r/politics 2d ago

Biden holds rally after debate: ‘Trump is a one-man crime wave’


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u/okayblueberries 2d ago

Where the hell was this Biden yesterday? I was watching part of the rally and he is vibrant and stringing coherent sentences together. 

Link to full rally: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HYghfyxtZnc


u/mav555 Florida 2d ago

Pretty sure Biden had a cold yesterday. Idk how much that affected his debate performance. Either way, Biden looks and sounded better today teleprompter or not.


u/CosmoLamer 2d ago

You can see evidence that he still is recovering from the cold in today's rally. He was coughing quite a bit, but definitely sounds like he's getting over it


u/Meb2x 2d ago

His team said that he had a cold and he’s always struggled with debates. Personally, I’m not judging my vote on last night’s debate because we have four years of experience with both of these candidates in office, so I know that Biden is the better choice whether he’s a good public speaker or not.


u/ChristosFarr North Carolina 2d ago

He did really well in the Paul Ryan debate but that was different and debating someone who gish gallops is a difficult task anyway. The only way to counter it is to speak really forcefully similar to like how Bill Nye debated The Guy from AiG


u/divory39 1d ago

That’s just simply not true. Go skim through the 2020 trump vs Biden debate and it’s an absolute night and day difference in the Biden that was there vs this one.


u/devingr33n 2d ago

Biden never struggled in a vice presidential debate. I’d vote for him any day over a MAGA cultist but Dems need to WAKE THE FUCK UP. The old guard needs to move on.


u/kronikfumes 1d ago

Debates with a guy (Trump) constantly spewing lies for every two minute speaking opportunity has to be exhausting - Especially when the rebuttal time window is limited to 1 minute. Maybe it was two minute rebuttal, can’t remember but either way having to call out lies every rebuttal since the moderators wont is sad.


u/espresso_martini__ 2d ago

Yeah he sounded rougher than normal. So that's a lot of sense he had a cold. Hell, I just had a cold a few days ago and I just lay on the couch trying to rest and get better. Fuck having to deal with a debate.


u/FalstaffsGhost 2d ago

Deal with a debate - while also doing the job of president! And actually doing the job, not just golfing like the other guy


u/EnjoyLifeorDieTryin 2d ago

I think he was nervous and freezing up i would assume in part because of his stutter. There was way more pressure then and an opponent


u/BrianChing25 2d ago

Sun downing happens at random.

Source: my grandpa has the same thing. Some days he was coherent at 6 pm. Some days he needed to be restrained at 4 pm or he would walk out the house in his underwear. Another day he's eating a seafood dinner at an upscale restaurant recalling his childhood dog.

We need Whitmer or Newsom asap


u/kittenTakeover 2d ago edited 2d ago

This assumes that Whitmer or Newsom wants to do that and also that they would perform better. We don't know either of those. Talking about Biden stepping down is real easy when the other option is imaginary.


u/19southmainco 2d ago

Nobody is going to be clamoring to replace Biden. If Biden decides to drop out, it will be a somber moment and a huge, historical decision to make to jump into the race.

And Biden’s rallying today is very much declaring he is not dropping out.


u/Pacific_Epi 2d ago

I love Biden, but it’s hard not to imagine either Whitmer or Newsom wouldn’t do better than last night


u/kittenTakeover 2d ago

They may do better in public speaking during debates, but they may do worse at the ballot box 


u/Pacific_Epi 2d ago

Maybe. I can’t argue that that’s not a possibility. But I would really be surprised if Whitmer didn’t sweep the rustbelt, and that’s all she would really need. Biden and Trump are tied there in polls.


u/Fanta_Grapefruit 2d ago

Newsom no way, but I would take Whitmer in a heartbeat.

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u/FalstaffsGhost 2d ago

Cool. One debate does not an election make

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u/Dependent_Tutor8257 1d ago

Newsom is definitely thinking about the presidency


u/Enough-Simple3036 2d ago

As a memory care nurse, Biden demonstrates being a man in his 80’s with a neurological condition. Stuttering. But cognitively intact. Trump with his repetitive rambling looks like the sun downer.

