r/nottheonion 2d ago

Wizards Of The Coast Accused Of Using Hillary Clinton As Model For New Dungeons & Dragons Paladin


245 comments sorted by


u/Choice-Layer 2d ago

It looks like her in the sense that it's an old, white lady. That's about it.


u/Mister_Buddy 2d ago

There are vague similarities, but yeah, it's by no means a 1:1 of Hilary.

Unlike the inaugural Trump wax statue before the last-minute refit.


u/xBAMFNINJA 1d ago

Lmao I almost forgot about that.


u/Rickshmitt 14h ago

I love that his statue is all messed up, just like him


u/ilike_funnies 2d ago

Looks more like Meryl Streep to me.


u/warplants 2d ago

Definitely Meryl Streep.


u/iamsavsavage 1d ago

She really can play any role.


u/GizmoSled 1d ago

My immediate thought when seeing it too.


u/steroidsandcocaine 1d ago

Once I read that, that's exactly who I see now.

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u/CliffsNote5 2d ago

I am getting Aunt May from the Spiderverse movie vibes a bit when she is in the basement “took you long enough” scene.


u/HDThoreauaway 2d ago

Yeah old white ladies just tend to converge to this appearance. Even in Faerun, apparently.


u/boricimo 2d ago

Doesn’t help that the named her Billary Blinton.


u/Graega 2d ago

I've seen fraternal twins who looked more identical.


u/CaptainKlamydia 2d ago

I wish these young paladins would Pelor GO to the polls!


u/HillarysFloppyChode 1d ago

Does the model exclusively wear pantsuits in a wide variety of colors?


u/Waltzing_With_Bears 2d ago

the chin is also a pretty good match


u/WizardsOfTheRoast 1d ago

It looks more like Kathy Najimy than anyone else, but Hocus Pocus 2 doesn't have the same level of click through unfortunately.


u/ProbablyShouldnotSay 1d ago

Kathy Bates paladin.


u/HexOctagon 2d ago

Hope this helps you avoid the ad-fueled nightmare website: https://imgur.com/a/HQ754gL


u/Qu1ckShake 2d ago

It legit doesn't look like her


u/jigokusabre 2d ago

"Every old white lady looks like Hillary."


u/recyclopath_ 2d ago

This. This is what's happening. She is the only older white lady they can think of.


u/aristidedn 2d ago

People who spend a significant chunk of their lives utterly obsessed with something will start to see that thing in everything around them.

They're just telling on themselves. The ultimate expression of someone living rent-free in the minds of sad right-wingers.


u/sybrwookie 2d ago

As usual with them, every accusation is a confession (in this case, noticing trump exists is being obsessed according to them).


u/CollinsCouldveDucked 2d ago

It looks enough like her in a "joke about paladin hilary clinton to your friend" kind of way.

It doesn't look like her in a "make a big stink about it and generate clickbait" kind of way.

How we get from the first thing to the second thing so often now days is everything that's wrong with the internet.


u/rainmace 2d ago

It makes me want to... do things... to the original tweeter

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u/JackxForge 2d ago

yea the art is a dead ringer for my polish grandmother if she was 20 years younger.


u/NeverLookBothWays 2d ago

...without botox injections


u/Slumunistmanifisto 1d ago

Is the old white lady in the room with us now?  Rolls dice for perception


u/iamnotreallyreal 2d ago

Looks like a generic old white lady to me.


u/Euphorium 1d ago

It looks like my aunt. Like you said, generic old white lady.


u/BazilBroketail 2d ago

If you morphed Maryl Streep and Kate Mulgrew, that's the face you'd get.


u/AbleObject13 2d ago

Clinton derangement syndrome 💀


u/Idiot_Savant_Tinker 2d ago

Not even in the slightest.


u/Overbaron 1d ago

Kinda does to me, now that it’s pointed out.

The drawing style is strange, kinda like street-corner caricature


u/IAmWeary 2d ago

It kinda looks like a political cartoon caricature of her.


u/Joe_Jeep 2d ago edited 2d ago

There's some very broad stuff but she honestly looks more one of my Grand mothers to me than clinton. So I feel like it's just very generic, short-haired old white lady look.

