r/nottheonion 4d ago

Wizards Of The Coast Accused Of Using Hillary Clinton As Model For New Dungeons & Dragons Paladin


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u/brickyardjimmy 4d ago
  1. Who cares?

  2. Accused by whom? And what do they mean by accusation? Is this a crime?


u/bailey25u 4d ago
  1. No one

  2. accused by a person on twitter.... with as time of this comment, has almost 1000 thousand followers. And the accusation "implies" she looks like hillary


u/Esc777 4d ago

What people need to know is that there’s a very motivated alt-right contingent of D&D and hobby gaming people who have the motivation and time to try and make political hay to stoke the outrage machine.  I wouldn’t be surprised if this leads back to one of those idiots. 

Edit: yup


u/PaleDrow 3d ago

Well what else are they supposed to do this time of year? There's no "cHrIsTmAs Is BeInG cAnCeLlEd" and Starbucks cups to whine about until at least November.


u/Esc777 3d ago

All I know is that when that next version of DND drops there’s going to be a fucking meltdown when the character section even mentions trans characters.