r/XboxSeriesX Kazooie Sep 08 '20

Xbox confirm Series S and Price at $299 Official / Meta


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u/Brummiesteven Sep 08 '20

I have no idea how but for once the U.K. didn’t get screwed on this. We normally get the same number - so £299 in this case. Xbox U.K. have announced the Series S is £249.99!


u/H9A7 Sep 08 '20

That's really really good for a launch MSRP. Will hopefully see deals for 200 or less soon enough

Also maybe bodes well that the series X will be similar ie 499USD/449GBP


u/Portlandblazer07 Sep 08 '20

I've never had an xbox but I'm going to consider this especially given the ps5 will probably be $450 at the lowest. I could care less about 4k, I just want to be able to play next gen games so this might be a good buy.