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u/LoseN0TLoose 2d ago

Chill, the administration is on point. That’s what matters. It’s not just about the figurehead, it’s about the 4000+ people that are in the administration. Have you seen what’s happening in the Supreme Court? A vote for Republicans is a vote against the environment, women’s rights, and civil rights.


u/JUST_AS_G00D 2d ago

They can’t run Whitmer or Newsom. When you’ve made your party the champion of women and African Americans you cannot take the female African American SITTING VICE PRESIDENT and just discount her.


u/MrEHam 1d ago

Exactly. It would have to be Kamala. And so it’s best to just stick with Biden since she’ll take over anyways if he’s seriously too old or dies.


u/Skiinz19 Tennessee 1d ago

Vice presidents matter. Harris is going to have to do some heavy lifting in her own debate.


u/sandysea420 2d ago

Sun downing, Dr. BrianChing25? I could be wrong but I don’t think he’s been diagnosed with that.

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u/SlippidySlappity 2d ago

Yeah, either one of them would have crushed Trump last night. It's time. If Biden stays he's going to RBG us into a second Trump term.


u/DragonflyValuable128 2d ago

Newsom didn’t sound great when he debated DeSantis. Sounded like Kerry II.


u/Raymond_Reddit_Ton 1d ago

He was also having to a deal with a pathologically lying man-baby.


u/KarasuKaras 2d ago

The debate was held past most 80 year olds bedtime. He was also debating trump, who thinks people are aborting babies after birth and believes in Putin’s dream.


u/dan-theman 2d ago

Trump doesn’t believe anything he says, he just says things he knows will rile up his supporters.


u/Thorne1269 2d ago

If Biden had slept through the entire debate I'd still vote for him over Trump.

I'd vote for a card board cut out of Biden over Trump.

You need to understand the President is more of a figure head than a useful role. He can't do anything on his own except moving troops around. All you want in a president is someone who isn't crazy and likely to start a war. That is all you need. His aides take care of most things for him. He's just a decision maker and has lots of people helping him make those decisions. But he can't really pass any laws himself. Executive orders have narrow reaches and that is all he can do.


u/TheWino 2d ago

I didn't even watch the debate because I could give a fuck. Voting Biden is the only option.


u/johnnycoxxx 2d ago

I watched something equally as anxiety inducing: the new season of the bear

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u/okayblueberries 2d ago

Yes, same. My fear is about how his performance went over with those on the sidelines whom we need to motivate to vote. We needed them to see Biden like he is here at the rally or during SOTU.


u/urk_the_red 2d ago

Yes. My opinions on Biden and Trump have not changed. I know their policies, I paid attention during their presidential terms. I know their characters. And I understand what the presidency is and is not.

My concern is how many low propensity voters or undecided voters are making decisions purely based on feel and appearance. Frankly, those folks are morons who have failed to perform the due diligence required to make an informed decision according to their civic responsibilities. The future of our nation rests squarely on the shoulders of the apathetic and uninformed. I’m concerned Biden’s debate performance will harm voter turnout efforts amongst those demographics.


u/johnnycoxxx 2d ago

The people on the sidelines aren’t watching the debates.

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u/takeiteasynottooeasy 2d ago

This election is about, more than anything else, abortion. Not Biden. All the electoral results and their delta to polls for the last couple of years are telling us this. Biden is not a great debater, maybe even not a great candidate full stop, but he has huge tailwinds. Why sputter up the airplane engine with the major drama of replacement?


u/19southmainco 2d ago

I’m gonna be honest, I was seriously doomposting this morning.

I seriously wanted another candidate. If Biden stays, it is what it is.

