r/XboxSeriesX Kazooie Sep 08 '20

Xbox confirm Series S and Price at $299 Official / Meta


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u/flyingalbatross1 Founder Sep 08 '20

£250 UK is an absolute stormer. Next gen gaming at £250.

I can't see the PS5 digital being £250.


u/gotanewusername Sep 08 '20

Nor should it be really.
This is a lower spec Xbox, at a lower price.
The digital PS5 is the same spec as the normal PS5. Just no disc drive.
Going to be interesting.


u/goli14 Sep 08 '20

Exactly. And it will 1080p. I have Xbox one S. Will have to see if there is any difference between these. One thing is that the new box is disk less. And i have like 25 game on disk. That will hurt in adaption/upgrade


u/qwertyfish99 Founder Sep 08 '20

Obviously not 1080p