r/tifu 11h ago

S TIFU by being horny on main (street)


So I'm driving to work and make a turn into a street where utility workers are setting up. They don't have flaggers but I see the way is clear and slowly make my way around. It's immediately after the turn so I'm going maybe 5mph. One of the linemen is getting gear out the side and I notice he's got a physique similar to the sexiest man I've ever laid hands on. My brain automatically switches to đŸ€€... I say out loud "oh. My. God." My window is open. He and his coworker both look at me. I'm practically stopped. My jaw is still dropped. Theyre both hot. I look at the other side of the road and keep driving. I live in a small town and drive one of those obnoxiously colored vehicles that makes me recognizable. I at least hope he was flattered because I can never drive past that company working again.

TL;DR: got caught ogling a hot guy. Can never leave my house again.

r/tifu 8h ago

S TIFU by telling a coworker she was too hard to please...


I work in IT, so often times people break computers and I have to provision and replace the old one with a new one. I went to look at the issue and saw that she broke her screen somehow. I immediately went to provision and replace her broken laptop with a new one.

I came into her new office with the new laptop and she commented on the size of the laptop, saying it was worse than the current one (knowing what I know that is impossible). That is when I told her she must be hard to please.

Personally, I don't care if her comment was out of place, I am the one providing the service as a part of my job and I screwed up by making that comment. In service desk, it is our job to provide world-class service to people regardless of their comments or frustrations and I dropped the ball today.

TL;DR I went to replace a coworkers laptop, she complained about the replacement, and I commented that she was hard to please.

r/tifu 18h ago

S TIFU because I invite all of my friends.


TIFU because I invited all of my friends over for a BBQ, and it turned into a chaotic mess! Picture this: perfect weather, good vibes, and I thought, why not make it epic? Cue me sending out invites to literally everyone I know. Fast forward to the day, and my backyard resembled a music festival gone wrong. There were way too many people, not enough food, and chaos at the grill. One friend brought their cousin who brought their dog (and it wasn't even a small dog). Another buddy decided to DJ without asking and killed the vibe with obscure EDM mixes.

The worst part? I ran out of burgers within the first hour. I tried to salvage it with some frozen veggie patties, but people were already making their exit. The cleanup? A nightmare.

TL;DR: next time, I'm sticking to a smaller crew and definitely stocking up on more meat.

r/tifu 19h ago

S TIFU by speeding up and breaking my best batten.


I'm a shipwright, and one of the things I use at work is a wood batten. These are used to mark nice smooth curves. You basically nail it in place with little nails and look along it to make sure the curve is right. The things that make a good batten are it being long, flexible, and straight grained. A good batten is like hens teeth anymore. It's hard to find long pieces of wood with straight grain. The last batten I broke was around 5 years ago.

I took this batten home on Saturday. Tied it to my truck. It was 3/8 by 3/4 inch by 20 feet long. I used it to mark the gun whales of the boat I'm rebuilding in my garage. This morning I took it back to work. On the way I was being tailgated, so I sped up a bit. I got to about 54 mph and heard it snap. It's weird how emotionally attached you can get to a piece of wood you use every day. The front broke off in the wind.

I spent an hour this morning trying to use another one I had, but it had a couple kinks in it and I was having a hard time getting it to look right. I gave up and found a piece of wood my pop had stored that was 24 feet long and made a new batten.

TL;DR Tied a long thin piece of wood important to my job to my truck and when I speeded up the wind broke it.

r/tifu 20h ago

S TIFU by asking my English teacher what a condom was


Obligatory not today. I am 20F now and live an Asian country. English is my second language. When I was 12 I attended junior high school in a private school which also had an international high school department, where lessons where taught in English, by foreign teachers. I got permission to join an ESL course in the high school department, so my classmates for that course were around 16 years old. Our teacher, Mr. B, was from Canada.

One morning our class discussions drifted to the topic of what we would bring with us if we wanted to survive on a desert island. A girl in our class answered "a condom", and went on to explain how condoms are strong and flexible, ideal for holding large amounts of water.

