to say it, but I'm not going to be caught off guard this time. It's better to prepare for the worst than to pretend everything is fine.


u/Saintbaba 4d ago

I've been scratching my head about how to talk to people about inflation. Like we're within spitting distance of 2% inflation again, but people don't know that - or at least don't feel it and don't care - because all the crazy price hikes that occurred when we were at 12% inflation are still around. And they're never going to go down unless corporations quit it with the greedflation (ha very ha) or we achieve deflation which i'm given to understand would actually be bad.

So how do you win people over by telling them we've got this inflation thing nearly beat, but also the shitty high prices that we all hate are likely never actually going to go away and are just the new normal?


u/LargePopsicles 4d ago

It doesn’t really matter if the inflation is down if everything still feels too expensive for people. People aren’t okay with “well it’s getting a little better” when grocery prices are still up 25% since 2019.

Not to mention housing prices. You can tell people the economy is doing great and inflation is down all you want, but when rent is more affordable than owning in 90% of US Counties and housing prices continue to fly up with high interest rates as well, people aren’t going to be satisfied with how the economy feels.


u/mom0nga 4d ago

I think a good analogy for this is that the economy is like the climate, while people's individual finances are weather. One's a big, macro-scale phenomenon that affects everything, but can be harder for the average person to notice or care about. The other is very obvious to the individual, but because it's more localized doesn't always reflect the big picture.


u/TheMalarkeyTour90 4d ago

This probably the most solid analogy I've ever seen for the economy.

The disconnect between the overall economy and people's sense of the general cost of living isn't even a new thing.

HW Bush is widely recognised to have flubbed any chance of re-election during the debates because he started hectoring voters in the audience about macroeconomic indicators when they raised concerns about their personal finances. Clinton, of course, understood intuitively that it didn't matter what the wider economic situation was if working people didn't also feel the benefits of that economy, and his responses in the debates reflected that.

It always concerns me when I see people unable to make the distinction. Hillary wasn't able to make the distinction in 2016. Trump wasn't able to make the distinction in 2020.

And if people are going to now start finger-wagging on behalf of Biden like they're HW Bush at the 1992 debates, then they aren't doing him the favour they think they are.


u/LargePopsicles 4d ago

Solid analogy for sure


u/ExpressLaneCharlie 4d ago

I totally respect and largely agree with your points, but wages have risen substantially as well. In fact, wages have risen higher than inflation for over a year now. The trend is that wage growth will likely decline, but remain higher than inflation for the foreseeable future.


u/Joloven 4d ago

Yeah. My workplace is closing because theu expected 10% inflation 2 years in a row amd gave us 12%raises. Now they want us to relocste and take a pay cut.


u/CalifaDaze California 3d ago

Biden can't sell his accomplishments because he doesn't have the communication skills to do that.


u/automaticfiend1 4d ago

Deflation is hilariously bad. Why would anyone who can afford not to spend money when it's worth more the longer you don't spend it? Sure, poor people have to, but if you make the economy move you aren't poor, and you can afford to not spend money.


u/wobble_dobble 4d ago

It´s not beat though.
It´s transitorily beat. Look at the debt, look at the yields.
10Y is at 4.4%, insane spending will just keep going on merely to service the debt.
It will fuel more inflation.


u/No_Drawing_7800 3d ago

Brah 2% on the already 12 or whatever percent isn't really that comforting. It's compounding. So even if corporations didn't touch prices the effect is still there. Prices are 15% or more higher then they were amd thats what people remember.


u/Character_Heart_3749 4d ago

People are spending money they don't have.


u/GiuliaAquaTofanaToo 4d ago


u/_n8n8_ 4d ago

Interesting read. I’d imagine a good reason for the index being good is Goodhart’s Law.

Politicians and governments enact policies to try to raise other indicators mentioned. But, nobody is exactly going to subsidize strippers


u/hayflicklimit 4d ago

It’s similar to working in a bar or liquor store. You can tell how the economy is doing by what people are buying. They may still come in for their usual tipple, but rather than working for the Ketel One they’re going with the well. 


u/BlindSausage13 4d ago

Tell that to congress


u/CMMiller89 4d ago

When has this ever not been the case?

lol, you guy literally just look at data and go “but guys what about this thing I’ve just made up?”


u/the-mighty-kira 4d ago

Credit card debt is also down so far this year though


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

And if they are comfortable doing that, they must feel the economy is solid enough to pay it back.


u/kgabny 4d ago

Or they feel like they won't live long enough to pay it down anyways


u/DrGoblinator Massachusetts 4d ago

I’m 52 and I’m not even kidding when I say I’ve traveled more in the last year than I have in the previous 10. I am not convinced that the country won’t death spiral immediately after the election


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Is the 70-105 y.o. vacation club that much of the economy?


u/kgabny 4d ago

Or they don't think they will last another twenty thirty years despite their age. WWIII and climate change, or just this country falling apart.


