r/mildlyinteresting 6d ago

The Emperor of Japan drove past me in Richmond. Quality Post

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u/[deleted] 6d ago

Ah yes, Richmond. Everyone knows where Richmond is.


u/FluffyPancakinator 6d ago

Are you from the US by any chance? Anyone on the internet who isn’t from the US will know that people from America CONSTANTLY do this all over the internet (hence the subs r/USdefaultism and r/ShitAmericansSay) so it’s hilarious to see none other than Americans getting butthurt about the lack of further context here 😂


u/BigBlueJAH 6d ago

I don’t really see anyone butt hurt and I’ve also seen comments from Australians and Canadians, since there are multiple Richmonds all over the world.


u/Nyorliest 6d ago

And multiple Emperors of Japan?


u/BigBlueJAH 6d ago

Hell if I know.


u/Nyorliest 6d ago

You’re probably from Jersey, then. I hear the tax breaks and elitism make them utterly ignorant of the world outside their door.


u/BigBlueJAH 6d ago

Nope, just don’t really care about an emperor or any “royalty” from any nation. Nothing about your statement was any where near correct.


u/Nyorliest 6d ago

But are you from Jersey? Or from Boston, which is also very insular, despite its large number of immigrants?


u/BigBlueJAH 6d ago

Nope, neither place. You threw out insults at me from a single comment, but somehow I’m the ignorant one. Calling me elitist when I work a blue collar job. I make decent money, but wasn’t born into it. I’ve traveled quite a bit and have family in Europe. I made one single comment and somehow you think you know my life story. Like I said every single statement you made was completely incorrect, like not even in the ballpark. I guess you’re too busy studying the emperor of Japans daily routine to learn common courtesy.


u/Nyorliest 6d ago

What insults? And what do you mean, neither place? I mentioned several different places.

Oh, are you one of those Manchester types?



u/BigBlueJAH 6d ago

Calling me elitist and utterly ignorant seems like an insult, but thinking I’m from Jersey is fighting words where I’m from.


u/Nyorliest 6d ago


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