Having had next to no sex ed growing up, I didn't even know about condoms in my first language, let alone the English word for them. So I said in my normal voice, clearly audible to the whole class of ~20 students,

"Mr. B, what is a condom?"

Mr. B, who had been very chill during the whole "condoms as water-holders" discussion, was taken slightly aback, and hesitated on how he should respond. Then a couple of boys started saying stuff like, "you'll know the answer when you get older". One of them went further to say, "do you know about those small cards (nsfw ads) they shove under your door in hotels?" When I answered that I did not, he brushed it off by saying that he meant ads for ... fried chicken.

I can't recall anymore what Mr. B said after that (if anything) or how I eventually got the answer to my question.

TL;DR: As the youngest student in my ESL course, sincerely asked my Canadian teacher what a condom was.

r/tifu 14h ago

S TIFU for being late on a meeting.


I messed up big time by showing up late to a crucial work meeting. I thought I had set three alarms, but I guess my brain decided to hit snooze on all of them without my permission. By the time I woke up, my phone was blowing up with missed calls and frantic messages from my boss. Let's just say the whole "better late than never" thing didn't apply here.

I rushed into the meeting room trying to look composed, but I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I slunk into my seat. The awkward silence that followed was deafening. I tried to apologize and explain myself, but the damage was done. I could practically see my boss mentally adding "unreliable" to my next performance review.

TL;DR: I'm stuck in that cringeworthy loop of replaying the morning in my head, wondering how I managed to sleep through all those alarms. It's safe to say I won't be hitting snooze anytime soon.

r/tifu 1d ago

M TIFU the kitchen of my Airbnb


I just came back from a trip to Portugal where I was staying in studio apartment sort of Airbnb. I normally wouldn't use Airbnb because it makes me Part of the Tourist Problem and all that, but Nazaré is inherently a tourist town, the Coney Island of Portugal. The host lived across town, but her mother was right upstairs and delivered bread and coffee every morning.

That was great for my wife, but I don't drink coffee, and the only teabags in the kitchen were herbal. On the second day there, I was able to find some English Breakfast in a little grocery store around the corner, and set about making myself a nice cup of tea while my wife and son were at the beach. There was no kettle on the stove, but I did scrounge up a little pot with a handle. But then I decided to search a few more cabinets and discovered an electric kettle. I filled it up, plugged in the base
and put the kettle on the stove.

I have no good explanation for why I did this. I even plenty of time to consider my mistake as I searched for a match or a lighter to light the burner. (Why do European gas stoves not light themselves, anyway?) Then once it was lit I took a quick bathroom break.

Amazingly, it wasn't the smell that tipped me off. It was that the flame seemed a bit too bright under the kettle. Because of all the plastic it was burning. Shit! Throw the kettle into the sink, turn on the water, open the door and all the windows. And then boil water in the pot, because I really needed some tea now. The base of the kettle was definitely melted beyond repair, but at least it stayed in one piece.

Then as I was sitting on my bed trying to figure out what to do next, I saw a flash of black at the door. The neighbor's kittens had noticed the open door and decided to check out the inside. I managed to herd one of them back out, but the other dashed under the bed and by the time I was able to crawl under to look for it it was gone. I just had to hope it had found its way outside and not into a closet or something.

I was totally willing to take a bus to the shopping center and buy a new kettle, but the host insisted that "these things happen", and it was no problem at all.

tl;dr: I set an electric tea kettle on fire by using it on a gas burner

r/tifu 8h ago

TIFU by cheating emotionally and financially on my partner


First off let me say, I have lurked this sub for years. Reading all the relationship stories and silly stories and some that probably happen. But never did I dream I would be the one writing this.

But met my partner 5 years ago, we were just friends at the time. But 2 years later we were dating, and two years after that we were married.

