r/southcarolina 5d ago

image High water vehicle

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Ladson area

r/southcarolina 5d ago

discussion arts and crafts


Does anyone know any good arts and craft classes in the upstate? Things like embroidery or wreath making. Like the classes at Michale’s. Thank you!!!

r/southcarolina 5d ago

discussion Teaching in SC


Any advice from those who have experience teaching in SC? What’s the pay like? Best districts/areas to teach? I live and teach in the north, but we would like to get away from the winters and we have family in the Aiken area. Currently, I make a decent salary and I’m part of the teachers union. I’m sure that will change if we move to SC, but I’d like to know the good and bad. Thanks!

EDIT: Thanks for all the responses! I was expecting some negative responses, but not all…that says so much about the state of education in SC. I’ve taught for 24 yrs, so maybe it will be time to do something else if we decide to move. My job is tough enough, even with my pay and benefits— I can’t imagine doing it for even less! Those of you sticking with it in your state must be special!

r/southcarolina 4d ago

news SC is a police state


You live in an active police state. don't believe me? try to look at the state troopers "policies". they are not available to the public. Sc is such a police state they even passed a "body cam" law that exempts the police from freedom of information act requests. yeah, cant amend a law, just pass another that exempts u from it.

Try going to any open meeting, you'll be targeted by diff police agencies for it. try going to traffic court and asking for a trial by jury lul it's such a police state anyone with the higher class of a gov job will gasslight you for daring to check up on it.

you have no rights as a wartime combatant. under the pat act the gov has declared that "citizens" are wartime combatants. sorry to tell u the truth. maybe your should provide someone service by calling a 1800 number and being instructed how to be gasslit.

r/southcarolina 6d ago

discussion We should get a skinny white rapper from Pickens sc to call himself slim Pickens.


r/southcarolina 6d ago

image What are these holes in the sand? Sullivan’s Island

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we are visiting, wondering what are these perfect circle holes (various sizes) in the beach?

r/southcarolina 6d ago

discussion Thank You South Carolina for Being a Leader on this issue (and showing NYC the way)


The South Carolina House recently passed a bill banning cell phones in schools. https://scdailygazette.com/2024/06/13/sc-budget-to-ban-cellphones-in-k-12-schools/

NYC public schools are now following suit. https://www.yahoo.com/news/york-ban-phones-city-classrooms-123713782.html

r/southcarolina 7d ago

news South Carolina's White population growing fastest in US. One Lowcountry county leads the nation.


r/southcarolina 6d ago

discussion How to dispose of sharps?


In South Carolina there’s little to no rules about throwing your sharps away and I’m hoping some one has a company/ center/ advice of how they dispose of their shots. I can’t rationalize throwing them in a bleach container and in the trash. I also produce a bunch of shots (twice a day) so I have shot containers that are pretty large. I’m considering driving to Athens when I have a bunch just to dispose of them safely.

r/southcarolina 7d ago

discussion Ode to peaches


I just wanted to make a post about peaches. I’m from the north. Northerners do not understand how good a peach is. You go to the store and get nectarines cause peaches are the poor weirdly fuzzy and less flavorful relative. But then I moved to SC and the peach. Oh my. The peach. So juicy it’s impossible not to make a mess when you eat it off the pit. So richly sweet and delicious. And the grocery store bought stuff can be ok, but the peach stands. No better fruit. I maybe temporarily moving for my job and I don’t want to cause it’s peach season and I will be missing a vital part of my summer. I just ate a peach and let me tell you… PEACHES

r/southcarolina 7d ago

politics Three female GOP state senators who filibustered S.C. abortion ban lost their primaries


r/southcarolina 7d ago

discussion Have you seen Maria?


r/southcarolina 7d ago

politics Book-banning regulation goes into effect for public schools and public libraries in South Carolina


r/southcarolina 6d ago

discussion Accomodation


I'm a 19 year old who's planning to go to college at University of South Carolina in Columbia but I'm leaving to go visit for just a month, I was wondering does anyone have any contact or know about somebody with accommodation? I'd stay there for a month and I'd could contribute with half rent. If anyone is interested or knows about it I'd be greatful if they could help me out.

r/southcarolina 6d ago

discussion Most private beach?


Midlands couple would love to find a secluded spot

r/southcarolina 7d ago

discussion ESPN writer imagines two NFL teams for South Carolina if the league were to expand to 100 teams. Any team name recs?


r/southcarolina 7d ago



HI, so I am from NJ and going to SC for college. I am currently a waitress, and originally I planned to get a simple job to work at while I do school (at least for the first year). However, after going to an information session about jobs in campus, I learned the average wage is $10.75 an hour?! So obviously I’m not used to such low pay (idk if this is normal is SC), so I now am wondering if I should get a serving job. My question is: are the tips much more than the regular wage? Basically like since the wages are smaller here, does that mean people leave smaller tips?? Will it be worth it to have essentially a harder job while doing school? Will I get enough money for it to be worth it? Thanks guys any advice helps!!❤️

r/southcarolina 8d ago

news Katrina Shealy, 'sister senator' and last Republican woman in SC Senate, concedes her primary


Congratulations on making the State just a little more horrible.

r/southcarolina 8d ago

discussion Medical Marijuana in South Carolina


Anyone have any opinions on when South Carolina may finally go legal? Seen where a bill was apparently shut down for it earlier this year? It really sucks having to buy from a street dealer when the rest of the country is slowly going legal.

r/southcarolina 8d ago

news South Carolina Energy Manufacturing Projects Create 395 Jobs


r/southcarolina 7d ago

discussion My family and I need to move... Pls help a homie out


We sold the house we're living in for the past 2 years and our budget is around $250 I think (idk exact details yet). We're currently in Winnsboro but we might be open to nearby towns. Any suggestions? We're looking for something safe and affordable with great internet

r/southcarolina 8d ago

The State Butterfly


This Eastern Tiger Swallowtail floated through the garden yesterday. If you grew up here you were probably taught all the state animals in elementary school. Aside from the Carolina Wren -which was featured on our goated old license plates- this is one of the few I reliably remember..

From SCStateHouse.gov: The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail was designated the official Butterfly of the State by Act Number 319 of 1994. The Garden Club of South Carolina has identified the Tiger Swallowtail of particular interest to South Carolinians because it serves as a pollinator in orchards and gardens. The males are yellow with four black tiger-like stripes on the forewing. It can be seen in deciduous woods, along streams, rivers and wooded swamps and in towns and cities throughout South Carolina.

Bonus fun fact: The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly is also the state butterfly of Alabama, Delaware, and Georgia.

Anyone else have some “state animal” pictures?

r/southcarolina 7d ago

discussion GE Camden, what cad software?


As the title reads, does anyone know what 3D modeling software the GE Camden plant uses?

r/southcarolina 8d ago

discussion Does anyone know what Pay Grade health-16 means at MUSC?


Saw a job for driving at MUSC as a hospital courier and saw for the pay scale it said health-16 does anyone who works for a MUSC hospital know what this means and is it even worth it?

r/southcarolina 7d ago

discussion Internet options in Anderson


We've used TMobile home internet for a few years and instead of improving our internet speeds, they have degraded. We don't need blazing speeds, just consistency. The most I've ever clocked was 22 down, which is fine for us, but it doesn't last long and gets really bad at night when my wife works on her computer. I'm looking into Spectrum which seems like a decent option. I suppose it is cable, not cell service internet, but I'm still doing the research. I'd like to hear what your experience has been with Spectrum in the Anderson area, specifically along Old Williamston that runs between AU and the Jockey Lot (closer to AU than the Lot), and if it is worth getting mobile phone service through them as well.
