r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/GoodUserNameToday 6d ago

Yup debates really don’t matter. It’s all about bananas and gas prices and those are gonna keep trending down.


u/pattydickens 6d ago

The problem is that the narrative won't reflect the downward trend or the strength of the current economy in the world. People will still parrot the talking points of inflation and recession regardless of reality. The summer travel season of Americans this year is one of the busiest we've seen in years. People who supposedly don't have enough money for bills are traveling in record numbers. Yet, the narrative is still that everyone is worse off. Facts went out the window long ago. The major news outlets are totally complicit in keeping this bullshit narrative alive. My neighbor bought 2 brand new vehicles in the last 6 months and insists that the economy is horrible under Biden. It's insane. People are insane. I see Trump winning the EC and losing the popular vote. It hurts to say it, but I'm not going to be caught off guard this time. It's better to prepare for the worst than to pretend everything is fine.


u/Character_Heart_3749 6d ago

People are spending money they don't have.


u/the-mighty-kira 6d ago

Credit card debt is also down so far this year though