r/politics 4d ago

Biden holds rally after debate: ‘Trump is a one-man crime wave’


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u/Thorne1269 4d ago

If Biden had slept through the entire debate I'd still vote for him over Trump.

I'd vote for a card board cut out of Biden over Trump.

You need to understand the President is more of a figure head than a useful role. He can't do anything on his own except moving troops around. All you want in a president is someone who isn't crazy and likely to start a war. That is all you need. His aides take care of most things for him. He's just a decision maker and has lots of people helping him make those decisions. But he can't really pass any laws himself. Executive orders have narrow reaches and that is all he can do.


u/TheWino 4d ago

I didn't even watch the debate because I could give a fuck. Voting Biden is the only option.


u/johnnycoxxx 4d ago

I watched something equally as anxiety inducing: the new season of the bear


u/gokhaninler 4d ago

Voting Biden is the only option



u/okayblueberries 4d ago

Yes, same. My fear is about how his performance went over with those on the sidelines whom we need to motivate to vote. We needed them to see Biden like he is here at the rally or during SOTU.


u/urk_the_red 4d ago

Yes. My opinions on Biden and Trump have not changed. I know their policies, I paid attention during their presidential terms. I know their characters. And I understand what the presidency is and is not.

My concern is how many low propensity voters or undecided voters are making decisions purely based on feel and appearance. Frankly, those folks are morons who have failed to perform the due diligence required to make an informed decision according to their civic responsibilities. The future of our nation rests squarely on the shoulders of the apathetic and uninformed. I’m concerned Biden’s debate performance will harm voter turnout efforts amongst those demographics.


u/johnnycoxxx 4d ago

The people on the sidelines aren’t watching the debates.


u/okayblueberries 4d ago

True, they likely didn't sit there watching the whole thing. However, they're now being bombarded with clips from the debate where Biden did so poorly on TV and online, in addition to all the discussion. Sadly, this performance got broadcast wider than any of his others, except maybe the SOTU.


u/johnnycoxxx 4d ago

I consider myself plugged in and I didn’t watch it, only saw Jon Stewart’s response to it. Which yeah it wasn’t great but whatever. I think most people will likely remember the shitty 4 years of Trump


u/okayblueberries 3d ago

Man, I hope they remember and also understand the threats to our rights with him in office. I see way too much of people stating how things were cheaper under him and failing to remember it was due to the pandemic. 

P.S. wish I had only watched Jon's coverage. I did not need those 90 minutes of panic.


u/takeiteasynottooeasy 4d ago

This election is about, more than anything else, abortion. Not Biden. All the electoral results and their delta to polls for the last couple of years are telling us this. Biden is not a great debater, maybe even not a great candidate full stop, but he has huge tailwinds. Why sputter up the airplane engine with the major drama of replacement?


u/19southmainco 4d ago

I’m gonna be honest, I was seriously doomposting this morning.

I seriously wanted another candidate. If Biden stays, it is what it is.

There is enough time between now and November for Biden to still win this shit. But yesterday did him no favors and is likely going to turn a neck and neck race into an uphill battle.


u/FalstaffsGhost 4d ago

What interesting is at least some focus groups I’ve been seeing about generally had the view of “Biden struggled but the other guy is fucking insane” so that’s a silver lining at least


u/okayblueberries 3d ago

I'm VERY cautiously optimistic. It was a bit of a relief to hear and I'm hoping this is more widespread among the independents/undecideds. Hoping for more reassuring news in the coming weeks with polling 


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/gokhaninler 4d ago

it's not good for us.

speak for yourself dude


u/trampolinebears 4d ago

I'd vote for a cardboard cutout over Trump too, but that's not the question in front of us.

We have to decide who we think could defeat Trump in November. If the cardboard cutout has the greatest chance, fine, I'm on board.


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

A cardboard cut out should be able to beat Trump if the dumbass democrats would stop worrying and fighting with each other long enough to form a united front and vote for that cut out.


u/trampolinebears 4d ago

Whether we rally behind a cardboard cutout or not has no effect on whether that cutout wins the election.

What drives turnout among marginal voters is how much they are excited by the possibility of that candidate winning and afraid of them losing.


