r/politics 7d ago

Will Trump chicken out of the presidential debate? Probably. He's a Grade-A coward. Soft Paywall


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u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Then let Biden have the stage for 2 hours or whatever and have a debate with a cardboard standee of Trump. The cardboard would probably make more sense than anything the real Trump would say anyway..


u/Belba_Mugwort 7d ago

Tapper and Bash should probably ready themselves for a 2 hour town hall with Biden. The odds of Trump chickening out with some bat shit reason is high.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

I honestly just dont see Trump backing out of this. If anything , I could see him coming out on stage and physically assaulting Biden more than I can see him dipping out on the whole thing.


u/billyjack669 Oklahoma 7d ago

Better hope there's not a 10 foot ramp in between them.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Thats one of the only ways to beat Trump..

Or have a Bald Eagle on stage in between them.. (for those who have not seen it... or just want to watch it on repeat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1AU4qi7tWg )

I am also kinda looking forward to watching Trump try to successfully take a drink of water from a bottle without looking like someone who has never drank water before. Its an 16 oz bottle, use one hand you fucking donut!


u/dcbluestar Texas 7d ago

Apparently an animatronic shark would do wonders.


u/thisbitbytes 7d ago

Bring back Left Shark. The time has come for Left Shark to fulfill the prophesy.


u/arinxe3000 7d ago

"After making his debut worldwide on February 1, 2015, Left Shark returned nine years later, in June 2024, to fulfill his glorious purpose."

-- History Of The 21st Century, published 2113


u/monsterflake 7d ago

left shark didn't forget the choreography, he was demonstrating his killing technique.



u/Totallynotatworknow Illinois 7d ago edited 7d ago

-As was retold in "History of the Butlerian Jihad" c. 10,220 A.G. By the Princess Irulan-


u/greenroom628 California 7d ago

ooh... his weakness: electricity and a shark


u/labretirementhome 7d ago

Green screen. Circling sharks and a sinking boat. I would pay per view for that.


u/Cultural_Day7760 7d ago

What am I missing about the electricity?


u/monsterflake 7d ago

batteries in boats. trump said (twice) he'll take electrocution over being eaten by a shark.


u/Kamelasa Canada 7d ago

Bring back Fonzie and his shark - exactly where the term jumped the shark came from. Looks like Henry Winkler's a democrat, too.


u/carbondalio 7d ago

An electric shark? Don't let him know those exist, that shit would break the last bits of his brain, or worse, short circuit it and fix it


u/Pixel_Knight 7d ago

Maybe we should try the electric generator in water surrounding Trump.


u/Numerous_Photograph9 7d ago

Just have the baby shark theme to play whenever he wonders from the podium.

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u/gfh110 Pennsylvania 7d ago

If we weren't living in bizarro clown shit world that moment (and/or a few dozen others) should have ended his campaign.


u/InsuranceToTheRescue I voted 7d ago

Comments about broccoli took down Bush the Elder, but this fucking guy gets a pass on bragging about sexual assault.


u/Clean_Philosophy5098 7d ago

GOP used to pretend to have morals. Now it’s all about power to punish the libs

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u/_ZoeyDaveChapelle_ Minnesota 7d ago

Howard Dean is like.. What the actual fuck!


u/Do_Whuuuut 7d ago

Biden could use a page outta puddin's playbook and walk out onstage w a bald eagle


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

This is brilliant.


u/SpiceLaw 7d ago

Seems prescient that the animal representation of America attacks a traitor.


u/harryregician 7d ago

Trump learned how to drink water on camera from Marco Rubio


u/Roakana 7d ago

I like the idea of an obstacle course to get to the stage that has those tests.


u/catfurcoat 7d ago

Please tell me this asshole isn't going to be around for a fourth candidacy


u/MethForHarold 7d ago

Be the change you want to see in the world


u/Deodorized 7d ago

Successfully take a drink of water

Trump drinking water reminds me of those videos of mid-flight plane refuelling, specifically the telescoping lips, just probing around trying to find something to latch onto.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Dude.. Just..Wow.... Now I will ALWAYS SEE THIS. Fucking well done and 1000% accurate.


