r/falloutlore 7d ago

Fallout 4 What is the island of Sanctuary Hills called?


Is there an actual name anywhere for it? or simply Sanctuary Hills island?

r/falloutlore 7d ago

Question What’s the difference between PoseidoNet and EnclaveNet?


The wiki says the enclave used both on the oil rig but what’s the difference?

r/falloutlore 8d ago

Question What’s the likelihood Mirelurk Kings are mutated humans?


Mirelurk kings have always looked a bit more human-like than other the other Mirelurk variants. However before recently It was pretty easy to dismiss the possibility that they had any connection to humans. This is because In the games, the only other creatures we see that are humanoid, are super mutants or ghouls, which are humans.

The reason I bring this up, is that In the fallout show, we see that humans were consistently mutated into something that resembled a whole other species (the gulper).

Anyone else this seems more likely?

r/falloutlore 8d ago

Fallout 4 Are Mirelurk’s one of the greatest threats for Boston and costal regions?


In post-war America, the Mirelurks found in Fallout 4 may pose a greater threat than most realize. They have several traits that makes them a nightmare for most people, their tough armor protects them from most low calibers, while their impressive level of cooperation allows them to attack in large groups. However although there’s several other dangerous traits their rapid reproduction, shown in massive nests like those at the Massachusetts State House and the castle, shows that there a serious threat. These traits combined suggest that Mirelurks are a significant danger and could make coastal regions completely unlivable as Mirelurk numbers increase. we’ve seen at the Castle and at Salem that even well established communities can’t defend themselves when Mirelurk’s grow in large enough numbers. I wanted to share my thoughts and I want to hear what others think.

r/falloutlore 8d ago

Does Power armor have air conditioning?


Must get pretty hot in there

r/falloutlore 8d ago

How long do Stealth Boys last in real time


their battery life is poor, they're expensive and quite heavy as opposed to chems, which is why some think they arent worth it. how long do you think theyd last IRL?

r/falloutlore 8d ago

What was probably the best years of the pre-war era? (1945-2077)


As we know from the lore, the 2070's and 60's weren't that good, so that made me wonder, year was the best period of time before the big kaboom?

r/falloutlore 7d ago

What is known about the storm goliath ?


As the title says, i wanted to know more about them but I don't have fallout 76 so I wanted to hear what people on this sub know about them

r/falloutlore 6d ago

Fallout 4 Timeline in Fallout 4


I've always wandered, why Nate/Nora knows that they need to search Shawn. He/She doesn't know how long he/she is in Cryo so why even bothering searching for him in the first place.

After getting some Clues it's obvious that he is alive, but at the start? With sanctuary and the Minuteman? How could he/she know, that it's even Worth to search for him? I mean he could be stolen 100 years ago and therefore he would be dead

r/falloutlore 9d ago

Is it true that the Cryptid monsters in Fallout 76 are all extinct after that installment?


I remember reading in the news that all of the Cryptid monsters will eventually become extinct due to natural selection. Is this true, and if so, are all of the Cryptid monsters in Fallout just normal creatures that are just a bit unusual looking, rather than mysterious monsters?

r/falloutlore 9d ago

Fallout 4 So, are the charred ghouls in Fo4 genetically stronger than the normal feral ghouls?


We know that in game the charred ghouls (and the variations they may have) are beefier and tankier than your average feral ghoul, but do this means that they are stronger genetically speaking to turn out like that?

Or what exactly differentiates a Charred ghoul to a normal feral ghoul?

r/falloutlore 9d ago

Does the NCR have any form of Supreme Court?


I'm reading up more on NCR lore regarding government, and it doesn't look like the NCR has any type of Supreme Court. Or did I miss some crucial bit of lore that mentions it?

r/falloutlore 10d ago

Fallout on Prime Why does Quintus refer to (presumably) Arthur Maxson as "from the Commonwealth" Instead of the Capital Wasteland?


(Minor show spoilers?)

Something that hit me while driving today. Quintus refers to the high clerics "from the commonwealth" as sending word about the enclave scientist...but the Capital Wasteland should be the headquarters of Arthur Maxson's chapter.

I know that Fallout 4 had Arthur Maxson and presumably most of the brotherhood (if the CC club Capital Wasteland add-on notes are to be believed) came with the Prydwen to Boston to fight the Institute...but that was a decade before the show starts. And in either the Minuteman or Brotherhood endings for FO4 (since Railroad and Institute can't be cannon since the Prydwen still exists) the Institute is a crater/radioactive lake. Why stay headquartered in the commonwealth?