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

You need to vote for Biden or shut up and admit you are helpiing Trump win. These are your choices. He's not dropping out or being replaced. The top democrats have rallied behind him, his campaign said he's not going anywhere, and he made more money today than any previous day of his campaign. You are the delusional one and you need to stop posting.


u/trampolinebears 4d ago

I've already explained that I'm voting for anyone but Trump in November. If that's Biden, fine, I'll vote for him.

But my vote has zero effect on whether marginal votes in swing states will vote for Biden.


u/Scarlettail Ohio 4d ago

Saying the president of the United States, likely the most powerful man in the world, is just a figure head is very strange. If the president is apparently meek and powerless, how is Trump such a threat in the role?


u/Tank3875 Michigan 4d ago

Same reason they are saying they'll pick a comatose Biden over Trump: who and what comes with them.


u/Barbarella_ella Alaska 4d ago

Because Trump is weak and stupid and therefore easily manipulated through flattery and shiny things. It's why Putin targeted him way back. Same for China and the Saudis.


u/Chilledlemming 4d ago

The rub isn’t that the President can’t be to sole seat of the Executive power, it is that the President doesn’t have to be the seat.

Biden is a better choice because his goals are to make the country better and he has surrounded himself with people to do that. The axiom, a good leader has the best advisors.

Trump is a danger because he doesn’t listen to anything except that which feeds his ego or his bank account and every advisor around him will be chosen to reinforce this goal regardless of the national impact


u/Scarlettail Ohio 4d ago

Sure, that's important, but so is having a president with good communication skills who can speak both to the public and foreign leaders. Yes, as is always obvious, Trump is worse, but we shouldn't overlook the importance of a leader who is younger and can communicate even without his advisors.


u/Chilledlemming 4d ago

Sorry, I was being explanatory on how he could be successful.

He is already in office and, imo, currently better with both communication skills and foreign leaders than Trump was in his four year sample. He is not the best, but may be the only electable democrat at the moment. He ran last time because all the alternatives were too liberal to win in a general election.

We are getting a second Trump or a second Biden term. No need to ask a hypothetical question here, they both have massive track records and everyone knows exactly what these terms represents.

We have never had two candidates with such a long history, nor such divisive future for the country. I can’t understand who the age thing is such a big deal given the other facts here.


u/TheWino 4d ago

Because the people around him are putting all those horrible judges/draconioan laws into place which are literally going to be affecting your life for the next 50 years. How is this so hard to see?


u/Scarlettail Ohio 4d ago

That's not a figurehead, though. That's a lot of power.


u/Imhappy_hopeurhappy2 4d ago

That’s not something Biden struggles with though. Biden is perfectly capable of making decisions, wielding power, and hiring people. He has very strong values even if he sucks at communicating them.


u/Scarlettail Ohio 4d ago

Well communicating them really is an important part of being president.


u/TheWino 4d ago

lol this has to be some bot.


u/Imhappy_hopeurhappy2 4d ago

Because Trump wants to fire everyone in the executive branch and government employees (up to 20,000 people) and replace them with rabid cult members. Then he will get to nominate hundreds more federal judges that are loyal to him.


u/Scarlettail Ohio 4d ago

Right, which is a very powerful position and not just a figurehead. Someone who controls the judiciary like that is a "useful role" unlike what the OP suggested.


u/spillinator I voted 4d ago

Politics on the scale of the presidency is 80 - 90% optics I'd guess. Biden's optics are in the dirt right now.


u/Thorne1269 4d ago edited 4d ago

Optics don't matter. It's about saving the country. A vote for Trump is a vote against Democracy and this country.

You may feel ok with voting for a Felon and a traitor but I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people are not.


u/spillinator I voted 4d ago

I'm voting blue no matter who. Here's the issue with Biden though. He is, right now, depressing enthusiasm. It might drive you crazy to think that people need to be enthused to vote to save Democracy. But they do.


u/trampolinebears 4d ago

We're not talking about voting for Trump. We're talking about voting for whoever can defeat Trump.

After last night's performance, I fear Biden may not be that person.


