r/XboxSeriesX Kazooie Sep 08 '20

Xbox confirm Series S and Price at $299 Official / Meta


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u/Brummiesteven Sep 08 '20

I have no idea how but for once the U.K. didn’t get screwed on this. We normally get the same number - so £299 in this case. Xbox U.K. have announced the Series S is £249.99!


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '20

The U.K. is one of Xbox’s strong markets so I’m glad they’ve decided to go that route with the pricing. £250 makes it a massively appealing purchase for a lot of people.

Xbox is popular with kids here and you’d think it’s common for kids to play their console on a 2nd TV in the home (either their bedroom or a second living room away from the main family TV). I’d think that 2nd TV is far more likely to be 1080p if the main TV is 4K (that’s what it is for my house - old TV moved to the snug when we bought a 4K).

So this could be a really popular purchase.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '20

I'd say playstation is more popular with kids, it has spiderman.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '20

Obviously PlayStation is more popular by absolute numbers you’re right - but anecdotally, I was surprised when lockdown started we had a clear out and I had a bunch of old PlayStation 4 games that I thought I’d offer to any of the families on our street for their kids.

All the other parents replied to say their kids had Xboxes. Since my circle (in our 30s) are so heavily weighted to PlayStation I was a bit surprised by this.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '20

Its more of a clique thing where a bunch of people no matter the age decide to get the same thing. Usually for an exclusive or two.

And I wasn't saying just by numbers either, there will be more under 10's on playstation than on xbox mostly because spiderman, little kids go fucking nuts for spiderman.


u/szarzujacy_karczoch Sep 08 '20

It's gonna sell like hot cakes


u/flyingalbatross1 Founder Sep 08 '20

£250 UK is an absolute stormer. Next gen gaming at £250.

I can't see the PS5 digital being £250.


u/gotanewusername Sep 08 '20

Nor should it be really.
This is a lower spec Xbox, at a lower price.
The digital PS5 is the same spec as the normal PS5. Just no disc drive.
Going to be interesting.


u/flyingalbatross1 Founder Sep 08 '20

It's marketing genuis. There will be plenty of people buying these things who will see the 'disc drive less' equivalents as being equivalent and the steep price drop will swing a lot of people in favour.

Hell I hate digital only editions and I have a 4K TV and i'm tempted at that price



I'm probably getting PS5 day 1 but this series S is actually a tempting offer for Gamepass/Xbox exclusive use.


u/Sanityisoverrated1 Sep 08 '20

I imagine I, and a lot of other people, will be following that way of thinking.



I mean, £250 is cheap. Cheaper than a switch and I'll be able to have a console from Xbox again, not had one since og so have some BC to catch up on at least!

If they do their monthly 0% payment plan with GP included I'm on it. Which is something I didn't see myself saying a few months ago..


u/mcbergstedt Sep 08 '20

They’re also subsidizing the price with Gamepass, which they’ll probably be marketing heavily.


u/CoronaVirusFanboy Sep 11 '20

Nor should it be really.

This is a lower spec Xbox, at a lower price.

People ignore this fact where GPU most important component gonna be basically at similar level as previous xbox gen, I wonder how much of a bottleneck this console when will it will come to next gen games design.


u/goli14 Sep 08 '20

Exactly. And it will 1080p. I have Xbox one S. Will have to see if there is any difference between these. One thing is that the new box is disk less. And i have like 25 game on disk. That will hurt in adaption/upgrade


u/lelpd Sep 08 '20

The Series S is more similar to the Xbox One X than the Xbox One S.

And the Xbox One X is already considerably more powerful than the One S.


u/FritzJ92 Sep 08 '20

1440P confirmed. Deal got sweeter.


u/qwertyfish99 Founder Sep 08 '20

Obviously not 1080p


u/theokoss53 Sep 08 '20

No way it will be 250 pounds the ps5 digital I mean .


u/ashbrown26 Sep 09 '20

No, because it's a discless PS5. This series S isn't a discless series X.


u/urgnousernamesleft Sep 08 '20

Can’t see a PS5 controller costing as little as this. This is amazing!


u/cutememe Sep 08 '20

Why would you ever compare the Series S to the PS5? The PS5 is a vastly more powerful machine. It will be more expensive for sure,


u/flyingalbatross1 Founder Sep 08 '20

Because that's the comparison that will be made by people buying it.

Next gen diskless gaming.


u/H9A7 Sep 08 '20

That's really really good for a launch MSRP. Will hopefully see deals for 200 or less soon enough

Also maybe bodes well that the series X will be similar ie 499USD/449GBP


u/Portlandblazer07 Sep 08 '20

I've never had an xbox but I'm going to consider this especially given the ps5 will probably be $450 at the lowest. I could care less about 4k, I just want to be able to play next gen games so this might be a good buy.


u/pukem0n Sep 08 '20

How do you get the same number? Xbox one was 429 in the uk at launch, 499 everywhere else.


u/banana_overload Sep 08 '20

In Poland we have an official price of 1350zł which for a next gen system is really a steal, was not expecting that.


u/lmunchoice Sep 08 '20

.K. is one of Xbox’s strong markets so I’m glad they’ve decided to go that route with the pricing. £250 makes it a massively appealing purchase for a lot of people.

Xbox is popular with kids here and you’d think it’s com

Every time I see this I always wonder if it's ignorance or willful ignorance. The UK has more customer protections, which is baked into the price. Much of the US has sales tax added that is not shown in the USD price.


u/Nabu_Gamer Sep 08 '20

We Canucks aren't bad either.

Our price is $380 which is $287 USD.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '20

It will be $599 in Australia.


u/raph_84 Founder Sep 08 '20 edited Sep 08 '20

With the pound crashing (or at least dropping) (cough cough Brexit) and the UKs high VAT, it's going to be one of the cheapest regions in the World.

Without VAT that's $270.55 for Americans and with German VAT it's €266,15 today.

Probably less by November.

Guess I'll order from England :)


u/Kamalen Sep 08 '20

Don't take too much time tho, after 01/01, there will be tariffs applied too.


u/NotFromMilkyWay Founder Sep 08 '20

Good luck trying to get warranty from a post Brexit UK when you bought from EU. Those 33 € you save will bite you in the ass with Microsoft's quality issues.