r/politics 9d ago

Will Trump chicken out of the presidential debate? Probably. He's a Grade-A coward. Soft Paywall


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u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 9d ago

Then let Biden have the stage for 2 hours or whatever and have a debate with a cardboard standee of Trump. The cardboard would probably make more sense than anything the real Trump would say anyway..


u/Belba_Mugwort 9d ago

Tapper and Bash should probably ready themselves for a 2 hour town hall with Biden. The odds of Trump chickening out with some bat shit reason is high.


u/Penguin_shit15 Oklahoma 9d ago

I honestly just dont see Trump backing out of this. If anything , I could see him coming out on stage and physically assaulting Biden more than I can see him dipping out on the whole thing.


u/ScepticalReciptical 9d ago

Yeah this whole 'chicken out' thing seems completely fantasy based. He's going to show up, perform badly, spew his soundbytes. Then have his surrogates beat up on CNN, declare  him the winner and retreat to his cocoon of misinformation on Truth Social while his supporters lap up whatever dumb talking points his campaign starts circulating.

He will turn up, lose convincingly and believe he won.