r/politics 4d ago

Biden holds rally after debate: ‘Trump is a one-man crime wave’


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u/Chilledlemming 4d ago

The rub isn’t that the President can’t be to sole seat of the Executive power, it is that the President doesn’t have to be the seat.

Biden is a better choice because his goals are to make the country better and he has surrounded himself with people to do that. The axiom, a good leader has the best advisors.

Trump is a danger because he doesn’t listen to anything except that which feeds his ego or his bank account and every advisor around him will be chosen to reinforce this goal regardless of the national impact


u/Scarlettail Ohio 4d ago

Sure, that's important, but so is having a president with good communication skills who can speak both to the public and foreign leaders. Yes, as is always obvious, Trump is worse, but we shouldn't overlook the importance of a leader who is younger and can communicate even without his advisors.


u/Chilledlemming 4d ago

Sorry, I was being explanatory on how he could be successful.

He is already in office and, imo, currently better with both communication skills and foreign leaders than Trump was in his four year sample. He is not the best, but may be the only electable democrat at the moment. He ran last time because all the alternatives were too liberal to win in a general election.

We are getting a second Trump or a second Biden term. No need to ask a hypothetical question here, they both have massive track records and everyone knows exactly what these terms represents.

We have never had two candidates with such a long history, nor such divisive future for the country. I can’t understand who the age thing is such a big deal given the other facts here.