Backstory: I have always struggled with porn addiction, at a young age I was exposed to things I shouldn’t of (not an excuse for the rest of this) and throughout my life I never took care of it. When I was about 18 I discovered the findom community (financial domination) and I started getting off to sending women money. I would be waiting to get paid from my job, just so I could send everything I didn’t need to a woman. During that time (unrelated weirdly) I had destroyed my credit. Through the years it would be off and on, I would get away from the financial kink, and would always fall back into it. When I wasn’t into findom I found myself constantly watching porn, every night, and every day. Fast forward a bit and my kinks became more craven, it’s like a drug addict who needs a better high. I would be spending money on only fans, and whatever site you can think of. But I didn’t get help for it. Like an addict at the start I loved it. But soon it was destroying me and making me feel shame (even when I wasn’t in a relationship). It became embarrassing and humiliating and a dark side of myself that I pushed backwards.

Present Dayish: Fast forward to me being in a relationship with my spouse, I definitely wasn’t doing anything at the start of my relationship. I truly had thought it was gone. But that’s not how untreated addiction works. My partner loved me and cared for me, but I refused to let go of my ego and just tell everything before it got worse. At one point I did not have a job, but we shared a credit card, so I would buy Amazon gift cards with our shared card (that was hers initially but I had in my name too) and I would buy the gift cards with random numbers like 25.22 so that it wouldn’t look like a gift card. I began to sneak off and just let myself go and spiral. But the worst part of it all, is I loved my partner. Yes I know people will say, you can’t love someone if you are deceiving and lying to them. But the mental gymnastics that were done to tell myself it would be worse to tell my partner. Over the next years I spent thousands. Of mainly shared funds, we were trying to pay off all our debt so we could start saving for a house. I was extremely manipulative and when we would go over our statements I would always have an excuse or explanation. Lying and deception have become me. The worst part is that I hated it, I knew I had problems. When I would hold my partner I would think about how things would be so much better if I let go, and finally was cleansed of it all. Meanwhile my partner encouraged me to get therapy for other issues, which I had scheduled but even when I went to therapy I couldn’t let go of the festering addiction within me. I couldn’t even say it out loud.

The conclusion: All this to say, my web of lies, financial infidelity, and cheating came to a crescendo yesterday. My partner had made a budget for how we could have a house by next year, and she asked to see my Amazon purchases. I slowly showed her everything and the rabbit hole is so much deeper than I ever thought it was. Even I’m shocked about my own inability to fix something for the my sake first, but also for the sake of my marriage. Now is officially day one of being “out” as an awful person. My partner and I are in a lease together and won’t be out for awhile, so we said we would take it one day at a time. Basically me sleeping on the couch and avoiding my partner so they don’t have to see me. Giving them space.

If you have a loved one and have an addiction that they do not know about, please get the help you need. Even if you just get the help in private until you are ready to share. I truly do love my partner, but I loved an addiction more. It’s weird because my mom used to say “you are just sorry because you got caught.” But for once I feel relief I finally did, but it shouldn’t have been my partners job to expose it. I am now going to go through all the finances and pay back every cent to my partner. A small restitution that can not pay for the emotional damage.

Tldr: have a crippling porn addiction. Destroyed my marriage when I got caught sending thousands over years on findom(financial domination) even though they loved me and would have been forgiving.

r/tifu 12h ago

S TIFU by forgetting my Anti-depressants at home


Since coming back home from college my mental health has taken a steep decline, this is for a cacophony of different reasons but I am still grateful for the experience because I am finally in therapy and on meds after 20 years of neglecting my mental health. I was prescribed Zoloft by my therapist to help me with all of the things I was diagnosed with (OCC, Depression, and few different anxiety disorders) For my 20th birthday my best friend from college invited me to stay with her for a few days so we could hangout and so she could show me around Boston for my birthday. For the 3 days that I am staying here I packed a bag and I mistakenly forgot to bring my Zoloft with me
I was so sure that I put the pills in my bag but I was met with great disappointment when I searched my bag and saw that they weren’t there. I’ve been on Zoloft for about a month now and it is finally starting to work. A friend of mine told me that I need to be very consistent with my Zoloft intake because on days he forgot to take it he felt awful. I’ve heard really bad stories of people getting brain zaps, really bad panic attacks, bad headaches, etc because they missed a day of Zoloft. I am going to have to go Zoloft free for the next 2 nights, it’s my birthday vacation with my best friends and I don’t want it to be ruined by my mental health. Does anyone have any advice? (It’s not a possibility to go back home because home is 3 hours away) TL;DR: I forgot my meds and now I am scared that I’m gonna have all of these bad side effects
it’s my birthday and I wanna have a great day with my best friend