The implication is that the Brotherhood have permanently moved headquarters to the Commonwealth, since there's no other reason for Maxson to stay there 10 years after destroying the institute.

In the Capital Wasteland the Brotherhood have not only the Pentagon but project purity and a boatload of scavenged tech from both pre-war and from the routed enclave. The area had been consolidated under their control with Project Purity ensuring they have absolute power (no one's going to riot against the men holding all the water). The Commonwealth has...what exactly? Nothing seems to stand out. The mechanists' lair, a handful of vaults, maybe Nuka world?

So my question is: What has kept the main force of the Brotherhood in the Commonwealth for a decade?

r/falloutlore 10d ago

If a ghoul can be cured of its feralness then can the same be done for glowing ones


r/falloutlore 11d ago

Fallout New Vegas Does the Legion produce their own armor and is it more likely that Legion armor is way more varied than what is shown in New Vegas?


Legion armor is a mishmash of pre-war football gear and other armor sets. IIRC, the Legion found a trove of gear and proceeded to use them as armor but considering that the Legion comprises of 87 Tribes with a sizeable chunk going to the military, I don't believe that such a find could outfit an entire army rivaling the NCR Army's size.

Which led me to ask if there was ever references to Legion armor production, designing their armor with the pre-war football gear as a base of standardization. On the other hand, I like the idea that only the Mojave portion of the Legion is equipped with the armor seen in the game and Legion armor is way more varied depending on the region and dominant tribe of the area.

r/falloutlore 11d ago

To what extent does the Fallout universe have an “internet”?


In game we see terminals that obviously have some sort of a local network. The same messages and memos are available on computers spread throughout a given building, and it seems as though some of those messages may have been sent from some sort of HQ. Others seem like they received communication from HQ through other means such as a phone call and then had a memo created to be sent to computers within the building.

Do we have any evidence of a larger Internet or is most if not all communication across greater distances done by phone or radio?

Also, do we have any types of communication that may show evidence of a widespread internet service that’s just done in a different way than we do it today? Radio seems to be fairly similar to how it works nowadays in that it only works over a certain range, and I assume their phones work like our landlines do today.

r/falloutlore 11d ago

Why are there reactors everywhere?


All across the wasteland there are hundreds of completely separate reactors, from ones for powering individual homes(mass fusions radioactive power boxes) to ones that are used entirely to make byproducts(such as project cobalt's being used to make strontium,) giant ones that powered presumably large areas(Poseidon energy,) and the smaller reactors in most industrial buildings the player grabs fusion cores from. I understand there being quite a few with how power-inefficient things were, but there is a fine line between needing lots of power and putting a reactor in almost every building. There are also small reactors with fusion cores in tiny concrete boxes in random locations, presumably to power street lights. Why? One plant producing one megawatt of energy can supply 1000 very inefficient lights, and 3125 more efficient ones(ignoring LED.) Before anyone says profit, economy of scale is very much a thing and larger plants are far more efficient both cost and energy production wise compared to making many smaller plants especially in an urban environment.

Ignoring the power draw for a moment, why did anyone need a reactor to make byproducts? The sheer amount of waste barrels that could be centrifuged to separate out the materials you need is mind-boggling.

Are there any lore reasons for this, or did the devs just feel like putting power plants on every corner?

r/falloutlore 12d ago

So what was Vault 111’s experiment after the TV show?


If cryopreservation technology was available to consumers(the Tops’ cryo suites) and vault tec already facilitated it in its designs(Vault 112 and 31) what was the true purpose of vault 111?

r/falloutlore 12d ago

Vault Tec planned to “drop the bomb” on China, not America


A lot of people after watching the show assume that during the secret meeting, they discussed "how they would drop the bomb themselves (onto America)". This contradicts the Enclave as whole and alot of other things and would make much more sense if they meant as in launching nukes at China to start. They presumed that this would in turn destroy the US.

Now, we know that the Enclave still wants to completely wipe China off the Earth due to Eckhart's reason to secure the silos. The Enclave was in completely control of everything, including the meeting. This is backed up as we see a shadowy figure watching over the meeting. They would want everything to follow their plan. They commitment their mindset to how most people would not survive the apocalypse onslaught and they planned to full still be anti-Chinese.