u/Deodorized 7d ago

I'm sorry for the damage I caused you.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

And I'm sorry in advance for probably stealing it from you! lol.. ( I wont)

Oh shit! Dude.. You HAVE to submit this idea to Photoshop battles or whatever its called.


u/corgisandbikes 6d ago

Tbf eagles are fucking scarry. They are huge.


u/MarkXIX 7d ago

I think the spelling for Trump is “doughy nut”

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u/eternal_sorreaux 7d ago

That would be awesome if CNN had a ramp set up, and you have to walk down it to access the debate stage.


u/MJcorrieviewer 7d ago

Or they have to ride a bike onto the stage.


u/SammySoapsuds Minnesota 7d ago

Biden only rides bikes when there's ice cream involved. I'm not knocking him, I have the same general rule.

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u/Davis_Birdsong 7d ago

Never fight uphill, m'laddies?


u/teacherdrama 7d ago

I thought it was "me boys," no?


u/braveulysees 6d ago

"Horrible...and beautiful too"

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u/Ent3rpris3 7d ago

Just give him his bottle of water when he walks on the stage, then he won't have a free hand to swing with.


u/Anna_Frican 7d ago

That guy has a drinking problem.


u/XennialBoomBoom 7d ago

Or a glass of water. You need at least two tiny hands to assail the legally elected President.


u/Mczern 7d ago

That should actually be part of the debate. Have both candidates walk on a ramp unassisted and then drink a glass of water as quickly as possible.


u/SensitiveTechnology9 6d ago

Disability doesnt preclude ability to govern imo. 


u/SammySoapsuds Minnesota 7d ago

Just a slight decline, honestly


u/SpleenBender Illinois 7d ago

Or sharks, batteries, windmills, low flow showers, a toilet flushing 11 times, Biden using deadly force at Maralago, a strong wind, honesty, and dignity.

I could go on for paragraphs, you get it.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Or a shark


u/MaleficentOstrich693 7d ago

Or like a razor wire barricade, lol.


u/zipzzo 7d ago

Biden is still the president. There's no shot at Trump's groundspeed he makes it even halfway across the stage before he's on the ground in secret service cuffs.


u/Im_with_stooopid I voted 6d ago

Hide your BigMacs.

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u/Toolazytolink 7d ago

You all still remember when this asshole had Covid at their debate, he tried to kill Biden.


u/AvengersXmenSpidey 7d ago

This still amazes me. He knew his diagnosis, and he still went on stage yelling and debating and shaking hands.



u/bryan49 7d ago

Only cares about himself, he likely gave it to several people who worked for him too


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 7d ago

He gave it to Herman Cain, who died from it. Then after he died the GOP kept tweeting covid denialism bullshit from his Twitter account


u/Old-Ad3691 7d ago

Herman Cain? He’s not dead according to Trump. Fake news.

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u/PM_ME_YOUR_ROTES Missouri 7d ago

Pretty sure he gave it to Chris Christie at his debate prep. Then at the debate itself there was literal spittle flying out of his mouth at times.


u/Cultural_Day7760 7d ago

Hope Hicks iirc too.


u/md4024 7d ago

Trump knew he had tested positive for Covid but just showed up and did debate prep without telling anyone. All but one of the people who prepped him got sick.


u/CuriosityKillsHer 7d ago

Knew and showed up with his entourage, with all refusing to mask up. Some evil fuckers, those.


u/FairlySuspect 6d ago

That one was unavoidable, unfortunately. Mask or no mask, for the woman whose job it is to iron the president's pants while he's wearing them, it's a sacrifice she would gladly make, again and again.

I'm not saying she's a hero. She's just doing her job.

