r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/Redisigh Nov 20 '23

There’s a reason Bethesda’s become a giant in gaming. They have a specific storytelling, game design and world building that’s unique to them.

Sure, other games may have better designed worlds, but something about Bethesda games just makes them unreplacable(?). There’s also the fact that they’re the only xbox games with an actual modding community and some really in depth mods.


u/DanOfRivia Nov 20 '23

There’s a reason Bethesda’s become a giant in gaming.

Yes, their old masterpieces.

They have a specific storytelling

Being honest, their storytelling feels very outdated by now, even old trilogies like Mass Effect and Bioshock had a storytelling that has aged far better; not to mention TW3, RDR2 and just recently Baldur's Gate 3.

something about Bethesda games just makes them unreplaceable(?)

"something" is called nostalgia.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '23

I never played a Bethesda game before this year. Somehow, even without nostalgia playing a role I really enjoyed Starfield! Once again begging, pleading, extremely online gamers to realize that their subjective tastes are just that and not a reflection of a game’s objective quality.


u/GoodApplication Nov 20 '23

Admittedly — and I genuinely mean no disrespect — you not having played any Bethesda games means you don’t have a point of reference for their style and don’t have experience with some of the best open-world RPG games ever made. A la, you don’t necessarily have enough experience with the genre at large to be annoyed at long term fans.

Starfield, like Hogwarts Legacy, is geared more towards casual, inexperienced gamers — which creates a more shallow, simplified, or washed out experience. It’s why both of those games are good, but they’re not great.

Starfield deserved to be a masterpiece, and it falls well short. It’s disappointing.


u/RomanDelvius Nov 21 '23

I've played most of Bethesda's games and I love Starfield as much as all their other games.

Please -- and I genuinely mean no disrespect -- don't speak for all of us.


u/GoodApplication Nov 29 '23

You’re allowed to! I love it too, honestly. Erhm, at least, I will once mods fix it.

But it doesn’t change the fact that it is a relatively shallow story experience with very hit-or-miss game mechanics, relatively stale design, and somewhat poor graphics for a new release.

Comparing it to other Bethesda games, the Mass Effect trilogy (!!), the old Star Wars KOTOR series, RDR1/2, Cyberpunk 2077, the Witcher series, etc makes this plain to see from an objective analysis.

I do still enjoy the game, but it fell well short of what it could or should have been. It’s simply a solid 7/10. And that’s disappointing.


u/RomanDelvius Nov 30 '23

I don't agree with you, because those games set out to accomplish very different things from Starfield. I won't rag on RDR1/2, CP2077 etc. for being grim, gritty universes that make me feel sad and fearful of life. I prefer the hopeful and optimistic universe of Starfield. I also don't think Starfield's gameplay is shallow at all, at least, not in the ways that matter to me.