r/foshelter 17h ago

I don't get this game


I'm a huge fan of the Fallout franchise and just downloaded this on Steam, but I'm not getting it at all. I understand that this was originally a mobile game, which I don't typically play, but is there something I'm not getting or is this supposed to work this way?

So I've build like two connected living quarters, power stations, water plants and cafes, sent out one guy exploring and now there is literally nothing happening. Every other minute I will generate some resources and that's it. I'm not getting any more dwellers, so cannot build any more rooms, my explorer has been at it for over an hour now and found one lousy armor and there is just nothing happening apart from the occasional raider attack.

I don't mean to slam the game, but I don't get it. I'm literally sitting here staring at the screen and I can't do anything, there is nothing happenening. Am I doing something wrong or is this how mobile are supposed to work? Are you just supposed to have this running in the background rather than actively play it?

r/foshelter 7h ago

Question Chat am I cooked?


First survival play through, tips would be amazing right now 🙏

r/foshelter 12h ago

Question How do I get BoS Casual outfit again?


I stupidly scrapped Maximus’ outfit and need it for the quest line. Any ideas how to get it again? No luck questing/in the wasteland so far.

r/foshelter 4h ago

Question Time glitch by traveling?

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We are driving from Oklahoma to California. Could that possibly cause the time glitch by time zones? I have never used the time glitch. This just started.

r/foshelter 9h ago

Can’t fill rooms all of a sudden


This just started a little while ago. I can’t max out the dwellers in my rooms. If they already have six in them, they are fine. But I had moved 2 people out of a maxed room to replace them, but I can only move 1 new one in there. When I move the 6th in there, one of the ones in there swaps places.

Any ideas?

r/foshelter 16h ago

Ascendant codes, lazy triggers


Was trying to match make some dwellers and kept getting "Love spending time with my family" even though I knew there was no relation. At least, there shouldn't have been. Previously had Lucy (TV) and some dude have a daughter. Tried to pair Lucy's daughter with the Snakeoil Salesman who had just recently joined the vault. Should be no relation, regardless who her father is.

Go down the rabbit hole, decrypting save files and checking ascendant codes to see what's up. Looks like any dwellers who are from the TV show come up as -30 instead of their actual IDs. Also looks like Colonel Autumn falls under a similar set-up where his descendants reference -15 instead of his actual ID.

Presumably it's just some lazy coding but I don't see any triggers within the dweller details in the save file. Anyone dig deeper into this?

edit: Some JSON editing and a re-encrypt, seems like I didn't break my save and the existing references should be specific. Wondering if there is a unique name lookup in the gamefiles that overrides TV dweller IDs when it comes to ascendants. Ripping tags off dwellers may be a more permanent fix.

r/foshelter 18h ago

Expert jumpsuit


How hard is it to get the Expert jumpsuit (A7) or the recipe? I have all the level 7 SPECIAL recipes except this one. It's driving me nuts. I'd really like to send my peeps exploring with it.

r/foshelter 14h ago

Weird glitch: Dragging a dweller over a room no longer tells me their stat...

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I’ve closed out and reset the app…no luck.

r/foshelter 18h ago

Question Do Legendary Babies Really Deserve The Hype?


Everyone is trying to get them, but some aren't onboard the hype train yet, so let's discuss why they are so important in the first place.

Summary - Reducing training time is very important to max out dwellers quickly - Higher level of a stat (9 > 10) need more time to train than lower level of the stat (1 > 2) - Considering training times, Legendary Children are way better than Common Children (>3x) and also the Legendary Dwellers (>2.5x) - Articles links for More Information

Having just a little bit higher intial stats on Legendray Babies seems like a small change visually, as those can be trained later anyway, but it has great benefits in reaching end-game quicker. As it is apparent, with passing time anything can be built, crafted, or achieved in the game, so it's the time required that we have to reduce as much as possible, for crafting, collecting junk, & training dwellers among other things.

In survival mode, incidents are easier at training room level 1, so many players don't upgrade them. In a level 1 training room for example, the time required to train a dweller from 1 to 2 is way too less than that required to train from 9 to 10, it is 26m vs 20h 3m. Other factors also affect this time, but these are the lowest times. So higher the levels of stat to be trained, higher the time needed to train.

