r/tifu 6d ago

TIFU by being labelled a pedophile for asking about consent. S

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u/bearded_unwonder 6d ago

Categorically untrue 😅


u/Rengiil 6d ago edited 6d ago

You're free to be wrong. Consent is rarely talked about in any other context. The only kind of consent that is culturally discussed and is most culturally relatable to everyone is sexual consent.


u/LaLechuzaVerde 6d ago

They ABSOLUTELY talk about consent in other contexts. This includes ear piercing, vaccination, circumcision, and many other medical procedures.

I’ve had many lengthy conversations with people on the internet about our experiences being given drugs or procedures without consent during childbirth, for example.

OP, I think I found the redditor that got you banned. 🙄

I totally get why people might jump to that conclusion if no context is given, but I really find it disturbing that you think the conversation around consent is only about sex.


u/Rengiil 6d ago

It's not only around consent. Just like 90 percent of the time.


u/AnAdoptedImmortal 6d ago edited 6d ago

What do you think is more likely? People going around concerning themselves with the age of sexual consent? Or people having discussions around medical concent, legal concent in regards to privacy laws and user agreements?

It seems to me that it would be a small minority of conversations around sexual concent. It is also usually only ever brought up by weirdos who try to justify their weird positions when there is a pedophilia or rape case in the news. The vast majority of people are on the same page regarding the age of sexual concent and have no interest in even discussing it as it's a pretty clear-cut topic. The only time someone would have to talk about it is when they feel the need to disagree with it in some way.

So, I think you're being biased by your own thoughts. If anything is more like only 5% of conversations regarding consent are about the age of sexual consent. The rest of the discussions would be focused on things like the consent of consumers and patients.

But thanks for letting us all know where your head is at, creep.

PS. I can't remember the last time I discussed the age of consent before now. But I can remember plenty of conversations with people about consumer consent and the predatory practices of corporations. I literally had a conversation last week about user consent and the decisions Microsoft has made with Windows 11.