I mean the nose is different the chin looks off

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u/NoYgrittesOlly 2d ago

I love the original tweeter is some random dude who’s implying WotC is part of a deep state liberal conspiracy by portraying this wrinkled old white lady (aka Hillary) as a paladin lmfao. Most substance-less article I’ve seen this year.


u/SoCalThrowAway7 2d ago

The obsession these people have with Hillary Clinton is simultaneously sick, sad, and hilarious


u/recyclopath_ 2d ago

How dare they model the paladin after an older white lady! Women are always supposed to be young! The only older white lady we can think of is Hilary Clinton! After 40 women are supposed to be sequestered away, so they cannot subject our eyes to their signs of aging!


u/KuroFafnar 2d ago

I always figured Paladins lived fast and died young.


u/frogjg2003 1d ago

Beware of an old (wo)man in a profession where men usually die young.


u/Intoner_Four 1d ago

the mentor for the Reapers in FF14 is an old woman and she’s intimidating AF


u/jgzman 1d ago

I always figured Paladins lived fast and died young.

Plate mail will prevent both of these.


u/My_Password_Is_____ 2d ago

🎶Live fast, die young Paladins do it well🎶


u/Ravier_ 2d ago

Plenty of reasons to hate WOTC, but this ain't it.


u/oxero 2d ago

I would have never made the connection. Looks like some dude that is yelling at clouds because he can't keep her off his mind.


u/matej86 2d ago

I like how he says "no agenda to see here" with zero context. The guy clearly doesn't know that paladins can be the epitome of pure good or pure evil depending on their subclass and how you want to play them.


u/ScenesFromStarWars 2d ago

Yeah, that’s a stretch


u/Jayandnightasmr 2d ago

Looking at the other articles just a rage/click bait site


u/Thomas_JCG 2d ago

Thank you. Those people need their eyes checked.


u/Misubi_Bluth 2d ago

She looks more like Maven Black-Briar if she weren't a terrible person to me.


u/RCrumbDeviant 2d ago

Bless you - may all your hits be crits


u/RIP-RiF 2d ago

Huh. I'm seeing Rachel Ray.


u/Pinheaded_nightmare 2d ago

Not even close.


u/WhyAreOldPeopleEvil 2d ago

I don’t see it. (As in, I don’t see how that that looks like her.)


u/B3taWats0n 2d ago

Can you make a generic old white lady but spice up the hair color


u/thebeattakesme 2d ago

She looks like a professor I know, down to the white stripe in her hair.


u/elProtagonist 2d ago

She looks more like Roseanne Barr on opium


u/bikerbomber 1d ago

The real hero


u/the_tanooki 1d ago

People are so damn obsessed and convinced of everything being some grand scheme or conspiracy that they will see whatever they want to fuel their rage.


u/The-Bear-Down-There 1d ago

Pelor bless you child


u/TheTechTutor 1d ago

Lmao it doesn’t look anything like her. WTF?


u/Intoner_Four 1d ago

she looks like the comic artist Auntie from Queens of Mystery


u/lygerzero0zero 2d ago

Yeah the real joke is the “news” site.

Sure, the art kinda looks like her with humor goggles on, you can have a chuckle over it on twitter. But it’s not news, and it’s not a fucking “accusation”??!


u/krelly200 2d ago

Article's author is the EiC at Bounding into Comics, a muckraking rag.


u/Aidian 2d ago

The bullshit culture wars need constant fuel to burn - it doesn’t need to be quality, just close enough to get their broken amygdalae engaged, with their battered brains pumping out the next hit of rage dopamine.

It looks like such an horrible way to live one’s life.


u/brickyardjimmy 2d ago
  1. Who cares?

  2. Accused by whom? And what do they mean by accusation? Is this a crime?


u/bailey25u 2d ago
  1. No one

  2. accused by a person on twitter.... with as time of this comment, has almost 1000 thousand followers. And the accusation "implies" she looks like hillary


u/Esc777 2d ago

What people need to know is that there’s a very motivated alt-right contingent of D&D and hobby gaming people who have the motivation and time to try and make political hay to stoke the outrage machine.  I wouldn’t be surprised if this leads back to one of those idiots. 