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Yea, if you ignore every other looming crisis in human history when people truly felt threatened, they conserved resources. That makes a ton of sense.


u/kgabny 4d ago

You've never heard of a bucket list?


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Sure, and it predates everything you are crying about. Pick a lane dude.

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u/kaoscurrent 4d ago

Hoarding physical resources? Sure I could see that. Hoarding imaginary dollar bucks that would poof away if the government collapses. Probably not so much.

P.S. I don't believe the government is going to collapse but this is probably how some people are thinking.


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Hoarding physical resources? Sure I could see that. Hoarding imaginary dollar bucks that would poof away if the government collapses. Probably not so much.

When people truly believe inflation is an issue, they start buying physical items with their 'imaginary dollar bucks' as soon as they get their paycheck. Ergo, hoarding physical resources. No one is doing that, no one is thinking that way. Ya'll are just fearmongering.


u/tha_bigdizzle 4d ago

People make horrendously stupid financial decisions all the time. Maybe they just suck at personal finance?


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Individuals do all sorts of weird shit. The massive number of people vacationing at national parks and packing 6 expensive disney parks indicates a trend statisticians can quantify.


u/SheHerDeepState 4d ago

In general credit card debt rises during expansionary economies. When you feel you are in a good spot financially you are more willing to borrow and consume.


u/GoneFishing4Chicks 4d ago

Look at this guy, he's stopping us from using our FREEDOM to rack up bank debt!


u/Buckowski66 4d ago

Blaming the voters is such a great strategy. That's how Bush the first beat Clinton and got his second term… oh, wait.. He list! Blaming the voters failed then too!


u/Smaynard6000 Florida 4d ago

The media is complicit in all of this. Fox News is obviously a propaganda arm of the Republican Party, and other outlets benefit from all the clicks they get from all of the outrageous moments that Trump creates. They've had 4 years of Trump as President, and 4 years of Biden. They get more engagement with Trump.

Also, people are stupid.


u/TheIllestDM 4d ago

I wish this were more true. I'm broke as hell.


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 4d ago

Almost like reality doesn't matter. People will make up any narrative that supports their feelings. Just vote guys. Fetterman is right here. Everyone needs to chill and don't abandon ship. Biden is still our guy and he's surrounded by a competent administration.

Trump is still a wannabe dictator! That debate changes nothing unless we let it.


u/rubriclv4 4d ago

I mean I'm still voting for Biden but these swing states will be razor thin again and that was abominable. Trump is a raging forest fire headed for us and the best we can do is a guy with a squirt gun. Give me a break jack.


u/PorkyMcRib 4d ago

You are paying more for everything than you were four years ago. Very few people are making more money than they were for years ago when corrected for inflation.


u/Traditional_Hawk_379 4d ago

Unfortunately it's a statistical fact that Americans have less discretionary income to spend. Biden was smart to stay away from that because it's a huge loss talking point for democrats


u/grneyedguy1 4d ago

People always spend money they don’t have and sink themselves into debt. Just because people travel doesn’t necessarily mean they have the money to do so.


u/harryregician 4d ago

This that like Bill Clinton: "It's the economy!"


u/doktor-frequentist 4d ago

So the spending excess you're talking about isn't directly related to the discourse surrounding inflation. Bear with me, I'm not an economist and may get somethings wrong. 😐

I think the spending excess is related more to irresponsible spending and taking on risky or unnecessary debt than the economy. That said, this year we didn't receive any pay raise because of inflation (according to my boss, I'm at a university).


u/Cross21X 4d ago

Credit debt is rising highly. People actually doesn't have thousands saved up. Many are just using Credit Cards. P.S I know someone 2 people who has thousands in credit card debt.


u/LudovicoSpecs 4d ago

regardless of reality.

I'm still seeing a $9 price tag on a $4 box of cereal.