Update: Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read my post and give me feedback it is much appreciated. Unfortunately I cannot get more of my medication right now. The therapist who prescribed me the Zoloft only gave me enough to last me up until my first appointment with my new primary care provider (I lost my old provider because I haven’t been to the doctors since literally 7th grade
I’m an extremely healthy person) I know what you are thinking “ask the therapist to call you in a new prescription to a pharmacy near you” she is out of practice now
she only agreed to see me because she heard about my situation and she wanted to diagnose me, prescribe me meds and refer me to a new therapist.

My birthday is almost over and I had a great day, I was a little in my head this morning but for the most part I was busy with making memories in a new city with my best friend.

Also sorry I upset so many people with my use of the word “cacophony” I just felt like this word best described the situation

r/tifu 20h ago

S TIFU for buying the wrong ingredients.


TIFU by buying the wrong ingredients for a dinner party I was hosting. I thought I was being proactive by ordering everything online, but when the packages arrived, I realized I had messed up big time. Instead of mozzarella cheese, I got mascarpone. Instead of parsley, I got cilantro. And worst of all, instead of ground beef, I got ground lamb. Now I'm left trying to figure out how to salvage my lasagna dinner without making it a total disaster. Has anyone else ever had a kitchen catastrophe like this? How did you manage to turn things around? Any advice on creative recipes with mascarpone, cilantro, and lamb that aren't too far off from Italian cuisine? I'm open to suggestions before my guests arrive and discover my gourmet mishap!e should ever have to experience.

TL;DR: always double-check those labels, folks! Ever had a cooking fail this epic?

r/tifu 18h ago

S TIFU for sleeping well at the bus,


TIFU by sleeping through my bus stop and ending up on a wild ride across town. I usually commute to work by bus, and today I decided to catch up on some sleep after a rough night. Big mistake. I dozed off just as the bus pulled away from my stop, and the next thing I knew, I was in a completely unfamiliar neighborhood. Panic set in as I realized I had no idea where I was or how to get back.

I finally found a bus going in the opposite direction, but it took forever to get back to where I started. By the time I made it to work, I was late and frazzled, and my boss definitely noticed. Now I'm trying to laugh it off, but deep down, I'm cringing at my own stupidity.

Has anyone else ever had a public transportation fail this epic, or am I the only one who can't even nap right?

TL;DR: never trust a comfy bus seat when you're running on fumes.

r/tifu 1d ago

M TIFU by jumping off some rocks as a dare


I'm currently on a beach holiday with a few mates, we arrived yesterday afternoon, and after some sightseeing went to a club at night. All well, and we decided to go back to the hotel around 2 a.m. as we were pretty tired from traveling.

But first, we followed the entire boulevard to see where it would end. There was a short fence, which we climbed over to see what treasure was hidden behind it. None, just a small cliff then the ocean. We stood on the rocks and one of my friends randomly dared me to dive into the water. I was pretty drunk so like yeah why not, it was still not cold at all and it was only a 3-4 meter drop.

I emptied my pockets and went for a running start, at the last second I kind of chickened out and went with kind of a divebomb instead of dove. Well, that probably saved me from literally breaking my fucking neck, because there were rocks just below the surface. I genuinely couldn't tell from above. There was probably like 30 cm of actual water.

And... I hit my tailbone so fucking hard on a somewhat pointier rock. Hurt like an absolute bitch, climbing back up took ages, but eventually I made it. Was just gonna walk it off, but that only made the pain worse tbh. Very sharp and kind of moving into my low back. I unfortunately have to admit I briefly cried. Not a great situation overall, but we successfully arrived at our hotel.

I didn't sleep much, woke up with the same pain plus random stiffness in my back. Might check out one of those touristy massage places for a spinal adjustment fr. When my mom called a few hours ago, I told her I'm being very responsible and everything is going great...