But she's a God damned American Patriot, that's for sure.


u/idiot-prodigy Kentucky 6d ago

Trump gave it to Chris Christie. He called Christie when Christie was in the hospital nearly dying from it mind you. Trump asked Christie if he told people that Trump infected him while they were debate prepping. Christie said no, he couldn't be sure who exactly gave it to him. Trump thanked him, ended the call and then went on to tell everyone who would listen that Chris Christie infected Trump!


u/TheSavageDonut 7d ago

When he did his "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" pose on the White House balcony after that trip to Walter Reed, he held an event at the WH that was an intentional superspreader event. He tried to infect everyone because about a month before the 2020 election, he decided to turn into a full-on "Herd Immunity" guy, so he thought he'd do his part by helping his herd "get immune" (if they survived COVID).


u/Barbed_Dildo 7d ago

I wonder if the secret service is going to do something about this felon trying to kill the president?


u/boogitydogbutt 7d ago

There just is no bottom to the depravity of Trump


u/canon12 6d ago

I don't think that he's lost a second of sleep knowing he was in charge of preventing the lives of Covid patients. 450,000 died under his watch. Biden commanded control of Covid during the first six months and it has declined ever since. I think it would matter what emergency situation would be he will not show up unless it benefits him personally. Even then he will blame everyone else. He's a SPOS!


u/AFlockOfTySegalls North Carolina 7d ago

At this point I don't think his ego allows him to back out. He'd rather show up and have a terrible showing than chicken out.


u/snarquisnarquer 7d ago

Narcissists are nothing more than an automated collection of defenses covering for a fragile or near non existent ego. The grandiose egoism of trump is just another of his performed delusions. I've thought he might back out with the excuse that the Gag Order has already nullified the debate, so he won't participate. He would fully believe this little fabrication, as would the MAGA troglodytes.


u/FairlySuspect 6d ago

This is what happens when half of all people give up their will to a Higher Power, but choose Cognitive Dissonance. It can do whatever one needs it to justify whatever reality they prefer.


u/_aaine_ 7d ago

This conversation happened last time and he didn't back out. And he won't this time, either.
We seem to keep forgetting this guy is a malignant narcissist.
He is NEVER going to forgo the opportunity to have all the attention and tv cameras on him for two hours, while he castigates a percieved enemy.
That shit is a narcissists wet dream.
He WILL show for the debate, and he WILL make a complete spectacle of himself as usual.
And MAGA will declare him the winner regardless.
Come on, it's been 8 years of this same shit. I can't believe anyone thinks he would do anything a "normal" person would do at this point.


u/SpiceLaw 7d ago

I don't see him backing out, but I see him violating every agreed upon rule and blaming it as "unfair" and "horrible" and the other 50 words he uses.


u/HeibyGB 6d ago

50 seems high tbh


u/FairlySuspect 6d ago

Really? I can't see him showing up. He might not know it, but his defense mechanisms sense something potentially catastrophic coming from showing up to this debate.

I didn't even really consider it at all. I just assumed that it's not going to happen and Joe Biden is going to be the one blamed. He'll surely add that he'd easily beat Joe in a debate because he's old and weak, or whatever. Happy to be wrong because it *would* be catastrophic for him, unless he gets serious help from the moderators, or the debate itself is gamed with glaringly obvious flaws.


u/[deleted] 7d ago


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u/Styrene_Addict1965 Pennsylvania 7d ago

He's prepared his base for him not doing well.


u/Fun_Independent_1473 7d ago

He's looking for one good sound byte. Doesn't matter if everything else is bad.


u/DownIIClown 7d ago

He doesn't even need that lol. He could literally vomit on stage and leave and Fox will have some jackal talking about how "he was so presidential tonight" 

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u/Murky_Sun2690 7d ago

Then blame the moderators. checks notes oh right, he's already doing that.


u/blacksheep998 6d ago

Same. I thought he was going to back out weeks ago. At this point, he probably won't.

But I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow.


u/ChangeMyDespair 7d ago

Secret Service protective details have entered the chat. From both sides.

The Former Guy is too cowardly to start a fistfight.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Not going to lie, I would love to see Trump try to start a fight, then get one punched from Dark Brandon followed by "The Peoples Elbow"..


u/JesustheSpaceCowboy 7d ago

Bruh if Biden starts slapping his elbows and drops the people elbow on him, I’m done, I’m checking out of this reality and clocking into a new one where all presidents are decided in a ladder match for custody of the country


u/isanthrope_may 7d ago

Past Presidents? Go.