Edit: yup


u/PaleDrow 2d ago

Well what else are they supposed to do this time of year? There's no "cHrIsTmAs Is BeInG cAnCeLlEd" and Starbucks cups to whine about until at least November.


u/Esc777 2d ago

All I know is that when that next version of DND drops there’s going to be a fucking meltdown when the character section even mentions trans characters. 


u/frogjg2003 1d ago

The TTRPG community is extremely inclusive and diverse. Unfortunately for DND, that's mostly because newer systems don't have a history of stereotypical depictions (look up hadozee) and an association with basement dwelling, socially awkward nerds (the number of times r/DND has a post because a player is uncomfortable with another player sexually assaulting an NPC or even another PC is mind boggling). So even though 5e is trying very hard to bury all of that, there are still a lot of old gamers who just can't live in the 21st century.


u/aseigo 1d ago

Are you saying that inclusivity and diversity in the TTRPG community is modern?


u/frogjg2003 1d ago

I don't know what it was like decades ago, I just know what it's like now.


u/aseigo 1d ago

I've spent quite a bit of time reading and cataloging the early Alarums * Excursions. In one of the campaign logs, there is an extensive discusssion of this one campaign from the perspective of the players, and without really making a big deal of it, the writer notes how a player was 'shipping their male human warrior and their male dwarf. It was both super cute and earnest.

This is in a 'zine that people would respond to each other and comment (often critically) between issues. It was a big part of the A&E scene. Nobody wrote in about the gay dwarf/human. And this wasn't an outlier, it seems to be super common.

Women were also the most common to GM games in the L.A. area, while men seem to have been more likely to GM in New England and CalTech. There were various ethnic backgrounds, identities, etc. present in the game.

The early tables were all the weirdos from the fandoms as well as the (usually more conservative and homogenious) war gamers.

When I began playing in the late 80s, we always had women at the table, and not because they were someone's girlfriend or something, but because they wanted to be .. and we were cool with it. I was also the only white guy. Imagine that.

I also have friends now who played in the 80s who only ever played with white dudes.

It varied, but game tables reflected the people who played at them. There weren't stigmas (yet), and it was for a brief period in the 80s quite mainstream, and all the diversity that came with that did.

It seems to mostly have been whe the popularity of RPGs waned (thanks to a bunch of stupid decisions made by TSR plus the rise of video games) in the late 90s and into the 00s that the diversity really waned.

Sadly, the most 'dedicated' groups (including radicals, such as the alt-right; dedication and redicalization have a huge overlap in the ol' Venn diagram) hung on to their hobby for dear life and so became over-represented.

It wasn't even 5e that restored it. Hell, two of the main consultant designers on 5e were alt-right asshats (their names later scrubbed from the credits out of emberassment). It was all the indie games and the second wave of the OSR where people of all sorts foudn their space.

Time is a flat circle, and all that, and I feel we've found our way back to the late 70s in terms of who plays and how tables might be made up.

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u/ElkHistorical9106 2d ago

Article links to a lot of MAGA and other right wing imbeciles who think it's gone too "woke."

Apparently diversity in skin color, culture and gender roles is unrealistic in a world with races of dwarves, elves, lizard people, cat people, plasmoid space beings, and dragon-people.


u/1i73rz 2d ago

AI starting shit.


u/Kanotari 2d ago

By some rando people on Twitter. Freaking clickbait articles...

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u/DiogenesLied 2d ago

Looks more like Meryl Streep


u/MaximumZer0 2d ago

Oh, 10,000% agreement with you.


u/katievspredator 2d ago

Is that a website for right-wing Disney adults?


u/Different-Ad-2458 2d ago

Wild. Makes sense there's Disney Adult/far right crossover tho.


u/AshuraBaron 2d ago

"Back when Disney wasn't WOKE, they made good movies. Like Song of the South."


u/ball_fondlers 2d ago

Oh good, my dislike of Disney adults is justified


u/mg0019 2d ago

The worst is Disney Adults at Disneyland.  


u/SputteringShitter 2d ago

People who refuse to grow up are vulnerable to right wing propaganda.

