r/AITAH 6d ago

aitah for considerinf leaving my son in the county jail hospital over the weekend instead of paying $9,500.00 in bail? Advice Needed

My son hit a pregnant woman with his vehicle and broke his nose and has stitches on his lip.

He was arrested and is in the county jail hospital. He wouldn't tell me how badly injured the woman is, except that she might lose the baby.

He's a careless, distracted driver who has totalled 2 cars, which his bio dad immediately replaced with even better cars!

But now his bio dad is gone (heart attack) and I don't want to enable this dangerous driving problem.

I'm overwhelmed.

He has had accidents before, and has always been bailed out.

I'm trying to get a regular lawyer because now he says she might lose the baby and sue him.

He's 19.

But no one wants me to take the time to get a regular lawyer instead of this public defender who insists I must send the bail money NOW or my son will be in jail all weekend.

Honestly, I don't know. Maybe that would be good for him. Like a wakeup call.

He didn't mention alcohol, but why else would he he arrested for a car accident?

Help! I have to move fast!

AITAH for even thinking about letting him spend a weekend in jail?


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He's 19 and still hasn't learned. A weekend might finally make him see reality.


u/Dense_Reputation_420 6d ago

You've never been to county then it's rough for a kid.


u/whiskey_riverss 6d ago

The woman he hit might lose her baby but yeah I’d hate for him to be uncomfy for the weekend.


u/Dense_Reputation_420 6d ago

Did he hit her hard or was it a fender bender was it even proven in a court of law it's his fault? Has he seen his court day, as someone that had charges dropped the law isn't always right


u/exessmirror 6d ago

If that's the case he can post bail himself


u/Dense_Reputation_420 6d ago

If he's not making money like I was it's hard, plus someone has to pick up his card and pay it with it although only 950 doesn't seem like he did too much wrong but it's been a long time since I was locked up and wrongly accused so who knows


u/Common_Scar4611 6d ago

Only $950? Re read. The bail is $9,500.00. WTF


u/No-Entrepreneur6040 5d ago

Normally, the accused only puts up a %, often 10%, so guessing $950 is pretty reasonable.

FYI, that amount is non refundable so in our 10% scenario, Mom is out that nearly $1,000! I’d leave him there, too! Once he sees a judge he may be released on his own recognizance - or not!


u/kikivee612 5d ago

Unless it’s cash bail. Then he’s gotta put up the whole amount.


u/Wackadoodle-do 5d ago

Oh, I'm sure it was just a gentle bump...that's why she may lose her baby./s Sheesh


u/Dense_Reputation_420 5d ago

Hey homeboy I've lost 9 kids I never got to name hold or see be born I don't take it lightly but you can't just assume it was a huge wreck and both cars went up I'm flames, op didn't explain anything that happem and all you reddit warriors who are holier than thou are coming at me for saying it may not have been that bad on a story that is probably just rage bating anyway but go ahead an assume I'm some piece of shit for not judging someone without the facts, and sharing how I feel about a pretty vague post.


u/dvasop 5d ago

Blah blah blah quit making excuses