There is enough time between now and November for Biden to still win this shit. But yesterday did him no favors and is likely going to turn a neck and neck race into an uphill battle.


u/FalstaffsGhost 2d ago

What interesting is at least some focus groups I’ve been seeing about generally had the view of “Biden struggled but the other guy is fucking insane” so that’s a silver lining at least


u/okayblueberries 2d ago

I'm VERY cautiously optimistic. It was a bit of a relief to hear and I'm hoping this is more widespread among the independents/undecideds. Hoping for more reassuring news in the coming weeks with polling 


u/[deleted] 2d ago


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u/trampolinebears 2d ago

I'd vote for a cardboard cutout over Trump too, but that's not the question in front of us.

We have to decide who we think could defeat Trump in November. If the cardboard cutout has the greatest chance, fine, I'm on board.


u/Thorne1269 2d ago

A cardboard cut out should be able to beat Trump if the dumbass democrats would stop worrying and fighting with each other long enough to form a united front and vote for that cut out.

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u/Scarlettail Ohio 2d ago

Saying the president of the United States, likely the most powerful man in the world, is just a figure head is very strange. If the president is apparently meek and powerless, how is Trump such a threat in the role?


u/Tank3875 Michigan 2d ago

Same reason they are saying they'll pick a comatose Biden over Trump: who and what comes with them.


u/Barbarella_ella Alaska 2d ago

Because Trump is weak and stupid and therefore easily manipulated through flattery and shiny things. It's why Putin targeted him way back. Same for China and the Saudis.


u/Chilledlemming 2d ago

The rub isn’t that the President can’t be to sole seat of the Executive power, it is that the President doesn’t have to be the seat.

Biden is a better choice because his goals are to make the country better and he has surrounded himself with people to do that. The axiom, a good leader has the best advisors.

Trump is a danger because he doesn’t listen to anything except that which feeds his ego or his bank account and every advisor around him will be chosen to reinforce this goal regardless of the national impact

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u/TheWino 2d ago

Because the people around him are putting all those horrible judges/draconioan laws into place which are literally going to be affecting your life for the next 50 years. How is this so hard to see?


u/Scarlettail Ohio 2d ago

That's not a figurehead, though. That's a lot of power.


u/Imhappy_hopeurhappy2 2d ago

That’s not something Biden struggles with though. Biden is perfectly capable of making decisions, wielding power, and hiring people. He has very strong values even if he sucks at communicating them.

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u/TheWino 2d ago

lol this has to be some bot.


u/Imhappy_hopeurhappy2 2d ago

Because Trump wants to fire everyone in the executive branch and government employees (up to 20,000 people) and replace them with rabid cult members. Then he will get to nominate hundreds more federal judges that are loyal to him.


u/Scarlettail Ohio 2d ago

Right, which is a very powerful position and not just a figurehead. Someone who controls the judiciary like that is a "useful role" unlike what the OP suggested.


u/spillinator I voted 2d ago

Politics on the scale of the presidency is 80 - 90% optics I'd guess. Biden's optics are in the dirt right now.


u/Thorne1269 2d ago edited 2d ago

Optics don't matter. It's about saving the country. A vote for Trump is a vote against Democracy and this country.

You may feel ok with voting for a Felon and a traitor but I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people are not.


u/spillinator I voted 2d ago

I'm voting blue no matter who. Here's the issue with Biden though. He is, right now, depressing enthusiasm. It might drive you crazy to think that people need to be enthused to vote to save Democracy. But they do.


u/trampolinebears 2d ago

We're not talking about voting for Trump. We're talking about voting for whoever can defeat Trump.

After last night's performance, I fear Biden may not be that person.


u/Thorne1269 2d ago

No, we are talking about a vote for Biden or Trump. Those are your choices. He's not dropping out. You don't have another choice. Wake up to reality. Stop being naive.

You don't get to choose candidates because you are unhappy. You vote for your party's candidate and you do it with a smile. That is how American politics works.

Obviously you are young and haven't figured this out.

