r/XboxSeriesX Kazooie Sep 08 '20

Xbox confirm Series S and Price at $299 Official / Meta


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u/Brummiesteven Sep 08 '20

I have no idea how but for once the U.K. didn’t get screwed on this. We normally get the same number - so £299 in this case. Xbox U.K. have announced the Series S is £249.99!


u/lmunchoice Sep 08 '20

.K. is one of Xbox’s strong markets so I’m glad they’ve decided to go that route with the pricing. £250 makes it a massively appealing purchase for a lot of people.

Xbox is popular with kids here and you’d think it’s com

Every time I see this I always wonder if it's ignorance or willful ignorance. The UK has more customer protections, which is baked into the price. Much of the US has sales tax added that is not shown in the USD price.