How are you going to argue with the reality Americans see at the grocery store every week?


u/zamboni-jones 4d ago

The TSA or FAA reported record travellers last Thanksgiving IIRC, and the inflation narrative was harsher.


u/Deep-Thanks-963 4d ago

Maybe people are just charging it all to credit.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

They matter when one of the candidates does so poorly people wonder if he'll even make it to the election.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/TheRealMangokill 4d ago

It wouldn't. 


u/woodenblinds 4d ago

my thought


u/fffan9391 South Carolina 4d ago

Biden is way more likely to drop dead. He won’t make it to 2028, president or not.


u/searing7 4d ago

Likely neither of them will.

One is still worse than the other in every possible way as a human being and from a policy standpoint. And he still sucks. Sad that is the best the country has to offer.


u/ChimneySwiftGold 4d ago

Even the great ones were so great in their own time.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

would be a shame

Depends on who his running mate is, cause that guy probably beats Biden too.


u/_DapperDanMan- 4d ago

Are you talking about the convicted felon who lied and made shit up for two hours, or the guy with a phenomenonal record over the past three years, who also had a cold?


u/elsalila 4d ago

It blows my mind that anyone could vote for a rapist. This should be so easy to win. How does nobody care that he raped and probably more then once. That sick fuck should be in prison.


u/SublimeApathy 4d ago

It blows my mind that he's still eligible to fucking RUN. I remember when the Dean Scream was enough to torpedo your campaign. Unbelievable where we are.


u/Massivefrontstick 4d ago

Which one are you talking about?


u/basil_angel 4d ago

Joe Biden has credible sexual assault allegations against him as well.

People on both sides choose to ignore or dismiss the crimes of their chosen candidate. That's how it's always been.


u/Aggravating_Heat_310 4d ago

You’re doing what a lot of people are doing. You’re arguing from a point of reason. The average voter has no interest in reason and votes on who they feel like voting for.


u/No_Drawing_7800 3d ago

The avg voter might care about felonies but vast majority vote with their check book. They are hurting and 10s of millions living paycheck to paycheck. Seeing your president look like he did at the debate doesn't instill confidence that things are going to get better. People still remember life was ok in 2019 under trump.


u/darito0123 4d ago

Is that an accurate description of Biden last night though? "Also had a cold"?


u/FirstNameIsDistance 4d ago

That’s what the campaign leaked to the Times after the debate.


u/darito0123 4d ago

Does that explain him freezing up and everything else we saw?


u/FirstNameIsDistance 4d ago

I’m not agreeing with it man, I’m just telling you where it came from.


u/GNOSTRICH92 4d ago

The "Biden had a cold" thing is so convenient and so dumb that, even if it is real, it still seems fake. Also, saying he becomes functionally identical to senile whenever he gets the sniffles isn't confidence inspiring 


u/FirstNameIsDistance 4d ago

Ya when I saw that report this morning I instantly started laughing. Like, has he had a cold for the last 2 years???


u/telejedi 4d ago

No chance. It might be the official line, but it's probably far from the truth.


u/Magjee Canada 4d ago

I mean you get cold enough, freezing will occur



u/Randomfactoid42 Virginia 4d ago

He sure sounded to me like he had a cold. That was the first thing that spring to mind when he started speaking. 


u/darito0123 4d ago

Does that explain him freezing up and looking like a deer in the headlights the whole time?


u/Randomfactoid42 Virginia 4d ago

I guess you never had a bad cold then?


u/LargePopsicles 4d ago
  • This is Biden in a debate in 2012.
  • This is Biden in yesterday's debate.

You telling me that the difference between Biden in these two videos is merely a cold? Does a cold cause brain damage? Come on man...


u/Telzen Georgia 4d ago

No one said "just" a cold. He is obviously much older now. Just saying that yesterday isn't how he will be everyday.


u/kgabny 4d ago

He sounded like my grandmother even when she's healthy.


u/KindPlagiarist 4d ago

Yeah I think my grandfather had that cold. It lasted about ten years and by the fourth year he thought I was my cousin and my brother was our late father.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

You can play this game all you want. Last night was a disaster for Biden.


u/Randomfactoid42 Virginia 4d ago

Because his voice was soft while Trump was loud?  Trump didn’t actually say anything of substance nor did he attempt to answer a single question. 


u/rjorsin 4d ago

And yet the narrative today is "Holy shit Biden couldn't even finish a sentence".

