r/politics 4d ago

Biden holds rally after debate: ‘Trump is a one-man crime wave’


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u/Thorne1269 4d ago

If Biden had slept through the entire debate I'd still vote for him over Trump.

I'd vote for a card board cut out of Biden over Trump.

You need to understand the President is more of a figure head than a useful role. He can't do anything on his own except moving troops around. All you want in a president is someone who isn't crazy and likely to start a war. That is all you need. His aides take care of most things for him. He's just a decision maker and has lots of people helping him make those decisions. But he can't really pass any laws himself. Executive orders have narrow reaches and that is all he can do.


u/spillinator I voted 4d ago

Politics on the scale of the presidency is 80 - 90% optics I'd guess. Biden's optics are in the dirt right now.


u/Thorne1269 4d ago edited 4d ago

Optics don't matter. It's about saving the country. A vote for Trump is a vote against Democracy and this country.

You may feel ok with voting for a Felon and a traitor but I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people are not.


u/spillinator I voted 4d ago

I'm voting blue no matter who. Here's the issue with Biden though. He is, right now, depressing enthusiasm. It might drive you crazy to think that people need to be enthused to vote to save Democracy. But they do.