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

No, we are talking about a vote for Biden or Trump. Those are your choices. He's not dropping out. You don't have another choice. Wake up to reality. Stop being naive.

You don't get to choose candidates because you are unhappy. You vote for your party's candidate and you do it with a smile. That is how American politics works.

Obviously you are young and haven't figured this out.

If you are a Republican and vote for Trump you are also a traitor to the country. A vote for Trump is endorsement of a traitor.


u/spillinator I voted 4d ago

Everyone here is voting. If you think you're convincing anyone to vote by posting on this subreddit, you are wasting your time. We are talking about the Americans who dont pay attention to politics and how they are likely going to react to Biden's performance last night. They will have likely heard it said, "Biden is too old" and then when they see the clips from last night, they'll likely agree with that.


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

That's your uninformed decision. No one is going to vote for a traitor and convicted felon because they think Biden is old. You must be a teenager.


u/spillinator I voted 4d ago edited 4d ago

"Noone is going to vote for someone who admitted to committing sexual assault".

"Noone is going to vote for someone who mocks disabled people."

"Noone is going to vote for someone who called Mexicans rapists and murderers."

"Noone is going to vote for someone who called white supremacists fine people."

I wish I had your faith in the American people, or their memories at least, but I dont. Tens of millions of Americans did and will vote for him again.


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

He lost the popular vote before he was a felon and traitor.


u/spillinator I voted 4d ago

Yes, he lost the popular vote in 2016, won the race, and became President. It can happen again.

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u/Fabulous_Sherbet_431 4d ago

Like the other guy said, you're missing the point of this thread. It's not about not voting Democrat; it's about whether someone with Biden's cognitive issues should be on the ticket.

Obviously, I'm voting for Biden because I like him and his administration has been great, but that doesn't mean he's the right candidate. Part of being president is projecting strength and conviction, to sell your achievements, and he isn't able to do that. He has clear medical issues. He's 81. It's wrong on many levels.


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

His cognitive abilities are fine. He looked fine today at a rally.

You are just a pathetic member of the democratic party or an undercover republican shill.

Biden is fit ENOUGH to be president. Way more than Trump is. Suck on these eggs and stop replying with your brain rot comments.


u/Realist_Duck 4d ago

you’re crazy for saying you want an incompetent elderly man to be the “figurehead” for our country because you’re scared of the orange man. I’d rather have someone who knows what they’re doing and where they’re at (literally knows where they’re at with biden) then having the presidents aides make all the decisions. Get real


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

Trump doesn't know what he's doing though. He's also a felon, con-man, sexual predator, liar, and he's bad at golf and fat and lazy.

I'd rather have a former Senator over Trump any day of the week.

Trump is a loser and a sucker, as Biden said last night.


u/Realist_Duck 4d ago

lol biden needs to be in a retirement home. I’m personally all for RFK (who got snubbed and should’ve been up there last night). But i’d vote for trump over biden any day. Biden doesn’t even know where he is most of the week


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

No one cares what you want if you don't vote for Biden. No one literally cares. Stop talking now.


u/zzxxccbbvn I voted 4d ago

Cool so you want to vote for a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist who said he would be dictator on day one? You're the one that's lost bud


u/gokhaninler 4d ago

I'd vote for a card board cut out of Biden over Trump.

good for you, I'll be voting Trump. May the best man win


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

You don't have to concede this early.


u/gokhaninler 4d ago

You taken a look at the vegas odds recently?


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

I'm not a gambling loser so probably not.


u/gokhaninler 4d ago

aka i refuse to look at anything that doesnt fall in line with my narrative that i want to believe


u/Thorne1269 4d ago

Sure bud, waste your money on gambling. I'm sure you'll win eventually if you keep trying.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Thorne1269 4d ago

Look at this block right now darling. Have fun being a gamba addict.


u/Pete41608 3d ago

That person's post reminds me of when that moron Jason Smith said "you'll never believe us". MAGA is getting more and more desperate every day we get closer to the election.

This sub blew up with nothing but negative articles and comments about Biden after like 10 minutes of the debate. It was insane, just article after article of hate.

So damn weird.