r/mildlyinteresting 4d ago

The Emperor of Japan drove past me in Richmond. Quality Post

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

Ah yes, Richmond. Everyone knows where Richmond is.


u/11Bencda 4d ago

Yes, I realised my mistake pretty early on. Next time I see him, I’ll specify it’s the UK.


u/nubbins01 4d ago edited 4d ago

Nahhh, I appreciate for once a Reddit post from outside the US that doesn't feel the need to heavily qualify itself about where it is coming from or why Reddit should care.


u/bakazato-takeshi 4d ago

There’s 100s of places outside of the US named “Richmond.” It’s hardly a revolutionary thought to specify which it is.


u/mister_peeberz 4d ago

There's also a million Richmonds within the US. I live in Richmond and whenever I meet someone online who's also in Richmond it turns out to be a different Richmond


u/BigBlueJAH 4d ago

I’m from Richmond and my wife is from Richmond, but they’re different cities in different states. It can get confusing talking to our families.


u/mister_peeberz 4d ago

I have to be honest, if that were true of me, I'd intentionally be vague and confusing about it just to annoy my family members


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Chairmanwowsaywhat 4d ago

I think there's more than 1 Richmond here too in the uk.


u/bakazato-takeshi 4d ago

That’s fair, I suppose haha


u/Vera39 4d ago

Even more reason to specify. Just like the son is junior and the dad is Mr. Lastname. Nobody says John and John


u/my-name-is-puddles 4d ago

Richmond, London is actually named after the palace that was built there by Henry VII, with the palace being named after Henry's Earldom, Richmond, North Yorkshire.


u/Cringe_Meister_ 4d ago

This is the only place in UK called Richmond ? I doubt it. It sounds so generic. There could be thousands of them. 


u/sbprasad 4d ago

Indeed, Rishi Sunak’s main mansion (and where his electorate is) is near Richmond, North Yorkshire, more than 200 miles north of this one.


u/my-name-is-puddles 4d ago

And that's actually the original one which the one in London is named after. It was Henry VII's Earldom. The same Henry built a palace and named it Richmond Palace after his Earldom, and the town around it was called Richmond after the palace.


u/sbprasad 4d ago

Huh, I didn't know that. What I did know is that his (edit: I can't read. I meant Henry VII's son, Henry VIII, he of the 6 wives) main religious guy pre-Reformation, Cardinal Wolsey, was the Archbishop of York (though he wasn't very big on actually doing anything in York itself) and after Wolsey was disgraced, Henry took over his palace, which eventually became Whitehall...

I should check out Richmond Park the next time I'm in the capital. I've been to Kew and the RBG, but not Richmond.


u/LordUpton 4d ago

Absolutely not, in fact this Richmond is named because Henry VII built a palace here and named it after himself, he was the Earl of Richmond which is a place in Yorkshire. So this Richmond is named after another Richmond in the UK.


u/DDWWAA 4d ago

Not to mention that the confusion was partly caused by British explorers/settlers in the first place.

It's like when Canadian Ontarians get upset when people ask for clarification on which Ontario, CA they're referring to, when the context isn't clear. Canadians came to the only state with the same initials and caused this in the first place!


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/poe_dameron2187 4d ago

It seems this post is referring to the London Borough of Richmond, which comes from a palace there which was named in 1501 after the town of Richmond in Yorkshire, which was founded in 1071, with the name coming from Richemont in Normandy.


u/designvegabond 4d ago

Yeah but the original Richmond is the one in the US


u/haushaushaushaushaus 4d ago

Yep, and London in the UK is named after the place in Canada.


u/designvegabond 4d ago

The UK needs to stop stealing our ideas


u/Kinky-Iconoclast 4d ago

As an American, my brain immediately went to Richmond, BC, Canada.