If you are a Republican and vote for Trump you are also a traitor to the country. A vote for Trump is endorsement of a traitor.


u/spillinator I voted 2d ago

Everyone here is voting. If you think you're convincing anyone to vote by posting on this subreddit, you are wasting your time. We are talking about the Americans who dont pay attention to politics and how they are likely going to react to Biden's performance last night. They will have likely heard it said, "Biden is too old" and then when they see the clips from last night, they'll likely agree with that.


u/Thorne1269 2d ago

That's your uninformed decision. No one is going to vote for a traitor and convicted felon because they think Biden is old. You must be a teenager.


u/spillinator I voted 2d ago edited 2d ago

"Noone is going to vote for someone who admitted to committing sexual assault".

"Noone is going to vote for someone who mocks disabled people."

"Noone is going to vote for someone who called Mexicans rapists and murderers."

"Noone is going to vote for someone who called white supremacists fine people."

I wish I had your faith in the American people, or their memories at least, but I dont. Tens of millions of Americans did and will vote for him again.


u/Thorne1269 2d ago

He lost the popular vote before he was a felon and traitor.

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u/Cairnerebor 2d ago

I watched it

He knocked it out the park

But the damage is already done, watch the media okay none of this!


u/ItGradAws 2d ago

I’m sorry but that’s not how this works. All the eyes were on him last night and deserves to raked through the coals for the bed shifting performance. People are impressionable and my family of hardcore democrats are all extremely concerned on what we just saw. They need a new candidate.

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u/KopOut 2d ago

If he has a cold, anyone that has had one knows that symptoms get worse at night.

My guess is that’s part of it and also that most 80 year olds aren’t at their most energetic from 9pm to 10:30pm, so a daytime rally is a much better time slot for him.


u/th4d89 2d ago

That's a bad argument, a president should be able to perform any time, day and night.


u/KopOut 2d ago

Perform what?

A debate? Why? Why would it matter if the president could debate effectively anytime of day or night?

If he can make decisions effectively any time day or night, that’s all he needs to be able to do. He has done that clearly since his presidency is a success.

I don’t think it’s important that the president can be awoken at 2am and win a debate.


u/sandysea420 2d ago

I agree and he was so different even at a Watch party after the Debate.


u/SoSmartish 2d ago

SO the good news about this video is that I now feel a lot better about the whole "Biden had a cold." thing.

He was pale as a ghost and breathing with his mouth open. Fair enough, same for most of us.

I just hope the damage isn't already done. Last night is what the Trump team had been hoping for and I am disgusted that they got what they wanted.


u/NommyPickles 2d ago

He was pale as a ghost

He looks so much different from yesterday to today, and the CNN after-show was so lopsided against him, that I honestly have to wonder if CNN intentionally made him more pale through lighting or video-effects.


u/SoSmartish 1d ago

He wasn't right during the debate. As soon as I saw him I verbally went "Oh shit."

That's the Biden they have been painting him as. We need a little dark Brandon.


u/Very_Nice_Zombie 2d ago

Seriously. WTF?


u/FalstaffsGhost 2d ago

He had a cold which seems to have slowed him down and today he didn’t have to waste time refuting 45s bullshit. The campaign should have him go out and do a bunch of these rallies especially with July 4 coming up.


u/even_less_resistance American Expat 2d ago

Where is trump today?


u/aeric67 2d ago

I honestly think the lack of an audience probably did Biden a disservice. It had the opposite effect they wanted on Trump, who seemed more even keeled than normal with his deployment of lies. These guys get to this level by getting energy from crowds…


u/JUST_AS_G00D 2d ago

No teleprompter


u/HonoredPeople Missouri 2d ago

Sick. Plus he did a before event and a small after event. Dude's pretty busy.

Plus, running the nation in the background. Meetings, intel, the like.


u/pharrt 2d ago

He's fine with a teleprompter, reading a speech. It's under pressure without notes that caused him to fail last night. Was really hoping to hear him announce retirement today.


u/ButIAmYourDaughter 2d ago

There was 0% chance that the President of the United States of America was going to wake up today and announce retirement because of a bad debate showing.