I’ve got money on Obama, and maybe T.R. for a close second. 45 can roll around on the floor with Taft.


u/wrecktus_abdominus I voted 7d ago edited 7d ago

Buddy, if we're talking wrastlin' you gotta put your money on Honest Abe. He invented the choke slam and no I'm not joking

Edit to add: he is literally in the wrestling hall of fame. Out of an estimated 200 contests, he lost only once. And these were brutal affairs. If people are thinking along the lines of college or olympic wrestling, that's not really accurate. The modern-day equivalent would be closer to "meet me out back behind the dumpster in 5 minutes." He was legitimately a badass.


u/reccenters 7d ago

He could hold an axe outstretched for a minute. Dude was a sex panther made real.


u/JesustheSpaceCowboy 7d ago

I feel like everyone would sleep on Ol’ Ulysses.


u/Styrene_Addict1965 Pennsylvania 7d ago

"He looked like a man who could put his head through a brick wall. And was about to do it."

— Reporter on Grant after seeing Grant in the Willard Hotel


u/isanthrope_may 7d ago

Strictly speaking, the age they were when first running.

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u/floydmulder 7d ago

“Donald, please explain to me in detail how your administration would handle matters of foreign policy.”

“Well, I would…”


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u/Limberpuppy Maryland 7d ago

He gets other people to do his dirty work for him.


u/cutelyaware 7d ago

He wouldn't even be able to handle winning a fight. He has such a deep blood phobia that if anyone gets so much as a paper cut in his presence, they are whisked away.


u/chrisms150 New Jersey 7d ago

The Former Guy

Wait. Is that what "TFG" stands for?

This whole time I thought it was "that friggin' guy"


u/Xiao_Qinggui 7d ago

I think if he were going to skip the debate he would have done so at least before last weekend- It’s close enough to where his ego is telling him backing out now makes him look weak.

If Biden makes him feel stupid or bruises his ego, I can kinda see him charging at him as a possibility - Not enough to put money on it but I’d put money on him at least screaming “fuck you” or something like that.


u/Orion14159 7d ago

Lol Trump can barely walk without a squirt filling up his diaper. He ain't doing anything.


u/gokism Ohio 7d ago

To have Biden come out during the handshake, pinch his nose and wave away the odor would be gold.


u/Orion14159 7d ago

As funny as it would be, I'm against the WWE-ification Trump has brought into our politics. I want politics to be boring again.


u/unic0rse 7d ago

How else do we get to President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho...?


u/Corgi_Koala Texas 7d ago

As many people have pointed out, the fucked up thing is that he was actually not a bad president. He may have been an idiot, but he immediately appointed the smartest person in the country to be in charge of everything, which isn't the worst way to make policy.

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u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 7d ago

I want politics to be boring again.

Everyone spent trumps entire term saying that. And then it happened, or at least got less crazypants. And then because it was "boring", aka sober and effective, people stopped paying attention. And now 80% of America seems to think that because they didn't hear a giant crazy story about Biden 3 times a day for the last 4 years that he hasn't actually done anything.


u/Orion14159 7d ago

Honestly, cool. Still better than 4 years of racist blather from Trump in between actually doing nothing but give tax cuts to billionaires

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u/gokism Ohio 7d ago

I agree. Your description is right on the money. Still, some things are auto responses to stimuli.

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u/linecookdaddy 7d ago

That would literally be the funniest fucking thing ever


u/ThickerSalmon14 7d ago

Biden should at some point during the debate, complain to the host that it smells like crap on the stage while looking at Trump.



he needs some d pants


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Trump is an absolute and utter pussy. He wouldn't dare assault a man, geriatric or not.


u/Wattaday 6d ago

Geriatric? IIRC Biden is only 3 years older than trump.


u/Turbulent_Ad1667 7d ago

So let me have the honor of summarizing Trump's latest polling numbers. Likely voters believe that Trump will: Have heart attack on stage: 69% Assault Biden: 51% Snort coke on stage: 36% Grab a female reporter by the who-ha : 29% Shoot any Democrat: 18% No-show: 1.8%


u/Styrene_Addict1965 Pennsylvania 7d ago

What's the odds on Mitch Glitch? I've got a feeling Trump's going to vapor-lock at some point. He doesn't do extemporaneous well.


u/dbeman 7d ago

He’ll show up but I bet he walks out the first time his microphone is cut.