Qualifiers are often very important.


u/A_Kumqwat 4d ago

I'm surprised as an American you didn't think the capital of Virginia first


u/Kinky-Iconoclast 4d ago

I’m in the PNW, so that’s probably why my mind went to BC.


u/pohui 4d ago

Speaking of, I have no idea what either BC or PNW are.


u/ironwolf1 4d ago

PNW = Pacific Northwest, basically the states of Washington and Oregon. BC = British Columbia, the Canadian province directly to the north of Washington state.


u/pohui 4d ago



u/Cheese2009 4d ago

If you like the forest, BC is one of the best places to go for it BTW


u/Elsecaller_17-5 4d ago

I live in Idaho. My first thought was Richmond, Utah. I don't think about the opposite side of the country too often.


u/Libertas_ 4d ago

When I hear Richmond I first think of the Bay Area Richmond. The capital of Virginia doesn't really cross my mind.


u/nikatnight 4d ago

Or the once murder capital of California, Richmond, CA. Right next to Berkeley and Oakland in the SF Bay Area.


u/pokemon-sucks 4d ago

As an American how do you not think he's going to a NASCAR race in Virginia?


u/LastSeenEverywhere 4d ago

Yeah legit an American will post from anywhere and assume we know because "Reddit is an American website" and then it happens to them in reverse and they throw a fit


u/SlinkySkinky 4d ago

I hate US defaultism as much as the next guy, but there are many places named Richmond outside of the USA. Many of us thought that it was Richmond BC for instance


u/No_Percentage_8103 4d ago

Why should we have to qualify when he's referring to the original Richmond?


u/SpehlingAirer 4d ago

How would we possibly know that from the post lol? That's just a big ol' assumption we have no way of validating outside of asking. Last I checked trying to be informed was a good thing...


u/No_Percentage_8103 4d ago

Brick chimney, brick wall, left side driving in the wing mirror, and also why would he be visiting any of the other Richmonds? They aren't capitals or even particularly important cities in their countries.

Most of these comments are just pure us defaultism.


u/SpehlingAirer 4d ago

I'd argue the comments are more pure "wherever you're from-ism". There are assumptions of knowledge even in your reply. What if the driver is just a passenger and someone else is driving in the blind spot? Brick wall and chimney are found all around the world. Nothing in this photo concretely gives away the location, and even using deductive reasoning isn't enough here- what if this dude has a private personal reason for being a different Richmond like family or something? There are still assumptions at play no matter how you dice it. If you want to know for sure, then asking is the way to do it. Why would anyone be offended or annoyed by that? Makes no sense


u/No_Percentage_8103 4d ago

Brick wall and chimney aren't found all over the world, and a Google about the architecture tells me that they aren't in the other windows, certainly not in that style which is very English. I didn't even mention the driver, you can easily see the traffic behind in the wing mirror and deduce from that which side of the road they are driving on.

I'm not upset by anything, just fighting the good fight against us defaultism.


u/SpehlingAirer 4d ago edited 4d ago

I get that but why are you doing it with my comment lol? I'm fighting the good fight about being informed and I feel like you're counter is "UK defaultism", I never even mentioned us defaultism, just that the post is ambiguous. There's no way to know with certainty outside of having been there yourself that it's Richmond, UK. Denying that is feeding right into whatever defaultism you're unknowingly a part of lol

It irks me when people just want to be educated and others get upset because "you should just already know". That's how misinformation spreads

Not to suggest you're upset or a unknowingly a part of some other defaultism (though I think we all are to some degree). But you'll have trouble convincing me that anyone on Earth should just already know which Richmond is implied lol. Many different people live many different lives and learn many different things. Any assumption of knowledge is on another's behalf is a misplaced assumption


u/SpehlingAirer 4d ago

I just replied but I feel like my last reply to this was more harsh than it needed to be so i apologize for that. I feel like we're coming at the same coin from two sides, and debating different angles of the same thing. You're against us defaultism, I'm for being informed. I feel like those two already align well lol


u/tabultm 4d ago

That makes no sense though. Boston in Lincolnshire in England was around before Boston in Massachusetts in the US, but when you say “Boston” people generally think you’re referring to the latter. It’s helpful to specify which one you’re talking about, and it takes next to no effort