I have to assume you’re trolling.

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u/sentimentaldiablo 2d ago

That is not true. He is at his best improvising his direct, concerned self. He was over-prepared, sick, and constrained last night--sounds like an excuse, I suppose, but I believe it to be true


u/pharrt 2d ago

was over-prepared

Oh come on... We can't keep making excuses for his brain farts.


u/Barbarella_ella Alaska 2d ago

So you're out in the streets of Reddit shilling for the pants shitter who CNN propped up? GTFOH.


u/SafeMycologist9041 2d ago

Lol over-prepared?? I'll keep that in my back pocket as an excuse the next time I fumble the bag bigtime


u/PenguinKing15 2d ago

No, that is actually a reason why you can fail. It can lead to stress and overthinking. In Biden’s case it led to his stuttering.


u/pharrt 2d ago

At least it's not the most important job on the planet then... oh wait.


u/SafeMycologist9041 2d ago

Haha I'll use this too as an excuse. These are helpful keep 'em coming

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u/mulahey 2d ago

He WAS at his best like that once.

He no longer does events like that. Is it because he wants to lose? Or because he no longer can?


u/Old-Sundae-4014 2d ago

He's reading off a teleprompter at that rally. It's a lot harder to stutter or lose your train of thought when all you have to do is read the words in front of you.

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u/Shadow293 2d ago

Where the hell was this energy at last night, when it really mattered?


u/GoodUserNameToday 2d ago

Maybe it’s just tough for an 80 year old man to fight after 9pm? trump is used to it because he usually stays up late for his amphetamine fueled toilet tweets and then usually rolls out of bed around 11 in the morning.


u/I_love_Hobbes 2d ago

Hell I'm 59 and in bed by 9.30 and asleep by 10. If there is another debate it needs to be in the daytime. I had trouble staying awake last night.

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u/LeatherFruitPF 2d ago

Meanwhile Trump spends today in Virginia doubling down on "Black jobs" and "Hispanic jobs", Hannibal lecter, electric planes, and waterfront real estate opportunities if the sea levels rise.


u/undead_and_smitten 2d ago

I see a trend -- Biden is still good giving speeches. But the moment he has to think on his feet, his brain just doesn't work that well anymore.


u/Bobcat-Stock 2d ago

Also it’s impossible for anyone to debunk the firehose of trumps lies in just a minute or two. The debate format was unfortunate. Yeah Biden agreed to the terms and should have known that Trump has the ability to vomit lies at rapid fire. I don’t blame Biden for having a hard time trying to set the record straight while Trump just keeps smearing feces all over the studio. And, I’m pretty sure Trump actually shit himself while talking about the tariffs on China. The only live mic at the time was Trump’s and it sounded like a wet one.


u/Idiodyssey87 2d ago

47 million people watched that debate.

Like it or not, that will be the public's impression of Biden. These rallies will not move that needle.


u/samsounder 2d ago

Until the convention. He's gonna have to drill that.


u/RubiksSugarCube 2d ago

His people could book him for the full hour on a bunch of the Sunday talkies if he wanted to do it. And he should


u/spillinator I voted 2d ago

The conventions are mostly watched by partisans who've already made up their minds. The debates draw in the "normies".


u/samsounder 2d ago

Not yet they don’t. There’s a long time between here and the general


u/spillinator I voted 2d ago

Yes, they do. 47 million people watched at least some of the debate. The Dem convention pulled 21 million in 2020 and the Rep one pulled 19 million. Amd before you say, "Aha, those two numbers add up to the 40 millions." There is likely lots of overlap between those two audiences for the conventions.


u/samsounder 2d ago

And 154 million voted in the general.

Partisans and political junkies watch this stuff this early. This will have impact, but as a whole, Americans have the memory of a goldfish.

This wasn’t good for Biden, but there’s lots of time left.

This news cycle will be over when Trump is sentenced

If it was October this would matter a lot more


u/MetaPolyFungiListic 2d ago

Thx for fighting the corner, you're doing good work.