Go ahead and ignore your lying eyes, I genuinely hope that works out for you, but if it doesn't I'm sure you'll be reasonable and realize that we probably should've pulled Biden about now, right?


u/No_Drawing_7800 3d ago

Oh stop with the cold bullshit. What a convenient excuse for a piss poor performance. Where was his cold in north Carolina the next day? Gone already?


u/Adventurous-Ad9215 4d ago

The guy who hasn’t been able to put an un scripted sentence together in several years and walks like he is a Roomba vacuum.


u/ReMeDyIII 4d ago

Biden's phenomenal record? In what? Getting us mixed up with Ukraine? Inflation? (Drive to your local grocery store and check the prices, assuming you're not a kid without a license).


u/Draker-X 4d ago

You mean the obese 78-year-old man continuously hopped up on drugs, who eats fast food every day and never exercises?

I'd be really curious to have a group of actuaries give their opinion on who is more likely to die first: Biden or Trump.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

You can look up actuarial tables for that.


u/Draker-X 4d ago

Not really. I can look up "mortality rate of 81 year old vs. 78 year old", but I don't have the skill to make adjustments or account for lifestyle.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

Well if you're this far into the weeds, idk, maybe withhold support unless the Dems put a new candidate in.


u/blueclawsoftware 4d ago

I mean Fetterman is speaking from experience here. Did you see his debate with Oz after his stroke. It was way worse than Biden last night. It got less coverage because it was a senate race instead of president but there was a lot of the same doom posting about needing to replace him and how he wasn't fit to run, and he still went on to win.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

People get better from strokes, not from aging.


u/RedLanternScythe Indiana 4d ago

gas prices and those are gonna keep trending down.

Are sure Saudi Arabia won't spike gas prices in the fall to help their buddy trump?


u/Skellum 4d ago

Are sure Saudi Arabia won't spike gas prices in the fall to help their buddy trump?

Tbh, I dont know. I think they really dislike the situation in Israel as it's causing a lot of problems for them. They know Russia and Iran are in bed together and trump is beholden to them. It would amuse me greatly if the Saudis help the US.


u/Traditional_Hawk_379 4d ago

Didn't joe literally call up the Saudi's to lower the price of oil for the midterms? I say that sarcastically as we have audio of him doing that.


u/Funnel_Hacker Georgia 4d ago

It’s a completely asinine comment anyway. We’re gas prices cheaper under Trump or Biden? It’s not close and it definitely hasn’t been under Joe. People will literally just say anything lol


u/CharlieandtheRed 4d ago

I love Joe, voted for and campaigned for him last time. He's been a better president than I could have imagined. Heck, way better of a president than Trump, Obama, and Bush. But let's not pretend there isn't something terribly wrong here.

It's not about a single debate performance -- it's that we all saw Joe look terribly elderly and lost. The man seen at that debate would have a hard time keeping his job as a grocery store manager -- I truly mean that. That's not a performance problem. Folks are starting to come out from inside the campaign saying he always sounds like this now. This isn't a popularity contest; it's an election to lead a nation for four years. I don't want Trump to win, it will be horrible for us. We have to put on a brave face and make changes while we can. It's about this country, not one single man.


u/pinkfartlek 4d ago edited 4d ago

Did you see this video from like 20 min after the debate?


The difference is crazy


u/MasterofPandas1 4d ago

Where the fuck was this guy during the debate? I mean he still wasn’t SOTU Joe, but if he was like this it would have softened the criticism by a lot.


u/Taran_Ulas New York 4d ago

Trying not to cough super loudly and wishing he brought a water and some throat lozenges on stage.


u/Hyndis 4d ago

As per the debate rules, each candidate was given a bottle of water. It was in the podium, along with a pen and some paper.


u/CalifaDaze California 3d ago

I'm sorry but no this doesn't make me feel any better. Millions of people saw this debate and it was an embarrassment. No one will see this clip.


u/HHSquad 3d ago

That's the guy we needed at the debate. Sounds so much better here. I thought perhaps it was just a spin but he obviously does have a cold. They should have rescheduled.


u/Casterly 4d ago

Folks are starting to come out from inside the campaign saying he always sounds like this now.