For the record, I’m an Englishman saying this


u/No_Percentage_8103 4d ago

But your example is hyperbole, almost no one has ever heard of Boston, Lincolnshire even in England and I am also English. Its not a fair comparison.


u/poe_dameron2187 4d ago

This isn't the original. This post is referring to the London Borough of Richmond, which comes from a palace there which was named in 1501 after the town of Richmond in Yorkshire, which was founded in 1071.


u/SlinkySkinky 4d ago

It shouldn’t matter which one’s the “original” imo, it’s still nice to clarify regardless. I don’t get upset when people want to know which “Vancouver” I’m referring to.


u/Elsecaller_17-5 4d ago

This is an especially bad take when you consider that there are 31 Richmonds in the US.



u/enataca 4d ago

I mean it’s a town with a generic name that’s technically inside of one of the most famous cities in the world. It has a population around 20k. You could say London, or really specifying makes sense.

If I said I saw Boris Johnson in University Park, that would mean nothing.


u/im_a_dick_head 4d ago

There are exactly 29 Richmonds in the US and 11 others outside of the US. So this time it would be reasonable to assume it is in the US as 72.5% of the world's Richmonds are located in the US.


u/ataraxic89 4d ago

this is just plain stupid.


u/sleepishandsheepless 4d ago

So true. Specifying a common place name on a global website is completely unnecessary, especially for the people who don't know of any places named "Richmond", especially for the people who know of one or multiple! You all look really good right now! /s

People will really do and say the dumbest, nonsensical stuff to 'own the muricans'.


u/Skruestik 4d ago

And that it’s the Richmond in London, not the one in North Yorkshire.


u/DobbyDun 4d ago

I think there is a a suburb or town called Richmond in like every state in Australia


u/hellothisisjade 4d ago

haha i thought richmond in canada too


u/raccoon_on_meth 4d ago

Thanks mate, you’re alright


u/calvers70 4d ago

As a Yorkshireman who was in Richmond (Yorkshire) last Sunday, that distinction hasn't helped 😅

I thought since that's where Rishi's house is maybe that's why the emperor was there


u/11Bencda 4d ago

Forgive me for being so London-centric 😂


u/MrB10b 4d ago

There's 2 Richmond's in the UK.

One is up north and it's one of Rishi Sunak's constituencies. The other is Richmond, London.


u/kewl-deal 4d ago

Also a Richmond in Canada lol


u/BadNameThinkerOfer 4d ago

The one in London or Rishi Sunak's constituency?


u/littlebabyman1 4d ago

Oh damn I thought it was Virginia.


u/Nyorliest 3d ago

No! Let them find a map! It’s good for them!


u/mozgw4 3d ago

Does it matter which Richmond it is anyway? The point is an emporer drive past OP. ( And I live in W4 so just assumed the correct Richmond given the emporer is currently in the UK visiting the Royal Family.)


u/carlmalonealone 4d ago

That's all you need to do. No one cares for anything more specific when talking about the region rofl.


u/Successful-Trash-409 4d ago

Right next to Springfield!


u/fastdub 4d ago

Also Richmond, North Yorkshire? Or Richmond upon Thames?


u/Normal_Hour_5055 4d ago

I mean at least he used the full name and didnt use a stupid 2 letter code to refer to the place you havnt heard of before.


u/FluffyPancakinator 4d ago

Are you from the US by any chance? Anyone on the internet who isn’t from the US will know that people from America CONSTANTLY do this all over the internet (hence the subs r/USdefaultism and r/ShitAmericansSay) so it’s hilarious to see none other than Americans getting butthurt about the lack of further context here 😂


u/BigBlueJAH 4d ago

I don’t really see anyone butt hurt and I’ve also seen comments from Australians and Canadians, since there are multiple Richmonds all over the world.


u/Nyorliest 4d ago

And multiple Emperors of Japan?


u/BigBlueJAH 4d ago

Hell if I know.


u/Nyorliest 4d ago

You’re probably from Jersey, then. I hear the tax breaks and elitism make them utterly ignorant of the world outside their door.