I hope all of this makes sense of why vault tec and the enclave wouldn't want to nuke their own country.

r/falloutlore 12d ago

Most authoritarian and least authoritarian companions fo4


Which companions do you think would be down for the general of the minutemen becoming a dictator of the commonwealth and support him? Who would be against him? Could also be notable characters as well if you have any interesting insights. I’m curious for a game idea. I was thinking strong and cait would support it. And piper and Preston definitely wouldn’t but I’m not certain on the rest

r/falloutlore 13d ago

Discussion People who say that the NCR is destined to fail because it’s “mimicking Prewar America” or that “democracy didn’t prevent the Great War so the wasteland needs a new system” need to brush up on their Fallout lore.


Prewar America was light years from a free and open democracy, it had long devolved into an authoritarian nightmare. Just look at the enclave. If anything, authoritarianism contributed to the Great War, since both China and the US had such governments.

And what other political system would you have for the wasteland? Caesar’s legion style despotism? As if that wasn’t ALSO a much tried form of government prewar?

The NCR is literally nothing like the prewar USA and if anything, is a substantial improvement. The mistake for the NCR to avoid should be letting it’s democracy crumble like America’s did, not practicing democracy at all.

r/falloutlore 13d ago

Question Still confused about power armour years later.


First true Power Armour designed by West-Tek was the T-45 (likely had a few non-functioning or non-viable prototypes in development).

Private Companies like Garahan designed non-combat Power Armours for civilian use, like the Excavator.

This was followed by the T-51, considered the strongest Pre-War Power Armour.

T-60 was made by West-Tek before the bombs, but was much less common (many players like me like to think T-60 is Power Armour designed by the BoS after the battle of Adam's Air Force Base).

At some point, either the Pentagon or West-Tek had the T-65 Power Armour designed for the Secret Service.

X-01 was a prototype suit made by some company or the U.S. Military itself without West-Tek.

Some time during BoS operations in Virginia they designed the T-51 Ultracite variant.

I've never played Fallout 1 and 2, so my main confusion is where Enclave APA and APA MKII fit it, alongside Fallout 3's Enclave Power Armour and the Tesla Armour.

Hellfire Power Armour was initially designed by the Enclave at Chicago or Raven Rock, but it appeared on a Scorched Vault overseer in Fallout 76, so I don't know.

r/falloutlore 13d ago

Question Where did the bombs drop?


I’m currently working on a fallout campaign for the ttrpg set in the northern New England and Martime Provinces region. Do we know where the bombs hit in those areas or should I just assume the capitals were hit and nothing else?

r/falloutlore 14d ago

Fallout 1 Is Master's FEV-2 the only one with the rule of "Only Prime Normals turn into Average-Smart Super Mutants" condition?


First to begin i know FEV is very confusing in Fallout 1 , but for the sake of my question i'm going to take Richard's observations over Lou's.

When you meet the Master in Fallout 1 he calls his FEV "FEV-2" in his recordings found at Mariposa, he says the success rate between dumb and smart super mutants has to do with how irradiated they are (As opposed to Lou. saying it has to do with the mutated FEV, but again, i'm not taking him totally into account). He doesn't need necessarily Prime Normals, just not very irradiated humans (as implied in the "audio" recordings) which leads me to ask something, why is it that Richardson says the following? https://imgur.com/oYiz56G

"Yes, the F.E.V, Virus. It was originally developed to turn soldiers into super-warriors but it failed. The warriors were tough and strong, but far too stupid." (Why did he say FEV Virus? The V already stands for Virus.)

Doesn't this imply that the original FEV was not working even on "Prime Normals" of the time? Even if the scientists at charge brought first a few very irradiated people into the experiment, they would've realized the radiation effect sooner than later. Richard did and he had much, much less resources.

Which i personally have decided to explain to myself as that the Master's FEV had been modified into FEV-2, as he calls it, which it actually succeeds fully on its original purpose, only now with the radiation problem to face. So, as i see it:

* Prime Normal + FEV-1= Dumb Mutant/(Very Unlikely) Smart Mutant

* Irradiated Human + FEV-1= Dumb & Angry Mutant (East Coast Mutants?)

* Prime Normal + FEV-2= Average/Smart Super Mutant

* Irradiated Human + FEV-2= Dumb Mutant/Death

Now yes, a lot of what Lou. says contradicts this, but at the same time it also contradicts the other sources in the game at times. And given Master's larger relevance i will rather take his word here over his.

It's all confusing, really, which is i want to know what's really going on if my explanation isn't certain. Thanks for reading.

r/falloutlore 14d ago

Why do some characters have foreign accents?


Global migration has been cut off for over 200 years, and yet Cait, Moriarty, the Bobrov brothers, that one Railroad doctor, probably a handful of others, all have strong accents from places on a different continent. How could these accents still be so prominent after, what, four or so generations?