Uhh. Source please. That’s absolutely not true. I swear the total and complete made-up misinformation that gets spread in here is off the charts crazy.


u/CharlieandtheRed 4d ago

The Pod Save guys said they were at a fundraiser with Biden two weeks ago and he sounded exactly the same. I guess that's not inside the campaign, but those are the original Obama/Biden guys.


u/Casterly 4d ago

Obviously a leap in logic and not a great look from anyone to say “I heard him sound similar once two weeks ago so he must always sound like this.” You can literally watch him at rallies before and after the debates and he sounds fine. If he sounded like that all the time, we would have known long before now. This is now actual campaign season, there’ll barely be a day when Biden isn’t going to be making public appearances all the way til November.


u/ChadtheWad 4d ago

The WSJ did a report on this recently as well. Not that it matters -- the core problem is that the biggest question mark about Biden was his age and his mental acuity, and he ended up confirming those doubts during the debate.


u/Possible-Mango-7603 4d ago

But a debate requires thinking on your feet and responding. Rallies and speeches are scripted and read from a teleprompter. Debating provides a better insight into someone’s ability to think quickly and respond appropriately. It appears that this may be a problem for Biden at this point. I mean it’s at minimum a valid concern.


u/Casterly 4d ago

i think you should maybe actually watch some of those rallies. They’re not highly scripted appearances, there aren’t teleprompters. They’re an opportunity for a candidate to show their personality and that’s what he does.

One debate performance more than 3 months out isn’t cause for any serious concern. Practically nothing that happens right now truly matters because 3 months is an eternity in politics, especially with Trump involved. People will only truly remember and react to what happens in september and october.


u/CharlieandtheRed 4d ago

I feel like you're trying to gaslight us. At least half of Democrats are frightened about what they saw last night -- this isn't Obama's first debate. This is a serious, serious concern. It's not just a one-off in a vacuum -- it's literally the thing that's been dragging Biden down and it's an exclamation mark on the issue.


u/noahcallaway-wa Washington 3d ago

That’s your source for that statement? That’s nuts, you wildly misrepresented what they said in your statement above.

I listened to that pod this morning, and didn’t even think of it when I read your statement. I thought “oh, holy shit, that’s really bad, I need to find what they said”.

They’re not camping insiders. They said he sounded raspy at a single fundraiser a couple weeks ago. It’s just… totally disconnected from how you represented and a lot less concerning.

I’m surprised you made this comment 8 hours ago and didn’t edit or correct your statement. It makes me seriously question your motives or values.


u/DonkeyPunchCletus 4d ago

Slow down tiger. Biden has a great cabinet that works miracles. And that's going to do the work. Not one man at the top shouting orders at everyone.

Get Joe into a comfortable chair and let him delegate to the best and brightest. Give him an ice cream cone too.

Trump will not only surround himself with garbage people, but he will also stir the shitpot himself by drawing on maps. I want zero of that.

A younger sprier candidate would be better, yes. But Joe is also acting as a lightning rod against the Trump toxicity. Next election the dems can field a fresh young face and Trump is hopefully in house arrest.

And listen up Mr Grocery Store Manager. If you had to hire one of these 2 tomorrow to manage your store you'd pick Biden every time. So I don't understand why you are acting like the dems need to jettison him out of the race immediately. Biden gave a decent speech after the debate that you can watch. No idea why that Biden wasn't at the debate.


u/LateSoEarly Georgia 3d ago

I like to think the same way, but then I wonder how Trump would have responded if he had been asked “Would you attempt to have a third term in office?” Any other politician in American history (other than the valid VP exception) would respond “I would be unable to run for a third term”. But Trump would probably claim that his being “cheated” out of 2020 would allow for a make-up term or some bullshit.


u/DonkeyPunchCletus 3d ago

Are you new to Trump? He would neither deny it nor confirm it. It would be some word salad variation of "I should be able to, it's a disgrace what the radical left did, nobody has ever heard of a rigged election like that" and then trail off into something unrelated.


u/Regular_Historian892 4d ago edited 4d ago

Would anyone let the man they saw at that debate babysit their infant by himself for an hour? Actually, even lower stakes: would you let him housesit overnight? You’d be afraid he would forget to turn the gas stove off, wouldn’t you?

I’m genuinely skeptical he’s capable of taking care of himself in the most basic sense. Can this man still shower and dress himself? Seriously.

I don’t like the general appeal to “frailty” because America’s best president was in a wheelchair ffs. But he’s clearly not mentally capable of much responsibility these days.