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u/dPx42 2d ago

And even more are seeing clips of the debate


u/iNFECTED_pIE 1d ago

The poll I saw gave Biden a 1% improvement after the debate, so it doesn’t seem like it hurt him. Plus Biden got like 14 million in new donations afterwards, much more than Trump.


u/GoodUserNameToday 2d ago

Not really. Most people who watch debates are already invested in who they’re voting for. A low information undecided voter isn’t going to toon into CNN at 9pm on a Thursday to hear policy questions (albeit without answers from one side). They probably didn’t even know about the debate.


u/Idiodyssey87 2d ago

More invested than those who go to a rally?


u/justgreggh 2d ago

You used toon and CNN in the same sentence. It's fitting.


u/ChaceEdison 1d ago

Biden supports are so desperate it’s insane: “oh he was totally better at a staged event”.

It was very clear from the debate that he does not have it all together anymore. He’s way too old to be president.

I don’t know how anyone in their right mind could look at Biden and say “yes that’s the guy I want for president”

How is anyone actually supporting him??


u/chekovsgun- 2d ago

So where the fuck was this Joe and the State of then Union Joe? Did his staff tell him to tame it down on purpose and take the so called high road?


u/Navyguy73 Michigan 2d ago

I'm hoping that the first debate was just to set a low bar so he can do better in the next one. I'm not holding my breath, but it's a decent strategy.


u/Imhappy_hopeurhappy2 2d ago

Trump isn’t going to agree to another debate.


u/GothicGolem29 2d ago

They already agreed to two but if he’s smart then he pulls out now he’s ahead.


u/Navyguy73 Michigan 2d ago

Trump isn't ahead unless you've changed your plan to vote. I'm still voting for Biden.


u/GothicGolem29 1d ago

Some may change their votes tho i doubt they are on here. Also i meant ahead in terms of the debates.

Also I am an international observer I cant vote but I do hope the us votes biden


u/dattru 2d ago

Trump is worried about alleged rapists coming over the southern border. The rest of us are worried about the Convicted Trump Tower Rapist who will ravage America


u/tukididov 2d ago

The rest of us meaning this echo chamber? Did you talk to Americans about their thoughts on mass immigration? Have you checked the polls?


u/MetalFuzzyDice 2d ago

Do you really believe there are millions of criminals, insane asylum patients, and terrorists crossing the border?

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u/GoodUserNameToday 2d ago

Yes, all these people living hundreds of miles from the border who can probably count on one hand the number of Spanish-speaking people they’ve ever met, definitely have a valid reason to be worried about immigrants coming to do jobs no one else wants to do.


u/LetTheSinkIn 2d ago

The mass immigration that is only of concern during an election year?


u/FigNugginGavelPop 2d ago

And the same one which Biden passed a bill for and Republicans refused to pass.

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u/tukididov 2d ago

Like I said, that's because you're in an echochamber. People have been talking non stop about it for years. It's out of control.


u/LetTheSinkIn 2d ago

It's only out of control because Fox News says it's out of control. Keep repeating their talking points word for word.

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u/loztriforce Washington 2d ago

Millions of Americans don’t give af what’s said, they just want it said with confidence and vigor.
The debate was cringeworthy af. I’ll still vote for non-Trump, but the whole time I’m just thinking “don’t die before the election…”


u/GoalFlashy6998 2d ago

The Trump Crime Family!


u/directorofnewgames 2d ago

We know Joe. WTF happened to you yesterday? It made me question who exactly is running the executive branch!


u/lespaulstrat2 1d ago

Pretty interesting that when the idea of drug tests comes up, he shows up like my 95-year-old drunk uncle, but when testing is off the table the next day, he is just fine.