Sitting hurts, standing is marginally better, being in the pool is the best. Just trying to keep movement going, because we're about to go out and I'm tryna enjoy the rest of my holiday. Started drinking before lunch so I'm doing pretty well. Still, not my smartest moment lmfao.

TL;DR: pretty painful reminder of why one should check the water before jumping in.

r/tifu 17h ago

S TIFU by getting stuck with twin sisters as college roommates.


I missed roommate and dorm room deadlines because of a miscommunication and mow im paying for it. I am a super anxious person and was looking forward to having two roomates as a chance to all be starting off with clean slates and having an equal opportunity to become friends.

For context I moved schools when I was younger a lot and always felt out of place and alone because people knew each other since preschool and had long established friends I could never compete or compare to.

Dorm life was supposed to be a fresh start, but my randomly assigned roommates are twin girls and I feel like this is the worst case situation for me. I will never be able to bond with them the way three total strangers would connect. They will always have each other’s backs in situations where I might need someone having my back to. I will be the odd one out, feel out of place and left out and not good enough in my own room. Im just devastated I did this to myself and now im gonna be wasting all this money just to be uncomfortable when I could have just commuted.

TL;DR: I have twin sisters as roommates because I misread a deadline and am afraid I will feel left out and not good enough when it comes to befriending my roommates.

r/tifu 18h ago

M TIFU by being old and not knowing how Instagram works


I am an older lesbian - 47. Been single for most of my life, and for the most part, I’ve been fine with that.

But the other night I went out with a new group of people and there was one woman there who reminded me that I’m a lesbian. Literally, she walked in the room, smiled at everyone and my brain went “
oh”. I’d forgotten what it feels like to be attracted to someone in person. It was nice. She’s straight, so nothing will happen, but it was nice to have that feeling of being happy when she smiled at me and stuff. Reminded me that I’m fully alive.

So where’s the fuck up? Well, that was Friday night. And in the interim I noticed that she had changed her profile picture on the app we all used to connect (Kakao, I live in Korea) to a photo from our night out
 and it made me wonder if she had an Instagram. Now I have an Instagram account, but I do not touch it. I tried using it for a bit a long time ago, but it just wasn’t for me. So I don’t really know how it works.

Her Instagram was pretty easy to find, and she had a few pictures, I looked through them but was very careful to not like anything because I’ve heard that you can see likes even if you “unlike” a picture. But you can’t see who views your pictures. That’s what pop culture has told me about how Instagram works.

She also had some, like, albums above her photos. I’ve since learned they are called “highlights”, which are I guess archived “stories”, I really don’t know, I’m just going on what I’ve been told. And one of them was labeled “gym”
 and I am a pathetic lesbian. It called to me like a siren song. And it was glorious. Tons of great photos and video clips. Her back is a work of art. And then I thought I’d go through the highlight reels. Every single one. I looked at every single one. Every video, every picture. But was very careful not to like anything.

Later than evening, I was chatting with a friend and in the conversation somehow she came up and I sent him a link to one of those highlights - the gym album. And he was all “no, girl, don’t sent me a link, you have to send me screenshots” and I was like “why? You can look, just don’t like anything”

And well, here’s where I figured out my fuck up, although you all probably knew already. Turns out that with stories (which is what those are) you totally can see who looks at them.

Now, she would have to go and look to see who viewed her stories, I think, but if she does she’s going to see that I viewed them all. And she is part of this group that I am newly friends with and was hoping to hang with a lot in the future. I don’t know that I can now, because that is so fucking embarrassing.

The internet was a mistake.

TLDR: developed a mini crush on a girl and went through her entire Instagram story history, didn’t know you could see who views your Instagram stories and now I can never go outside again.

r/tifu 4h ago

S TIFU by thinking our blood was blue.


This happened like last year but whatever. One day I (21F) (20 at the time) was just working and thinking about random shit, as one does. I've always wondered this question, so I asked my coworker (56 F) about it. I used to ask her the dumbest questions all the time, not knowing how dumb they were. I don't ask her many questions anymore. xd

"Do you think if we went out in space and got cut, our blood would still be blue since there's no oxygen in space? Like pretend we wouldn't die immediately from being in space though."