Who would have guessed.


u/mrlotato 2d ago

Right wing wizards are losing their shit


u/GentlemanOctopus 2d ago

There is absolutely no chance this guy is a wizard.


u/thetwelveofsix 2d ago

Maybe he’s a Grand Wizard.


u/mrlotato 2d ago

A grand wizard


u/ThePowerOfStories 2d ago

I think you’ll find him in the Monster Manual between Troglodyte and Umber Hulk.


u/NKD_WA 2d ago

Def some kind of smurfy multiclass cheese


u/GentlemanOctopus 2d ago

I mean I'm just assuming they're not an adventurer at all. We're looking at a commoner at best.


u/Far-Reception-4598 2d ago

That looks more like Paula Deen than Hillary Clinton.


u/Lyrick_ 2d ago

Why do things keep linking me to this Fucking Alt RIght/White Nationalist web site?


u/onioning 2d ago

All internet roads lead to the alt right.


u/valgrind_error 1d ago

It’s almost as if there is a well-established trend of social media websites being hijacked and manipulated by right wing groups for radicalization purposes.


u/Pavlock 2d ago

This is the biggest stretch since Jean-Claude Van Damme retired


u/Bart_Yellowbeard 2d ago

Wow, a bunch of douchebags on xitter are butthurt over a really ridiculous image? Wonders will never cease.


u/IceCreamCape 2d ago

Because she's a middle aged woman? This is the dumbest thing I'll read this month.


u/MisterB78 2d ago

1) It doesn’t look very much like Hillary Clinton at all.

2) It doesn’t look good either. Is this seriously the quality of art they’re going with?


u/AlexOfSpades 2d ago

saved you a click:

unhinged rightoids on Twitter think an old lady in DnD kind of looks like Hillary Clinton (she doesn't) and this is totally evidence of an "agenda". The rest of the article is just homophobes whining about how DnD shouldn't have gay characters in it (??)


u/RyanLJacobsen 1d ago

And the 'news' site links 3 tweets meaning everyone is outraged!


u/jaredearle 2d ago

An RPG publisher joins the chat

WotC would almost certainly not tell an artist to make a character look like a politician like this. That’s not how art direction works.

If anyone made Clinton into a Paladin - and let’s face it, that’s not what happened here - then it’d be the artist, not the publisher.


u/thomasstearns42 2d ago

 The article is more about bad jokes on Twitter. Man, conservatives are so bad at humor. 


u/Natsu111 2d ago

Seeing that art of a paladin and immediately thinking "It's Hillary Clinton" says more about that person than the art. Hillary Clinton isn't the only old woman with short hair.


u/manliestmuffin 2d ago

It doesn't look like her. And even if it did, why would it matter? No one got upset when they referenced Trump for the hill giant in the 5e Monster Manual.


u/SuperfluousWingspan 2d ago

Lovely source, this:

This accusation comes in the wake of numerous individuals lampooning Wizards of the Coast for its woke art aesthetic that features cartoonish diversity-inspired caricatures and promotion of homosexual activity.

DrunkDilloPress commented on X, “I guess this is more of the Player Handbook art (including the Mexican orcs). Remember when D&D book art showed bad ass battles and monsters, and not a bunch gay shit?”


u/rabbijuan 2d ago

I guess it kind of looks like her. Accused is a pretty strong word though. I don’t expect much though form any website that uses wokeness as targeting point followed by a bunch of random twitter snippets.


u/CaptainStabfellow 2d ago

I can see why people are making the connection. I mean it’s ridiculous that they are acting like she was the basis of the artwork and there is some sort of underlying message attached, but I can see what people are noticing between elements of the facial structure and hair.

It’s certainly not as bad as the “any old white lady looks like Hillary” stretch people here are claiming. That would be more like if the crazies were saying Hillary was the model for Jaheira in BG3.


u/ShippFFXI 2d ago edited 2d ago

You're down voted, but you're right. It looks like a stylized caricature of Hillary. It's more than just a passing resemblance due to both being older white women. The cheekbones, jawlines, eyes and lips all look very similar to Hillary. The nose and hair color are the differences.


u/SmallLetter 2d ago

I legitimately, with no agenda as I don't give a crap, can't see any resemblance beyond old white lady.


u/CaptainStabfellow 2d ago

I don’t doubt it and you obviously are not alone.