Just sayin.


u/YMHGreenBan 2d ago

He should fake a serious illness and resign, I can’t believe he is actually in charge right now


u/Shimmeringbluorb9731 2d ago

Did you see him cough during the speech today? I think he may have some sort of cold. That would explain the huge difference between yesterday and today.


u/Rakofgor 1d ago

In the medical community it is called sundowning.


u/whitedark40 2d ago

I can see the onion article now. "Trump commits 1000 crimes to blame biden for higher crime rates"


u/lespaulstrat2 1d ago

I can see the onion The New Republic article now. "Trump commits 1000 crimes to blame biden for higher crime rates"



u/James_E_Rustle 2d ago

The thing is nobody cares about these rallies.

Irreparable damage was done last night. Biden +130 before the debate, odds now are +400 on betting sites. Newsom is +500. He is a heavy underdog. You know shit is bad when the guy not even running has almost the same chance as you.


u/feverlast 2d ago

I think citing betting sites designed to hook suckers is the wrong way to prognosticate about the impact of a presidential debate whose body is still warm.

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u/cgibsong002 2d ago

Bull shit. We see article after article and video after video of Trump's rallies for years. The media reports on them.

Biden's debate was a disaster. But if he can string together some seriously powerful rallies like he did today, and follow up with a strong performance at the next debate, no one will remember this one. But he has no more room for error. These rallies can help show the debate was a fluke, not his new normal.


u/Tegurd Foreign 1d ago

no one will remember this one.

You think the right will let this go? You don’t think Fox and all the others will play clips of Sleepy Joe all the way up to election night? I know I would if I were them.
The Trump camp will never agree to another debate because it couldn’t have gone better for them than to have this as the public’s image of the two men debating. Shit if I were Fox I’d do a rerun of the whole debate the day before the election just to give everyone a refresher.
Seriously. If the democrats wants to win this they need to bring their a game and not wishful thinking. This is not the time to gamble.
Also, that whole “cold” thing doesn’t help the narrative at all IMO. You can’t have a president that gets that affected by a cold when it’s vital he stays sharp. It also just proves he isn’t the right guy for the job.
For reference look at this debate between Romney and Obama. Obamas performance was considered a disaster at the time. That’s how far the democrats have sunken into some weird fetishization of Joe Biden. The dems must let him go and look at this as an opportunity to turn the whole political discourse around by finding someone that can control the conversation and inspire people


u/cgibsong002 1d ago

I agree with everything you say really. But I do think Trump could be manipulated into another debate or at least use it against him since it's already scheduled.


u/Tegurd Foreign 1d ago

I hope you’re right and Biden can prove me wrong


u/mav555 Florida 2d ago

Gotta use the campaign speach clips and post to social media. It’s what Trump team is doing

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u/GoodUserNameToday 2d ago

Oh yes, betting sites. A much better indicator of things than reality.


u/imgurofficial 2d ago

A great indicator of things, actually


u/Xlorem 2d ago

Those same betting sites that had trump odds up until overnight when the mail in ballots came in, and helped with starting the election being stolen framing because people were losing money on what they thought was a sure win? Those betting sites?

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u/jjhh10 2d ago

They had Trump winning in 2020 all the way until it was clear Biden was going to win..


u/samsounder 2d ago

Nobody cares about the debates either.


u/GringottsWizardBank 2d ago

In this case that’s not true. Many Americans already had concerns about Biden’s mental fitness before the debate. Those concerns have been reinforced in spectacular fashion.


u/melikeybacon 2d ago

How many people are actually not voting because of what happened last night? Are people really still on the fence at this point? It’s been 8 years of all of this mess in one way or the other.


u/Navyguy73 Michigan 2d ago

I'm still voting for Biden because the DNC won't nominate anyone else. Biden was just supposed to get us past Trump and then ride off into the sunset. Now that Trump is running just to stay out of prison, we have to vote like it's 2020 all over again.


u/TheTurtleBear 2d ago

Dedicated voters,the Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd, would always vote for him. 

It's the non-voters and independents (dumb as they are) who he has to win over, and that debate performance isn't going to do that. 

Democrats need to fucking understand they need candidates that people WANT to vote for. They can't continually rely on voters showing up election after election to vote against the Republican. 

