r/tifu 4d ago

TIFU by being labelled a pedophile for asking about consent. S

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u/Hunk-Hogan 4d ago

Sounds like you fucked up by not choosing your words carefully. Or you just fucked up by expecting redditors to read between the lines. 


u/vpsj 4d ago

To be honest even when they asked "For what?!?" OP didn't specify and said "anything" for most answers.


u/SomeAwfulMillennial 4d ago

Yep. Said piercings and tattoos as thats where I was coming from and then continued to leave it open with anything because I thought people would bring something to the table.



u/Powerful_Engineer_79 4d ago

Oh they brought something to the table…


u/Immediate_Magician62 3d ago

No you didn't. Someone very clearly asked you "for what?" And your reply was "anything"


u/SomeAwfulMillennial 3d ago

and then continued to leave it open with anything

Yes I most assuredly did reply with one word answers of "anything" after saying where I was coming from. Why would I keep repeating myself?


u/Immediate_Magician62 3d ago

It isn't repeating yourself because you aren't talking to the same person every time. Yes, if 1 user was asking you over and over, that would be repeating yourself. But no one is bothering reading through the entire thread and picking through conversations just to give you the benefit of the doubt when all you had to was include what you were actually talking about in the question.


u/Immediate_Magician62 3d ago

Show me in my picture where you said anything about piercings or tattoos


u/SomeAwfulMillennial 3d ago

Take a picture of the deleted commenter saying "Children can’t. This question is horrible." to which I replied "At what age do you think a child can consent to getting a tattoo or get piercings?"


ZBrk9 saying "What the fuck is this question? 18." to which I responded with "Should a person be able to get a tattoo at 16 if it's in line with their culture?"


gluteusplumIV saying "Well for starters a 'child' can never give consent at any age... clean your mouth out with soap young man" to which I replied "At what age do you think is old enough for parents to get their child piercings?"

What me to go on?


u/Immediate_Magician62 3d ago

So I have to read the entire comment thread to know if you're taking about fucking children or not? Great job there, hoss. How about just put "tattoos and piercings" in the actual question so everyone doesn't have to ask?


u/fartnight69 3d ago

You could stop using imagination.


u/drpeppapop 3d ago

Personally I consented for piercings around 6/8, and consented to allowing them to pierce my ears.