She just kinda stared at me and started to frown, confused. "What are you talking about?" She asked.

I'm like dang she doesn't know our blood is blue?

"Cause like, you know, our blood is blue til it hits oxygen then it turns red? So I was wondering what would happen to it if there wasn't any oxygen?" I reiterated. "Our blood isn't blue. It's never blue." She said, still frowning. Now I'm frowning with confusion, and rethinking my whole life in this moment. she can't be right I'm thinking. "Hm. Well I thought it was blue but I could be wrong! I'll Google it real quick." "I suppose I could be wrong too so lmk what you find!" She says. She goes back to working and I whip out my cellular device and go to Google. is our blood blue I typed into the search bar. A few seconds later, my whole life fell apart in an instant. I erupt into laughter for realizing how ridiculous I just sounded and tell her she's right and that I can't believe my whole life is a lie. I told her I think my mom told me that before I started school and just never thought to ask anyone or look it up because how could my sweet momma ever be wrong??? LMFAO I can't even explain the embarrassment I felt in that moment, but we still bring it up and laugh about it now so I figured I'd share it here.

TL;DR I thought our blood was blue til it hit oxygen and made a fool of myself to an older coworker.

r/tifu 22h ago

S TIFU by eating an incredibly spicy pepper in front of a girl


So today I was out on a date with a girl I’ve liked for a long time. So I finally took her out and we were having a great time until I took her to dinner. We went to a nice Mexican place and I ordered chicken fajitas, and this is when it all went wrong. I noticed that on the side there was a pepper (I asked and it was a Serrano pepper) and while trying to impress her, I ate almost the entirety of the pepper. The spiciest thing I can handle is a jalapeño so I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea, but anyway I took a huge bite and tried to chew and swallow. I swallowed a tiny bit of it before almost throwing up. I spit it out and tears and some snot rolled down my face and I had to ask the waiter if they had milk I could drink. I also had to ask for my dates water and I ordered a sorbet to help cool my mouth. This is either something we will laugh about in 5 years or something she might not wanna go out with me again after crying from a pepper. I’m typing this up while she “runs to the bathroom” so I imagine when she comes back it will be pretty awkward

TL;DR I ate a hot pepper in front of my crush,cried and nearly threw up,had to ask for milk in a restaurant,and drunk her water and had some ice cream to help me cool my mouth down

UPDATE:First I would like to say thanks for all the comments and I hope you guys got a good laugh over my misfortune and here’s the update,so yes she did eventually come back. The rest of the date went surprisingly well. She actually ended up laughing it off and started making jokes about it. When she came back I said “I think I handled that well” and she started laughing hard so I might have clutched.I felt like it was one of the times where laughter was the best medicine Y’know?She was in the bathroom for a long enough time for me to think that she might have texted or called a few people and told them about me but she came back so I’m hoping she was always planning on returning. Anyway I dropped her off and about an hour later she texted me a picture of a glass of milk. After that I think she’s a keeper,so I’m gonna ask her out again tomorrow,so wish me luck!

r/tifu 19h ago

S TIFU by controlling my sister's account.


TIFU by controlling my sister's account for a day. It all started innocently enough — she left her laptop unlocked, and being the prankster I am, I couldn't resist. I posted in a few of her favorite subs, nothing too wild, just harmless jokes and memes. But then things escalated. Her friends started messaging, confused by her sudden change in taste and opinions.

I thought I was slick, replying with emojis and vague responses, until one friend called her out publicly, and the gig was up. The fallout was swift and brutal. She wasn't mad; she was livid. I underestimated how seriously she took her online presence. She's now on a mission to reclaim her digital dignity, and I'm banned from her devices for the foreseeable future.