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u/mredofcourse I voted 7d ago

I could see him coming out on stage and physically assaulting Biden 

He already attempted that once. Remember the time he knew he had Covid and was on stage with him anyway... even asked that there were no partitions.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Biden should open the thing with "you know, my opponent wanted me to agree to a drug test before this.. I said sure thing, if YOU will get a Covid test and dont try to kill me like the last time we met"


u/_BELEAF_ 7d ago

If he does go, you can bet on zero handshake. As has always been the case throughout history. Mutual respect., whilst disagreeing.

He respects nothing. And anything he projects or does publicly is to keep the base absolutely fearful, angry, and bigoted.


u/Master_Ad9463 Colorado 7d ago

Secret Service would just come out and fight as stand-ins. 😂


u/psychoalchemist 7d ago

Culminating in an on stage brawl/firefight between the two Secret Service details.

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u/bob-leblaw 7d ago

I imagine Brandon has one good right jab left in him.


u/numbski Missouri 7d ago edited 7d ago

physically assault.

Look, he may intend that, but let's be real: this man has never had to endure any sort of physical regimen his entire life.

Not that Biden is physically imposing, but it isn't that hard to deal with a level 0 fighter.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Dark Brandon rolls a natural 20...

Trump somehow rolls a zero..


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 7d ago

His own secret service detail would tackle him before they ever allowed him to get into a fight. He knows that.


u/NoahStewie1 Maryland 7d ago

I would love to see trump try this, deep down I think the old Irishman who bikes regularly can take that obese German


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 7d ago

Trump has to take a golf cart any distance greater than about 20 feet. I'm going to put my money on Biden, who still rides his bike works out a couple times a week.


u/clintgreasewoood 7d ago

he’s just going to spam illegal immigrant crime and “grievance” against him.


u/bradhat19 7d ago

Not if he wants to get corn popped he won’t!


u/Budded Colorado 7d ago

Even as he's setting the stage for every excuse to cry about his losing the debate, his rampant narcissism demands he be there for narcissistic supply, while also setting up another fundraising push being the victim once again. His window-licking base loves that shit from their sTrOnG MaN


u/OmKrsna 7d ago

No audience means no supply and that’s why he won’t show. As well, backing out of an obligation at the last minute and stiffing Biden will be too much for him to resist.


u/Budded Colorado 6d ago

Very good point, even if that supply is there in an abstract way (online), not having it in person will kill him. Here's hoping he bails just so everybody can call him a coward.


u/shuvvel 7d ago

Biden would just step to the side and watch Trump barrel into a potted plant.


u/kent_eh Canada 7d ago

I honestly just dont see Trump backing out of this

I agree. He's too full of himself to believe that there is any downside to him stepping on the debate stage.

His handlers, on the other hand, must be scared shitless about what Trump would say and do.


u/Goodknight808 7d ago

Wonder what the secret service and justice department will do if he actually does assault the sitting president.

Will secret service jump in? Will the justice department actually remove the kid gloves when it comes to holding the orange shit gibbon accountable?


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Secret Service jumps in and Trump is immediately arrested and held in jail. Meanwhile his poll numbers skyrocket and he wins the election. He becomes President in January and immediately pardons himself.

We all pay the price ...

(damn Penguin_shit, please be wrong...)


u/subsist80 7d ago

Trump is a coward, he would never physically assault anyone that could stand up to him. Biden rides bikes for fun, the guy is actually fit for an 81 year old, 100% he would wipe the floor with Trump who can't even drink from a cup without 2 hands.


u/biggamax 7d ago

This is what I thought also. :)


u/nobodytoldme 7d ago

I honestly think he would stroke out if he got physical with Biden. If they actually got to the point of putting hands on each other I think it would change both of their lives forever. Those cats are old af.


u/SpiceLaw 7d ago

I think Biden could beat his ass, despite being almost four years older and of smaller stature. Biden rides bikes and has overcome horrific family incidents. Trump is a diaper wearing coward.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Ewww.. He could literally beat the shit out of him.


u/SpiceLaw 7d ago

Of course it would be a Trump win because "he tried to give Biden e coli playing 512d chess."