That's why people flocked to Trump. It's why Bernie's rallies were massive. You need to inspire and energize voters. 

Saying "Yeah, I may not be all there anymore, but the other guy is a criminal" is a losing message.

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u/spillinator I voted 2d ago

They did about this one. This was the moment t for Biden to show general election voters the age attacks were bullshit. He failed at that, and made it worse. I mean for fucks sake, Biden pivoted AWAY from his strongest issue, abortion, to his weakest issue, immigration.


u/samsounder 2d ago

Not great, but I doubt it moves the numbers much. We will see in a week


u/[deleted] 2d ago

1/4 Americans watched the debate or have seen clips. Many of the rest will see the commentary or narrative. He's cooked.


u/samsounder 2d ago

Also, I think he did fine. He was slow, halting and old

That said, he still has better policy and Trump alienated a lot of Latinos with his racist rhetoric

Substance matters


u/[deleted] 2d ago

He did awful on substance and should be replaced to avoid Trump 2.0.


u/samsounder 2d ago


He defended abortion rights. He stood up for veterens. He supports democracy. He proposes a legitimate progressive tax.

If anything, he erred by putting too much substance and not enough personal attacks


u/James_E_Rustle 2d ago

Is that why there was such a massive betting odds shift after last night?


u/wagdog84 1d ago

People gambling will gamble on anything in a bid to win big, they saw Biden didn’t perform so well and took a punt on a change of candidate. It’s not reflective of the vote. Gambling agencies odds are often wrong.


u/BabyYodaX America 2d ago

He seems awake and alive. He needs to out front like this for the next 4 months.


u/FigNugginGavelPop 2d ago

I swear there is some dark force enjoying tormenting the shit out of regular folks. Like of all the days grandpa needed to pay attention was yesterday and he gets the flu


u/nhepner 2d ago

Hardly one man. There's a whole fucking cabal that's helping him commit crimes. Lookin at you Cannon, Alito, Thomas, Roberts, and the entire Party of Treason.


u/Alternative-Half-783 2d ago

Not even close. Trump has plenty help.


u/watchtoweryvr 2d ago

This election is once again not about who you’re voting for, but who you’re voting against. Neither of these cadavers should be an option.


u/sandysea420 2d ago

He’s still going.


u/BullyRookChook 2d ago

Should have brought that up during the debate.


u/Mish61 1d ago

No Joe. He has an army of criminals that don't see themselves as having committed any crimes.


u/vanagoon 1d ago

Honestly, even if Biden spends his days sitting in a wheelchair in the corner of the room somewhere drooling, mumbling to himself and pissing everywhere he's still a better and far less evil and damaging choice than Trump - Unless you like outright fascism and just want the US to become a dictatorship.


u/andrethreestacks1 2d ago

99.9% certain he had a teleprompter at this rally. He 100% had the teleprompter at the SoU. Last night, he didn’t. It showed and his camp is paying dearly for it. Unfortunate night for America to see our president like that


u/Sad-Yak-8176 2d ago

Every president uses a teleprompter, do you think he's the only one?


u/Shimmeringbluorb9731 2d ago

Trump started rambling when his teleprompter stopped working.


u/BALTIM0RE 2d ago

“To say that President Biden’s performance on the debate stage last night was calamitous is merely to state what everyone, partisan and not, has already understood. What the world witnessed was not a debate, but a failed neurological exam. One wonders how anyone close to the President imagined he could bluff his way through it.

If half of what Democrats fear from a second Trump term were real, how could the Democratic Party have allowed our democracy to slide this close to the precipice? The prevailing feeling among those inside the Biden campaign should be shame; outside it, fury.” ~Sam Harris


u/NonplayerCharacters 2d ago

Old man yells at clouds


u/Perfect_Cap_2203 1d ago

Does he address what the trillionaires are paying? Im interested to here about this? Genuinely curious.


u/kickassdanny 1d ago

What are you even talking about?