TL;DR: pranks have consequences, especially when WiFi is involved.

r/tifu 5h ago

S TIFU by buying a $45 Google Play gift card from Amazon but living in Denmark and thus cant redeem it


I have a custom ROM on my phone, and thus can't make certain in-app purchases with my card. But I thought maybe a Google Play gift card would work, so I went to read how to do it on Google's webpage, and they suggested that I use Amazon or other services. I immediately went on amazon.com, bought a $45 gift card for the Google Play store, and went to redeem it, but it failed when I tried and said that I could only redeem it from the US.

I hoped Google support could help me, but they said that since I bought it from the US (amazon.com), it can only be used in the US. Now I'm stuck with a $45 gift card I can't use, and it's quite frustrating.

I didn't think to check for regional restrictions before purchasing. It's a hard lesson learned about the importance of checking the terms and conditions, especially when dealing with digital goods that can have regional locks.

TL;DR: Bought a $45 Google Play gift card from Amazon.com, but living in Denmark and thus can't redeem it.

r/tifu 22h ago

S TIFU by stealing a suitcase


Short FU -

Landed from an international flight of 7 hours from Heathrow, connecting flight is the last flight out of Chicago to Austin. I see my bag in the carousel snatch it up and start racing to get to my connection.

I try going through bag recheck at O'Hare Airport and the scan doesn't work via the agent, so I decide to try to check it through the normal desk service. Line is too long, okay time to just go and hope that my bag makes it through security quickly with TSA precheck.

As I'm heading up the escalators to tram over to terminal 1, look down at my bag. "Huh, I don't remember having a label pouch. Shit. Wrong bag." Back down the escalators. I can't go back through to baggage claim. Back up the escalators to ACTUALLY tram to terminal 1 for United baggage service.

Turn in the accidentally purloined bag.

I go to the ticketing for United and get rebooked for a flight tomorrow morning. Book a hotel. Back to the baggage office. My bag hasn't arrived yet from terminal 5's carousels.

I'm typing this from a seat across from the baggage office waiting to see if I can get my bag before I leave the airport to my overnight at the hotel.

TL;DR - check what bag you grab, put something EXTRA visible on your bag to identify it easier. I'm keen to put about 5 or 6 stickers on all parts of my luggage.

Sidenote - everyone seems to have the same few Samsonite hard case carry-ons and checked bags.

r/tifu 20h ago

M TIFU by giving my 1st grader an instant print camera


Obligatory this didnt happen today, it happened a couple weeks ago at the end of the school year and I still have not recovered from the embarrassment. I’m hoping that by posting to Reddit I can just laugh it all off.

My dear sweet 6 year old asked for an instant print camera for his birthday. We got him one and he immediately got started taking pictures of our pets, pretty clouds, lego creations, ect. After a couple weeks and 6 or 7 packs of film, he earned enough “tickets” to have a “show and share” at school! He asked to take his camera and some pictures. Beaming with pride over his natural photographic ability, we went through his stash and curated an exquisite collection of appropriate, clear, mom approved photos. I packed them into his backpack with care in a ziplock baggie the night before and the next morning came and he was so excited at drop off. At pickup, the teacher gave me an awkward thumbs up but nothing too out of the ordinary. Nothing that could prepare me for the horror I would experience when I got home and unloaded the “take home” portion of his folder. Apparently, early in the morning my dear sweet baby added some pictures to the collection he took to show and share. Now, these weren’t dirty or inappropriate pictures, just EXTREMELY embarrassing. Pictures of a dirty laundry basket full of laundry, a shot of the kitchen with dishes in the sink, random pictures of the floor and walls, and in the back of the stack the crown jewel; a photo of me, his mother, half asleep sitting on the couch in my silk moomoo with my hair in rollers and headphones on, snuggling a Mickey Mouse stuffy my younger one had given me, ala crazy Disney adult style. I can’t help but imagine the look on his teachers face when he proudly displayed these for the class. My husband thinks I’m over reacting because there’s nothing wrong with the picture, and thinks it’s quite endearing how my son sees me as photo worthy. Maybe getting it all out in a post will make me appreciate the humor in it all

TL;DR gave my 6 year old an instant print camera, he repaid my kindness by taking embarrassing pictures of me and our house to school for show and shaređŸ«