u/tommysmuffins 7d ago

He tried to kill him with Covid last election, so not impossible.


u/buythedipnow 7d ago

He needs to hold his kids hand to walk up a ramp. That’s the outcome you see as the most likely??


u/ErusTenebre California 7d ago

I agree. Trump isn't going to back down at this point. He'd look WAAAY too weak. His fervent horde would lap up whatever excuse given, but he'd lose even more support. And yes, there are still morons on the fence.


u/tidbitsmisfit 7d ago

last debate Trump tried to give him COVID, so not surprising


u/StingingBum 7d ago

That would seal his coffin this election... then again.


u/_magneto-was-right_ 7d ago

Let them fight.


u/PrestigiousStable369 7d ago

Do you honestly see him showing up to debate? This is a loss for Trump, just like the 2020 debate was. His sycophants acted like he was the best thing ever after the 2020 one because he constantly interrupted Biden and never addressed a point--they equate bad manners and being a moron with strength.

This debate isn't to win his moronic base over, it's to win over independents, which won't see his inability to interrupt as a strength. It's a lose-lose


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 7d ago

Yes.. I expect him to show. But I also think he will pull some bullshit stunt of some kind.


u/Livewire_87 7d ago

Agreed. I know a lot of people are hoping he does, but I just don't see it happening. 

He'll do his utter best to make a complete circus of it 


u/Numerous_Photograph9 7d ago

I could see him backing out, saying he'll have the real debate on Fox News, and Biden is too much a coward to face him there. He's already doing everything to minimize the importance of the debate, because he cares nothing about attracting more voters, and thinks his devout base is enough to get him through.


u/DeadlyYellow 7d ago

He'll show up two hours late (power play) then get mad because they're "wrapping up" and won't let him speak.


u/ScepticalReciptical 7d ago

Yeah this whole 'chicken out' thing seems completely fantasy based. He's going to show up, perform badly, spew his soundbytes. Then have his surrogates beat up on CNN, declare  him the winner and retreat to his cocoon of misinformation on Truth Social while his supporters lap up whatever dumb talking points his campaign starts circulating.

He will turn up, lose convincingly and believe he won.


u/boogitydogbutt 7d ago

I have been worried that he will use this as an opportunity to physically assault Biden. I hope the secret security on site is ready for this 


u/backwardbuttplug 7d ago

At least then Secret Service would be forced to take him out.


u/TheAdvocate 6d ago

Biden rides a bike and jogs. Biden wouldnt need to run the fulll length of the stage.


u/daemin 6d ago

Now I'm picturing a real life version of this music video featuring Trump and Biden...


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 6d ago edited 6d ago

Holy shit, I've never heard or seen this!!! Love it!

Edit.. Literally watched it 4 times already


u/soooogullible 6d ago

Yeah people say trump is going to back out just for the clicks. It happens before every debate he’s scheduled for.


u/FairlySuspect 6d ago

I can't see him getting in a physical confrontation with anyone. I bet he's like my boss. His expression goes blank when you speak up for yourself, he does a 180 and power walks back to his office where he's just the boss and life makes sense again


u/knights816 6d ago

Objectively the funniest possible outcome


u/bornatnite 6d ago

Maybe not physically assaulting but I expect him to keep talking loud enough to distract Biden as they are only 8 feet apart. He will then deny he said anything since only Biden will hear him and the maga faithful will buy it and claim it's a cnn hoax. Bet the mortgage


u/After_Fix_2191 6d ago

That wouldn't happen lol. SS would make sure of that.


u/charger1511 6d ago

Biden would kick his ass all around that stage


u/gravywayne 6d ago

The old donut roll


u/MistbornInterrobang 6d ago

I think he is too much of a coward for that. He would threaten it, sure. But even if his balls ever drop and he finally finds them, he might try to take a swing but I would fully expect Biden to side step and watch him tumble to the floor.

Or, the more realistic thing would be the secret service getting involved. A sitting president versus a convicted felon former president who outspent the budget for the secret service while in office, causing their pay to be delayed during the last year of his presidency...