Now lets take a Common Child, with SPECIALs as 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 (in total 10 initial stats), the total time taken to train all stats to max (in level 1 training rooms) will be 73h 28m times 4 (where base stats are 1) and 73 hr 2m (where base stats are 2), where the total comes to 512h 58m, so nearly 513 hours (476h 06m for level 3 rooms).

But for an Absolute Legendary Child like the one presented here, with maximum possible initial SPECIALs as 10 10 5 7 7 10 10 (in total 59 initial stats) the time taken will be 48h 33m times 2 (where base stats are 7) and 64 hr 35m (where base stat is 5), where the total comes to 161h 41m, so nearly 162 hours (476h 06m for level 3 rooms).

The distribution of SPECIAL stats for a Legendary Child will be different, so the calculations won't be exactly same each time. Also consider that unless we have continuos training pet, we have to restart the training timer after each level-up by clicking the mark appearing on the training dweller, or else the dweller stays on the level he has trained-up to. So the amount of time when it is not clicked is also lost (for example night time or when game is not opened for long hours), so more stats needed to train leads to more time lost. Considering overall, the difference in time needed to max out SPECIALs for the two, has a difference of even more than 513 hours (21.38 days) vs 162 hours (6.75 days), which is already more than 3x lesser time (3 weeks vs 1 week). Thus the Legendary Children are way better than Common Children in terms of time to train.

I have also attached example of a legendary dweller obtained from lunchboxes (or events), and we can see that for this particular dweller, initial SPECIALs as 8 5 8 5 5 6 3 add up to 40 stats. These are also the stats with which a legendary child is born, but with +3 SPECIALs pet equipped, 3 gets added over each stat. But those stats with 8 can only increase upto 10, so a count of 2 is lost in this process, and the total comes up to 59. So considering the calculations above, we can deduce that even legendary dwellers need to be trained for the higher level of stats (8 to 10) along with other even lower stats (5 to 10) which will still take a long time in-total to train. So the Legendary Children are way better than the Legendary Dwellers too. They also have the disadvantage of not getting well trained for HP with E7 gear right from experience level 1.

In conclusion, Yes they do deserve the hype!

More Information

Here's an article on Weight Rooms that explains the increasing time required to train at all levels in detail. Same timings apply to levelling up in other training rooms.

Here's an article on Breeding for more details on getting legendary children.

Here's a post that shows the possibilty of Legendary Baby Twins

r/foshelter 12h ago

Kill aliens without weapons


Got this as a daily objective.

Anyone have tips and logistics on this?

I’m thinking of leaving the top floor without weapons and give them back if it’s not aliens (I have a fully upgraded vault door).

I’m assuming they’ll make it past the first floor, so just wondering if they need to be gunless before the aliens make it into the vault, the room, or if I can simply remove the guns level by level as the aliens go down.

Also is there any way to increase the chance of aliens vs other incidents? Pretty sure the answers no but worth asking anyway

Thanks everyone!

r/foshelter 9h ago

Question Who is this referring to?

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Maybe the Fallout 1 vault dweller? Not sure.

r/foshelter 7h ago

Question Are quest clues random or some quests have them?


Played an Outfit Run daily quest few days back. Found a clue that leads to Factory Floor of Fear. And at the 2nd pic, as you can see every loot is legendary as well as 1 pet carrier and 1 lunchbox.

Does this happen randomly, or does some quests always have clues?

r/foshelter 14h ago

Finally Completed All The Achievements 🥳

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I completed most of the achievements right away when I started playing in 2017, as they were easy ones, and happened automatically. After I reinstalled the game a few months ago, I tracked and completed them one by one, even if they weren't helpful for the vault. But only one remained, collecting legendary dwellers which I had absolutely no control over, and had to wait patiently for so many months.

But finally getting legendary dwellers from the show after the latest update, and a lot of lunchboxes I worked for in the quests, I have collected the 20th legendary dweller 🥳

Thank You Harkness 🥲 You will be remembered 🫡

r/foshelter 2h ago

Moldaver is finally here!

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r/foshelter 3h ago


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OK so am planning to re organize the vault from 3-3-2 to 3-2-3, Whats the best way to about that? Considering I have the left side as how I wanted it to be? Any idea or tips to go about that? Cause am not fond of the idea of eve ting everyone and start over.

r/foshelter 17h ago

My game keep popping out


I have entered the game and reset my phone for several time but the app just show the waiting scene and black out. What should I do?

r/foshelter 20h ago

Question Is it weird?


So, when I max out their SPECIALS I immediately send them to the Wasteland to level up.