r/mildlyinteresting 6d ago

The Emperor of Japan drove past me in Richmond. Quality Post

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u/nubbins01 6d ago edited 6d ago

Nahhh, I appreciate for once a Reddit post from outside the US that doesn't feel the need to heavily qualify itself about where it is coming from or why Reddit should care.


u/SlinkySkinky 6d ago

I hate US defaultism as much as the next guy, but there are many places named Richmond outside of the USA. Many of us thought that it was Richmond BC for instance


u/No_Percentage_8103 6d ago

Why should we have to qualify when he's referring to the original Richmond?


u/tabultm 6d ago

That makes no sense though. Boston in Lincolnshire in England was around before Boston in Massachusetts in the US, but when you say “Boston” people generally think you’re referring to the latter. It’s helpful to specify which one you’re talking about, and it takes next to no effort

For the record, I’m an Englishman saying this


u/No_Percentage_8103 6d ago

But your example is hyperbole, almost no one has ever heard of Boston, Lincolnshire even in England and I am also English. Its not a fair comparison.