u/BigBlueJAH 4d ago

Nope, just don’t really care about an emperor or any “royalty” from any nation. Nothing about your statement was any where near correct.


u/Nyorliest 3d ago

But are you from Jersey? Or from Boston, which is also very insular, despite its large number of immigrants?


u/BigBlueJAH 3d ago

Nope, neither place. You threw out insults at me from a single comment, but somehow I’m the ignorant one. Calling me elitist when I work a blue collar job. I make decent money, but wasn’t born into it. I’ve traveled quite a bit and have family in Europe. I made one single comment and somehow you think you know my life story. Like I said every single statement you made was completely incorrect, like not even in the ballpark. I guess you’re too busy studying the emperor of Japans daily routine to learn common courtesy.


u/Nyorliest 3d ago

What insults? And what do you mean, neither place? I mentioned several different places.

Oh, are you one of those Manchester types?


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u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/FluffyPancakinator 2d ago

I have never heard of Richmond “VA” in my life because I’m in the UK and unsurprisingly my life does not revolve around America


u/bruhmoment1345 4d ago

Some of the dumbest subs on reddit


u/TacBandit 4d ago

I imagine every other Richmond was named after this one.


u/idiot_orange_emperor 4d ago

We know where it is due to Ted Lasso.


u/AvangeliceMY9088 4d ago

Jamie Tart du du du du!


u/hurtfulproduct 4d ago

To be fair my mind actually went to UK before Virginia, I am American but I do watch a lot of Ted Lasso and the (fictional) team there is AFC Richmond.


u/Minimumtyp 4d ago

up the tigers!


u/mattthesimple 4d ago

My first thoughts too. Do we know which Richmond they're referring to yet?


u/Front-Pomelo-4367 4d ago

The one in London, where the Emperor of Japan is currently visiting


u/mattthesimple 4d ago

Thank you! Appreciate the answer!


u/Mysticpoisen 4d ago

The one where they drive on the left, and the one where a foreign dignitary might visit, the one with a tradition for old fancy towncars.


u/Hatchibombotar 4d ago

that still doesnt narrow it down loads. we drive on the left here in richmond, australia, it's in one of the biggest cities in the country, and i think emperors are known to travel by old fancy town towncar at every opportunity.


u/mattthesimple 4d ago

its r/mildyinteresting, it could very well be Richmond, BC. Aside from the parked car, nothing else indicates people are driving on the left


u/Mysticpoisen 4d ago

Other than the driver of both cars being on the other side.


u/mattthesimple 4d ago

i wouldnt know it, could be passengers. passengers have phones too. left side front seat of fancy car is obstructed, could be banana thin person driving car too


u/Mysticpoisen 4d ago

It could also be a movie set in LA, but I think we can safely assume that the photo of the Emperor driving in a British car, with a driver on the right side, with British license plates in the sideview mirror is indeed the UK.


u/mattthesimple 4d ago

absolutely! I didnt know what British plates looked like and I didnt want to assume is all


u/BookkeeperJazzlike44 4d ago

Thats what I thought at first. I saw a very fancy rolls royce in victoria b.c the other day. So when I saw this post i immediately thought it was Richmond BC


u/Front-Cabinet5521 4d ago

It’s the dude from IT Crowd.


u/AvangeliceMY9088 4d ago

You obviously haven't watched Ted lasso. The best series I binged watch this year


u/yoloswag42069696969a 4d ago

This was a 200BC era “alexandria” level post title lmao.


u/w00t4me 4d ago

It's where AFC Richmond plays


u/zehamberglar 4d ago

It's where Ted Lasso lives.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Now I know.


u/pokemon-sucks 4d ago

Right? Is he going to a NASCAR race?


u/itsnathanhere 4d ago

Ahh how the turntables my American friend


u/hako_london 3d ago

The OG Richmond?


u/dolphinsmooth 4d ago

It's a good thing there's only one Richmond in the entire world so that absolutely nobody is confused about where this happened.


u/Nyorliest 4d ago

How many Emperors of Japan are there? You’re just sore because non-Americans dared for a little non-US-defaultism.