It’s truly beyond me why a careerist snake like Kamala hasn’t lined up the cabinet to 25th amendment grandpa and take away his keys to the Oval Office yet. What happened to the go-getter who fucked her way to the top of SF politics?


u/DwayneWashington 4d ago

Democrats are going to hand this to trump if they let Biden run. Id honestly rather have RFK run, he's got a better chance against Trump.


u/caligaris_cabinet Illinois 4d ago

Of all the things presidents do during their term, very little of that time is spent debating. Strange we put so much emphasis on debate performance when a president only spends a max of, what, 270 minutes in four years? A good debate performance is nice but it’s not essential.


u/Hangem6521 4d ago

The problem is Old Joe performed so poorly that even the progressive voters are running from him


u/caligaris_cabinet Illinois 4d ago

In a week or two the media is going to move on.


u/DocQuanta Nebraska 4d ago

No, they aren't. Biden being a senile old man has been the main opposition narrative this whole time and Biden just proved the narrative correct. He did the one thing he couldn't afford to do. He needs to step down as a candidate.


u/KindPlagiarist 4d ago

The media is going to move on from the worst presidential debate performance since Nixon in '60? From a candidate whose been reassuring everyone he was compos mentis for 5 years? Shit even liberals were making jokes about it before this, but after this I bet people get real serious real fast.


u/Alpacaman__ 4d ago

We’re gonna read about this debate in history books. There’s no sense being in denial. We have to take the information we have and move forward in the best way we can.


u/caligaris_cabinet Illinois 4d ago

That’s extreme. Bad performance, yes. Absolutely. No denial there. He had a bad day. Moving forward is all we can do.


u/Such_Victory8912 4d ago

Honestly, I don't think many undecided watched it. We are still several months away from the election 


u/ClosPins 4d ago

those are gonna keep trending down.

Yes, you are right, the Saudis, OPEC, the Russians, etc... will just sit back and allow the Dems to win! No October Surprise this year! No oil shock!


u/guitarbque 4d ago

Stuck in my cabana livin’ on bananas and blow.


u/phonsely 4d ago

debates dont matter???? lmfao. when we lose im going to remember this sentiment


u/ericcartman624 4d ago

Debates don’t matter to a certain extent, true. The entire world thinking you’re a dementia patient and incapable of being President DOES matter. This is much different than Obama not performing well in his first debate. Not comparable in any way. Obama was in his first Presidential Debate ever. Biden is the sitting 81 yr old President of the United States dogged by rumors of mental decline. He showed signs of that last night. 50 min in he suddenly had a “cold”. His wife and Secret Service had to assist him down 3 steps. Shall I go on?


u/grneyedguy1 4d ago

Yeah. You’re absolutely right. Didn’t matter at all. Prices are going down for sure.


u/SirMellencamp 3d ago

Then don’t agree to do it


u/Rogue100 I voted 3d ago

So why even agree to do it in the first place? I'm still struggling to understand what they hoped to gain from it.


u/pdx619 3d ago

Its one banana. What could it cost? $10?


u/dltegme 3d ago

Still a dollar at trader joes lol


u/LikesBallsDeep 2d ago

Yeah they've hated it for 3.5 years now but any day now voters will start loving this economy! Maybe 5 more articles about how voters are to stupid to see how amazing Bidenomics is will do the trick.


u/Mental_Lemon3565 4d ago

They don't matter until they do. Half the country has been making fun of Biden for being too old for the job. The other half has been saying that those clips are taken out of context and exaggerated. Biden needed to clear a low bar last night and show that he's fine. He did not clear the low bar. He showed himself to be unfit for the job.


u/MonumentMan 4d ago

This is an absurdly bad take

Debates can make a huge difference in a candidates ratings and the outcome of the election. I’d argue last night we witnessed the historic collapse of a candidates chances

Listening to democrats who are pretending this isn’t a real issue reminds me of listening to Baghdad Bob during the Iraq war constantly saying how everything was fine, nothing to see here.


u/LudovicoSpecs 4d ago

Too little too late. Nobody can afford rent right now. Or a house. Or tuition. Or their typical groceries.

And naming an economic stimulus package "The Inflation Reduction Act!!" didn't fool anyone.


u/Buckowski66 4d ago

So you have managed to ignore nearly two years of bad polling for Biden in the economy as well as on inflation in the past two years and you that it's his strength? LOL! That's truly amazing.

Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters A poll shows that Americans rate threats to democracy as an important issue, but that the president has yet to convince them he is the one to defend it.