I, who am solidly on the left and have nothing to gain from acknowledging a similarity, do see a resemblance and therefore understand why others might see it to. I also think anyone coming to the conclusion that it is evidence that the portrait is based directly on Hillary and part of some liberal agenda is a psycho.


u/ShippFFXI 2d ago

Also solidly on the left here. I just don't see how people are not seeing the basic facial structure aside from the nose being different.

similar angle and pose

Also don't think it was some conspiracy bs.


u/SmallLetter 1d ago

Maybe I just can't make out faces well enough to see similarity but I really do not


u/stifledmind 2d ago edited 2d ago

Who was the comedian that said she dresses like a "space librarian"?

I can't unsee it.


u/TheBatemanFlex 2d ago

What agenda are they even alleging? Does that twitter nobody think that people are going to turn woke via subliminal messages from seeing clinton’s face?


u/spiff2112 2d ago

They use Kneon of Clownfish TV as a source 🤣 bunch of right-wing clowns on that channel…


u/komrade23 2d ago

Looks more like Martha Stewart to me.


u/d34d-m34t 2d ago

Thank you. My next DND character is absolutely going to be Martha as a paladin. Hilarious


u/AvisIgneus 2d ago

People obsessed with her will see her everywhere.


u/MercuryRusing 2d ago

It looks nothing like her


u/bytor_2112 2d ago

No one seemed to mind my Bernie paladin


u/Mister_Buddy 2d ago

"I'm gonna roll to redistribute my +5 holy sword up the dragon's ass, and divide the wealth amongst the village."


u/bytor_2112 2d ago

There was also liberal usage of Zone of Truth


u/HurinGaldorson 2d ago

That's odd. It was always her husband, not her, who was constantly Laying on Hands.


u/notevenanorphan 1d ago

This is a better joke than anything in the article. And all the article seems to be is a very weak excuse to make jokes about Clinton and hate speech about gay people.


u/kuvrterker 2d ago

Your character as a passive of -2 charisma and laughs randomly in dialogs


u/Rance_Mulliniks 2d ago

That website has cancer.


u/Bishopkilljoy 2d ago

Absolute brain rot


u/floridadumpsterfire 2d ago

people really just want to tie any and everything to current politics and political figures. doesn't look anything like her.


u/Hobbes604 2d ago

That paladin looks more like Cyndi Lauper to me.

Girls just want to have vengeance.


u/millanstar 2d ago

This some next leveltwitter politics fueled outrage brainrot if you see Hilary Clinton in there...


u/myychair 1d ago

Don’t click the link and give this shit site ad revenue. It looks nothing like Hillary Clinton.


u/thehillshaveI 2d ago

jesus christ it's 2024 and the american right is still obsessively seeing clintons everywhere


u/RyanLJacobsen 1d ago

It was 3 people on Twitter, not half of the country.


u/pokepok 2d ago

Even if they did… what’s the big deal? It was just a reference.


u/RosieQParker 2d ago

Coincidence. The only people who still give a shit about Hillary Clinton are the people still hating on her. And thanks to the sheer amount of content out there they don't need to look crazy seeing her face in a burrito like the good old days.


u/Phantasmio 2d ago

Holy fuck if this site could have any more ads on it.


u/Cleriisy 2d ago

If a journalist writes an article about a tweet, that journalist should be loaded into a canon and shot into the sun.


u/Mygaffer 2d ago

Barely a resemblance, what a nonsense article. Like most articles using random Twitter posts as sources/content.


u/Stardustchaser 2d ago

These people don’t know many old people I guess


u/TheWavyTree 2d ago

What is the rag of a website? It feels like a content mill to just put as many ads in your face as possible. Half the article was just whiny crybabies on twitter


u/bdrwr 2d ago

It's just an older white lady...


u/NovaKaiserin 2d ago

She should be one of those treasure chests that eats you


u/SolomonDRand 2d ago

They clearly modeled her after my grandma, which was a 10/10 choice.


u/rdldr1 2d ago

Hillary was used as the model for the Statue of Happiness in GTA IV.


u/my72dart 2d ago

Looks a bit like Rosanne Barr to me 😆


u/NunyaBeese 1d ago

Thats a stretch


u/listenspace 2d ago

Rent free


u/Enjoying_A_Meal 2d ago

pfft, everyone knows Obama would be a much better Paladin.

