r/MyrtleBeach Apr 20 '22

Mod Announcement Reminder: This sub is not google.


As we come into the summer, I just want to remind everyone that this sub is not a replacement for google and the people here are not travel agents. If you have questions about specific areas or hotels feel free to ask, but don’t come here giving people your entire vacation details and ask them to find you accommodations.

Okay post: “Has anyone stayed at the Atlantica recently? Is it still as nice as the photos seem?”

Bad post: “My family is coming down for a vacation July 19-25. We have two adults, thirty six toddlers and an iguana. We only want to spend around $400 and we want to be on ocean Blvd. Where should we stay?”

Posts that are too easily googleable will be removed.

r/MyrtleBeach 11h ago

General Discussion What is this thing?

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It’s about a mile and a half down the beach from the Cherry Grove pier and there’s a nearby crane operating on shore as well. The on-shore crane seems to be disassembling the track that it was sitting on put over the ocean and moving inland.

r/MyrtleBeach 7h ago

Local Events July 4th!

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Independence day baby!

r/MyrtleBeach 1h ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Summer sports league


Hey does anyone know if there are open summer sports league? I’m looking to join something to meet new people and am open to ideas!

r/MyrtleBeach 11h ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Can we eat shark?


Hello friends,

I am in your fine town to celebrate Merica with the fam. We did a myrtle beach bucket list as tomorrow will be our last day here. Wife wants to hunt for sharks teeth, one daughter wants a shirt, but my other daughter would like to eat shark. Plz halp.

Edit: staying in north myrtle

r/MyrtleBeach 10h ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Best Fireworks Show Tonight?


Does anyone have any opinions on which Fireworks Show is the best one to go see? Between Broadway, Barefoot, Cherry Grove, Murrells Inlet? I live in Forestbrook and was wanting to take my daughter to watch fireworks. I was leaning towards going to Murrells Inlet mostly to try to avoid huge crowds and traffic as much as possible. But I was just wondering if anyone knows if they put on a good Show there and also where would be the best place to go set up to watch them? Thanks.

r/MyrtleBeach 15h ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions places to do fireworks


friends and i bought $500 worth of fireworks and we can’t do them on the beach. does anyone have any recommendations on where to do them at?

r/MyrtleBeach 9h ago

Resturant Recs // Questions Best Seafood in Myrtle?


Headed down for the weekend. Where is the best place for a seafood dinner? Not worried about cost. Thanks!

r/MyrtleBeach 10h ago

Looking For Friends // Groups Ultimate, Ultimate Frisbee, Myrtle Beach, Sports

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r/MyrtleBeach 23h ago

Resturant Recs // Questions Coffee in myrtle beach


Whats up with the local Coffee place not opening til 7,9,10 o'clock. Any one have a good local coffee place (not Starbucks or dunkin) that opens around 6.
Thank you for those that reply.

r/MyrtleBeach 14h ago

Resturant Recs // Questions Voodoo Brewery worst restaurant/bar


Voodoo is a chain and just opened at Broadway at the beach. We live nearby and figured we would give it a try.

I have never written a bad review so here is my first!

You seat yourself. You can only order from a phone app. Forget about a waiter or asking any questions. For the money I want to be waited on.. not do the work!

My family ordered drinks but because no waiter nobody asked for an ID.

The drinks were horribly expensive. $3.50 for two shots of beer in a sampler. Seriuosly?

The food was horrible. The hummus platter was not hummus. Not sure what it was but the hummus was trying to be too trendy and ended up no good. The bread for the hummus was soggy. The vegetables dried out.

That’s just an example of the food. We literally paid and left to go to another restaurant.

Again, I have never written a poor review. But for the money you will spend … no service, bad food and prices for small uninventive drinks? I wrote this so you will save your money.

Avoid Voodoo Brewery and visit the plethora of other restaurants and bars at Broadway!

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Fireworks

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Based on past experience, where do you think the best place to go see fireworks tomorrow would be? I was thinking about taking my brother out to Broadway on the Beach, but maybe there is a better place. Thanks in advance!

r/MyrtleBeach 22h ago

Local Laws // Happenings Coastal is finally getting a bridge

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They have been talking about this for 10+ years but I’m glad it’s finally happening.

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

General Discussion WTH is Flying Over Forestbrook neighborhood

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This flew over the horizon in my neighborhood this morning at 5am July 3rd 2024. Totally silent. Very strange

r/MyrtleBeach 20h ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions parties tn


what the move yall

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Best kayaking nearby?


Hello! I’m housesitting for a friend in Myrtle Beach over the weekend and am interested in spending one day kayaking. I have my own kayak, but I’m by myself so I would need an out and back route, no shuttle. I really love all things nature, especially plants, and would love to explore salt marshes, cypress swamps, longleaf pine, a Carolina bay… The Sandy Island Preserve seems interesting, for example, but I couldn’t find information about how to kayak there without joining a tour group. Appreciate any advice! Thanks!

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Friday Morning Throw @ CCU

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r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Any edm places (house music) in Myrtle beach?


Doubtful but are there any clubs that play like John summit/fred again type stuff?

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Moving Recs // Questions Cheap hotel/motel room for extended stay


We (mf) just moved to the area. The only shelter available for myself (m) is New Directions and they won't let work for 30 days. That obviously doesn't work for me or her, as we are both professionals in our fields. The apartments I've looked at are still processing applications and we have no intentions of sleeping in our car. If anyone can suggest any nearby rooms or hotels/motels that provide extended stay, we will be eternally grateful.

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

UFC Fights // Sports Sport Bars showing Copa America?


Going to be in Myrtle this weekend, any sport bars showing Copa America? Looking to catch the Brazil game 🇧🇷 ⚽️

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions any bars/clubs 18 plus?


me and my buddy just got in Myrtle and r here for the week and was wondering any places that are 18 plus

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Fishing Recs // Questions Best HOA community to live in


We are moving to the area and want to get recommendations and opinions on homes with communities with the best amenities in the HOA.

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Meeting spot between MB and Charleston


Where is a good town between Myrtle Beach and Charleston to spend a couple hours? Planning on meeting my cousin who lives in Charleston- but don’t want to drive all the way there. Is Georgetown a good option? Looking for a place with some things for kids to do and family-friendly restaurants. Maybe some cute local stores. Thanks!

r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Looking for parties on the 4th ? Anyone got any?


me nd my homies looking for a party what we got goin on this weekend?

r/MyrtleBeach 2d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Mt Olympus Water Slide, North Myrtle Beach

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r/MyrtleBeach 1d ago

Things To Do Recs // Questions Anywhere that will be showing "Money in the Bank 2024" on Saturday?


Just what the title says. Just seeing if any bar will be showing the WWE PPV on Saturday night. I'll be down there at my parents little place through the weekend and they don't have internet/wifi at their place. Thanks!