I'd pay to watch that


u/massada 6d ago

He shows up and then leaves before the halfway mark. If he cancels last minute it's a town hall that's free PR for Biden. If he leaves in the middle it gets him more attention.


u/trainercatlady Colorado 6d ago

Nah, trump's a weenie. Dude didn't even want to get the easiest presidential photo op because it would ruin his hair, you think he's gonna willingly humiliate himself for 2 hours when he could be hosting a rally somewhere instead?

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u/fuck-coyotes 7d ago

Tapper and Bash sounds like a buddy cop movie


u/smurfsundermybed California 7d ago

It probably wouldn't be much of a town hall without an audience, and I don't trust CNN to rustle one up on short notice.


u/ABobby077 Missouri 7d ago

Trump has been a well known fraidy cat and all


u/adrr 7d ago

He has to go to his son's graduation.


u/Murky_Sun2690 7d ago

Trump is already bashing Tapper and Bash, so if he (Trump) does show up, they'll be lobbing nerf balls.

They're too chicken shit to call his bullshit. Ratings, you know... not journalism


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 7d ago

He'll say he can't do it because of his gag orders.


u/Vann_Accessible Oregon 7d ago

Free campaign time on network tv and I don’t have to listen to Trump’s ramblings?



u/Franchise1109 7d ago

Bannon already made it obvious he’s backing imo


u/El_Spicerbeasto Texas 7d ago

Like the gag order which was lifted that has nothing to do with the debates.


u/WafflePartyOrgy Washington 7d ago

They could also ask Biden some of Trump's questions and get his take on how he thinks Trump would have responded vs. what is actually happening in our universe.


u/Big__Black__Socks 7d ago

Unfortunately, that's a lose-lose situation for Biden. If he does a perfect job then no one cares, but if he so much as mis-pronounces something the media will engage in a new frantic round of "Is Biden too old to be President?" while ignoring the fact that Trump chickened out.


u/Grey_0ne 7d ago

This entire media generated narrative of Trump backing out is purpose created so his supporters can talk about how the left is loony for thinking he wouldn't show and how brave he is for doing so.


u/JustWastingTimeAgain Washington 7d ago

But leave the Trump podium and cardboard cutout. Refer to it often.

"Mr. Trump...here's a question for you"

(cut to podium)

No response.

"Mr. Biden, your response"

Biden gets 2 minutes.

"Mr. Trump, you get the last word here"

Cut to cardboard cutout.



u/WhatUp007 7d ago

Ya know, I would love to see if Trump backs out RFK gets his spot.


u/ceciliaVFX 6d ago

I'd be fine with that.

if felon45 does show up he will scream like the tantruming toddler he is - then the mic gets cut.

then we hear from the reasonable adult who will talk about the issues and policies adults care about.

then felon45 will rant about sharks, electric boats or who know what nonsense - and the mic is cut

then we return to the adult in the room.

rinse, repeat.
It will be glorious.


u/Myheelcat Arizona 6d ago

Screw it! Let’s take it too trilla now.


u/grimr5 Great Britain 6d ago

And yet, fox et al will still provide the edited highlights for their propaganda showing Trump as he is not.


u/spoobles Massachusetts 6d ago

Are you kidding me? Tapper and Bash would instantly abandon Biden at the podium...and go scurrying after Trump with mics outstretched.


u/Stennick 6d ago

Its crazy people really believe he's not going to show up and get his face in front of hundreds of millions of people around the world that will watch these clips. He's showing up, he's going to talk about random shit, and his sound bites will play over and over. This whole debate is going to be a shit show but he's 100 percent going to be there.


u/Belba_Mugwort 5d ago

He's also a coward and knows he can't debate Biden intelligently so I think he'll bail. 


u/Stennick 4d ago

Well, I wound up being completely right. He showed up, he hit Biden hard with the "I don't even know what he said, and I don't think he does either" and the whole debating intelligently thing was out the window moments into the debate. I hope this brings some people like yourself who may not have realized what we're dealing with starkly into the reality of the situation.


u/trainercatlady Colorado 6d ago

My theory: they want to demand a drug test and without waiting for a reply, will shout from the rooftops that biden refused, whether he does or not, and this call it unfair and will use that as an excuse to back out

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