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u/Jellypope 2d ago

So its an Oathbreaker paladin right?


u/Corronchilejano 2d ago

You read the "jokes" attached to the picture and you inmediately understand why any old white woman they put there would resonate like that with these guys.


u/AshuraBaron 2d ago

"And these undead, I call them a basket of deplorables, need to be cleansed" - New Paladins


u/Critkip 2d ago

aren't those the duel master guys?


u/magvadis 2d ago

I thought the paladin was an Asian Grandma.


u/marklar7 2d ago

Hates video games>Streisand effect.


u/lordspaz88 2d ago

Oh, I thought this meant like, mechanically.


u/Fancy-Pair 2d ago



u/Bepmg_Ijumfs 2d ago

This is on par for WOTC, considering just how much they value the work of others, mainly, when it can be used for themselves, without credit or payment.


u/Lunndonbridge 2d ago

Looks more like one of the Golden Girls


u/Jeo228 2d ago

Is there any reason to move on from 5e at this point?


u/Jace_Te_Ace 2d ago

Even if it wasn't true I'd still be saying "yeah - you got me"


u/smda827 2d ago

Just like on Parks and Rec!


u/MinuetInUrsaMajor 2d ago


u/arcxjo 2d ago

The green one could be a summer Eladrin. Guy on the far right looks drow.


u/noctalla 2d ago

Looks like different kinds of elves to me.


u/Number-Thirteen 2d ago

Maybe as a Green Hag.


u/TallGooseclap849 2d ago

This so dumb lol


u/StevenS757 2d ago

Journalism sure is in the toilet. Why the fuck is this even news?


u/Rhodehouse93 2d ago

Doesn’t look anything like her lol. All the linked tweets are “WoTC is pushing an agenda!!!” types, nothing burger of the highest order.


u/not_yo_adrian 1d ago

I thought it kinda looks like Kathy Bates.


u/MacDugin 1d ago

Maybe they are just trying to revive the interest of old ladies to play the game.


u/MomsSlimyVibrator 1d ago

That "article" is like 90% tweets. What a fucking hack.


u/Alternate_acc93 1d ago

The irony is dead! I thought this is a satire accusing “coastal elites” to suggest replace VP to Hillary, and they framed it in DnD game manner.


u/Lots42 1d ago

What alt right hecksite did OP link too?


u/guydoestuff 1d ago

guess its true what the say, "all old white ladys look alike" /s


u/nothingfish 20h ago

Does anyone want to buy magic cards, cheep? Real f'ing cheep.


u/ikebuck16 13h ago

that's obviously KD Lang


u/SpectreA19 9h ago

Lol not even close


u/gothism 7h ago

How do they know the paladin is a Good paladin?


u/JasonEAltMTG 2d ago

Oh boy, a couple shitty alt right blue checks tweeted something, better write a whole ass article. Tell me more about how the media are left wing


u/Cryptopoopy 2d ago

accused? who cares.


u/FreneticAmbivalence 2d ago

I’m convinced that every self expressed conservative is just a narcissist. This persecution complex sprinkled on top is just the lowest common denominator tactic to cover for the over bearing sense of weakness they seek to escape.


u/nightrogen 2d ago

Oath breaker? Surely one of the evil ones anyway


u/he77bender 2d ago

Can't believe they're not talking about this bloodmage from the CR setting book:



u/Cobra-Serpentress 2d ago

A white demon on the bottom has a mouth like homelander


u/PM_ME_TRICEPS 2d ago

Jesus the clickbait website will do anything for a click. If that's Hillary, then Joe Biden should sue WOTC for every card depicting a withering zombie.


u/mynextthroway 2d ago

Damn. I can't tell if yall are serious or not. Looks like what Hilkary would expect to receive from a street artist that does kind charactures. Her. But not quit. So What if it is? All these crazy people talking about agendas and such nonsense. All sorts of political characters end up in unexpected places. It's no big deal unless you let it direct you.


u/dunkems 2d ago

That lady will do anything to stay relevant, she’ll live to 140 on spite.


u/The_Tosh 1d ago

She is literally the least qualified Paladin on the planet.

Oh, spare me you “her turn” crybabies. It was never her turn.


u/hot4you11 2d ago

Stop buying stuff from Wotc, there are better RPGs.


u/HadronLicker 2d ago

Just use Trump as Hobarth's model.


u/clutterlustrott 2d ago

Now make Donald Trump a goblin lord and Biden a lich.

Bernie sanders can be an old sorcerer.